64 research outputs found

    Recent advances in biomedical photonic sensors: a focus on optical-fibre-based sensing

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    In this invited review, we provide an overview of the recent advances in biomedical pho tonic sensors within the last five years. This review is focused on works using optical-fibre technology, employing diverse optical fibres, sensing techniques, and configurations applied in several medical fields. We identified technical innovations and advancements with increased implementations of optical-fibre sensors, multiparameter sensors, and control systems in real applications. Examples of outstanding optical-fibre sensor performances for physical and biochemical parameters are covered, including diverse sensing strategies and fibre-optical probes for integration into medical instruments such as catheters, needles, or endoscopes.This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-107270RB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and TeDFeS Project (RTC-2017- 6321-1) co-funded by European FEDER funds. M.O. and J.F.A. received funding from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain under Juan de la Cierva-Formación and Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación grants, respectively. P.R-V. received funding from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain under PhD grant FPU2018/02797

    Fiber bragg gratings for medical applications and future challenges: A review

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    In the last decades, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) have become increasingly attractive to medical applications due to their unique properties such as small size, biocompatibility, immunity to electromagnetic interferences, high sensitivity and multiplexing capability. FBGs have been employed in the development of surgical tools, assistive devices, wearables, and biosensors, showing great potentialities for medical uses. This paper reviews the FBG-based measuring systems, their principle of work, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Particular attention is given to sensing solutions for biomechanics, minimally invasive surgery, physiological monitoring, and medical biosensing. Strengths, weaknesses, open challenges, and future trends are also discussed to highlight how FBGs can meet the demands of next-generation medical devices and healthcare system

    Fiber Bragg Gratings for Medical Applications and Future Challenges: A Review

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    [EN] In the last decades, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) have become increasingly attractive to medical applications due to their unique properties such as small size, biocompatibility, immunity to electromagnetic interferences, high sensitivity and multiplexing capability. FBGs have been employed in the development of surgical tools, assistive devices, wearables, and biosensors, showing great potentialities for medical uses. This paper reviews the FBG-based measuring systems, their principle of work, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Particular attention is given to sensing solutions for biomechanics, minimally invasive surgery, physiological monitoring, and medical biosensing. Strengths, weaknesses, open challenges, and future trends are also discussed to highlight how FBGs can meet the demands of next-generation medical devices and healthcare system.This work was supported in part by INAIL (the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accident at Work), through the BRIC (Bando ricerche in collaborazione) 2018 SENSE-RISC (Sviluppo di abiti intelligENti Sensorizzati per prevenzione e mitigazione di Rischi per la SiCurezza dei lavoratori) Project under Grant ID10/2018, in part by the UCBM (Universita Campus Bio-Medico di Roma) under the University Strategic HOPE (HOspital to the PatiEnt) Project, in part by the EU Framework Program H2020-FETPROACT-2018-01 NeuHeart Project under Grant GA 824071, by FCT/MEC (Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia) under the Projects UIDB/50008/2020 - UIDP/50008/2020, and by REACT (Development of optical fiber solutions for Rehabilitation and e-Health applications) FCT-IT-LA scientific action.Lo Presti, D.; Massaroni, C.; Leitao, CSJ.; Domingues, MDF.; Sypabekova, M.; Barrera, D.; Floris, I.... (2020). Fiber Bragg Gratings for Medical Applications and Future Challenges: A Review. IEEE Access. 8:156863-156888. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019138S156863156888

    Simultaneous in situ temperature and relative humidity monitoring in mechanical ventilators using an array of functionalised optical fibre long period grating sensors

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    An array of optical fibre long period gratings (LPGs) has been demonstrated for biomedical application to monitor temperature and relative humidity (RH) changes in the air delivered by a mechanical ventilator operating in different modes. The LPG array consists of two gratings, where one was kept bare to monitor the temperature change and the second was modified with 10 layers of silica nanoparticles to measure relative humidity. A mesoporous film was deposited on the surface of an optical fibre LPG using the layer-by-layer method. The sensor was calibrated in a bench model against a commercially available temperature and relative humidity sensor and sensitivity of the sensor was 0.46 ± 0.01 nm/ oC and 0.53 nm/RH%, respectively. The tip of the sensor array was modified with reflection mirror and placed inside an endotracheal tube (ETT) and tested in typical clinical equipment to enable the in-situ real-time monitoring of humidity and temperature. Temperature and RH changes associated with the breathing frequency of 8 and 15 breaths per minute were successfully monitored using developed sensor array

    Sensores de fibra ótica para arquiteturas e-Health

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    In this work, optical fiber sensors were developed and optimized for biomedical applications in wearable and non-intrusive and/or invisible solutions. As it was intended that the developed devices would not interfere with the user's movements and their daily life, the fibre optic sensors presented several advantages when compared to conventional electronic sensors, among others, the following stand out: size and reduced weight, biocompatibility, safety, immunity to electromagnetic interference and high sensitivity. In a first step, wearable devices with fibre optic sensors based in Fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) were developed to be incorporated into insoles to monitor different walking parameters based on the analysis of the pressure exerted on several areas of the insole. Still within this theme, other sensors were developed using the same sensing technology, but capable of monitoring pressure and shear forces simultaneously. This work was pioneering and allowed monitoring one of the main causes of foot ulceration in people with diabetes: shear. At a later stage, the study focused on the issue related with the appearance of ulcers in people with reduced mobility and wheelchair users. In order to contribute to the mitigation of this scourge, a system was developed composed of a network of fibre optic sensors capable of monitoring the pressure at various points of the wheelchair. It not only measures the pressure at each point, but also monitors the posture of the wheelchair user and advises him/her to change posture regularly to reduce the probability of this pathology occurring. Still within this application, another work was developed where the sensor not only monitored the pressure but also the temperature in each of the analysis points, thus indirectly measuring shear. In another phase, plastic fibre optic sensors were studied and developed to monitor the body posture of an office chair user. Simultaneously, software was developed capable of monitoring and showing the user all the acquired data in real time and warning for incorrect postures, as well as advising for work breaks. In a fourth phase, the study focused on the development of highly sensitive sensors embedded in materials printed by a 3D printer. The sensor was composed of an optical fibre with a FBG and the sensor body of a flexible polymeric material called "Flexible". This material was printed on a 3D printer and during its printing the optical fibre was incorporated. The sensor proved to be highly sensitive and was able to monitor respiratory and cardiac rate, both in wearable solutions (chest and wrist) and in "invisible" solutions (office chair).Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos e otimizados sensores em fibra ótica para aplicações biomédicas em soluções vestíveis e não intrusivas/ou invisíveis. Tendo em conta que se pretende que os dispositivos desenvolvidos não interfiram com os movimentos e o dia-a-dia do utilizador, os sensores de fibra ótica apresentam inúmeras vantagens quando comparados com os sensores eletrónicos convencionais, de entre várias, destacam-se: tamanho e peso reduzido, biocompatibilidade, segurança, imunidade a interferências eletromagnéticas e elevada sensibilidade. Numa primeira etapa, foram desenvolvidos dispositivos vestíveis com sensores de fibra ótica baseados em redes de Bragg (FBG) para incorporar em palmilhas de modo a monitorizar diferentes parâmetros da marcha com base na análise da pressão exercida em várias zonas da palmilha. Ainda no âmbito deste tema, adicionalmente, foram desenvolvidos sensores utilizando a mesma tecnologia de sensoriamento, mas capazes de monitorizar simultaneamente pressão e forças de cisalhamento. Este trabalho foi pioneiro e permitiu monitorizar um dos principais responsáveis pela ulceração dos pés em pessoas com diabetes: o cisalhamento. Numa fase posterior, o estudo centrou-se na temática relacionada com o aparecimento de úlceras em pessoas com mobilidade reduzida e utilizadores de cadeiras de rodas. De modo a contribuir para a mitigação deste flagelo, procurou-se desenvolver um sistema composto por uma rede de sensores de fibra ótica capaz de monitorizar a pressão em vários pontos de uma cadeira de rodas e não só aferir a pressão em cada ponto, mas monitorizar a postura do cadeirante e aconselhá-lo a mudar de postura com regularidade, de modo a diminuir a probabilidade de ocorrência desta patologia. Ainda dentro desta aplicação, foi publicado um outro trabalho onde o sensor não só monitoriza a pressão como também a temperatura em cada um dos pontos de análise, conseguindo aferir assim indiretamente o cisalhamento. Numa outra fase, foi realizado o estudo e desenvolvimento de sensores de fibra ótica de plástico para monitorizar a postura corporal de um utilizador de uma cadeira de escritório. Simultaneamente, foi desenvolvido um software capaz de monitorizar e mostrar ao utilizador todos os dados adquiridos em tempo real e advertir o utilizador de posturas incorretas, bem como aconselhar para pausas no trabalho. Numa quarta fase, o estudo centrou-se no desenvolvimento de sensores altamente sensíveis embebidos em materiais impressos 3D. O sensor é composto por uma fibra ótica com uma FBG e o corpo do sensor por um material polimérico flexível, denominado “Flexible”. O sensor foi impresso numa impressora 3D e durante a sua impressão foi incorporada a fibra ótica. O sensor demonstrou ser altamente sensível e foi capaz de monitorizar frequência respiratória e cardíaca, tanto em soluções vestíveis (peito e pulso) como em soluções “invisíveis” (cadeira de escritório).Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Físic

    Fibre Bragg Grating and Long Period Grating Sensors in Polymer Optical Fibres

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    Smart Textiles Production

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    The research field of smart textiles is currently witnessing a rapidly growing number of applications integrating intelligent functions in textile substrates. With an increasing amount of new developed product prototypes, the number of materials used and that of specially designed production technologies are also growing. This book is intended to provide an overview of materials, production technologies, and product concepts to different groups concerned with smart textiles. It will help designers to understand the possibilities of smart textile production, so that they are enabled to design this type of products. It will also help textile and electronics manufacturers to understand which production technologies are suitable to meet certain product requirements

    Biosensors for Diagnosis and Monitoring

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    Biosensor technologies have received a great amount of interest in recent decades, and this has especially been the case in recent years due to the health alert caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The sensor platform market has grown in recent decades, and the COVID-19 outbreak has led to an increase in the demand for home diagnostics and point-of-care systems. With the evolution of biosensor technology towards portable platforms with a lower cost on-site analysis and a rapid selective and sensitive response, a larger market has opened up for this technology. The evolution of biosensor systems has the opportunity to change classic analysis towards real-time and in situ detection systems, with platforms such as point-of-care and wearables as well as implantable sensors to decentralize chemical and biological analysis, thus reducing industrial and medical costs. This book is dedicated to all the research related to biosensor technologies. Reviews, perspective articles, and research articles in different biosensing areas such as wearable sensors, point-of-care platforms, and pathogen detection for biomedical applications as well as environmental monitoring will introduce the reader to these relevant topics. This book is aimed at scientists and professionals working in the field of biosensors and also provides essential knowledge for students who want to enter the field

    Sensores em fibra ótica para o estudo biomecânico do disco intervertebral

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia MecânicaO presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal estudar o comportamento mecânico do disco intervertebral recorrendo a sensores em fibra ótica. Na expetativa de efetuar o melhor enquadramento do tema foi efetuada uma revisão exaustiva das várias configurações de sensores em fibra ótica que têm vindo a ser utilizadas em aplicações biomédicas e biomecânicas, nomeadamente para medição de temperatura, deformação, força e pressão. Nesse âmbito, procurou-se destacar as potencialidades dos sensores em fibra ótica e apresentá-los como uma tecnologia alternativa ou até de substituição das tecnologias associadas a sensores convencionais. Tendo em vista a aplicação de sensores em fibra ótica no estudo do comportamento do disco intervertebral efetuou-se também uma revisão exaustiva da coluna vertebral e, particularmente, do conceito de unidade funcional. A par de uma descrição anatómica e funcional centrada no disco intervertebral, vértebras adjacentes e ligamentos espinais foram ainda destacadas as suas propriedades mecânicas e descritos os procedimentos mais usuais no estudo dessas propriedades. A componente experimental do presente trabalho descreve um conjunto de experiências efetuadas com unidades funcionais cadavéricas utilizando sensores convencionais e sensores em fibra ótica com vista à medição da deformação do disco intervertebral sob cargas compressivas uniaxiais. Inclui ainda a medição in vivo da pressão intradiscal num disco lombar de uma ovelha sob efeito de anestesia. Para esse efeito utilizou-se um sensor comercial em fibra ótica e desenvolveu-se a respetiva unidade de interrogação. Finalmente apresenta-se os resultados da investigação em curso que tem como objetivo propor e desenvolver protótipos de sensores em fibra ótica para aplicações biomédicas e biomecânicas. Nesse sentido, são apresentadas duas soluções de sensores interferométricos para medição da pressão em fluídos corporais.The present work aimed to study the mechanical behavior of the intervertebral disc using fiber optic sensors. To address the theme an exhaustive review of the various configurations of fiber optic sensors that have been used in biomechanical and biomedical applications, in particular for measuring temperature, strain, force and pressure, was conducted. In this context, an effort was made to highlight the advantages of fiber optic sensors and present them as an alternative or even a substitution technology to conventional sensors. In view of the application of fiber optic sensors to study intervertebral disc behavior an exhaustive review of the spine and, particularly, of the spinal motion segment was made. Along with an anatomical and functional description of the intervertebral disc, the adjacent vertebrae and spinal ligaments, their mechanical properties were also highlighted as well as the most common procedures and guidelines followed in the study of these properties. The experimental section of the present work describes a set of tests performed with cadaveric spinal motion segments using conventional and fiber optic sensors to assess strain of the intervertebral disc under uniaxial compressive loads. This section also includes an experience reporting in vivo pressures measured in the lumbar disc of a sheep under general anesthesia. In this case, a commercial fiber optic sensor and a purpose-built interrogation unit were used. Finally, the results of ongoing research aiming to develop fiber optic sensors prototypes for biomedical and biomechanical applications are presented. Thus, the proof of concept of two possible interferometric configurations intended for pressure measurement in body fluids was presented

    POF 2016: 25th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibres - proceedings

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