16 research outputs found

    B-BabelNet: Business-Specific Lexical Database for Improving Semantic Analysis of Business Process Models

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    Similarity calculation between business process models has an important role in managing repository of business process model. One of its uses is to facilitate the searching process of models in the repository. Business process similarity is closely related to semantic string similarity. Semantic string similarity is usually performed by utilizing a lexical database such as WordNet to find the semantic meaning of the word. The activity name of the business process uses terms that specifically related to the business field. However, most of the terms in business domain are not available in WordNet. This case would decrease the semantic analysis quality of business process model. Therefore, this study would try to improve semantic analysis of business process model. We present a new lexical database called B-BabelNet. B-BabelNet is a lexical database built by using the same method in BabelNet. We attempt to map the Wikipedia page to WordNet database but only focus on the word related to the domain of business. Also, to enrich the vocabulary in the business domain, we also use terms in the business-specific online dictionary (businessdictionary.com). We utilize this database to do word sense disambiguation process on business process model activity’s terms. The result from this study shows that the database can increase the accuracy of the word sense disambiguation process especially in particular terms related to the business and industrial domains

    An Approach of a Personalized Information Retrieval Model based on Contents Semantic Analysis

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    En este trabajo se presenta una primera aproximación de un modelo de recuperación de información personalizada basado en el procesamiento semántico del contenido. El modelo propuesto reduce la sobrecarga de información innecesaria para los usuarios y mejora los resultados recuperados mediante la combinación de un procesamiento semántico de contenido aplicado a las consultas y documentos indexados, y la información de los perfiles de usuarios. La aplicabilidad de la propuesta fue evaluada en el contexto de un motor de búsqueda real, a través de consultas diseñadas por expertos en diferentes dominios y la medición de su rendimiento. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados con los del motor de búsqueda puesto a prueba, lográndose mejoras en cuanto a la precisión y exhaustividad.In this paper, an approach of a personalized information retrieval model based on the semantic processing of the content is proposed. The proposed model reduces the unnecessary information overload for users and improves the retrieval results through combining a content semantic processing applied to the queries and indexed documents, and information user processing from different perspectives. The applicability of the proposal was evaluated in the context of a real web search engine, through several queries designed by experts and associated to differents topics, and the measurement of their performance. The results were compared to those obtained by the search engine put to the test, achieving improvements the retrieval results.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el proyecto METODOS RIGUROSOS PARA EL INTERNET DEL FUTURO (MERINET), financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Ref. TIN2016-76843-C4-2-R

    From Parsed Corpora to Semantically Related Verbs

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    A comprehensive repository of semantic relations between verbs is of great importance in supporting a large area of natural language applications. The aim of this paper is to automatically generate a repository of semantic relations between verb pairs using Distributional Memory (DM), a state-of-the-art framework for distributional semantics. The main idea of our method is to exploit relationships that are expressed through prepositions between a verbal and a nominal event in text to extract semantically related events. Then using these prepositions, we derive relation types including causal, temporal, comparison, and expansion. The result of our study leads to the construction of a resource for semantic relations, which consists of pairs of verbs associated with their probable arguments and significance scores based on our measures. Experimental evaluations show promising results on the task of extracting and categorising semantic relations between verbs

    Sentiment Analysis on Tweets about Diabetes: An Aspect-Level Approach

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    In recent years, some methods of sentiment analysis have been developed for the health domain; however, the diabetes domain has not been explored yet. In addition, there is a lack of approaches that analyze the positive or negative orientation of each aspect contained in a document (a review, a piece of news, and a tweet, among others). Based on this understanding, we propose an aspect-level sentiment analysis method based on ontologies in the diabetes domain. The sentiment of the aspects is calculated by considering the words around the aspect which are obtained through N-gram methods (N-gram after, N-gram before, and N-gram around). To evaluate the effectiveness of our method, we obtained a corpus from Twitter, which has been manually labelled at aspect level as positive, negative, or neutral. The experimental results show that the best result was obtained through the N-gram around method with a precision of 81.93%, a recall of 81.13%, and an F-measure of 81.24%

    Context Aware Textual Entailment

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    In conversations, stories, news reporting, and other forms of natural language, understanding requires participants to make assumptions (hypothesis) based on background knowledge, a process called entailment. These assumptions may then be supported, contradicted, or refined as a conversation or story progresses and additional facts become known and context changes. It is often the case that we do not know an aspect of the story with certainty but rather believe it to be the case; i.e., what we know is associated with uncertainty or ambiguity. In this research a method has been developed to identify different contexts of the input raw text along with specific features of the contexts such as time, location, and objects. The method includes a two-phase SVM classifier along with a voting mechanism in the second phase to identify the contexts. Rule-based algorithms were utilized to extract the context elements. This research also develops a new context˗aware text representation. This representation maintains semantic aspects of sentences, as well as textual contexts and context elements. The method can offer both graph representation and First-Order-Logic representation of the text. This research also extracts a First-Order Logic (FOL) and XML representation of a text or series of texts. The method includes entailment using background knowledge from sources (VerbOcean and WordNet), with resolution of conflicts between extracted clauses, and handling the role of context in resolving uncertain truth

    Multilingual word sense disambiguation and entity linking for everybody

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    Abstract. In this paper we present a Web interface and a RESTful API for our state-of-the-art multilingual word sense disambiguation and en-tity linking system. The Web interface has been developed, on the one hand, to be user-friendly for non-specialized users, who can thus easily obtain a first grasp on complex linguistic problems such as the ambi-guity of words and entity mentions and, on the other hand, to provide a showcase for researchers from other fields interested in the multilin-gual disambiguation task. Moreover, our RESTful API enables an easy integration, within a Java framework, of state-of-the-art language tech-nologies. Both the Web interface and the RESTful API are available a

    Construindo grafos de conhecimento utilizando documentos textuais para análise de literatura científica

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    Orientador: Julio Cesar dos ReisDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O número de publicações científicas que pesquisadores tem que ler vem aumento nos últimos anos. Consequentemente, dentre várias opções, é difícil para eles identificarem documentos relevantes relacionados aos seus estudos. Ademais, para entender como um campo científico é organizado, e para estudar o seu estado da arte, pesquisadores geralmente se baseiam em artigos de revisão de uma área. Estes artigos podem estar indisponíveis ou desatualizados dependendo do tema estudado. Usualmente, pesquisadores têm que realizar esta árdua tarefa de pesquisa fundamental manualmente. Pesquisas recentes vêm desenvolvendo mecanismos para auxiliar outros pesquisadores a entender como campos científicos são estruturados. Entretanto, estes mecanismos são focados exclusivamente em recomendar artigos relevantes para os pesquisadores ou os auxiliar em entender como um ramo da ciência é organizado ao nível de publicação. Desta forma, estes métodos limitam o entendimento sobre o ramo estudado, não permitindo que interessados estudem os conceitos e relações abstratas que compõe um ramo da ciência e as suas subáreas. Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe um framework para estruturar, analisar, e rastrear a evolução de um campo científico no nível dos seus conceitos. Ela primeiramente estrutura o campo científico como um grafo-de-conhecimento utilizando os seus conceitos como vértices. A seguir, ela automaticamente identifica as principais subáreas do campo estudado, extrai as suas frases-chave, e estuda as suas relações. Nosso framework representa o campo científico em diferentes períodos do tempo. Esta dissertação compara estas representações, e identifica como as subáreas do campo estudado evoluiram no decorrer dos anos. Avaliamos cada etapa do nosso framework representando e analisando dados científicos provenientes de diferentes áreas de conhecimento em casos de uso. Nossas descobertas indicam o sucesso em detectar resultados similares em diferentes casos de uso, indicando que nossa abordagem é aplicável à diferentes domínios da ciência. Esta pesquisa também contribui com uma aplicação com interface web para auxiliar pesquisadores a utilizarem nosso framework de forma gráfica. Ao utilizar nossa aplicação, pesquisadores podem ter uma análise geral de como um campo científico é estruturado e como ele evoluiAbstract: The amount of publications a researcher must absorb has been increasing over the last years. Consequently, among so many options, it is hard for them to identify interesting documents to read related to their studies. Researchers usually search for review articles to understand how a scientific field is organized and to study its state of the art. This option can be unavailable or outdated depending on the studied area. Usually, they have to do such laborious task of background research manually. Recent researches have developed mechanisms to assist researchers in understanding the structure of scientific fields. However, those mechanisms focus on recommending relevant articles to researchers or supporting them in understanding how a scientific field is organized considering documents that belong to it. These methods limit the field understanding, not allowing researchers to study the underlying concepts and relations that compose a scientific field and its sub-areas. This Ms.c. thesis proposes a framework to structure, analyze, and track the evolution of a scientific field at a concept level. Given a set of textual documents as research papers, it first structures a scientific field as a knowledge graph using its detected concepts as vertices. Then, it automatically identifies the field's main sub-areas, extracts their keyphrases, and studies their relations. Our framework enables to represent the scientific field in distinct time-periods. It allows to compare its representations and identify how the field's areas changed over time. We evaluate each step of our framework representing and analyzing scientific data from distinct fields of knowledge in case studies. Our findings indicate the success in detecting the sub-areas based on the generated graph from natural language documents. We observe similar outcomes in the different case studies by indicating our approach applicable to distinct domains. This research also contributes with a web-based software tool that allows researchers to use the proposed framework graphically. By using our application, researchers can have an overview analysis of how a scientific field is structured and how it evolvedMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação2013/08293-7 ; 2017/02325-5FAPESPCAPE

    Vollständigkeits- und Semantikprüfung für gesprochene Aussagen

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    Diese Arbeit betrachtet das Problem von unvollständigen Aussagen in natürlicher Sprache. Solche Aussagen enthalten nicht explizit alle Informationen, die für die vollständige Umsetzung einer Handlung benötigt werden. Menschen fällt es leicht, aus solchen Aussagen wieder einen Sinn zu extrahieren, indem sie sich auf ihr gelerntes Wissen beziehen. Für Sprachverarbeitungssysteme ist dieser Schritt jedoch nicht so einfach nachvollziehbar. Um diesen Prozess greifbar zu machen wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der solchen Systemen menschliches, implizites, Wissen verfügbar macht. Damit wird eine durch Wissen begründete Entscheidung über die Vollständigkeit von Aussagen gemacht. Im Weiteren werden durch den Ansatz Kandidaten generiert, welche für die fehlenden Rollen infrage kommen könnten. Diese werden mithilfe von Wissen über die Welt bezüglich ihrer Eignung für die Rolle bewertet und die Aussage somit wieder vervollständigt. Um die Funktion des implementierten PARSE-Agenten zu prüfen wurde eine Evaluation der Ergebnisse im Vergleich zu einer händisch erstellten Lösung durchgeführt. Fehlende Rollen konnten mit einer Präzision von 51% bestimmt werden und eine Vervollständigung war in 25%(Im Falle des Subjektes sogar 100%) der Fälle korrekt möglich

    A Survey on Semantic Processing Techniques

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    Semantic processing is a fundamental research domain in computational linguistics. In the era of powerful pre-trained language models and large language models, the advancement of research in this domain appears to be decelerating. However, the study of semantics is multi-dimensional in linguistics. The research depth and breadth of computational semantic processing can be largely improved with new technologies. In this survey, we analyzed five semantic processing tasks, e.g., word sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, named entity recognition, concept extraction, and subjectivity detection. We study relevant theoretical research in these fields, advanced methods, and downstream applications. We connect the surveyed tasks with downstream applications because this may inspire future scholars to fuse these low-level semantic processing tasks with high-level natural language processing tasks. The review of theoretical research may also inspire new tasks and technologies in the semantic processing domain. Finally, we compare the different semantic processing techniques and summarize their technical trends, application trends, and future directions.Comment: Published at Information Fusion, Volume 101, 2024, 101988, ISSN 1566-2535. The equal contribution mark is missed in the published version due to the publication policies. Please contact Prof. Erik Cambria for detail