69 research outputs found

    Multipass automata and group word problems

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    We introduce the notion of multipass automata as a generalization of pushdown automata and study the classes of languages accepted by such machines. The class of languages accepted by deterministic multipass automata is exactly the Boolean closure of the class of deterministic context-free languages while the class of languages accepted by nondeterministic multipass automata is exactly the class of poly-context-free languages, that is, languages which are the intersection of finitely many context-free languages. We illustrate the use of these automata by studying groups whose word problems are in the above classes

    Groups whose word problems are not semilinear

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    Suppose that G is a finitely generated group and W is the formal language of words defining the identity in G. We prove that if G is a nilpotent group, the fundamental group of a finite volume hyperbolic three-manifold, or a right-angled Artin group whose graph lies in a certain infinite class, then W is not a multiple context free language

    The Power of a Single Qubit: Two-Way Quantum Finite Automata and the Word Problem

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    The two-way finite automaton with quantum and classical states (2QCFA), defined by Ambainis and Watrous, is a model of quantum computation whose quantum part is extremely limited; however, as they showed, 2QCFA are surprisingly powerful: a 2QCFA, with a single qubit, can recognize, with bounded error, the language L_{eq} = {a^m b^m :m ? ?} in expected polynomial time and the language L_{pal} = {w ? {a,b}^*:w is a palindrome} in expected exponential time. We further demonstrate the power of 2QCFA by showing that they can recognize the word problems of many groups. In particular 2QCFA, with a single qubit and algebraic number transition amplitudes, can recognize, with bounded error, the word problem of any finitely generated virtually abelian group in expected polynomial time, as well as the word problems of a large class of linear groups in expected exponential time. This latter class (properly) includes all groups with context-free word problem. We also exhibit results for 2QCFA with any constant number of qubits. As a corollary, we obtain a direct improvement on the original Ambainis and Watrous result by showing that L_{eq} can be recognized by a 2QCFA with better parameters. As a further corollary, we show that 2QCFA can recognize certain non-context-free languages in expected polynomial time. In a companion paper, we prove matching lower bounds, thereby showing that the class of languages recognizable with bounded error by a 2QCFA in expected subexponential time is properly contained in the class of languages recognizable with bounded error by a 2QCFA in expected exponential time

    Generalizations of the Muller-Schupp theorem and tree-like inverse graphs

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    We extend the characterization of context-free groups of Muller and Schupp in two ways. We first show that for a quasi-transitive inverse graph Γ\Gamma, being quasi-isometric to a tree, or context-free (finitely many end-cones types), or having the automorphism group Aut(Γ)Aut(\Gamma) that is virtually free, are all equivalent conditions. Furthermore, we add to the previous equivalences a group theoretic analog to the representation theorem of Chomsky-Sch\"utzenberger that is fundamental in solving a weaker version of a conjecture of T. Brough which also extends Muller and Schupp' result to the class of groups that are virtually finitely generated subgroups of direct product of free groups. We show that such groups are precisely those whose word problem is the intersection of a finite number of languages accepted by quasi-transitive, tree-like inverse graphs

    A survey of compiler development aids

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    A theoretical background was established for the compilation process by dividing it into five phases and explaining the concepts and algorithms that underpin each. The five selected phases were lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, optimization, and code generation. Graph theoretical optimization techniques were presented, and approaches to code generation were described for both one-pass and multipass compilation environments. Following the initial tutorial sections, more than 20 tools that were developed to aid in the process of writing compilers were surveyed. Eight of the more recent compiler development aids were selected for special attention - SIMCMP/STAGE2, LANG-PAK, COGENT, XPL, AED, CWIC, LIS, and JOCIT. The impact of compiler development aids were assessed some of their shortcomings and some of the areas of research currently in progress were inspected

    Approximate Convex Hull of Data Streams

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    Given a finite set of points P subseteq R^d, we would like to find a small subset S subseteq P such that the convex hull of S approximately contains P. More formally, every point in P is within distance epsilon from the convex hull of S. Such a subset S is called an epsilon-hull. Computing an epsilon-hull is an important problem in computational geometry, machine learning, and approximation algorithms. In many applications, the set P is too large to fit in memory. We consider the streaming model where the algorithm receives the points of P sequentially and strives to use a minimal amount of memory. Existing streaming algorithms for computing an epsilon-hull require O(epsilon^{(1-d)/2}) space, which is optimal for a worst-case input. However, this ignores the structure of the data. The minimal size of an epsilon-hull of P, which we denote by OPT, can be much smaller. A natural question is whether a streaming algorithm can compute an epsilon-hull using only O(OPT) space. We begin with lower bounds that show, under a reasonable streaming model, that it is not possible to have a single-pass streaming algorithm that computes an epsilon-hull with O(OPT) space. We instead propose three relaxations of the problem for which we can compute epsilon-hulls using space near-linear to the optimal size. Our first algorithm for points in R^2 that arrive in random-order uses O(log n * OPT) space. Our second algorithm for points in R^2 makes O(log(epsilon^{-1})) passes before outputting the epsilon-hull and requires O(OPT) space. Our third algorithm, for points in R^d for any fixed dimension d, outputs, with high probability, an epsilon-hull for all but delta-fraction of directions and requires O(OPT * log OPT) space

    The language of self-avoiding walks

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    Let X=(V ⁣X,E ⁣X)X=(V\!X,E\!X) be an infinite, locally finite, connected graph without loops or multiple edges. We consider the edges to be oriented, and E ⁣XE\!X is equipped with an involution which inverts the orientation. Each oriented edge is labelled by an element of a finite alphabet Σ\mathbf{\Sigma}. The labelling is assumed to be deterministic: edges with the same initial (resp. terminal) vertex have distinct labels. Furthermore it is assumed that the group of label-preserving automorphisms of XX acts quasi-transitively. For any vertex oo of XX, consider the language of all words over Σ\mathbf{\Sigma} which can be read along self-avoiding walks starting at oo. We characterize under which conditions on the graph structure this language is regular or context-free. This is the case if and only if the graph has more than one end, and the size of all ends is 11, or at most 22, respectively.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure