10 research outputs found


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    The peculiarities of the application of methods of multicriteria optimization in the choice of optimal design options of telecommunication facilities taking into account a set of quality indicators are considered. Examples of multicriteria analysis and the choice of optimal variants for various telecommunication facilities, in particular, the variants of radio network construction of a mobile communication system, the structure and methods of routing in multiservice networks, ad-hoc networks, sensor and actuator networks, as well as mobile communication technologies of the 4th generation are provided.Rozważono osobliwości zastosowania metod optymalizacji wielokryterialnej w wyborze optymalnych opcji projektowych urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych z uwzględnieniem zestawu wskaźników jakości. Podane zostały  przykłady analizy wielokryterialnej i wyboru optymalnych wariantów dla różnych obiektów telekomunikacyjnych, w szczególności wariantów budowy sieci radiowej systemu komunikacji mobilnej, struktury i metod trasowania w sieciach wielousługowych, sieciach ad-hoc, sieciach czujników i urządzeń wykonawczych, a także technologie komunikacji mobilnej czwartej generacji


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    The peculiarities of the application of methods of multicriteria optimization in the choice of optimal design options of telecommunication facilities taking into account a set of quality indicators are considered. Examples of multicriteria analysis and the choice of optimal variants for various telecommunication facilities, in particular, the variants of radio network construction of a mobile communication system, the structure and methods of routing in multiservice networks, ad-hoc networks, sensor and actuator networks, as well as mobile communication technologies of the 4th generation are provided.Rozważono osobliwości zastosowania metod optymalizacji wielokryterialnej w wyborze optymalnych opcji projektowych urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych z uwzględnieniem zestawu wskaźników jakości. Podane zostały  przykłady analizy wielokryterialnej i wyboru optymalnych wariantów dla różnych obiektów telekomunikacyjnych, w szczególności wariantów budowy sieci radiowej systemu komunikacji mobilnej, struktury i metod trasowania w sieciach wielousługowych, sieciach ad-hoc, sieciach czujników i urządzeń wykonawczych, a także technologie komunikacji mobilnej czwartej generacji

    Control System Objects with Multiple Streams of Information

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    In this paper discusses the problem of estimating the load of the transmission channel in the presence of loss of data on the basis of these methods.The article deals with the problem of controlling the flow of information coming from a group of UAVs by radio channel. The stream is a sequence of binary information packages. The inevitable data losses are compensated by repetition of lost packages. Modern methods control of data flow assumes using a mechanism ARQ based on the method sliding window. In this paper the comparative analyses of the known methods are given. The property matching the volume of information, which is transmitted from UAVs with the size M of the sliding window, is set. In base of theoretical calculations is used the concept of bandwidth. Computing bandwidth radio channel with the ARQ technology allows are confirming the main result investigation

    On a Bicriterion Server Allocation Problem for a Multidimensional Erlang Loss System

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    In this work an optimization problem on a classical elementary stochastic system system, modeled as an Erlang-B (M/M/x) loss system, is formulated by using a bicriteria approach. The problem is focused on the allocation of a given total of k servers to a number of groups of servers capable of carrying certain offered traffic processes assumed as Poissonian in nature. Two main objectives are present in this formulation. Firstly a criterion of equity in the grade of service, measured by the call blocking probabilities, entails that the absolute difference between the blocking probabilities experienced by the calls in the different service groups must be as small as possible. Secondly a criterion of system economic performance optimization requires the total traffic carried by the system, to be maximized. Relevant mathematical results characterizing the two objective functions and the set N of the non-dominated solutions, are presented. An algorithm for traveling on N based on the resolution of single criterion convex problems, using a Newton-Raphson method, is also proposed. In each iteration the two first derivatives of the Erlang-B function in the number of circuits (a difficult numerical problem) are calculated using a method earlier proposed. Some computational results are also presented

    Hierarchical Multiobjective Routing Model in MPLS Networks with Two Service Classes – A Comparison Case Study, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2012, nr 2

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    A two-level hierarchical multicriteria routing model for multiprotocol label switching networks with two service classes (QoS, i.e., with quality of service requirements, and best effort services) and alternative routing is reviewed in this paper. A heuristic resolution approach, where nondominated solutions are obtained throughout the heuristic run and kept in an archive for further analysis is also reviewed. In this paper, an extensive analysis of the application of this procedure to two reference test networks for various traffic matrices is presented. Also a comparison of the results of our method with a lexicographic optimization approach based on a multicommodity flow formulation using virtual networks is carried out. Finally, results of a stochastic discrete event simulation model developed for these networks will be shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the resolution approach and to assess the inaccuracies of the analytic results

    A fuzzy hierarchical decision model and its application in networking datacenters and in infrastructure acquisitions and design

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    According to several studies, an inordinate number of major business decisions to acquire, design, plan, and implement networking infrastructures fail. A networking infrastructure is a collaborative group of telecommunications systems providing services needed for a firm\u27s operations and business growth. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is a well established decision-making process used to analyze decisions related to networking infrastructures. AHP is concerned with decomposing complex decisions into a set of factors and solutions. However, AHP has difficulties in handling uncertainty in decision information. This study addressed the research question of solutions to AHP deficiencies. The solutions were accomplished through the development of a model capable of handling decisions with incomplete information and uncertain decision operating environment. This model is based on AHP framework and fuzzy sets theory. Fuzzy sets are sets whose memberships are gradual. A member of a fuzzy set may have a strong, weak, or a moderate membership. The methodology for this study was based primarily on the analytical research design method, which is neither quantitative nor qualitative, but based on mathematical concepts, proofs, and logic. The model\u27s constructs were verified by a simulated practical case study based on current literature and the input of networking experts. To further verify the research objectives, the investigator developed, tested, and validated a software platform. The results showed tangible improvements in analyzing complex networking infrastructure decisions. The ability of this model to analyze decisions with incomplete information and uncertain economic outlook can be employed in the socially important areas such as renewable energy, forest management, and environmental studies to achieve large savings

    An analytical decision approach to rural telecommunication infrastructure selection

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    Telecommunications infrastructure is recognised as the fundamental factor for economic and social development for it is the platform of communication and transaction within and beyond geographical boundaries. It is a necessity for social benefits, growth, connection and competition, more in the rural communities in developing countries. Its acquisition entails great investment, considering the emergence of various technologies and thereby making the selection a critical task. The research described in this thesis is concerned with a comprehensive examination and analytical procedures on the selection of technologies, for rural telecommunications infrastructure. A structured systematic approach is deemed necessary to reduce the time and effort in the decision-making process. A literature review was carried out to explore the knowledge in the areas of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) approaches, with particular focus on the analytical decision processes. The findings indicate that, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)/AnalyticNetwork Process (ANP) are powerful decision methods capable of modelling such acomplex problem. Primarily, an AHP model is formulated, however, since the problem at hand involves many interactions and dependencies, a more holistic method is required to overcome its shortcomings by allowing for dependencies and feedback within the structure. Hence, the ANP is adopted and its network is established to represent the problem, making way to telecommunications experts to provide their judgements on the elements within the structure. The data collected are used to estimate the relative influence from which the overall synthesise is derived, forming a general ANP model for such a rural telecommunications selection problem. To provide a more wide-ranging investigation regarding selecting a potential rural telecommunications infrastructure, another systematic analysis that utilises a BOCR-based (Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and Risks) ANP was conducted. The obtained results indicate that Microwave technology is the most preferred alternative within the context of the developing countries. Sensitivity analysis was performed to show robustness of the obtained results. This framework provides the structure and the flexibility required for such decisions. It enables decision makers to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the problem, by comparing several technology options, with respect to appropriate gauge for judgement. Moreover, using the ANP, the criteria for such a technology selection task were clearly identified and the problem was structured systematically. A case study was carried out in Libya involving its main telecommunications infrastructure provider to demonstrate how such rural technology selection decisions can be made within a specific developing country's rural area. Based on the results of this case study that were in agreement with the focus group's expectations, it can be concluded that the application of the ANP in the selection of telecommunications technology, is indeed beneficial. In addition, it is believed that telecommunications planners could, by the use of data pertaining to another rural area, utilise the developed model to propose appropriate solutions. If new criteria and/or alternatives emerge to satisfy changing business needs, they can also be included in the ANP model.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceLibyan GovernmentGBUnited Kingdo