493 research outputs found

    Digital repetitive control under varying frequency conditions

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat curs 2011-2012, àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialThe tracking/rejection of periodic signals constitutes a wide field of research in the control theory and applications area and Repetitive Control has proven to be an efficient way to face this topic; however, in some applications the period of the signal to be tracked/rejected changes in time or is uncertain, which causes and important performance degradation in the standard repetitive controller. This thesis presents some contributions to the open topic of repetitive control working under varying frequency conditions. These contributions can be organized as follows: One approach that overcomes the problem of working under time varying frequency conditions is the adaptation of the controller sampling period, nevertheless, the system framework changes from Linear Time Invariant to Linear Time-Varying and the closed-loop stability can be compromised. This work presents two different methodologies aimed at analysing the system stability under these conditions. The first one uses a Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) gridding approach which provides necessary conditions to accomplish a sufficient condition for the closed-loop Bounded Input Bounded Output stability of the system. The second one applies robust control techniques in order to analyse the stability and yields sufficient stability conditions. Both methodologies yield a frequency variation interval for which the system stability can be assured. Although several approaches exist for the stability analysis of general time-varying sampling period controllers few of them allow an integrated controller design which assures closed-loop stability under such conditions. In this thesis two design methodologies are presented, which assure stability of the repetitive control system working under varying sampling period for a given frequency variation interval: a mu-synthesis technique and a pre-compensation strategy. On a second branch, High Order Repetitive Control (HORC) is mainly used to improve the repetitive control performance robustness under disturbance/reference signals with varying or uncertain frequency. Unlike standard repetitive control, the HORC involves a weighted sum of several signal periods. With a proper selection of the associated weights, this high order function offers a characteristic frequency response in which the high gain peaks located at harmonic frequencies are extended to a wider region around the harmonics. Furthermore, the use of an odd-harmonic internal model will make the system more appropriate for applications where signals have only odd-harmonic components, as in power electronics systems. Thus an Odd-harmonic High Order Repetitive Controller suitable for applications involving odd-harmonic type signals with varying/uncertain frequency is presented. The open loop stability of internal models used in HORC and the one presented here is analysed. Additionally, as a consequence of this analysis, an Anti-Windup (AW) scheme for repetitive control is proposed. This AW proposal is based on the idea of having a small steady state tracking error and fast recovery once the system goes out of saturation. The experimental validation of these proposals has been performed in two different applications: the Roto-magnet plant and the active power filter application. The Roto-magnet plant is an experimental didactic plant used as a tool for analysing and understanding the nature of the periodic disturbances, as well as to study the different control techniques used to tackle this problem. This plant has been adopted as experimental test bench for rotational machines. On the other hand, shunt active power filters have been widely used as a way to overcome power quality problems caused by nonlinear and reactive loads. These power electronics devices are designed with the goal of obtaining a power factor close to 1 and achieving current harmonics and reactive power compensation.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Proton beam steering control system for high precision radiotherapy at iThemba LABS : an investigation on actuator saturation constraints

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-106).This thesis aims at studying some of the techniques used to deal with constraints with special application to the Proton beam steering control at iThemba LABS. The steering of charged particles occurring in research plants is one of the interests of control systems. In this work an investigation of the algorithm for the control of the proton beam steering system in the radiotherapy treatment facility at iThemba LABS is conducted. This algorithm is intended to autonomously maintain the beam centered with reference to the axis of the beamline, and keep the beam front parallel to the central axis of the beamline as stated by van Tubbergh and De Kock, 2006. Furthermore, the algorithm is responsible for monitoring the distribution of the proton beam, in a plane normal to the beam travel direction

    Intelligent control of nonlinear systems with actuator saturation using neural networks

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    Common actuator nonlinearities such as saturation, deadzone, backlash, and hysteresis are unavoidable in practical industrial control systems, such as computer numerical control (CNC) machines, xy-positioning tables, robot manipulators, overhead crane mechanisms, and more. When the actuator nonlinearities exist in control systems, they may exhibit relatively large steady-state tracking error or even oscillations, cause the closed-loop system instability, and degrade the overall system performance. Proportional-derivative (PD) controller has observed limit cycles if the actuator nonlinearity is not compensated well. The problems are particularly exacerbated when the required accuracy is high, as in micropositioning devices. Due to the non-analytic nature of the actuator nonlinear dynamics and the fact that the exact actuator nonlinear functions, namely operation uncertainty, are unknown, the saturation compensation research is a challenging and important topic with both theoretical and practical significance. Adaptive control can accommodate the system modeling, parametric, and environmental structural uncertainties. With the universal approximating property and learning capability of neural network (NN), it is appealing to develop adaptive NN-based saturation compensation scheme without explicit knowledge of actuator saturation nonlinearity. In this dissertation, intelligent anti-windup saturation compensation schemes in several scenarios of nonlinear systems are investigated. The nonlinear systems studied within this dissertation include the general nonlinear system in Brunovsky canonical form, a second order multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear system such as a robot manipulator, and an underactuated system-flexible robot system. The abovementioned methods assume the full states information is measurable and completely known. During the NN-based control law development, the imposed actuator saturation is assumed to be unknown and treated as the system input disturbance. The schemes that lead to stability, command following and disturbance rejection is rigorously proved, and verified using the nonlinear system models. On-line NN weights tuning law, the overall closed-loop performance, and the boundedness of the NN weights are rigorously derived and guaranteed based on Lyapunov approach. The NN saturation compensator is inserted into a feedforward path. The simulation conducted indicates that the proposed schemes can effectively compensate for the saturation nonlinearity in the presence of system uncertainty

    Advanced Anti-Windup Techniques for the Limitation of the Effects of the Actuator Saturation

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    In this thesis an industrial issue is analysed. The issue consist on the undesirable effect of actuator sturation. Two approaches are given to solve the issue: an accurate inertia identification algorithm based on the DFT coefficient; and advanced anti-windup compensators. The principle of the modern anti-windup (DLAW and MRAW, LMI-based design approach), and a systematic design design procedure for the observer-based anti-windup are given. Simulation and test results are also given.ope

    Nonlinear constrained and saturated control of power electronics and electromechanical systems

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    Power electronic converters are extensively adopted for the solution of timely issues, such as power quality improvement in industrial plants, energy management in hybrid electrical systems, and control of electrical generators for renewables. Beside nonlinearity, this systems are typically characterized by hard constraints on the control inputs, and sometimes the state variables. In this respect, control laws able to handle input saturation are crucial to formally characterize the systems stability and performance properties. From a practical viewpoint, a proper saturation management allows to extend the systems transient and steady-state operating ranges, improving their reliability and availability. The main topic of this thesis concern saturated control methodologies, based on modern approaches, applied to power electronics and electromechanical systems. The pursued objective is to provide formal results under any saturation scenario, overcoming the drawbacks of the classic solution commonly applied to cope with saturation of power converters, and enhancing performance. For this purpose two main approaches are exploited and extended to deal with power electronic applications: modern anti-windup strategies, providing formal results and systematic design rules for the anti-windup compensator, devoted to handle control saturation, and “one step” saturated feedback design techniques, relying on a suitable characterization of the saturation nonlinearity and less conservative extensions of standard absolute stability theory results. The first part of the thesis is devoted to present and develop a novel general anti-windup scheme, which is then specifically applied to a class of power converters adopted for power quality enhancement in industrial plants. In the second part a polytopic differential inclusion representation of saturation nonlinearity is presented and extended to deal with a class of multiple input power converters, used to manage hybrid electrical energy sources. The third part regards adaptive observers design for robust estimation of the parameters required for high performance control of power systems
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