182 research outputs found

    A new alternating predictive observer approach for higher bandwidth control of dual-rate dynamic systems

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    Dual-rate dynamic systems consisting of a sensor with a relatively slow sampling rate and a controller/actuator with a fast updating rate widely exist in control systems. The control bandwidth of these dual-rate dynamic systems is severely restricted by the slow sampling rate of the sensors, resulting in various issues like sluggish dynamics of the closed-loop systems, poor robustness performance. A novel alternating predictive observer (APO) is proposed to significantly enhance the control bandwidth of a generic dual-rate dynamic systems. Specifically, at each fast controller/actuator updating period, we will first implement the prediction step by using the system model to predict the system output, generating a so-called virtual measurement, when there is no output measurement during the slow sampling period. Subsequently, the observation step is carried out by exploiting this virtual measurement as informative update. An APO-based output feedback controller with a fast updating rate is developed and rigorous stability of the closed-loop system is established. The superiority of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it to control a permanent magnet synchronous motor system.</p

    Semiglobal exponential input-to-state stability of sampled-data systems based on approximate discrete-time models

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    Several control design strategies for sampled-data systems are based on a discrete-time model. In general, the exact discrete-time model of a nonlinear system is difficult or impossible to obtain, and hence approximate discrete-time models may be employed. Most existing results provide conditions under which the stability of the approximate discrete-time model in closed-loop carries over to the stability of the (unknown) exact discrete-time model but only in a practical sense, meaning that trajectories of the closed-loop system are ensured to converge to a bounded region whose size can be made as small as desired by limiting the maximum sampling period. In addition, some sufficient conditions exist that ensure global exponential stability of an exact model based on an approximate model. However, these conditions may be rather stringent due to the global nature of the result. In this context, our main contribution consists in providing rather mild conditions to ensure semiglobal exponential input-to-state stability of the exact model via an approximate model. The enabling condition, which we name the Robust Equilibrium-Preserving Consistency (REPC) property, is obtained by transforming a previously existing consistency condition into a semiglobal and perturbation-admitting condition. As a second contribution, we show that every explicit and consistent Runge-Kutta model satisfies the REPC condition and hence control design based on such a Runge-Kutta model can be used to ensure semiglobal exponential input-to-state stability of the exact discrete-time model in closed loop.Comment: 10 page

    Robust Adaptive Stabilization of Linear Time-Invariant Dynamic Systems by Using Fractional-Order Holds and Multirate Sampling Controls

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    This paper presents a strategy for designing a robust discrete-time adaptive controller for stabilizing linear time-invariant (LTI) continuous-time dynamic systems. Such systems may be unstable and noninversely stable in the worst case. A reduced-order model is considered to design the adaptive controller. The control design is based on the discretization of the system with the use of a multirate sampling device with fast-sampled control signal. A suitable on-line adaptation of the multirate gains guarantees the stability of the inverse of the discretized estimated model, which is used to parameterize the adaptive controller. A dead zone is included in the parameters estimation algorithm for robustness purposes under the presence of unmodeled dynamics in the controlled dynamic system. The adaptive controller guarantees the boundedness of the system measured signal for all time. Some examples illustrate the efficacy of this control strategy

    Stabilization of cascaded nonlinear systems under sampling and delays

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    Over the last decades, the methodologies of dynamical systems and control theory have been playing an increasingly relevant role in a lot of situations of practical interest. Though, a lot of theoretical problem still remain unsolved. Among all, the ones concerning stability and stabilization are of paramount importance. In order to stabilize a physical (or not) system, it is necessary to acquire and interpret heterogeneous information on its behavior in order to correctly intervene on it. In general, those information are not available through a continuous flow but are provided in a synchronous or asynchronous way. This issue has to be unavoidably taken into account for the design of the control action. In a very natural way, all those heterogeneities define an hybrid system characterized by both continuous and discrete dynamics. This thesis is contextualized in this framework and aimed at proposing new methodologies for the stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems with focus toward the stabilization of cascade dynamics. In doing so, we shall propose a small number of tools for constructing sampled-data feedback laws stabilizing the origin of sampled-data nonlinear systems admitting cascade interconnection representations. To this end, we shall investigate on the effect of sampling on the properties of the continuous-time system while enhancing design procedures requiring no extra assumptions over the sampled-data equivalent model. Finally, we shall show the way sampling positively affects nonlinear retarded dynamics affected by a fixed and known time-delay over the input signal by enforcing on the implicit cascade representation the sampling process induces onto the retarded system

    Sampled-data sliding mode observer for robust fault reconstruction: A time-delay approach

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    A sliding mode observer in the presence of sampled output information and its application to robust fault reconstruction is studied. The observer is designed by using the delayed continuous-time representation of the sampled-data system, for which sufficient conditions are given in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to guarantee the ultimate boundedness of the error dynamics. Though an ideal sliding motion cannot be achieved in the observer when the outputs are sampled, ultimately bounded solutions can be obtained provided the sampling frequency is fast enough. The bound on the solution is proportional to the sampling interval and the magnitude of the switching gain. The proposed observer design is applied to the problem of fault reconstruction under sampled outputs and system uncertainties. It is shown that actuator or sensor faults can be reconstructed reliably from the output error dynamics. An example of observer design for an inverted pendulum system is used to demonstrate the merit of the proposed methodology compared to existing sliding mode observer design approaches

    Design and implementation of event-based multi-rate controllers for networked control systems

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Con esta tesis se pretende dar solución a algunos de los problemas más habituales que aparecen en los Sistemas de control basados en red (NCS) como son los retardos variables en el tiempo, las pérdidas y el desorden de paquetes, y la restricción de ancho de banda y de recursos computacionales y energéticos de los dispositivos que forman parte del sistema de control. Para ello se ha planteado la integración de técnicas de control multifrecuencial, de control basado en paquetes, de control basado en predictor y de control basado en eventos. Los diseños de control realizados se han simulado utilizando Matlab-Simulink y Truetime, se ha analizado su estabilidad mediante LMIs y QFT, y se han validado experimentalmente en un péndulo invertido, un robot cartesiano 3D y en robots móviles de bajo coste. El artículo 1 aborda el control basado en eventos, el cual minimiza el ancho de banda consumido en el NCS mediante un control basado en eventos periódicos y presenta un método para obtener sus parámetros óptimos para el sistema específico en que se utilice. Los artículos 2, 4 y 6 añaden el control basado en paquetes, así como el control multifrecuencia, que aborda problemas de falta de datos por bajo uso del sensor y los retardos, pérdidas y desórdenes de paquetes en la red. También afrontan, mediante tecnicas de predicción basadas en un filtro de Kalman multifrecuencia variable en el tiempo, los problemas de ruido y perturbaciones, así como la observación de los estados completos del sistema. El artículo 7 hace frente a un modelo no lineal que utiliza las anteriores soluciones junto con un filtro de Kalman extendido para presentar otro tipo de estructura para un vehículo autónomo que, gracias a la información futura obtenida mediante estas técnicas, puede realizar de forma remota tareas de alto nivel como es la toma de decisiones y la monitorización de variables. Los artículos 3 y 5, presentan una forma de obtener y analizar la respuesta en frecuencia de sistemas SISO multifrecuencia y estudian su comportamiento ante ciertas incertidumbres o problemas en la red haciendo uso de procedimientos QFT.[CA] Amb aquesta tesi es pretén donar solució a alguns dels problemes més habituals que apareixen als Sistemes de Control Basats en xarxa (NCS) com son els retards d'accés i transferència variables en el temps, les pèrdues y desordenament de paquets, i la restricció d'ampli de banda així com de recursos computacionals i energètics dels dispositius que foment part del sistema de control. Per tal de resoldre'ls s'ha plantejat la integració de tècniques de control multifreqüencial, de control basat en paquets, de control basat en predictor i de control basat en events. Els dissenys de control realitzats s'han simulat fent ús de Matlab-Simulink i de TrueTime, s'ha analitzat la seua estabilitat mitjançant LMIs i QFT, i s'han validat experimentalment en un pèndul invertit, un robot cartesià 3D i en robots mòbils de baix cost. L'article 1 aborda el control basat en events, el qual minimitza l'ampli de banda consumit a l'NCS mitjançant un control basat en events periòdics i presenta un mètode per a obtindré els seus paràmetres òptims per al sistema específic en el qual s'utilitza. Els articles 2, 4 i 6 afegeixen el control basat en paquets, així com el control multifreqüència, que aborda problemes de falta de dades per el baix us del sensor i els retards, pèrdues i desordre de paquets en la xarxa. També afronten, mitjançant tècniques de predicció basades en un filtre de Kalman multifreqüència variable en el temps. Els problemes de soroll i pertorbacions, així com la observació dels estats complets del sistema. L'article 7 fa referència a un model no lineal que utilitza les anteriors solucions junt a un filtre de Kalman estès per a presentar altre tipus d'estructura per a un vehicle autònom que, gracies a la informació futura obtinguda mitjançant aquestes tècniques, pot realitzar de manera remota tasques d'alt nivell com son la presa de decisions i la monitorització de variables. Els articles 3 y 5 presenten la manera d'obtindre i analitzar la resposta en frequencia de sistemes SISO multifreqüència i estudien el seu comportament front a certes incerteses o problemes en la xarxa fent us de procediments QFT.[EN] This thesis attempts to solve some of the most frequent issues that appear in Networked Control Systems (NCS), such as time-varying delays, packet losses and packet disorders and the bandwidth limitation. Other frequent problems are scarce computational and energy resources of the local system devices. Thus, it is proposed to integrate multirate control, packet-based control, predictor-based control and event-based control techniques. The control designs have been simulated using Matlab-Simulink and Truetime, the stability has been analysed by LMIs and QFT, and the experimental validation has been done on an inverted pendulum, a 3D cartesian robot and in low-cost mobile robots. Paper 1 addresses event-based control, which minimizes the bandwidth consumed in NCS through a periodic event-triggered control and presents a method to obtain the optimal parameters for the specific system used. Papers 2, 4 and 6 include packet-based control and multirate control, addressing problems such as network delays, packet dropouts and packet disorders, and the scarce data due to low sensor usage in order to save battery in sensing tasks and transmissions of the sensed data. Also addressed, is how despite the existence of measurement noise and disturbances, time-varying dual-rate Kalman filter based prediction techniques observe the complete state of the system. Paper 7 tackles a non-linear model that uses all the previous solutions together with an extended Kalman filter to present another type of structure for an autonomous vehicle that, due to future information obtained through these techniques, can remotely carry out high level tasks, such as decision making and monitoring of variables. Papers 3 and 5, present a method for obtaining and analyzing the SISO dual-rate frequency response and using QFT procedures to study its behavior when faced with specific uncertainties or network problems.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant referenced TEC2012-31506.Alcaina Acosta, JJ. (2020). Design and implementation of event-based multi-rate controllers for networked control systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159884TESISCompendi

    Développement d'outils de calcul et de logiciels pour la réalisation et l'implantation de stratégies de commande non linéaires échantillonnées

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    Cette thèse concerne la conception de commandes échantillonnées pour les systèmes non-linéaires en temps continu. Les systèmes échantillonnés sont des éléments inhérents aux systèmes contrôlés par ordinateur, les systèmes hybrides ou les systèmes embarqués. La conception et le calcul des contrôleurs numériques appropriés sont des taches difficiles car ils contiennent des composants à la fois continu et en temps discret. Ce travail s'inscrit dans une activité de recherche menée par S. Monaco et D. Normand-Cyrot dans le domaine des systèmes échantillonnés non-linéaires. L'idée de base est de concevoir des contrôleurs digitaux qui permettent de récupérer certaines propriétés en temps continu qui sont généralement dégradées par l'échantillonnage. Tel est le cas de l'émulation lorsque les contrôleurs en temps continu sont mis en ouvre en utilisant des bloqueurs d'ordre zéro. Cette thèse apporte des contributions dans trois directions complémentaires. La première concerne les développements théoriques: une nouvelle conception de type backstepping digital" est proposée pour les systèmes en forme strict-feedback". Cette méthode est comparée à d'autres stratégies proposées dans la littérature. La deuxième contribution est le développement d'un logiciel pour la synthèse des contrôleurs et d'une boîte à outils" pour simuler (en Matlab) les systèmes échantillonnés non-linéaires et leurs contrôleurs. Cette boîte à outils inclut plusieurs algorithmes pour la synthèse de contrôleurs échantillonnés tels que: commande de type multi-échelle, reproduction entrée-sortie/Lyapunov, backstepping digital, etc. La troisième contribution concerne plusieurs études de cas menées pour mettre en évidence les performances des contrôleurs échantillonnés, calculés avec l'aide du logiciel. Des résultats expérimentaux et des simulations sont décrits pour divers exemples réels dans les domaines électriques et mécaniques.This thesis is concerned with the sampled-data control of non-linear continuous-time systems. Sampled-data systems are present in all computer controlled, hybrid or embedded systems. The design and computation of suitable digital controllers represent unavoidable tasks since both continuous and discrete-time components interact. The basic framework of this work takes part of a wide research activity performed by S. Monaco and D. Normand-Cyrot regarding non-linear sampled-data systems. The underlying idea is to design digital controllers that recover certain continuous-time properties that are usually degraded through sampling as it is the case when continuous-time controllers are implemented by means of zero-order holder devices (emulated control). This thesis brings contributions into three different directions. The first one regards theoretical developments: a new digital backstepping-like strategy design for strict-feedback systems is proposed. This method is compared with other strategies proposed in the literature. The second contribution is the development of a control designer and of a simulation toolbox (in Matlab) for non-linear sampled-data systems. This toolbox includes different digital design strategies such as: multi-rate control, input-output/Lyapunov matching, digital backstepping design, etc. The third contribution concerns several case studies conducted to highlight the performances of the sampled-data controller designs, computed by the means of the software toolbox. Experimental and simulation results are described for various real examples especially in the area of electrical and mechanical processes.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF