226 research outputs found

    Adaptive threshold optimisation for colour-based lip segmentation in automatic lip-reading systems

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, September 2016Having survived the ordeal of a laryngectomy, the patient must come to terms with the resulting loss of speech. With recent advances in portable computing power, automatic lip-reading (ALR) may become a viable approach to voice restoration. This thesis addresses the image processing aspect of ALR, and focuses three contributions to colour-based lip segmentation. The rst contribution concerns the colour transform to enhance the contrast between the lips and skin. This thesis presents the most comprehensive study to date by measuring the overlap between lip and skin histograms for 33 di erent colour transforms. The hue component of HSV obtains the lowest overlap of 6:15%, and results show that selecting the correct transform can increase the segmentation accuracy by up to three times. The second contribution is the development of a new lip segmentation algorithm that utilises the best colour transforms from the comparative study. The algorithm is tested on 895 images and achieves percentage overlap (OL) of 92:23% and segmentation error (SE) of 7:39 %. The third contribution focuses on the impact of the histogram threshold on the segmentation accuracy, and introduces a novel technique called Adaptive Threshold Optimisation (ATO) to select a better threshold value. The rst stage of ATO incorporates -SVR to train the lip shape model. ATO then uses feedback of shape information to validate and optimise the threshold. After applying ATO, the SE decreases from 7:65% to 6:50%, corresponding to an absolute improvement of 1:15 pp or relative improvement of 15:1%. While this thesis concerns lip segmentation in particular, ATO is a threshold selection technique that can be used in various segmentation applications.MT201

    Discriminative preprocessing of speech : towards improving biometric authentication

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    Im Rahmen des "SecurePhone-Projektes" wurde ein multimodales System zur Benutzerauthentifizierung entwickelt, das auf ein PDA implementiert wurde. Bei der vollzogenen Erweiterung dieses Systems wurde der Möglichkeit nachgegangen, die Benutzerauthentifizierung durch eine auf biometrischen Parametern (E.: "feature enhancement") basierende Unterscheidung zwischen Sprechern sowie durch eine Kombination mehrerer Parameter zu verbessern. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird ein allgemeines Bezugssystem zur Verbesserung der Parameter prĂ€sentiert, das ein mehrschichtiges neuronales Netz (E.: "MLP: multilayer perceptron") benutzt, um zu einer optimalen Sprecherdiskrimination zu gelangen. In einem ersten Schritt wird beim Trainieren des MLPs eine Teilmenge der Sprecher (Sprecherbasis) berĂŒcksichtigt, um die zugrundeliegenden Charakteristika des vorhandenen akustischen Parameterraums darzustellen. Am Ende eines zweiten Schrittes steht die Erkenntnis, dass die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der verwendeten Sprecherbasis die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit eines Sprechererkennungssystems entscheidend beeinflussen kann. Ein dritter Schritt fĂŒhrt zur Feststellung, dass sich die Selektion der Sprecherbasis ebenfalls auf die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit des Systems auswirken kann. Aufgrund dieser Beobachtung wird eine automatische Selektionsmethode fĂŒr die Sprecher auf der Basis des maximalen Durchschnittswertes der Zwischenklassenvariation (between-class variance) vorgeschlagen. Unter RĂŒckgriff auf verschiedene sprachliche Produktionssituationen (Sprachproduktion mit und ohne HintergrundgerĂ€usche; Sprachproduktion beim Telefonieren) wird gezeigt, dass diese Methode die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit des Erkennungssystems verbessern kann. Auf der Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wird erwartet, dass sich die hier fĂŒr die Sprechererkennung verwendete Methode auch fĂŒr andere biometrische ModalitĂ€ten als sinnvoll erweist. ZusĂ€tzlich wird in der vorliegenden Dissertation eine alternative ParameterreprĂ€sentation vorgeschlagen, die aus der sog. "Sprecher-Stimme-Signatur" (E.: "SVS: speaker voice signature") abgeleitet wird. Die SVS besteht aus Trajektorien in einem Kohonennetz (E.: "SOM: self-organising map"), das den akustischen Raum reprĂ€sentiert. Als weiteres Ergebnis der Arbeit erweist sich diese ParameterreprĂ€sentation als ErgĂ€nzung zu dem zugrundeliegenden Parameterset. Deshalb liegt eine Kombination beider Parametersets im Sinne einer Verbesserung der LeistungsfĂ€higkeit des Erkennungssystems nahe. Am Ende der Arbeit sind schließlich einige potentielle Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten zu den vorgestellten Methoden zu finden. SchlĂŒsselwörter: Feature Enhancement, MLP, SOM, Sprecher-Basis-Selektion, SprechererkennungIn the context of the SecurePhone project, a multimodal user authentication system was developed for implementation on a PDA. Extending this system, we investigate biometric feature enhancement and multi-feature fusion with the aim of improving user authentication accuracy. In this dissertation, a general framework for feature enhancement is proposed which uses a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to achieve optimal speaker discrimination. First, to train this MLP a subset of speakers (speaker basis) is used to represent the underlying characteristics of the given acoustic feature space. Second, the size of the speaker basis is found to be among the crucial factors affecting the performance of a speaker recognition system. Third, it is found that the selection of the speaker basis can also influence system performance. Based on this observation, an automatic speaker selection approach is proposed on the basis of the maximal average between-class variance. Tests in a variety of conditions, including clean and noisy as well as telephone speech, show that this approach can improve the performance of speaker recognition systems. This approach, which is applied here to feature enhancement for speaker recognition, can be expected to also be effective with other biometric modalities besides speech. Further, an alternative feature representation is proposed in this dissertation, which is derived from what we call speaker voice signatures (SVS). These are trajectories in a Kohonen self organising map (SOM) which has been trained to represent the acoustic space. This feature representation is found to be somewhat complementary to the baseline feature set, suggesting that they can be fused to achieve improved performance in speaker recognition. Finally, this dissertation finishes with a number of potential extensions of the proposed approaches. Keywords: feature enhancement, MLP, SOM, speaker basis selection, speaker recognition, biometric, authentication, verificatio

    Towards A Robust Arabic Speech Recognition System Based On Reservoir Computing

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    In this thesis we investigate the potential of developing a speech recognition system based on a recently introduced artificial neural network (ANN) technique, namely Reservoir Computing (RC). This technique has, in theory, a higher capability for modelling dynamic behaviour compared to feed-forward ANNs due to the recurrent connections between the nodes in the reservoir layer, which serves as a memory. We conduct this study on the Arabic language, (one of the most spoken languages in the world and the official language in 26 countries), because there is a serious gap in the literature on speech recognition systems for Arabic, making the potential impact high. The investigation covers a variety of tasks, including the implementation of the first reservoir-based Arabic speech recognition system. In addition, a thorough evaluation of the developed system is conducted including several comparisons to other state- of-the-art models found in the literature, and baseline models. The impact of feature extraction methods are studied in this work, and a new biologically inspired feature extraction technique, namely the Auditory Nerve feature, is applied to the speech recognition domain. Comparing different feature extraction methods requires access to the original recorded sound, which is not possible in the only publicly accessible Arabic corpus. We have developed the largest public Arabic corpus for isolated words, which contains roughly 10,000 samples. Our investigation has led us to develop two novel approaches based on reservoir computing, ESNSVMs (Echo State Networks with Support Vector Machines) and ESNEKMs (Echo State Networks with Extreme Kernel Machines). These aim to improve the performance of the conventional RC approach by proposing different readout architectures. These two approaches have been compared to the conventional RC approach and other state-of-the- art systems. Finally, these developed approaches have been evaluated on the presence of different types and levels of noise to examine their resilience to noise, which is crucial for real world applications

    Computer lipreading via hybrid deep neural network hidden Markov models

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    Constructing a viable lipreading system is a challenge because it is claimed that only 30% of information of speech production is visible on the lips. Nevertheless, in small vocabulary tasks, there have been several reports of high accuracies. However, investigation of larger vocabulary tasks is rare. This work examines constructing a large vocabulary lipreading system using an approach based-on Deep Neural Network Hidden Markov Models (DNN-HMMs). We present the historical development of computer lipreading technology and the state-ofthe-art results in small and large vocabulary tasks. In preliminary experiments, we evaluate the performance of lipreading and audiovisual speech recognition in small vocabulary data sets. We then concentrate on the improvement of lipreading systems in a more substantial vocabulary size with a multi-speaker data set. We tackle the problem of lipreading an unseen speaker. We investigate the effect of employing several stepstopre-processvisualfeatures. Moreover, weexaminethecontributionoflanguage modelling in a lipreading system where we use longer n-grams to recognise visual speech. Our lipreading system is constructed on the 6000-word vocabulary TCDTIMIT audiovisual speech corpus. The results show that visual-only speech recognition can definitely reach about 60% word accuracy on large vocabularies. We actually achieved a mean of 59.42% measured via three-fold cross-validation on the speaker independent setting of the TCD-TIMIT corpus using Deep autoencoder features and DNN-HMM models. This is the best word accuracy of a lipreading system in a large vocabulary task reported on the TCD-TIMIT corpus. In the final part of the thesis, we examine how the DNN-HMM model improves lipreading performance. We also give an insight into lipreading by providing a feature visualisation. Finally, we present an analysis of lipreading results and suggestions for future development

    A motion-based approach for audio-visual automatic speech recognition

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    The research work presented in this thesis introduces novel approaches for both visual region of interest extraction and visual feature extraction for use in audio-visual automatic speech recognition. In particular, the speaker‘s movement that occurs during speech is used to isolate the mouth region in video sequences and motionbased features obtained from this region are used to provide new visual features for audio-visual automatic speech recognition. The mouth region extraction approach proposed in this work is shown to give superior performance compared with existing colour-based lip segmentation methods. The new features are obtained from three separate representations of motion in the region of interest, namely the difference in luminance between successive images, block matching based motion vectors and optical flow. The new visual features are found to improve visual-only and audiovisual speech recognition performance when compared with the commonly-used appearance feature-based methods. In addition, a novel approach is proposed for visual feature extraction from either the discrete cosine transform or discrete wavelet transform representations of the mouth region of the speaker. In this work, the image transform is explored from a new viewpoint of data discrimination; in contrast to the more conventional data preservation viewpoint. The main findings of this work are that audio-visual automatic speech recognition systems using the new features extracted from the frequency bands selected according to their discriminatory abilities generally outperform those using features designed for data preservation. To establish the noise robustness of the new features proposed in this work, their performance has been studied in presence of a range of different types of noise and at various signal-to-noise ratios. In these experiments, the audio-visual automatic speech recognition systems based on the new approaches were found to give superior performance both to audio-visual systems using appearance based features and to audio-only speech recognition systems
