46 research outputs found

    Multi-spectral palmprint recognition based on oriented multiscale log-Gabor filters

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    Among several palmprint recognition methods proposed recently, coding-based approaches using multi-spectral palmprint images are attractive owing to their high recognition rates. Aiming to further improve the performance of these approaches, this paper presents a novel multi-spectral palmprint recognition approach based on oriented multiscale log-Gabor filters. The proposed method aims to enhance the recognition performances by proposing novel solutions at three stages of the recognition process. Inspired by the bitwise competitive coding, the feature extraction employs a multi-resolution log-Gabor filtering where the final feature map is composed of the winning codes of the lowest filters’ bank response. The matching process employs a bitwise Hamming distance and Kullback–Leibler divergence as novel metrics to enable an efficient capture of the intra- and inter-similarities between palmprint feature maps. Finally, the decision stage is carried pout using a fusion of the scores generated from different spectral bands to reduce overlapping. In addition, a fusion of the feature maps through two proposed novel feature fusion techniques to allow us to eliminate the inherent redundancy of the features of neighboring spectral bands is also proposed. The experimental results obtained using the multi-spectral palmprint database MS-PolyU have shown that the proposed method achieves high accuracy in mono-spectral and multi-spectral recognition performances for both verification and identification modes; and also outperforms the state-of-the-art methods

    Multi-spectral palmprint recognition based on oriented multiscale log-Gabor filters

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    Among several palmprint recognition methods proposed recently, coding-based approaches using multi-spectral palmprint images are attractive owing to their high recognition rates. Aiming to further improve the performance of these approaches, this paper presents a novel multi-spectral palmprint recognition approach based on oriented multiscale log-Gabor filters. The proposed method aims to enhance the recognition performances by proposing novel solutions at three stages of the recognition process. Inspired by the bitwise competitive coding, the feature extraction employs a multi-resolution log-Gabor filtering where the final feature map is composed of the winning codes of the lowest filters’ bank response. The matching process employs a bitwise Hamming distance and Kullback–Leibler divergence as novel metrics to enable an efficient capture of the intra- and inter-similarities between palmprint feature maps. Finally, the decision stage is carried pout using a fusion of the scores generated from different spectral bands to reduce overlapping. In addition, a fusion of the feature maps through two proposed novel feature fusion techniques to allow us to eliminate the inherent redundancy of the features of neighboring spectral bands is also proposed. The experimental results obtained using the multi-spectral palmprint database MS-PolyU have shown that the proposed method achieves high accuracy in mono-spectral and multi-spectral recognition performances for both verification and identification modes; and also outperforms the state-of-the-art methods

    The fundamentals of unimodal palmprint authentication based on a biometric system: A review

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    Biometric system can be defined as the automated method of identifying or authenticating the identity of a living person based on physiological or behavioral traits. Palmprint biometric-based authentication has gained considerable attention in recent years. Globally, enterprises have been exploring biometric authorization for some time, for the purpose of security, payment processing, law enforcement CCTV systems, and even access to offices, buildings, and gyms via the entry doors. Palmprint biometric system can be divided into unimodal and multimodal. This paper will investigate the biometric system and provide a detailed overview of the palmprint technology with existing recognition approaches. Finally, we introduce a review of previous works based on a unimodal palmprint system using different databases

    Multispectral palmprint recognition using Pascal coefficients-based LBP and PHOG descriptors with random sampling

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    Local binary pattern (LBP) algorithm and its variants have been used extensively to analyse the local textural features of digital images with great success. Numerous extensions of LBP descriptors have been suggested, focusing on improving their robustness to noise and changes in image conditions. In our research, inspired by the concepts of LBP feature descriptors and a random sampling subspace, we propose an ensemble learning framework, using a variant of LBP constructed from Pascal’s coefficients of n-order and referred to as a multiscale local binary pattern. To address the inherent overfitting problem of linear discriminant analysis, PCA was applied to the training samples. Random sampling was used to generate multiple feature subsets. In addition, in this work, we propose a new feature extraction technique that combines the pyramid histogram of oriented gradients and LBP, where the features are concatenated for use in the classification. Its performance in recognition was evaluated using the Hong Kong Polytechnic University database. Extensive experiments unmistakably show the superiority of the proposed approach compared to state-of-the-art techniques

    Robust iris recognition under unconstrained settings

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Bioengenharia. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Fingerabdruckswachstumvorhersage, Bildvorverarbeitung und Multi-level Judgment Aggregation

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    Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird Fingerwachstum untersucht und eine Methode zur Vorhersage von Wachstum wird vorgestellt. Die Effektivität dieser Methode wird mittels mehrerer Tests validiert. Vorverarbeitung von Fingerabdrucksbildern wird im zweiten Teil behandelt und neue Methoden zur Schätzung des Orientierungsfelds und der Ridge-Frequenz sowie zur Bildverbesserung werden vorgestellt: Die Line Sensor Methode zur Orientierungsfeldschätzung, gebogene Regionen zur Ridge-Frequenz-Schätzung und gebogene Gabor Filter zur Bildverbesserung. Multi-level Jugdment Aggregation wird eingeführt als Design Prinzip zur Kombination mehrerer Methoden auf mehreren Verarbeitungsstufen. Schließlich wird Score Neubewertung vorgestellt, um Informationen aus der Vorverarbeitung mit in die Score Bildung einzubeziehen. Anhand eines Anwendungsbeispiels wird die Wirksamkeit dieses Ansatzes auf den verfügbaren FVC-Datenbanken gezeigt.Finger growth is studied in the first part of the thesis and a method for growth prediction is presented. The effectiveness of the method is validated in several tests. Fingerprint image preprocessing is discussed in the second part and novel methods for orientation field estimation, ridge frequency estimation and image enhancement are proposed: the line sensor method for orientation estimation provides more robustness to noise than state of the art methods. Curved regions are proposed for improving the ridge frequency estimation and curved Gabor filters for image enhancement. The notion of multi-level judgment aggregation is introduced as a design principle for combining different methods at all levels of fingerprint image processing. Lastly, score revaluation is proposed for incorporating information obtained during preprocessing into the score, and thus amending the quality of the similarity measure at the final stage. A sample application combines all proposed methods of the second part and demonstrates the validity of the approach by achieving massive verification performance improvements in comparison to state of the art software on all available databases of the fingerprint verification competitions (FVC)

    The overview of trends and challenges in mobile biometrics

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    Adaptive visual sampling

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    PhDVarious visual tasks may be analysed in the context of sampling from the visual field. In visual psychophysics, human visual sampling strategies have often been shown at a high-level to be driven by various information and resource related factors such as the limited capacity of the human cognitive system, the quality of information gathered, its relevance in context and the associated efficiency of recovering it. At a lower-level, we interpret many computer vision tasks to be rooted in similar notions of contextually-relevant, dynamic sampling strategies which are geared towards the filtering of pixel samples to perform reliable object association. In the context of object tracking, the reliability of such endeavours is fundamentally rooted in the continuing relevance of object models used for such filtering, a requirement complicated by realworld conditions such as dynamic lighting that inconveniently and frequently cause their rapid obsolescence. In the context of recognition, performance can be hindered by the lack of learned context-dependent strategies that satisfactorily filter out samples that are irrelevant or blunt the potency of models used for discrimination. In this thesis we interpret the problems of visual tracking and recognition in terms of dynamic spatial and featural sampling strategies and, in this vein, present three frameworks that build on previous methods to provide a more flexible and effective approach. Firstly, we propose an adaptive spatial sampling strategy framework to maintain statistical object models for real-time robust tracking under changing lighting conditions. We employ colour features in experiments to demonstrate its effectiveness. The framework consists of five parts: (a) Gaussian mixture models for semi-parametric modelling of the colour distributions of multicolour objects; (b) a constructive algorithm that uses cross-validation for automatically determining the number of components for a Gaussian mixture given a sample set of object colours; (c) a sampling strategy for performing fast tracking using colour models; (d) a Bayesian formulation enabling models of object and the environment to be employed together in filtering samples by discrimination; and (e) a selectively-adaptive mechanism to enable colour models to cope with changing conditions and permit more robust tracking. Secondly, we extend the concept to an adaptive spatial and featural sampling strategy to deal with very difficult conditions such as small target objects in cluttered environments undergoing severe lighting fluctuations and extreme occlusions. This builds on previous work on dynamic feature selection during tracking by reducing redundancy in features selected at each stage as well as more naturally balancing short-term and long-term evidence, the latter to facilitate model rigidity under sharp, temporary changes such as occlusion whilst permitting model flexibility under slower, long-term changes such as varying lighting conditions. This framework consists of two parts: (a) Attribute-based Feature Ranking (AFR) which combines two attribute measures; discriminability and independence to other features; and (b) Multiple Selectively-adaptive Feature Models (MSFM) which involves maintaining a dynamic feature reference of target object appearance. We call this framework Adaptive Multi-feature Association (AMA). Finally, we present an adaptive spatial and featural sampling strategy that extends established Local Binary Pattern (LBP) methods and overcomes many severe limitations of the traditional approach such as limited spatial support, restricted sample sets and ad hoc joint and disjoint statistical distributions that may fail to capture important structure. Our framework enables more compact, descriptive LBP type models to be constructed which may be employed in conjunction with many existing LBP techniques to improve their performance without modification. The framework consists of two parts: (a) a new LBP-type model known as Multiscale Selected Local Binary Features (MSLBF); and (b) a novel binary feature selection algorithm called Binary Histogram Intersection Minimisation (BHIM) which is shown to be more powerful than established methods used for binary feature selection such as Conditional Mutual Information Maximisation (CMIM) and AdaBoost