14 research outputs found

    A Survey on Modeling Language Evolution in the New Millennium

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    AbstractLanguage is a complex evolving system and it is not a trivial task to model the dynamics of processes occurring during its evolution. Therefore, modeling language evolution has attracted the interest of several researchers giving rise to a lot of models in the literature of the last millennium. This work reviews the literature devoted to computationally represent the evolution of human language through formal models and provides an analysis of the bibliographic production and scientific impact of the surveyed language evolution models to give some conclusions about current trends and future perspectives of this research field. The survey provides also an overview of the strategies for validating and comparing the different language evolution models and how these techniques have been applied by the surveyed models

    El reconocimiento de las expresiones faciales y la prosodia emocional : investigación preliminar en una muestra brasileña joven

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    Sinais não verbais de comunicação emocional são frequentes em diferentes culturas. Esta pesquisa buscou traduzir e adaptar uma bateria (Florida Affect Battery) de avaliação de expressões faciais e prosódia emocional, bem como avaliar o desempenho de uma amostra populacional brasileira em seus subtestes, incluindo uma comparação entre participantes do sexo feminino e masculino e por escolaridade. Os resultados da amostra brasileira foram avaliados e, posteriormente, comparados aos da amostra estadunidense, fornecidos no manual da bateria. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o desempenho da amostra brasileira e da amostra estadunidense, bem como entre homens e mulheres, com altas taxas de acerto para todos os grupos avaliados, evidenciando um bom reconhecimento de expressões faciais e prosódia emocional.Nonverbal signs of emotional communication are common in different cultures. This study aimed to translate and adapt a battery (Florida Affect Battery) of evaluation of facial expressions and emotional prosody, as well as evaluate the performance of a Brazilian sample in their subtests, including a comparison of men and women and of education level. The results of the Brazilian sample were compared to the results of United States sample provided in battery's manual. There were no significant differences between the performance of Brazilian sample and the United States sample as well as between men and women, with high success rates for all groups evaluated.Señales no verbales de comunicación emocional son comunes em diferentes culturas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo traducir y adaptar una batería (Florida Affect Battery) de evaluación de expresiones faciales y prosodia emocional, así como evaluar el desempeño de una muestra de la población brasileña en sus subpruebas, incluyendo uma comparación entre participantes hombres y mujeres e entre los diferentes níveles de educación. Los resultados de la muestra brasileña fueron evaluados, y posteriormente, se compararon con los resultados de la muestra estadounidense, proporcionados en el manual de la batería. No hubo diferencias significativas entre el desempeño de la muestra brasileña y la muestra estadunidense, así como entre hombres y mujeres, con altas tasas de acierto para todos los grupos evaluados, evidenciando un buen reconocimiento de expresiones faciales y prosodia emocional

    Emotion Dysregulation in Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and its Treatment

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that may seriously affect youth’s home, school, and social functions. Comorbidity with emotion dysregulation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder increases the severity of symptoms, leads to more risky behaviors, more deterioration in peer relationships, social and romantic relationships. There are many methods for assessing emotion dysregulation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There are several pharma-cological and non-pharmacological treatment approaches available in treatment of emotion dysregu-lation among patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The aim of this article is to review the impact of emotion dysregulation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its treatment

    TMS disruption of the lateral prefrontal cortex increases neural activity in the default mode network when naming facial expressions

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    Recognizing facial expressions is dependent on multiple brain networks specialized for different cognitive functions. In the current study, participants (N = 20) were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), while they performed a covert facial expression naming task. Immediately prior to scanning thetaburst transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered over the right lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), or the vertex control site. A group whole-brain analysis revealed that TMS induced opposite effects in the neural responses across different brain networks. Stimulation of the right PFC (compared to stimulation of the vertex) decreased neural activity in the left lateral PFC but increased neural activity in three nodes of the default mode network (DMN): the right superior frontal gyrus, right angular gyrus and the bilateral middle cingulate gyrus. A region of interest analysis showed that TMS delivered over the right PFC reduced neural activity across all functionally localised face areas (including in the PFC) compared to TMS delivered over the vertex. These results suggest that visually recognizing facial expressions is dependent on the dynamic interaction of the face-processing network and the DMN. Our study also demonstrates the utility of combined TMS/fMRI studies for revealing the dynamic interactions between different functional brain networks

    Frontotemporal dementia, music perception and social cognition share neurobiological circuits:A meta-analysis

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a neurodegenerative disease that presents with profound changes in social cognition. Music might be a sensitive probe for social cognition abilities, but underlying neurobiological substrates are unclear. We performed a meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies in FTD patients and functional MRI studies for music perception and social cognition tasks in cognitively normal controls to identify robust patterns of atrophy (FTD) or activation (music perception or social cognition). Conjunction analyses were performed to identify overlapping brain regions. In total 303 articles were included: 53 for FTD (n = 1153 patients, 42.5% female; 1337 controls, 53.8% female), 28 for music perception (n = 540, 51.8% female) and 222 for social cognition in controls (n = 5664, 50.2% female). We observed considerable overlap in atrophy patterns associated with FTD, and functional activation associated with music perception and social cognition, mostly encompassing the ventral language network. We further observed overlap across all three modalities in mesolimbic, basal forebrain and striatal regions. The results of our meta-analysis suggest that music perception and social cognition share neurobiological circuits that are affected in FTD. This supports the idea that music might be a sensitive probe for social cognition abilities with implications for diagnosis and monitoring

    Paradigma ITB na avaliação da discriminação de jovens contra idosos e influência da entoação na discriminação

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    Com o aumento da percentagem de população idosa na nossa sociedade, verificamos cada vez mais acontecimentos de idadismo (discriminação devido à idade), em Portugal verifica-se que há mais discriminação contra idosos do que contra jovens, pelo que é importante estudar em que medida a discriminação contra idosos acontece na população portuguesa jovem. Uma das formas de avaliar a discriminação é o paradigma Intergroup Time Bias (ITB), em que se medem as diferenças no tempo que um participante demora a avaliar imagens de membros do próprio grupo e imagens de membros de outro grupo. Neste paradigma é associada a cada imagem um termo escrito que não seja característico de nenhum dos grupos em estudo, sendo que os termos têm valência positiva e negativa. Assim, neste trabalho são apresentados dois estudos com o paradigma ITB para avaliar o idadismo. Enquanto no estudo 1, foi utilizado o ITB clássico, no estudo 2 foi feita uma adaptação do paradigma para integrar os termos como estímulo sonoro em vez de estímulo escrito. Pretendeu-se, desta forma, aproximar o estudo 2 à realidade das interações sociais, sendo incluídos dois tons de voz distintos, um tom neutro e um tom marcado (irónico). Ambos os estudos contaram com a participação de jovens. Os resultados do estudo 1 mostram que existe efeito ITB quando os termos associados às imagens têm valência positiva. Por outro lado, no estudo 2, não foi encontrado efeito ITB em nenhum dos tons de voz utilizados.The rising percentage of elders in today’s society leads to increasing ageism (discrimination triggered because of the subjects age) phenomena. In Portugal, ageism is much more common towards the elderly, so it is important to study to what extent discrimination against the elderly occurs in the young Portuguese population. On way of assessing discrimination is the Intergroup Time Bias (ITB) paradigm, which measures the differences in the time it takes a participant to evaluate group members’ images and images from other groups. In this paradigm, each image is associated with a word that is not specific of any of the groups in the study, the words used have positive and negative valence. Thus, this work has two studies with the ITB paradigm to evaluate ageism towards the elderly. In the first study, the classical ITB was used. However, in the second study a modified ITB paradigm was used so as to integrate the words as sound stimulus rather than a written stimulus. This modification was intended to bring the second study closer to the reality of social interactions. This choice was made to include two different voice intonations, one neutral and the other ironic. Both the first and second studies were made by young people. The results of the first study show that there is an ITB effect when the words associated to the images have a positive valence. However, in the second study, no ITB effect was found in either voice intonation

    Neurobiological correlates of avatar identification processing and emotional inhibitory control in internet gaming disorder

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    Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is the most prevalent subcategory of internet addiction. It has been associated with self-concept deficits and related characteristics such as emotional as well as social competence deficits, increased social anxiety and a stronger identification with the own avatar (i.e. a graphical agent that often seems to be constructed according to gamers’ ideal). In addition, IGD seems to be linked with inhibitory control deficits, definable as impairments in the inhibition of reactions to irrelevant stimuli during the pursuit of cognitively represented goals. However, the neurobiological correlates of avatar compared to self and ideal-related identification processing as well as emotional inhibitory control in (socially) anxious contexts as potentially important factors in IGD development have not been explored yet. The brain region of the left angular gyrus (AG) has been associated with self-identification from a third-person perspective in healthy controls and showed avatar-related hyperactivation in long-term online gamers during a task on self and avatar reflection in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) seems to be involved in the integration of negative affect and cognitive control. Based on these observations, internet gaming addicts were neurobiologically examined by means of fMRI with a focus on the left AG as well as the dACC while completing specific tasks and compared to non-addicted controls as well as social media addicts. Hereby, participants’ concepts of self, ideal and avatar were assessed with a reflection task asking for the evaluation of characteristics regarding the self, ideal and own avatar. Emotional inhibitory control in a socially anxious context was neurobiologically explored by means of an emotional Stroop task (EST) assessing the inhibition on socially anxious words compared to positive, negative and neutral word stimuli under parallel reaction time recording. In addition, the emotional inhibitory control at anxious stimuli was examined neuropsychologically by means of an affective Go/No-Go task (AGN). Besides, psychometric questionnaires assessing impulsivity, emotional competence and social anxiety were applied. Internet gaming addicts showed significantly higher levels of impulsivity, social anxiety and emotional competence deficits relative to non-addicted controls in psychometric measures. Neurobiologically, internet gaming addicts exhibited left AG hyperactivations during the reflection on their own avatar relative to self and ideal reflection within their group as well as compared to non-addicted controls. In the EST, internet gaming addicts had longer reaction times during the inhibition on socially anxious compared to positive and negative words as well as compared to positive, negative and neutral words together. During the latter comparison, internet gaming addicts neurobiologically showed significant hypoactivations in the left middle and superior temporal gyrus (MTG and STG), which was also significantly lower relative to social media addicts. Functional alterations in the dACC were not observed. Neuropsychologically, no significant differences in emotional inhibitory control at anxious stimuli between internet gaming addicts and non-addicted controls were detected by means of the AGN. In summary, the virtually concretized avatar might replace the rather abstract ideal in IGD as a construct to identify with. The need for such a construct might arise from the urge to compensate dissatisfaction with the own person as a facet of self-concept deficits. The MTG and STG have previously been associated with the retrieval of words or expressions during communication, social perception and emotion regulation (based on a study in social anxiety disorder). The present finding of these regions’ hypoactivation in relation to socially anxious stimuli might indicate that 1) socially anxious words are less retrievable from the semantic storage of internet gaming addicts than positive, negative or neutral words, 2) in IGD, emotional inhibitory control in the socially anxious context is represented by brain regions involved in the processing of social information (such as the MTG and STG) and that 3) internet gaming addicts have deficiencies in the cognitive regulation of emotions as well as in the processing of social information, with the MTG and STG hypoactivation during socially anxious word blocks possibly serving as a neurobiological correlate of IGD-related social and emotional competence deficits as facets of self-concept impairments

    “The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for Persons with Aphasia (MCST-A)”: tradução, adaptação e avaliação do seu funcionamento para o Português Europeu

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    Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Terapêutica da Fala, área de especialização em Linguagem no AdultoIntrodução: A necessidade de se dispor de testes e instrumentos padronizados e adaptados para a população portuguesa assume-se fundamental no contexto da avaliação em terapia da fala. Neste sentido, o presente estudo que teve como objetivos traduzir e adaptar o instrumento The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for persons with Aphasia (MCST-A), avaliar o seu funcionamento para o Português Europeu e verificar se indivíduos com afasia, com menor escolaridade, sem domínio de línguas, indivíduos dependentes de parceiro comunicativo apresentam piores níveis de adequabilidade no desempenho comunicativo e se indivíduos com afasia e comunicadores dependentes de parceiro comunicativo recorrem a maior número de pistas. Participantes e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo quantitivo, descritivo transversal com a tradução e retroversão do instrumento The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for Persons with Aphasia (MCST-A). A versão final foi aplicada a uma amostra de 15 pessoas sem afasia (PsA) e 15 pessoas com afasia (PcA) com média de idades de 63,5 (dp= 15,4) e igual proporção de ambos os sexos. Para testar as características do instrumento foi verificado a validade de conteúdo e de construto (análise de componentes principais) e consistência interna (α de Cronbach). De forma a verificar diferenças entre as variáveis em estudo, foram utilizados testes de estatísticos adequados. Em toda a análise de dados foi utilizado um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: Relativamente aos itens (secções) do instrumento, foram extraídas duas componentes principais (CP1- Mensagens transmitida apenas por uma ou mais combinações simples de meios de comunicação e com baixa exigência cognitiva e CP2 – Mensagens transmitidas através de combinações complexas de meios de combinação e com maior exigência cognitiva) que explicam 71,2% de variância com um coeficiente de α de Cronbach de 0,796 e 0,738, respetivamente CP1 e CP2. Quanto às variáveis em estudo, os indivíduos com afasia e comunicadores dependentes de parceiro comunicativo apresentaram um nível de adequabilidade menor, em ambas as componentes (89,9 vs. 99,8, p=0,011 e 75,8 vs. 93,1, p=0,001; 81,2 vs. 99,0, p=0,020 e 66,2 vs. 88,9, p<0,001). Os indivíduos sem domínio de outras línguas também apresentam um nível de adequabilidade menor, embora apenas na CP1 (99,4 vs. 91,3, p=0,021). Observou-se também que PcA e CDP utilizam uma média significativamente superior em praticamente todas as pistas para comunicar. Conclusões: Neste estudo concluiu-se que os indivíduos com afasia, comunicadores dependentes de parceiro comunicativo e sem domínio de outras línguas apresentam um nível de adequabilidade menor na comunicação multimodal e que indivíduos com afasia e comunicadores dependentes de parceiro comunicativo recorrem a um maior número de pistas para comunicar uma mensagem específica. No seu conjunto, os resultados sugerem boas qualidades psicométricas do MCST-A e sublinham a necessidade de se atender ao domínio de outras línguas, ao tipo de comunicador e presença ou não de afasia, na avaliação da comunicação aumentativa e alternativa. Introduction: The requirement for standardised instruments and tests adapted to the Portuguese population is essential in the context of speech therapy evaluation. To that end, this study aims to translate and adapt The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for Persons with Aphasia (MCST-A), evaluate its function for European Portuguese and confirm whether individuals with aphasia, a lower level of schooling, no mastery of languages and those dependent on communication partners present lesser levels of communicative performance, and if individuals suffering from aphasia and those dependent on communication partners rely on a greater number of prompts. Participants and Methods: A quantitative, descriptive cross-study was conducted with translation and back translation of The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for Persons with Aphasia (MCST-A). The final version was applied to sample groups of 15 people not suffering from aphasia (PsA) and 15 with aphasia (PcA), with an average age of 63.5 (dp= 15.4) and an equal proportion of both genders. To test the characteristics of the instrument, validity of content and construct was examined (analysis of primary components) along with internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha (α)). In order to identify differences between the variables studied, appropriate statistical tests were applied. Level of significance 0.05 was used throughout the data analysis. Results: In respect of items (sections) of the instrument, two main components were extracted (CP1- Messages transmitted only by one or more simple combinations of communication methods, with low-level cognitive requirements and CP2 – Messages transmitted using complex combinations of communication methods, with higher cognitive requirements), which explain 71.2% variance with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.796 and 0.738, respectively CP1 and CP2. In respect of the variables studied, individuals with aphasia and those dependent on communication partners presented a lower level of suitability in both components (89.9 versus 99.8, p=0.011 and 75.8 versus 93.1, p=0.001; 81.2 versus 99.0, p=0.020 and 66.2 versus 88.9, p<0.001). Individuals with no mastery of other languages also presented a lower level of suitability, albeit only in CP1 (99.4 versus 91.3, p=0.021). It was also observed that PcA and CDP use a significantly higher average in practically all communication prompts. Conclusions: It can be concluded from this study that individuals with aphasia, those dependant on a communication partner and with no mastery of other languages present a lower level of suitability in multimodal communication and that individuals with aphasia and those dependant on a communication partner rely on a greater number of prompts to communicate a specific message. As a whole, the results suggest good psychometric qualities of MCST-A, and underline the necessity for dealing with mastery of other languages, type of communicator and presence or otherwise of aphasia in evaluation of augmentative and alternative communication

    The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for persons with aphasia (MCST-A): tradução, adaptação e avaliação do seu funcionamento para o Português Europeu

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    Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Terapêutica da Fala, área de especialização em Linguagem no AdultoIntrodução: A necessidade de se dispor de testes e instrumentos padronizados e adaptados para a população portuguesa assume-se fundamental no contexto da avaliação em terapia da fala. Neste sentido, o presente estudo que teve como objetivos traduzir e adaptar o instrumento The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for persons with Aphasia (MCST-A), avaliar o seu funcionamento para o Português Europeu e verificar se indivíduos com afasia, com menor escolaridade, sem domínio de línguas, indivíduos dependentes de parceiro comunicativo apresentam piores níveis de adequabilidade no desempenho comunicativo e se indivíduos com afasia e comunicadores dependentes de parceiro comunicativo recorrem a maior número de pistas. Participantes e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo quantitivo, descritivo transversal com a tradução e retroversão do instrumento The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for Persons with Aphasia (MCST-A). A versão final foi aplicada a uma amostra de 15 pessoas sem afasia (PsA) e 15 pessoas com afasia (PcA) com média de idades de 63,5 (dp= 15,4) e igual proporção de ambos os sexos. Para testar as características do instrumento foi verificado a validade de conteúdo e de construto (análise de componentes principais) e consistência interna (α de Cronbach). De forma a verificar diferenças entre as variáveis em estudo, foram utilizados testes de estatísticos adequados. Em toda a análise de dados foi utilizado um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: Relativamente aos itens (secções) do instrumento, foram extraídas duas componentes principais (CP1- Mensagens transmitida apenas por uma ou mais combinações simples de meios de comunicação e com baixa exigência cognitiva e CP2 – Mensagens transmitidas através de combinações complexas de meios de combinação e com maior exigência cognitiva) que explicam 71,2% de variância com um coeficiente de α de Cronbach de 0,796 e 0,738, respetivamente CP1 e CP2. Quanto às variáveis em estudo, os indivíduos com afasia e comunicadores dependentes de parceiro comunicativo apresentaram um nível de adequabilidade menor, em ambas as componentes (89,9 vs. 99,8, p=0,011 e 75,8 vs. 93,1, p=0,001; 81,2 vs. 99,0, p=0,020 e 66,2 vs. 88,9, p<0,001). Os indivíduos sem domínio de outras línguas também apresentam um nível de adequabilidade menor, embora apenas na CP1 (99,4 vs. 91,3, p=0,021). Observou-se também que PcA e CDP utilizam uma média significativamente superior em praticamente todas as pistas para comunicar. Conclusões: Neste estudo concluiu-se que os indivíduos com afasia, comunicadores dependentes de parceiro comunicativo e sem domínio de outras línguas apresentam um nível de adequabilidade menor na comunicação multimodal e que indivíduos com afasia e comunicadores dependentes de parceiro comunicativo recorrem a um maior número de pistas para comunicar uma mensagem específica. No seu conjunto, os resultados sugerem boas qualidades psicométricas do MCST-A e sublinham a necessidade de se atender ao domínio de outras línguas, ao tipo de comunicador e presença ou não de afasia, na avaliação da comunicação aumentativa e alternativa. Introduction: The requirement for standardised instruments and tests adapted to the Portuguese population is essential in the context of speech therapy evaluation. To that end, this study aims to translate and adapt The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for Persons with Aphasia (MCST-A), evaluate its function for European Portuguese and confirm whether individuals with aphasia, a lower level of schooling, no mastery of languages and those dependent on communication partners present lesser levels of communicative performance, and if individuals suffering from aphasia and those dependent on communication partners rely on a greater number of prompts. Participants and Methods: A quantitative, descriptive cross-study was conducted with translation and back translation of The Multimodal Communication Screening Task for Persons with Aphasia (MCST-A). The final version was applied to sample groups of 15 people not suffering from aphasia (PsA) and 15 with aphasia (PcA), with an average age of 63.5 (dp= 15.4) and an equal proportion of both genders. To test the characteristics of the instrument, validity of content and construct was examined (analysis of primary components) along with internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha (α)). In order to identify differences between the variables studied, appropriate statistical tests were applied. Level of significance 0.05 was used throughout the data analysis. Results: In respect of items (sections) of the instrument, two main components were extracted (CP1- Messages transmitted only by one or more simple combinations of communication methods, with low-level cognitive requirements and CP2 – Messages transmitted using complex combinations of communication methods, with higher cognitive requirements), which explain 71.2% variance with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.796 and 0.738, respectively CP1 and CP2. In respect of the variables studied, individuals with aphasia and those dependent on communication partners presented a lower level of suitability in both components (89.9 versus 99.8, p=0.011 and 75.8 versus 93.1, p=0.001; 81.2 versus 99.0, p=0.020 and 66.2 versus 88.9, p<0.001). Individuals with no mastery of other languages also presented a lower level of suitability, albeit only in CP1 (99.4 versus 91.3, p=0.021). It was also observed that PcA and CDP use a significantly higher average in practically all communication prompts. Conclusions: It can be concluded from this study that individuals with aphasia, those dependant on a communication partner and with no mastery of other languages present a lower level of suitability in multimodal communication and that individuals with aphasia and those dependant on a communication partner rely on a greater number of prompts to communicate a specific message. As a whole, the results suggest good psychometric qualities of MCST-A, and underline the necessity for dealing with mastery of other languages, type of communicator and presence or otherwise of aphasia in evaluation of augmentative and alternative communication

    O padrão de trajetória visual para o reconhecimento de expressões faciais

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Processos Psicológicos Básicos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Comportamento, 2015.O reconhecimento de expressão facial é um tema estudado há anos como parte do processo de reconhecimento emocional universal. Seis emoções básicas (alegria, tristeza, surpresa, medo, raiva e nojo) são consideradas universais e reconhecidas em diferentes culturas. O presente trabalho buscou investigar o padrão de trajetória visual utilizado para o reconhecimento dessas expressões faciais, a influência do tipo de tarefa proposta e, consequentemente, do processamento cognitivo associado, buscando fornecer subsídios psicofísicos para a teoria da universalidade do reconhecimento de emoções. Para tanto, foram avaliados 56 indivíduos jovens, sem patologias neurológicas ou psiquiátricas associadas, com o auxílio de um equipamento de rastreamento ocular. Os participantes foram submetidos a duas tarefas envolvendo o reconhecimento de expressões faciais (nomeação e julgamento), que envolvem processamentos cognitivos top-down e bottom up, buscando investigar a influência da interação destas na trajetória visual. Os resultados apontam para uma especificidade da trajetória influenciada pelo tipo de atividade de reconhecimento emocional, com fixações iniciais concentradas no nariz e na boca, mas não pelo tipo de emoção, que interfere somente nos acertos e na quantidade de fixações.Facial expression recognition is a theme studied over the years as part of the universal emotion recognition process. Six basic emotions (happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger and disgust) are considered universal and recognized in different cultures. This study aimed to investigate the pattern of visual scanpath used for the recognition of these facial expressions, the influence of proposed task type and the associated cognitive processing, seeking to provide psychophysical subsidies to the theory of universal emotion recognition. Therefore, the eye movements of 56 young individuals without neurological or psychiatric disorders associated were registered by eyetracker equipment for eye tracking. Participants underwent two tasks involving the recognition of facial expressions (naming and judging), involving cognitive processing top-down and bottom up in order to investigate the influence of the interaction of the different visual scanpath produced by each individual. The results point to a specific scanpath directed by the type of emotional recognition activity, with initial fixations concentrated in the nose and mouth areas, but without the interference of the kind of emotion, which intervene only in hits and the amount of fixations