2,852 research outputs found

    A bi-objective turning restriction design problem in urban road networks

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    Evolutionary algorithms for solving multi-objective shortest path problem -Case study of vehicle navigation problems

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    Finding Multi-objective shortest paths (MOSP) is an important problem in computer and transportation networks. MOSP is an NP-hard problem when it contains more than two objectives. MOSP problem can be e ciently solved using the evolutionary algorithms (EAs). The existing EAs are of two types: Population-based and single-solution-based. Population-based EAs are memory- intensive and single-solution-based EAs cannot yield good quality solutions within a small amount of time. We proposed two new EAs to solve the MOSP problem and overcome the shortcomings of the existing EAs. The proposed EAs require lesser memory and at the same time can also yield good quality solutions. The rst algorithm is based on Stochastic Evolution (StocE) and works on a single solution. It considers di erent sub-paths in the solution as its character- istics and eliminates bad sub-paths from generation to generation. The second proposed algorithm is an o -spring non-storing GA which is memory-e cient than the existing GAs and its variants. Unlike existing GA-based algorithms it does not store children chromosomes in the memory. In the proposed GA- based algorithm, the children chromosomes conditionally replace their parent chromosomes and thus do not need to be stored at new memory locations. The quality of the pareto-optimal sets of the proposed algorithms is determined by using the Hypervolume metric. This works considers two applications in which the MOSP problem occurs. The rst problem is the selection of optimal paths in the conventional vehicles and the second problem is the selection of optimal paths in the electric vehicles. The proposed algorithm outperforms the exist- ing single-solution-based EAs in solution quality and requires lesser memory than the population-based algorithms. The proposed algorithms can also be generalized to solve any multi-objective optimization problems. The proposed algorithm can solve complicated test problems of multi-objective optimization with a quality which is competitive to the existing popular EAs. The e ect of memory size on the solution quality is also studied. It is found that excessive increase in the memory size does not improve the solution quality. The exper- imental results show that the proposed StocE and GA based algorithms are highly suitable to solve the MOSP problem in embedded systems学位記番号:工博甲46

    Integrated Approach for Diversion Route Performance Management during Incidents

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    Non-recurrent congestion is one of the critical sources of congestion on the highway. In particular, traffic incidents create congestion in unexpected times and places that travelers do not prepare for. During incidents on freeways, route diversion has been proven to be a useful tactic to mitigate non-recurrent congestion. However, the capacity constraints created by the signals on the alternative routes put limits on the diversion process since the typical time-of-day signal control cannot handle the sudden increase in the traffic on the arterials due to diversion. Thus, there is a need for proactive strategies for the management of the diversion routes performance and for coordinated freeway and arterial (CFA) operation during incidents on the freeway. Proactive strategies provide better opportunities for both the agency and the traveler to make and implement decisions to improve performance. This dissertation develops a methodology for the performance management of diversion routes through integrating freeway and arterials operation during incidents on the freeway. The methodology includes the identification of potential diversion routes for freeway incidents and the generation and implementation of special signal plans under different incident and traffic conditions. The study utilizes machine learning, data analytics, multi-resolution modeling, and multi-objective optimization for this purpose. A data analytic approach based on the long short term memory (LSTM) deep neural network method is used to predict the utilized alternative routes dynamically using incident attributes and traffic status on the freeway and travel time on both the freeway and alternative routes during the incident. Then, a combination of clustering analysis, multi- resolution modeling (MRM), and multi-objective optimization techniques are used to develop and activate special signal plans on the identified alternative routes. The developed methods use data from different sources, including connected vehicle (CV) data and high- resolution controller (HRC) data for congestion patterns identification at the critical intersections on the alternative routes and signal plans generation. The results indicate that implementing signal timing plans to better accommodate the diverted traffic can improve the performance of the diverted traffic without significantly deteriorating other movements\u27 performance at the intersection. The findings show the importance of using data from emerging sources in developing plans to improve the performance of the diversion routes and ensure CFA operation with higher effectiveness

    Green Wave Traffic Optimization - A Survey

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    The objective of this survey is to cover the research in the area of adaptive traffic control with emphasis on the applied optimization methods. The problem of optimizing traffic signals can be viewed in various ways, depending on political, economic and ecological goals. The survey highlights some important conflicts, which support the notion that traffic signal optimization is a multi-objective problem, and relates this to the most common measures of effectiveness. A distinction can be made between classical systems, which operate with a common cycle time, and the more flexible, phase-based, approach, which is shown to be more suitable for adaptive traffic control. To support this claim three adaptive systems, which use alternatives to the classical optimization procedures, are described in detail.

    A benchmark test problem toolkit for multi-objective path optimization

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    Due to the complexity of multi-objective optimization problems (MOOPs) in general, it is crucial to test MOOP methods on some benchmark test problems. Many benchmark test problem toolkits have been developed for continuous parameter/numerical optimization, but fewer toolkits reported for discrete combinational optimization. This paper reports a benchmark test problem toolkit especially for multi-objective path optimization problem (MOPOP), which is a typical category of discrete combinational optimization. With the reported toolkit, the complete Pareto front of a generated test problem of MOPOP can be deduced and found out manually, and the problem scale and complexity are controllable and adjustable. Many methods for discrete combinational MOOPs often only output a partial or approximated Pareto front. With the reported benchmark test problem toolkit for MOPOP, we can now precisely tell how many true Pareto points are missed by a partial Pareto front, or how large the gap is between an approximated Pareto front and the complete one

    Metaheuristic Algorithms for Spatial Multi-Objective Decision Making

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    Spatial decision making is an everyday activity, common to individuals and organizations. However, recently there is an increasing interest in the importance of spatial decision-making systems, as more decision-makers with concerns about sustainability, social, economic, environmental, land use planning, and transportation issues discover the benefits of geographical information. Many spatial decision problems are regarded as optimization problems, which involve a large set of feasible alternatives, multiple conflicting objectives that are difficult and complex to solve. Hence, Multi-Objective Optimization methods (MOO)—metaheuristic algorithms integrated with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are appealing to be powerful tools in these regards, yet their implementation in spatial context is still challenging. In this thesis, various metaheuristic algorithms are adopted and improved to solve complex spatial problems. Disaster management and urban planning are used as case studies of this thesis.These case studies are explored in the four papers that are part of this thesis. In paper I, four metaheuristic algorithms have been implemented on the same spatial multi-objective problem—evacuation planning, to investigate their performance and potential. The findings show that all tested algorithms were effective in solving the problem, although in general, some had higher performance, while others showed the potential of being flexible to be modified to fit better to the problem. In the same context, paper II identified the effectiveness of the Multi-objective Artificial Bee Colony (MOABC) algorithm when improved to solve the evacuation problem. In paper III, we proposed a multi-objective optimization approach for urban evacuation planning that considered three spatial objectives which were optimized using an improved Multi-Objective Cuckoo Search algorithm (MOCS). Both improved algorithms (MOABC and MOCS) proved to be efficient in solving evacuation planning when compared to their standard version and other algorithms. Moreover, Paper IV proposed an urban land-use allocation model that involved three spatial objectives and proposed an improved Non-dominated Sorting Biogeography-based Optimization algorithm (NSBBO) to solve the problem efficiently and effectively.Overall, the work in this thesis demonstrates that different metaheuristic algorithms have the potential to change the way spatial decision problems are structured and can improve the transparency and facilitate decision-makers to map solutions and interactively modify decision preferences through trade-offs between multiple objectives. Moreover, the obtained results can be used in a systematic way to develop policy recommendations. From the perspective of GIS - Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) research, the thesis contributes to spatial optimization modelling and extended knowledge on the application of metaheuristic algorithms. The insights from this thesis could also benefit the development and practical implementation of other Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to enhance the capabilities of GIS for tackling complex spatial multi-objective decision problems in the future

    Operational research IO 2021—analytics for a better world. XXI Congress of APDIO, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, November 7–8, 2021

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    This book provides the current status of research on the application of OR methods to solve emerging and relevant operations management problems. Each chapter is a selected contribution of the IO2021 - XXI Congress of APDIO, the Portuguese Association of Operational Research, held in Figueira da Foz from 7 to 8 November 2021. Under the theme of analytics for a better world, the book presents interesting results and applications of OR cutting-edge methods and techniques to various real-world problems. Of particular importance are works applying nonlinear, multi-objective optimization, hybrid heuristics, multicriteria decision analysis, data envelopment analysis, simulation, clustering techniques and decision support systems, in different areas such as supply chain management, production planning and scheduling, logistics, energy, telecommunications, finance and health. All chapters were carefully reviewed by the members of the scientific program committee.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio