7 research outputs found


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    The paper presents a model for optimizing inbound and outbound pricing for closed-loop supply chains that remanufacture reusable products. Remanufacturers create reusable products from returned used products and sell the products “as new” to manufacturers or consumers. By implementing a return subsidy, remanufacturers can encourage the consumer to return used products. Demand for the as-new components often depends on the selling price and inventory. The available inventory increases as the subsidy increases and as the price decreases. Our model can determine the optimal subsidy and selling price for used and remanufactured products, respectively. Our model uses the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions to solve its nonlinear problem. Sensitivity analysis reveals how different parameters affect profit under model-optimized conditions

    An integrated approach for remanufacturing job shop scheduling with routing alternatives.

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    Remanufacturing is a practice of growing importance due to increasing environmental awareness and regulations. However, the stochastic natures inherent in the remanufacturing processes complicate its scheduling. This paper undertakes the challenge and presents a remanufacturing job shop scheduling approach by integrating alternative routing assignment and machine resource dispatching. A colored timed Petri net is introduced to model the dynamics of remanufacturing process, such as various process routings, uncertain operation times for cores, and machine resource conflicts. With the color attributes in Petri nets, two types of decision points, recovery routing selection and resource dispatching, are introduced and linked with places in CTPN model. With time attributes in Petri nets, the temporal aspect of recovery operations for cores as well as the evolution dynamics in cores\u27 operational stages is mathematically analyzed. A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm embedded scheduling strategy over CTPN is proposed to search for the optimal recovery routings for worn cores and their recovery operation sequences on workstations, in minimizing the total production cost. The approach is demonstrated through the remanufacturing of used machine tool and its effectiveness is compared against another two cases: baseline case with fixed recovery process routings and case 2 using standard SA/MST

    Strategic opportunities for product-agnostic remanufacturing

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    Purpose There is now much emphasis in both research and practice on the principles of circular economies. In this paper remanufacturing is examined as a key enabler of circular practices, and the concept of “Product-Agnostic Manufacturing” (PAR) is proposed. This work differentiates PAR from many traditional approaches to remanufacturing by virtue of PAR's treatment of product variety. Most existing approaches to remanufacturing feature low variety and standardisation; this study instead suggests that the exploitation of flexibilities in both operations and supply chains leads to new competitive strategies for firms to exploit. Design/methodology/approach This is a conceptual study that builds on a thorough exploration of contemporary remanufacturing literature in the development of the new PAR concept. Findings Through a detailed literature review it is shown that there are a range of benefits, challenges, and critical success factors that underpin the remanufacturing concept. Building on this understanding and bridging literature in operations flexibility and supply chain design, a detailed discussion on the nature of PAR is provided, and an agenda for future research developed. Originality/value Whilst there has been much literature on remanufacturing, there is a general tendency to treat supply chain and remanufacturing operations quite distinctly in individual articles. Additionally, there has been little consideration of multi-product remanufacturing, and for the limited studies where this is done, the emphasis is typically on problem avoidance. This study aims to provide a detailed insight into the developed PAR concept, showing how the remanufacture of a wide range of product varieties may be achieved through flexible operations and supply chain design

    Multi-product economic lot scheduling problem with manufacturing and remanufacturing using a basic period policy

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    In this research we study the multi-product Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP) with manufacturing and remanufacturing opportunities. Manufacturing and remanufacturing operations are performed on the same production line. Both manufactured and remanufactured products have the same quality thus they fulfil the same demand stream. Tang and Teunter (2006) firstly studied this type of Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Returns (ELSPR) and presented a complex algorithm for the optimal solution. More recently Teunter, Tang, and Kaparis (2009) proposed several heuristics to deal with the same problem using more computational efficient approaches. However, both studies have limited the attention to the common cycle policy with the assumption that a single (re)manufacturing lot is used for each item in each cycle. Relaxing the constraint of common cycle time and a single (re)manufacturing lot for each item in each cycle, we propose a simple, easy to implement algorithm, based on Segerstedt (1999), to solve the model using a basic period policy. Several numerical examples show the applicability of the algorithm and the cost savings

    Multi-product economic lot scheduling problem with manufacturing and remanufacturing using a basic period policy

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    In this research we study the multi-product Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP) with manufacturing and remanufacturing opportunities. Manufacturing and remanufacturing operations are performed on the same production line. Both manufactured and remanufactured products have the same quality thus they fulfil the same demand stream. Tang and Teunter (2006) firstly studied this type of Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Returns (ELSPR) and presented a complex algorithm for the optimal solution. More recently Teunter, Tang, and Kaparis (2009) proposed several heuristics to deal with the same problem using more computational efficient approaches. However, both studies have limited the attention to the common cycle policy with the assumption that a single (re)manufacturing lot is used for each item in each cycle. Relaxing the constraint of common cycle time and a single (re)manufacturing lot for each item in each cycle, we propose a simple, easy to implement algorithm, based on Segerstedt (1999), to solve the model using a basic period policy. Several numerical examples show the applicability of the algorithm and the cost savings.Funding Agencies|Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education||</p

    Diseño y validación de un modelo de planeación y programación de la producción basado en sistemas multiproducto – multiempaque

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    La programación de múltiples referencias en los sistemas de manufactura apunta a la facilidad de la producción. En estos sistemas se implementan diferentes estrategias de producción por lotes, de acuerdo con el tipo de sistema. Sin embargo, se ignoran elementos importantes tales como los alistamientos y emisiones de dióxido de carbono por la utilización de energía. Adicionalmente, se tiene incertidumbre de la demanda, la cual influye en cómo se empaca. Por lo tanto, es necesario implementar estrategias de estandarización o flexibilidad para determinar el tamaño de empaque de producto terminado. Esta investigación presenta la formulación de dos modelos matemáticos que integran los problemas de programación de la producción y tamaño de empaque de producto terminado con base en dos estrategias: (1) minimización de costo de unidades perdidas y (2) minimización de costo de desembalaje. Ambos modelos están sujetos a restricciones de secuenciación, tiempos de inicio de procesamiento y empaque, tamaño de los sub–lotes de empaque, tiempo total disponible e inventario final por referencia. Se diseñó un algoritmo genético híbrido (AGH) para resolver cada uno de los modelos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la calidad de las soluciones está afectada por los parámetros de búsqueda del AGH al resolver el modelo 1, mientras que para el modelo 2 no. El tiempo computacional aumenta al agregar referencias al resolver ambos modelos. Además, la segunda estrategia de empaque (modelo 2) entrega mejores resultados por la flexibilidad de abrir empaques de producto terminado.MaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Industria

    An investigation of production and transportation policies for multi-item and multi-stage production systems

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    Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation besteht aus fünf Artikeln, einem Arbeitspapier und vier Artikeln, die in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht wurden. Alle fünf Artikel beschäftigen sich mit der Losgrößenplanung, jedoch mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten. Artikel 1 bis 4 untersuchen das Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP), während sich der fünfte Artikel mit einer Variante des Joint Economic Lot Size (JELS) Problems beschäftigt. Die Struktur dieser Dissertation trägt diesen beiden Forschungsrichtungen Rechnung und ordnet die ersten vier Artikel dem Teil A und den fünften Artikel dem Teil B zu