15,651 research outputs found

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Functional MRI investigations of human temporoparietal junction: attention, response inhibition, theory of mind, and long-term meditation effects

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    The human cortical temporoparietal junction (TPJ) has been implicated in cognitive processes including attentional reorienting, social cognition, and behavioral inhibition. Functional organization of TPJ remains unclear due to individual differences in anatomy. This dissertation describes functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments examining TPJ at the level of individuals. A method to localize TPJ using fMRI in individual subjects was developed and tested. TPJ subregions for social cognition, behavioral inhibition, and attention reorienting were parcellated. Finally, differences in attention networks between practitioners of focused attention meditation and matched control participants were investigated. Fifty individuals (ages 20-58; 21 women) participated. Experiment 1 (n=10) developed and tested a novel fMRI paradigm ('CueBall') that combined two forms of attentional reorienting; participants directed and shifted attention in a spatial cueing task and were distracted by the infrequent and unexpected presentation of task-irrelevant images ('oddballs'). The contrast of 'oddball distractor' to 'non-oddball' trials robustly identified TPJ in individual brains. Bilateral subdivisions of TPJ were identified in the fundus of the superior temporal sulcus (STS) and in ventral supramarginal gyrus (SMG). Experiment 2 (n=10, including one individual from Experiment 1) employed the CueBall task along with a Stop Signal task and a Theory of Mind task to determine whether these disparate tasks recruit common or distinct cortical areas. The data demonstrated functional overlap in anterior TPJ between the attention and behavioral inhibition tasks and in posterior TPJ for attention and Theory of Mind. Experiment 3 (n=30) investigated neural correlates of focused attention meditation training in the dorsal attention network (DAN), the default mode network (DMN), and ventral attention network (VAN). Meditators demonstrated an increased magnitude of differential activation in DAN vs. DMN in a sustained attention task, relative to matched controls. In contrast, attentional reorienting did not reveal attention network differences between meditators and controls. Taken together, this work validates an attentional fMRI tool, helps disambiguate functional organization of the TPJ, and demonstrates neural correlates of improved attention in humans with meditation experience.2020-03-31T00:00:00

    Mind over chatter: plastic up-regulation of the fMRI alertness network by EEG neurofeedback

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    EEG neurofeedback (NFB) is a brain-computer interface (BCI) approach used to shape brain oscillations by means of real-time feedback from the electroencephalogram (EEG), which is known to reflect neural activity across cortical networks. Although NFB is being evaluated as a novel tool for treating brain disorders, evidence is scarce on the mechanism of its impact on brain function. In this study with 34 healthy participants, we examined whether, during the performance of an attentional auditory oddball task, the functional connectivity strength of distinct fMRI networks would be plastically altered after a 30-min NFB session of alpha-band reduction (n=17) versus a sham-feedback condition (n=17). Our results reveal that compared to sham, NFB induced a specific increase of functional connectivity within the alertness/salience network (dorsal anterior and mid cingulate), which was detectable 30 minutes after termination of training. Crucially, these effects were significantly correlated with reduced mind-wandering 'on-task' and were coupled to NFB-mediated resting state reductions in the alpha-band (8-12 Hz). No such relationships were evident for the sham condition. Although group default-mode network (DMN) connectivity was not significantly altered following NFB, we observed a positive association between modulations of resting alpha amplitude and precuneal connectivity, both correlating positively with frequency of mind-wandering. Our findings demonstrate a temporally direct, plastic impact of NFB on large-scale brain functional networks, and provide promising neurobehavioral evidence supporting its use as a noninvasive tool to modulate brain function in health and disease

    Unveiling the dynamic interplay between the hub- and spoke-components of the brain's semantic system and its impact on human behaviour.

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    The neural architecture of semantic knowledge comprises two key structures: (i) A set of widely dispersed regions, located adjacent to the sensorimotor cortices, serve as spokes that represent various modality-specific and context-dependent contents. (ii) The anterior-temporal lobe (ATL) serves as a hub that computes the nonlinear mappings required to transform modality-specific information into pan-modality, multifaceted concepts. Little is understood regarding whether neural dynamics between the hub and spokes might flexibly alter depending on the nature of a concept and how it impinges upon behaviour. Using fMRI, we demonstrate for the first time that the ATL serves as a 'pivot' which dynamically forms flexible long-range networks with cortical modules specialised for different domains (in the present case, the knowledge about actions and places). In two experiments, we manipulated semantic congruity and asked participants to recognise visually presented items. In Experiment 1 (dual-object displays), the ATL increased its functional coupling with the bilateral frontoparietal action-sensitive system when the objects formed a pair that permitted semantically meaningful action. In Experiment 2 (objects embedded in a scene), the ATL augmented its coupling with the retrosplenial cortex of the place-sensitive system when the objects and scene formed a semantically coherent ensemble. Causative connectivity revealed that, while communication between the hub and spokes was bidirectional, the hub's directional impact on spokes dwarfed the strength of the inverse spoke-to-hub connectivity. Furthermore, the size of behavioural congruity effects co-varied with the strength of neural coupling between the ATL hub and action- / place-related spokes, evident both at the within-individual level (the behavioural fluctuation across scanning runs) and between-individual level (the behavioural variation of between participants). Together, these findings have important implications for understanding the machinery that links neural dynamics with semantic cognition

    Training methods for facial image comparison: a literature review

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    This literature review was commissioned to explore the psychological literature relating to facial image comparison with a particular emphasis on whether individuals can be trained to improve performance on this task. Surprisingly few studies have addressed this question directly. As a consequence, this review has been extended to cover training of face recognition and training of different kinds of perceptual comparisons where we are of the opinion that the methodologies or findings of such studies are informative. The majority of studies of face processing have examined face recognition, which relies heavily on memory. This may be memory for a face that was learned recently (e.g. minutes or hours previously) or for a face learned longer ago, perhaps after many exposures (e.g. friends, family members, celebrities). Successful face recognition, irrespective of the type of face, relies on the ability to retrieve the to-berecognised face from long-term memory. This memory is then compared to the physically present image to reach a recognition decision. In contrast, in face matching task two physical representations of a face (live, photographs, movies) are compared and so long-term memory is not involved. Because the comparison is between two present stimuli rather than between a present stimulus and a memory, one might expect that face matching, even if not an easy task, would be easier to do and easier to learn than face recognition. In support of this, there is evidence that judgment tasks where a presented stimulus must be judged by a remembered standard are generally more cognitively demanding than judgments that require comparing two presented stimuli Davies & Parasuraman, 1982; Parasuraman & Davies, 1977; Warm and Dember, 1998). Is there enough overlap between face recognition and matching that it is useful to look at the literature recognition? No study has directly compared face recognition and face matching, so we turn to research in which people decided whether two non-face stimuli were the same or different. In these studies, accuracy of comparison is not always better when the comparator is present than when it is remembered. Further, all perceptual factors that were found to affect comparisons of simultaneously presented objects also affected comparisons of successively presented objects in qualitatively the same way. Those studies involved judgments about colour (Newhall, Burnham & Clark, 1957; Romero, Hita & Del Barco, 1986), and shape (Larsen, McIlhagga & Bundesen, 1999; Lawson, Bülthoff & Dumbell, 2003; Quinlan, 1995). Although one must be cautious in generalising from studies of object processing to studies of face processing (see, e.g., section comparing face processing to object processing), from these kinds of studies there is no evidence to suggest that there are qualitative differences in the perceptual aspects of how recognition and matching are done. As a result, this review will include studies of face recognition skill as well as face matching skill. The distinction between face recognition involving memory and face matching not involving memory is clouded in many recognition studies which require observers to decide which of many presented faces matches a remembered face (e.g., eyewitness studies). And of course there are other forensic face-matching tasks that will require comparison to both presented and remembered comparators (e.g., deciding whether any person in a video showing a crowd is the target person). For this reason, too, we choose to include studies of face recognition as well as face matching in our revie

    Event-related electroencephalographic lateralizations mark individual differences in spatial and nonspatial visual selection

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    Selective attention controls the distribution of our visual sys- tem's limited processing resources to stimuli in the visual field. Two independent parameters of visual selection can be quantified by modeling an individual's performance in a partial-report task based on the computational theory of visual attention (TVA): (i) top-down control α, the relative attentional weight- ing of relevant over irrelevant stimuli, and (ii) spatial bias wλ, the relative attentional weighting of stimuli in the left versus right hemifield. In this study, we found that visual event-related electroencephalographic lateralizations marked interindividual differences in these two functions. First, individuals with better top-down control showed higher amplitudes of the posterior contralateral negativity than individuals with poorer top-down control. Second, differences in spatial bias were reflected in asymmetries in earlier visual event-related lateralizations de- pending on the hemifield position of targets; specifically, individuals showed a positivity contralateral to targets presented in their prioritized hemifield and a negativity contralateral to targets presented in their nonprioritized hemifield. Thus, our findings demonstrate that two functionally different aspects of attentional weighting quantified in the respective TVA parameters are reflected in two different neurophysiological measures: The observer-dependent spatial bias influences selection by a bottom-up processing advantage of stimuli appearing in the prioritized hemifield. By contrast, task-related target selection governed by top-down control involves active enhancement of target, and/or suppression of distractor, processing. These results confirm basic assumptions of the TVA framework, complement the functional interpretation of event-related lateralization components in selective attention studies, and are of relevance for the development of neurocognitive attentional assessment procedures

    The role of prefrontal cortex in working-memory capacity, executive attention, and general fluid intelligence: An individual-differences perspective

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    We provide an "executive-attention" framework for organizing the cognitive neuroscience research on the constructs of working-memory capacity (WMC), general fluid intelligence, and prefrontal cortex (PFC) function. Rather than provide a novel theory of PFC function, we synthesize a wealth of single-cell, brain-imaging, and neuropsychological research through the lens of our theory of normal individual differences in WMC and attention control (Engle, Kane, & Tuholski, 1999; Engle, Tuholski, Laughlin, & Conway, 1999). Our critical review confirms the prevalent view that dorsolateral PFC circuitry is critical to executive-attention functions. Moreover, although the dorsolateral PFC is but one critical structure in a network of anterior and posterior "attention control" areas, it does have a unique executive-attention role in actively maintaining access to stimulus representations and goals in interference-rich contexts. Our review suggests the utility of an executive-attention framework for guiding future re-search on both PFC function and cognitive control

    Cortical Mechanisms of Visual Target Memory and Movement Planning and Execution for Reaches and Saccades in Humans

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    The cortical mechanisms for reach have been studied extensively, but directionally selective mechanisms for visuospatial target memory, movement planning, and movement execution have not been clearly differentiated in the human. It is also unclear how effector-specificity evolves in the human brain across these three phases for reaches and saccades. To study these phenomenon, an event-related fMRI design with three key phases was used to break apart a movement into target memory, movement planning and movement execution phases. In the first experimental chapter (chapter 2) directionally selective mechanisms were studied in a memory-guided reach task that informed the subject to perform a pro- or anti-reach after the target memory phase. Using the pro/anti instruction to differentiate visual and motor directional selectivity during planning, we found that one occipital area showed contralateral visual selectivity, whereas a broad constellation of left hemisphere occipital, parietal, and frontal areas showed contralateral movement selectivity. Temporal analysis of these areas through the entire memory-planning sequence revealed early visual selectivity in most areas, followed by movement selectivity in most areas, with all areas showing a stereotypical visuo-movement transition. Cross-correlation of these spatial parameters through time revealed separate spatiotemporally correlated modules for visual input, motor output, and visuo-movement transformations that spanned occipital, parietal, and frontal cortex. In the second experimental chapter (Chapter 3), effector-specific activation for reaches and saccades was studied using a similar design that informed subjects of the effector after the target memory phase. Our analysis revealed more medial (pIPS, mIPS, M1, and PMd) activity during both reach planning and execution, and more lateral (mIPS, AG, and FEF) activity only during saccade execution. These motor activations were bilateral, with a left (contralateral) preference for reach. Apart from right FEF, effector-specific contrasts comparing reach and saccade activation revealed significantly more parietofrontal activation for reaches than saccades during both planning and execution. Cross-correlation of reach, saccade, and reach-saccade activation through time revealed spatiotemporally correlated activation both within and across effectors in each hemisphere, but with higher correlations in the right hemisphere. Taken together, these results demonstrate highly distributed, coordinated occipital-parietal-frontal networks for both reach and saccade, with effector-specific activation

    Visual Target Modulation of Functional Connectivity Networks Revealed by Self-Organizing Group ICA

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    We applied a data-driven analysis based on self-organizing group independent component analysis (sogICA) to fMRI data from a three-stimulus visual oddball task. SogICA is particularly suited to the investigation of the underlying functional connectivity and does not rely on a predefined model of the experiment, which overcomes some of the limitations of hypothesis-driven analysis. Unlike most previous applications of ICA in functional imaging, our approach allows the analysis of the data at the group level, which is of particular interest in high order cognitive studies. SogICA is based on the hierarchical clustering of spatially similar independent components, derived from single subject decompositions. We identified four main clusters of components, centered on the posterior cingulate, bilateral insula, bilateral prefrontal cortex, and right posterior parietal and prefrontal cortex, consistently across all participants. Post hoc comparison of time courses revealed that insula, prefrontal cortex and right fronto-parietal components showed higher activity for targets than for distractors. Activation for distractors was higher in the posterior cingulate cortex, where deactivation was observed for targets. While our results conform to previous neuroimaging studies, they also complement conventional results by showing functional connectivity networks with unique contributions to the task that were consistent across subjects. SogICA can thus be used to probe functional networks of active cognitive tasks at the group-level and can provide additional insights to generate new hypotheses for further study