10 research outputs found

    Analysis of Schrodinger operators with inverse square potentials II: FEM and approximation of eigenfunctions in the periodic case

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    In this article, we consider the problem of optimal approximation of eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators with isolated inverse square potentials and of solutions to equations involving such operators. It is known in this situation that the finite element method performs poorly with standard meshes. We construct an alter- native class of graded meshes, and prove and numerically test optimal approximation results for the finite element method using these meshes. Our numerical tests are in good agreement with our theoretical results

    hp-version discontinuous Galerkin methods for advection-diffusion-reaction problems on polytopic meshes

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    We consider the hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DGFEM) for the numerical approximation of the advection-diffusion-reaction equation on general computational meshes consisting of polygonal/polyhedral (polytopic) elements. In particular, new hp-version a priori error bounds are derived based on a specific choice of the interior penalty parameter which allows for edge/face-degeneration. The proposed method employs elemental polynomial bases of total degree p (P_p-basis) defined in the physical coordinate system, without requiring the mapping from a given reference or canonical frame. Numerical experiments highlighting the performance of the proposed DGFEM are presented. In particular, we study the competitiveness of the p-version DGFEM employing a P_p-basis on both polytopic and tensor-product elements with a (standard) DGFEM employing a (mapped) Q_p-basis. Moreover, a computational example is also presented which demonstrates the performance of the proposed hp-version DGFEM on general agglomerated meshes

    Multigrid algorithms for hphp-discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of elliptic problems

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    Abstract. We present W-cycle multigrid algorithms for the solution of the linear system of equations arising from a wide class of hp-version discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of elliptic problems. Starting from a classical framework in multigrid analysis, we define a smoothing and an approximation property, which are used to prove the uniform convergence of the W-cycle scheme with respect to the granularity of the grid and the number of levels. The dependence of the convergence rate on the polynomial approximation degree p is also tracked, showing that the contraction factor of the scheme deteriorates with increasing p. A discussion on the effects of employing inherited or non-inherited sublevel solvers is also presented. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results. Key words. hp-version discontinuous Galerkin, multigrid algorithms, elliptic problem

    Multigrid methods for Maxwell\u27s equations

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    In this work we study finite element methods for two-dimensional Maxwell\u27s equations and their solutions by multigrid algorithms. We begin with a brief survey of finite element methods for Maxwell\u27s equations. Then we review the related fundamentals, such as Sobolev spaces, elliptic regularity results, graded meshes, finite element methods for second order problems, and multigrid algorithms. In Chapter 3, we study two types of nonconforming finite element methods on graded meshes for a two-dimensional curl-curl and grad-div problem that appears in electromagnetics. The first method is based on a discretization using weakly continuous P1 vector fields. The second method uses discontinuous P1 vector fields. Optimal convergence rates (up to an arbitrary positive epsilon) in the energy norm and the L2 norm are established for both methods on graded meshes. In Chapter 4, we consider a class of symmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for a model Poisson problem on graded meshes that share many techniques with the nonconforming methods in Chapter 3. Optimal order error estimates are derived in both the energy norm and the L2 norm. Then we establish the uniform convergence of W-cycle, V-cycle and F-cycle multigrid algorithms for the resulting discrete problems. In Chapter 5, we propose a new numerical approach for two-dimensional Maxwell\u27s equations that is based on the Hodge decomposition for divergence-free vector fields. In this approach, an approximate solution for Maxwell\u27s equations can be obtained by solving standard second order scalar elliptic boundary value problems. We illustrate this new approach by a P1 finite element method. In Chapter 6, we first report numerical results for multigrid algorithms applied to the discretized curl-curl and grad-div problem using nonconforming finite element methods. Then we present multigrid results for Maxwell\u27s equations based on the approach introduced in Chapter 5. All the theoretical results obtained in this dissertation are confirmed by numerical experiments

    Hybrid multigrid methods for high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations

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    The present work develops hybrid multigrid methods for high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of elliptic problems. Fast matrix-free operator evaluation on tensor product elements is used to devise a computationally efficient PDE solver. The multigrid hierarchy exploits all possibilities of geometric, polynomial, and algebraic coarsening, targeting engineering applications on complex geometries. Additionally, a transfer from discontinuous to continuous function spaces is performed within the multigrid hierarchy. This does not only further reduce the problem size of the coarse-grid problem, but also leads to a discretization most suitable for state-of-the-art algebraic multigrid methods applied as coarse-grid solver. The relevant design choices regarding the selection of optimal multigrid coarsening strategies among the various possibilities are discussed with the metric of computational costs as the driving force for algorithmic selections. We find that a transfer to a continuous function space at highest polynomial degree (or on the finest mesh), followed by polynomial and geometric coarsening, shows the best overall performance. The success of this particular multigrid strategy is due to a significant reduction in iteration counts as compared to a transfer from discontinuous to continuous function spaces at lowest polynomial degree (or on the coarsest mesh). The coarsening strategy with transfer to a continuous function space on the finest level leads to a multigrid algorithm that is robust with respect to the penalty parameter of the SIPG method. Detailed numerical investigations are conducted for a series of examples ranging from academic test cases to more complex, practically relevant geometries. Performance comparisons to state-of-the-art methods from the literature demonstrate the versatility and computational efficiency of the proposed multigrid algorithms

    Multigrid methods for the symmetric interior penalty method on graded meshes

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    The symmetric interior penalty (SIP) method on graded meshes and its fast solution by multigrid methods are studied in this paper. We obtain quasi-optimal error estimates in both the energy norm and the L norm for the SIP method, and prove uniform convergence of the W-cycle multigrid algorithm for the resulting discrete problem. The performance of these methods is illustrated by numerical results. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.