332 research outputs found

    Voltage-to-Time Converter for High-Speed Time-Based Analog-to-Digital Converters

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    In modern complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies, the supply voltage scales faster than the threshold voltage (Vth) of the transistors in successive smaller nodes. Moreover, the intrinsic gain of the transistors diminishes as well. Consequently, these issues increase the difficulty of designing higher speed and larger resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) employing voltage-domain ADC architectures. Nevertheless, smaller transistor dimensions in state-of-the-art CMOS technologies leads to reduced capacitance, resulting in lower gate delays. Therefore, it becomes beneficial to first convert an input voltage to a 'time signal' using a voltage-to-time converter (VTC), instead of directly converting it into a digital output. This 'time-signal' could then be converted to a digital output through a time-to-digital converter (TDC) for complete analog-to-digital conversion. However, the overall performance of such an ADC will still be limited to the performance level of the voltage-to-time conversion process. Hence, this thesis presents the design of a linear VTC for a high-speed time-based ADC in 28 nm CMOS process. The proposed VTC consists of a sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit, a ramp generator and a comparator to perform the conversion of the input signal from the voltage to the time domain. Larger linearity is attained by integrating a constant current (with high output impedance) over a capacitor, generating a linear ramp. The VTC operates at 256 MSPS consuming 1.3 mW from 1 V supply with a full-scale 1 V pk-pk differential input signal, while achieving a time-domain output signal with a spurious-free-dynamic-range (SFDR) of 77 dB and a signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) of 56 dB at close to Nyquist frequency (f = 126.5 MHz). The proposed VTC attains an output range of 2.7 ns, which is the highest linear output range for a VTC at this speed, published to date

    Oversampled ADC based on pulse frequency modulator and TDC

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    Oversaw led converters based on voltage controlled ring oscillators are an attractive solution because of their digital implementation and simplicity. However, the voltage-to-frequency conversion of ring oscillators displays a poor linearity. Replacing the ring oscillator by a pulse frequency modulator (PFM) that provides improved linearity at the expense of feedback and analogue amplification is proposed. Compared to the equivalent continuous time sigma delta modulators, the PFM may be more tolerant to circuit impairments. In addition, the output data of the proposed architecture is a multibit sequence through the use of a time-to-digital converter TDC instead of a Flash quantiser or a multibit digital-to-analogue converter. A high dynamic range can be achieved without severe constraints on analogue mismatch or clock jitter

    Front-ends para LiDAR baseados em ADC e TDC

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    Autonomous vehicles are a promising technology to save over a million lives each year that are lost in road accidents. However, bringing safe autonomous vehicles to market requires massive development, starting with vision sensors. LiDAR is a fundamental vision sensor for autonomous vehicles, as it enables high resolution 3D vision. However, automotive LiDAR is not yet a mature technology, and, also requires massive development in many aspects. This thesis aims to contribute to the maturity of LiDAR, focusing on sampling architectures for LiDAR front-ends. Two architectures were developed. The first is based on a pipelined ADC, available from an AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ board. The ADC is synchronized with the emitted pulse and able to sample at 1 Gsample/s. The second architecture is based on a TDC that is directly implemented in an FPGA. It relies on a tapped delay line topology comprising 45 delay elements and on a mux-based decoder, resulting in a resolution of 50 ps. Preliminary test results show that both implementations operate correctly, and are both suitable for sampling short pulses typically used by LiDARs. When comparing both architectures, we conclude that an ADC consumes a significant amount of power, and uses many FPGA resources. However, it samples the LiDAR waveform without any loss of information, therefore enabling maximum range and precision. The TDC is just the opposite: it consumes little power, and uses less FPGA resources. However, it only captures one sample per pulse.Os veículos autónomos são uma tecnologia promissora para salvar mais de um milhão de vidas por ano, colhidas por acidentes rodoviários. Contudo, colocar veículos autónomos seguros no mercado requer inúmeros desenvolvimentos, a começar por sensores de visão. O LiDAR é um sensor de visão fundamental para veículos autónomos, pois permite uma visão 3D de alta resolução. Contudo, o LiDAR automotivo não é uma tecnologia madura, e portanto requer também desenvolvimento em vários aspectos. Esta dissertação visa contribuir para a maturidade do LiDAR, com foco em arquiteturas de amostragem para front-ends de LiDAR. Foram desenvolvidas duas arquiteturas. A primeira assenta numa ADC pipelined, por sua vez implementada numa placa de teste AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ. A ADC opera em sincronismo com o pulso emitido, e permite capturar amostras a 1 Gsample/s. A segunda arquitetura assenta num TDC implementado diretamente numa FPGA. O TDC baseia-se numa topologia tapped delay line com 45 linhas de atraso, e num descodificador à base de multiplexers, permitindo uma resolução temporal de 50 ps. Resultados preliminares mostram que ambas as implementações operam corretamente, e são adequadas para amostrar pulsos curtos tipicamente associados a LiDAR. Em termos comparativos, a arquitectura com base numa ADC tem um consumo de potência considerável e requer uma quantidade significativa de recursos da FPGA. Contudo, esta permite amostrar a forma de onda de LiDAR sem nenhuma perda de informação, permitindo assim alcance e precisão máximos. A arquitectura com base num TDC é exatamente o oposto: tem um baixo consumo de potência e requer poucos recursos da FPGA. Contudo, permite capturar apenas uma amostra por pulso.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Architectural Alternatives to Implement High-Performance Delta-Sigma Modulators

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    RÉSUMÉ Le besoin d’appareils portatifs, de téléphones intelligents et de systèmes microélectroniques implantables médicaux s’accroît remarquablement. Cependant, l’optimisation de l’alimentation de tous ces appareils électroniques portables est l’un des principaux défis en raison du manque de piles à grande capacité utilisées pour les alimenter. C’est un fait bien établi que le convertisseur analogique-numérique (CAN) est l’un des blocs les plus critiques de ces appareils et qu’il doit convertir efficacement les signaux analogiques au monde numérique pour effectuer un post-traitement tel que l’extraction de caractéristiques. Parmi les différents types de CAN, les modulateurs Delta Sigma (��M) ont été utilisés dans ces appareils en raison des fonctionnalités alléchantes qu’ils offrent. En raison du suréchantillonnage et pour éloigner le bruit de la bande d’intérêt, un CAN haute résolution peut être obtenu avec les architectures ��. Il offre également un compromis entre la fréquence d’échantillonnage et la résolution, tout en offrant une architecture programmable pour réaliser un CAN flexible. Ces CAN peuvent être implémentés avec des blocs analogiques de faible précision. De plus, ils peuvent être efficacement optimisés au niveau de l’architecture et circuits correspondants. Cette dernière caractéristique a été une motivation pour proposer différentes architectures au fil des ans. Cette thèse contribue à ce sujet en explorant de nouvelles architectures pour optimiser la structure ��M en termes de résolution, de consommation d’énergie et de surface de silicium. Des soucis particuliers doivent également être pris en compte pour faciliter la mise en œuvre du ��M. D’autre part, les nouveaux procédés CMOS de conception et fabrication apportent des améliorations remarquables en termes de vitesse, de taille et de consommation d’énergie lors de la mise en œuvre de circuits numériques. Une telle mise à l’échelle agressive des procédés, rend la conception de blocs analogiques tel que un amplificateur de transconductance opérationnel (OTA), difficile. Par conséquent, des soins spéciaux sont également pris en compte dans cette thèse pour surmonter les problèmes énumérés. Ayant mentionné ci-dessus que cette thèse est principalement composée de deux parties principales. La première concerne les nouvelles architectures implémentées en mode de tension et la seconde partie contient une nouvelle architecture réalisée en mode hybride tension et temps.----------ABSTRACT The need for hand-held devices, smart-phones and medical implantable microelectronic sys-tems, is remarkably growing up. However, keeping all these electronic devices power optimized is one of the main challenges due to the lack of long life-time batteries utilized to power them up. It is a well-established fact that analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is one of the most critical building blocks of such devices and it needs to efficiently convert analog signals to the digital world to perform post processing such as channelizing, feature extraction, etc. Among various type of ADCs, Delta Sigma Modulators (��Ms) have been widely used in those devices due to the tempting features they offer. In fact, due to oversampling and noise-shaping technique a high-resolution ADC can be achieved with �� architectures. It also offers a compromise between sampling frequency and resolution while providing a highly-programmable approach to realize an ADC. Moreover, such ADCs can be implemented with low-precision analog blocks. Last but not the least, they are capable of being effectively power optimized at both architectural and circuit levels. The latter has been a motivation to proposed different architectures over the years.This thesis contributes to this topic by exploring new architectures to effectively optimize the ��M structure in terms of resolution, power consumption and chip area. Special cares must also be taken into account to ease the implementation of the ��M. On the other hand, advanced node CMOS processes bring remarkable improvements in terms of speed, size and power consumption while implementing digital circuits. Such an aggressive process scaling, however, make the design of analog blocks, e.g. operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs), cumbersome. Therefore, special cares are also taken into account in this thesis to overcome the mentioned issues. Having had above mentioned discussion, this thesis is mainly split in two main categories. First category addresses new architectures implemented in a pure voltage domain and the second category contains new architecture realized in a hybrid voltage and time domain. In doing so, the thesis first focuses on a switched-capacitor implementation of a ��M while presenting an architectural solution to overcome the limitations of the previous approaches. This limitations include a power hungry adder in a conventional feed-forward topology as well as power hungry OTAs

    Aika-digitaalimuunnin laajakaistaisiin aikapohjaisiin analogia-digitaalimuuntimiin

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    Modern deeply scaled semiconductor processes make the design of voltage-domain circuits increasingly challenging. On the contrary, the area and power consumption of digital circuits are improving with every new process node. Consequently, digital solutions are designed in place of their purely analog counterparts in applications such as analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. Time-based analog-to-digital converters (ADC) employ digital-intensive architectures by processing analog quantities in time-domain. The quantization step of the time-based A/D-conversion is carried out by a time-to-digital converter (TDC). A free-running ring oscillator -based TDC design is presented for use in wideband time-based ADCs. The proposed architecture aims to maximize time resolution and full-scale range, and to achieve error resilient conversion performance with minimized power and area consumptions. The time resolution is maximized by employing a high-frequency multipath ring oscillator, and the full-scale range is extended using a high-speed gray counter. The error resilience is achieved by custom sense-amplifier -based sampling flip-flops, gray coded counter and a digital error correction algorithm for counter sampling error correction. The implemented design achieves up to 9-bit effective resolution at 250 MS/s with 4.3 milliwatt power consumption.Modernien puolijohdeteknologioiden skaalautumisen seurauksena jännitetason piirien suunnittelu tulee entistä haasteellisemmaksi. Toisaalta digitaalisten piirirakenteiden pinta-ala sekä tehonkulutus pienenevät prosessikehityksen myötä. Tästä syystä digitaalisia ratkaisuja suunnitellaan vastaavien puhtaasti analogisien rakenteiden tilalle. Analogia-digitaalimuunnos (A/D-muunnos) voidaan toteuttaa jännitetason sijaan aikatasossa käyttämällä aikapohjaisia A/D-muuntimia, jotka ovat rakenteeltaan pääosin digitaalisia. Kvantisointivaihe aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa toteutetaan aika-digitaalimuuntimella. Työ esittelee vapaasti oskilloivaan silmukkaoskillaattoriin perustuvan aika-digitaalimuuntimen, joka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi laajakaistaisessa aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa. Esitelty rakenne pyrkii maksimoimaan muuntimen aikaresoluution sekä muunnosalueen, sekä saavuttamaan virhesietoisen muunnostoiminnan minimoidulla tehon sekä pinta-alan kulutuksella. Aikaresoluutio on maksimoitu hyödyntämällä suuritaajuista monipolkuista silmukkaoskillaattoria, ja muunnosalue on maksimoitu nopealla Gray-koodi -laskuripiirillä. Muunnosprosessin virhesietoisuus on saavutettu toteuttamalla näytteistys herkillä kiikkuelementeillä, hyödyntämällä Gray-koodattua laskuria, sekä jälkiprosessoimalla laskurin näytteistetyt arvot virheenkorjausalgoritmilla. Esitelty muunnintoteutus saavuttaa 9 bitin efektiivisen resoluution 250 MS/s näytetaajuudella ja 4.3 milliwatin tehonkulutuksella
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