133 research outputs found

    Multifunctional object Domamyslice

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    Předmětem této diplomové práce je návrh a vypracování projektové dokumentace pro provedení novostavby polyfunkčního domu Domamyslice. Objekt se bude nacházet ve městě Prostějov v části Domamyslice. Novostavba bude rozdělena na tři samostatné funkční jednotky - restaurace s pizzerií, kancelářské prostory a bytová část. Jedná se o čtyřpodlažní, částečně podsklepený polyfunkční dům s plochou střechou, založený na betonových základových pasech. Konstrukční systém je navržen stěnový z keramických bloků s keramickými stropy. Okna budou plastová s pohledovými hliníkovými profily. K novostavbě přináleží 40 parkovacích míst na pozemku investora. Diplomová práce navržena v souladu s platnými zákony, vyhláškami a normami v aktuálním znění.The subject of this diploma thesis is the design and development of project documentation for the construction of a new building of the multifunctional house Domamyslice. The object will be located in the city of Prostějov in part Domamyslice. The new building will be divided into three separate functional units – restaurant with pizzeria, offices and residential area. It is a four-storey, partially basement multifunctional house with a flat roof based on concrete foundation strips. The structural system is designed in a wall of the ceramic blocks with ceramic ceilings. The windows will be plastic with viewing aluminium profiles. The new building has 40 parking places on the investor’s land. The diploma thesis is processed with the valid standards, laws and decrees of the Czech Republic in the current version.

    Conversion of industrial hall to multifunctional object in Ostrava-Kunčičky

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce ,,Konverze průmyslové haly na multifunkční objekt v Ostravě - Kunčičkách“ se zabývá projektem konverze průmyslové haly v Ostravě - Kunčičkách. Projekt vychází z předchozí urbanistické studie v rámci Ateliérové tvorby III. a dále z architektonické studie stavby multifunkčního objektu v rámci Ateliérové tvorby IV. Dílčí část tohoto projektu je rozvedena do stupně projektové dokumentace pro provádění stavby. Práce je dělena na textovou a výkresovou dokumentaci. Dále je řešen architektonický detail části hmoty v interiéru a detailní architektonické zpracování interiéru řešené části stavby . Cílem byla přestavba stávajícího továrního objektu na multifunkční objekt městského typu, dotvářející nově navržené náměstí městské části Ostrava – Kunčičky v reakci na sociální situaci obyvatel.Bachelor project ,, Conversion of industrial hall to multifunctional object in Ostrava – Kunčičky " deals with conversion project of industrial hall in Ostrava - Kunčičky. The project builds on previous urban studies in the subject Studio making III. and architectural study of the multifunctional object in the subject Studio making IV. Part of this thesis is extended into stage of design documentation. Thesis is divided into textual and drafting part. Next part is the Architectural detail of the part of the mass in the interior and detailed architectural view to interior of the part of this thesis. The aim was to rebuild the existing factory building to multifunctional object, city type, completing the newly designed square of the city part Ostrava – Kunčičky in response to the social situation of the population.Prezenční226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    The statistical mechanics of complex signaling networks : nerve growth factor signaling

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    It is becoming increasingly appreciated that the signal transduction systems used by eukaryotic cells to achieve a variety of essential responses represent highly complex networks rather than simple linear pathways. While significant effort is being made to experimentally measure the rate constants for individual steps in these signaling networks, many of the parameters required to describe the behavior of these systems remain unknown, or at best, estimates. With these goals and caveats in mind, we use methods of statistical mechanics to extract useful predictions for complex cellular signaling networks. To establish the usefulness of our approach, we have applied our methods towards modeling the nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced differentiation of neuronal cells. Using our approach, we are able to extract predictions that are highly specific and accurate, thereby enabling us to predict the influence of specific signaling modules in determining the integrated cellular response to the two growth factors. We show that extracting biologically relevant predictions from complex signaling models appears to be possible even in the absence of measurements of all the individual rate constants. Our methods also raise some interesting insights into the design and possible evolution of cellular systems, highlighting an inherent property of these systems wherein particular ''soft'' combinations of parameters can be varied over wide ranges without impacting the final output and demonstrating that a few ''stiff'' parameter combinations center around the paramount regulatory steps of the network. We refer to this property -- which is distinct from robustness -- as ''sloppiness.''Comment: 24 pages, 10 EPS figures, 1 GIF (makes 5 multi-panel figs + caption for GIF), IOP style; supp. info/figs. included as brown_supp.pd

    The Idea

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    Москва: столица - глобальный город - агломерация

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    The article discusses the specifics and peculiarities of Moscow as a multifunctional object with the functions of the capital, a global city and agglomeration. Analyzed stages in the development of its new features and main social problems that modern Moscow faced.В статье рассмотрены специфика и особенности Москвы как многофункционального образования, выполняющего функции столицы, глобального города и агломерации. Выделяются этапы становления и развития ее новых качеств. Анализируются основные социальные проблемы, с которыми сталкивается современная Москва

    Volume study of a vacant lot on the corner of Pobialová and Stodolní in Moravian Ostrava

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    Import 02/11/2016ZAJÍCOVÁ, V.: Objemová studie proluky na nároží ulic Pobialova a Stodolní v Moravské Ostravě. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra městského inženýrství, 2016, s. 49, vedoucí práce: Mgr. Ing. Alžběta Bílková. Předmětem bakalářské práce je návrh zástavby proluky v místě mezi ulicemi Stodolní a Pobialova v městském obvodě Moravská Ostrava formou zpracování objemové studie. Návrh zástavby se zabývá především urbanistickým, architektonickým, dispozičním a funkčním řešením. Součástí objemové studie je návrh technické a dopravní infrastruktury. Navržena zástavba je řešena jako polyfunkční objekt s parkovací plochou. Zpracování je ve dvou variantách, s detailním dopracováním jedné z nich. Varianty se liší dispozičním i provozním řešením.ZAJÍCOVÁ, V.: Volume study of a vacant lot on the corner of Pobialova and Stodolní in Moravian Ostrava. Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering, 2016, p. 49, Thesis head: Mgr. Ing. Alžběta Bílková. The subject of the thesis is the development of a vacant lot located between the streets Stodolní and Pobialova in the municipal district of Moravian Ostrava, in the form of volume study. The proposed development mainly offers an urban, architectural, layout and functional solution. The study includes designing engineering and transport infrastructure. The proposed development is designed as a multifunctional object with a parking lot. There are two options with the detailed finalization of one of them. The options differ in layout and operational solutions.222 - Katedra městského inženýrstvívýborn

    'Des Yeux Qui Ne Voient Pas...': The smartphones

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    Three of the most influential chapters of Le Corbusier’s Vers une Architecture are collected under the common title ‘Des yeux qui ne voient pas…’ (Eyes which do not see…). Liners, airplanes, and automobiles are shown as the expression of the powerful beauty of practical form: honest, simple, functional and technological. These very famous pages remind us that form is not only derived from precise typological choices or from reasoned morphogenetic diagrams, but it could also be a direct expression of the Kunstwollen. What are the paquebots of the twenty-first century? Which buildings embody this new paradigm? This graphic analysis starts from the statement that one of the ‘not seen’ features of this era is the smartphone. The subject of the survey is the first BMW Guggenheim Lab, designed in 2010 by Atelier Bow-Wow. Described by the architects themselves as a ‘travel toolbox’ or ‘pop-up fly loft theatre in the city’, this compact architecture is the incarnation of three interesting formal qualities usually associated with smartphones: the clear division between the hardware and the ergonomic user interface; the possibility to operate different functions (or software) in the same space (or screen); and the real and virtual connection with different urban situations

    Experimental verification of the effectiveness of implementing a differentiated approach in training future physical education teachers

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    The effective training of future specialists in physical culture and sports necessitates a comprehensive system of specialized knowledge, which forms a crucial part of a teacher's competence. This research aims to enhance the theoretical training level of students enrolled in the Faculty of Physical Education. The experiment involved 36 first-year students from TNPU. Initially, the collected data revealed an average score of 55% across all sections of theoretical training, indicating a low level of knowledge. However, after the experiment, significant improvements were observed in the areas of general development (4.22±0.12), drill exercises (4.11±0.10), injury prevention in gymnastics classes (4.17±0.12), and gymnastics in the system of physical education of Ukraine (4.03±0.15)