10 research outputs found

    Path based load balancing for data center networks using SDN

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    Due to the increase in the number of users on the internet and the number of applications that is available in the cloud makes Data Center Networking (DCN) has the backbone for computing. These data centre requires high operational cost and also experience the link failures and congestions often. Hence the solution is to use Software Defined Networking (SDN) based load balancer which improves the efficiency of the network by distributing the traffic across multiple paths to optimize the efficiency of the network. Traditional load balancers are very expensive and inflexible. These SDN load balancers do not require costly hardware and can be programmed, which it makes it easier to implement user-defined algorithms and load balancing strategies. In this paper, we have proposed an efficient load balancing technique by considering different parameters to maintain the load efficiently using Open FlowSwitches connected to ONOS controller

    Seer: Empowering Software Defined Networking with Data Analytics

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    Network complexity is increasing, making network control and orchestration a challenging task. The proliferation of network information and tools for data analytics can provide an important insight into resource provisioning and optimisation. The network knowledge incorporated in software defined networking can facilitate the knowledge driven control, leveraging the network programmability. We present Seer: a flexible, highly configurable data analytics platform for network intelligence based on software defined networking and big data principles. Seer combines a computational engine with a distributed messaging system to provide a scalable, fault tolerant and real-time platform for knowledge extraction. Our first prototype uses Apache Spark for streaming analytics and open network operating system (ONOS) controller to program a network in real-time. The first application we developed aims to predict the mobility pattern of mobile devices inside a smart city environment.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Big data, data analytics, data mining, knowledge centric networking (KCN), software defined networking (SDN), Seer, 2016 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications and 2016 International Symposium on Cyberspace and Security (IUCC-CSS 2016

    Network management services based on the OpenFlow environment

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    The subject of this article is network management through web service calls, which allows software applications to exert an influence on network traffic. In this manner, software can make independent decisions concerning the direction of requests so that they can be served as soon as possible. This is important because only proper cooperation including all architecture layers can ensure the best performance, especially when software that largely depends on computer networks and utilizes them heavily is involved. To demonstrate that the approach described above is feasible and can be useful at the same time, this article presents a switch-level load balancer developed using OpenFlow. Client software communicates with the balancer through REST web service calls, which are used to provide information on current machine load and its ability to serve incoming requests. The result is a cheap, highly customizable and extremely fast load balancer with considerable potential for further development

    Robust dynamic network traffic partitioning against malicious attacks

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    The continual growth of network traffic rates leads to heavy packet processing overheads, and a typical solution is to partition traffic into multiple network processors for parallel processing especially in emerging software-defined networks. This paper is thus motivated to propose a robust dynamic network traffic partitioning scheme to defend against malicious attacks. After introducing the conceptual framework of dynamic network traffic partitioning based on flow tables, we strengthen its TCP connection management by building a half-open connection separation mechanism to isolate false connections in the initial connection table (ICT). Then, the lookup performance of the ICT table is reinforced by applying counting bloom filters to cope with malicious behaviors such as SYN flooding attacks. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our proposed traffic partitioning scheme with real network traffic traces and simulated malicious traffic by experiments. Experimental results indicate that our proposed scheme outperforms the conventional ones in terms of packet distribution performance especially robustness against malicious attacks

    Design and implementation of the OFELIA FP7 facility: The European OpenFlow testbed

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    The growth of the Internet in terms of number of devices, the number of networks associated to each device and the mobility of devices and users makes the operation and management of the Internet network infrastructure a very complex challenge. In order to address this challenge, innovative solutions and ideas must be tested and evaluated in real network environments and not only based on simulations or laboratory setups. OFELIA is an European FP7 project and its main objective is to address the aforementioned challenge by building and operating a multi-layer, multi-technology and geographically distributed Future Internet testbed facility, where the network itself is precisely controlled and programmed by the experimenter using the emerging OpenFlow technology. This paper reports on the work done during the first half of the project, the lessons learned as well as the key advantages of the OFELIA facility for developing and testing new networking ideas. An overview on the challenges that have been faced on the design and implementation of the testbed facility is described, including the OFELIA Control Framework testbed management software. In addition, early operational experience of the facility since it was opened to the general public, providing five different testbeds or islands, is described

    Diseño e implementación de una aplicación de red bajo la arquitectura SDN

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    Las redes definidas por software software (SDN) aportan una solución integral en la automatización de las redes, proporcionando recursos para desarrollar aplicaciones que definan la topología y las politicas de red con el fin de crear un red totalmente inteligente. En el siguiente artículo se describe el procedimiento en el diseño e implementación de una aplicación streaming sobre la arquitectura SDN evaluada en elementos de red físicos. El objetivo es establecer un método similar al método multicasting, pero con las ventajas de que no es necesario utilizar direcciones ip clase D y los host van a estar permanentemente monitoreados haciendo que el enrutamiento sea dinámico con el fin de mantener el mejor performance para la aplicación de usuario utilizada.Magíster en Ingeniería ElectrónicaMaestrí

    Development and implementation of the LBORU method for dynamic server load balancing in hybrid SDN networks

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    Softverski definisano umrežavanje (SDN) pruža mnoge prednosti, uključujući programiranje saobraćaja, agilnost, i automatizaciju rada mreže. Međutim, finansijska ograničenja ispoljena kroz tehničke (npr. skalabilnost, tolerancija grešaka, bezbednost) i ponekad, poslovne izazove (korisnikovo prihvatanje i poverenje mrežnih operatora) čine provajdere nesigurnim pri tranziciji na potpunu implementaciju SDN-a. Stoga, inkrementalna primena SDN funkcionalnosti kroz postavljanje ograničenog broja SDN uređaja među tradicionalne uređaje, predstavlja racionalno i efikasno okruženje koje klijentima može ponuditi moderne usluge, sa razmenom ogromne količine podataka. Međutim, iako hibridna SDN mreža pruža mnoge prednosti, takođe poseduje i specifične izazove. Ovo istraživanje daje odgovor na jedan od ovih izazova predstavljanjem istraživanja i razvoja nove šeme balansiranja opterećenja u hibridnom okruženju koje čini minimalan broj SDN uređaja (jedan kontroler i jedan svič). Izložena je nova šema balansiranja opterećenja koja nadzire trenutne indikatore opterećenja servera i primenjuje višeparametarsku metriku pri raspodeli veza kako bi se balansiralo opterećenje servera na što je moguće efikasniji način. Osnovu nove šeme balansiranja opterećenja čini kontinualno praćenje indikatora opterećenja servera i implementacija višeparametarske metrike (CPU load, I/O Read, I/O Write, Link Upload, Link Download) za raspoređivanje veza ka serverima. Testiranje obavljeno na serverima ima za cilj što efikasnije balansiranje opterećenja servera. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da se ovim mehanizmom postižu bolje performanse mreže nego kod postojećih šema balansiranja opterećenja u tradicionalnim i SDN mrežama. Štaviše, predložena šema za balansiranje može se koristiti pri realizaciji raznih usluga i primeniti u bilo kom klijent-server okruženju.Software-defined networking (SDN) provides many benefits, including traffic programmability, agility, and network automation. However, budget constraints burdened with technical (e.g., scalability, fault tolerance, security issues) and, sometimes, business challenges (user acceptance and confidence of network operators) make providers indecisive for full SDN deployment. Therefore, incremental deployment of SDN functionality through the placement of a limited set of SDN devices among traditional devices represents a rational and efficient environment that can offer customers modern and more data-intensive services. However, while hybrid SDN provides many benefits, it also has specific challenges addressed in the literature. This research answers one of these challenges by presenting the research and development of a new load balancing scheme in the hybrid SDN environment built with a minimal SDN device set (controller and one switch). This dissertation proposes a novel load balancing scheme to monitor current server load indicators and apply multi-parameter metrics for scheduling connections to balance the load on the servers as efficiently as possible. The base of the new load balancing scheme is continuous monitoring of server load indicators and implementations of multi-parameter metrics (CPU load, I/O Read, I/O Write, Link Upload, Link Download) for scheduling connections. The testing performed on servers aims to balance the server’s load as efficiently as possible. The obtained results have shown that this mechanism achieves better results than existing load balancing schemes in traditional and SDN networks. Moreover, a proposed load balancing scheme can be used with various services and applied in any client-server environment

    A framework for Traffic Engineering in software-defined networks with advance reservation capabilities

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    298 p.En esta tesis doctoral se presenta una arquitectura software para facilitar la introducción de técnicas de ingeniería de tráfico en redes definidas por software. La arquitectura ha sido diseñada de forma modular, de manera que soporte múltiples casos de uso, incluyendo su aplicación en redes académicas. Cabe destacar que las redes académicas se caracterizan por proporcionar servicios de alta disponibilidad, por lo que la utilización de técnicas de ingeniería de tráfico es de vital importancia a fin de garantizar la prestación del servicio en los términos acordados. Uno de los servicios típicamente prestados por las redes académicas es el establecimiento de circuitos extremo a extremo con una duración determinada en la que una serie de recursos de red estén garantizados, conocido como ancho de banda bajo demanda, el cual constituye uno de los casos de uso en ingeniería de tráfico más desafiantes. Como consecuencia, y dado que esta tesis doctoral ha sido co-financiada por la red académica GÉANT, la arquitectura incluye soporte para servicios de reserva avanzada. La solución consiste en una gestión de los recursos de red en función del tiempo, la cual mediante el empleo de estructuras de datos y algoritmos específicamente diseñados persigue la mejora de la utilización de los recursos de red a la hora de prestar este tipo de servicios. La solución ha sido validada teniendo en cuenta los requisitos funcionales y de rendimiento planteados por la red GÉANT. Así mismo, cabe destacar que la solución será utilizada en el despliegue piloto del nuevo servicio de ancho de banda bajo demanda de la red GÉANT a finales del 2017