31,936 research outputs found

    Audio-visual foreground extraction for event characterization

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    This paper presents a new method able to integrate audio and visual information for scene analysis in a typical surveillance scenario, using only one camera and one monaural microphone. Visual information is analyzed by a standard visual background/foreground (BG/FG) modelling module, enhanced with a novelty detection stage, and coupled with an audio BG/FG modelling scheme. The audiovisual association is performed on-line, by exploiting the concept of synchrony. Experimental tests carrying out classification and clustering of events show all the potentialities of the proposed approach, also in comparison with the results obtained by using the single modalities

    Flame Detection for Video-based Early Fire Warning Systems and 3D Visualization of Fire Propagation

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    Early and accurate detection and localization of flame is an essential requirement of modern early fire warning systems. Video-based systems can be used for this purpose; however, flame detection remains a challenging issue due to the fact that many natural objects have similar characteristics with fire. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for video based flame detection, which employs various spatio-temporal features such as colour probability, contour irregularity, spatial energy, flickering and spatio-temporal energy. Various background subtraction algorithms are tested and comparative results in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy are presented. Experimental results with two classification methods show that the proposed methodology provides high fire detection rates with a reasonable false alarm ratio. Finally, a 3D visualization tool for the estimation of the fire propagation is outlined and simulation results are presented and discussed.The original article was published by ACTAPRESS and is available here: http://www.actapress.com/Content_of_Proceeding.aspx?proceedingid=73

    Video foreground detection based on symmetric alpha-stable mixture models.

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    Background subtraction (BS) is an efficient technique for detecting moving objects in video sequences. A simple BS process involves building a model of the background and extracting regions of the foreground (moving objects) with the assumptions that the camera remains stationary and there exist no movements in the background. These assumptions restrict the applicability of BS methods to real-time object detection in video. In this paper, we propose an extended cluster BS technique with a mixture of symmetric alpha stable (SS) distributions. An on-line self-adaptive mechanism is presented that allows automated estimation of the model parameters using the log moment method. Results over real video sequences from indoor and outdoor environments, with data from static and moving video cameras are presented. The SS mixture model is shown to improve the detection performance compared with a cluster BS method using a Gaussian mixture model and the method of Li et al. [11]

    Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Tracking

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    With efficient appearance learning models, Discriminative Correlation Filter (DCF) has been proven to be very successful in recent video object tracking benchmarks and competitions. However, the existing DCF paradigm suffers from two major issues, i.e., spatial boundary effect and temporal filter degradation. To mitigate these challenges, we propose a new DCF-based tracking method. The key innovations of the proposed method include adaptive spatial feature selection and temporal consistent constraints, with which the new tracker enables joint spatial-temporal filter learning in a lower dimensional discriminative manifold. More specifically, we apply structured spatial sparsity constraints to multi-channel filers. Consequently, the process of learning spatial filters can be approximated by the lasso regularisation. To encourage temporal consistency, the filter model is restricted to lie around its historical value and updated locally to preserve the global structure in the manifold. Last, a unified optimisation framework is proposed to jointly select temporal consistency preserving spatial features and learn discriminative filters with the augmented Lagrangian method. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations have been conducted on a number of well-known benchmarking datasets such as OTB2013, OTB50, OTB100, Temple-Colour, UAV123 and VOT2018. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art approaches

    Comparison of fusion methods for thermo-visual surveillance tracking

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    In this paper, we evaluate the appearance tracking performance of multiple fusion schemes that combine information from standard CCTV and thermal infrared spectrum video for the tracking of surveillance objects, such as people, faces, bicycles and vehicles. We show results on numerous real world multimodal surveillance sequences, tracking challenging objects whose appearance changes rapidly. Based on these results we can determine the most promising fusion scheme

    Online Localization and Tracking of Multiple Moving Speakers in Reverberant Environments

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    We address the problem of online localization and tracking of multiple moving speakers in reverberant environments. The paper has the following contributions. We use the direct-path relative transfer function (DP-RTF), an inter-channel feature that encodes acoustic information robust against reverberation, and we propose an online algorithm well suited for estimating DP-RTFs associated with moving audio sources. Another crucial ingredient of the proposed method is its ability to properly assign DP-RTFs to audio-source directions. Towards this goal, we adopt a maximum-likelihood formulation and we propose to use an exponentiated gradient (EG) to efficiently update source-direction estimates starting from their currently available values. The problem of multiple speaker tracking is computationally intractable because the number of possible associations between observed source directions and physical speakers grows exponentially with time. We adopt a Bayesian framework and we propose a variational approximation of the posterior filtering distribution associated with multiple speaker tracking, as well as an efficient variational expectation-maximization (VEM) solver. The proposed online localization and tracking method is thoroughly evaluated using two datasets that contain recordings performed in real environments.Comment: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 201

    A single-chip FPGA implementation of real-time adaptive background model

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    This paper demonstrates the use of a single-chip FPGA for the extraction of highly accurate background models in real-time. The models are based on 24-bit RGB values and 8-bit grayscale intensity values. Three background models are presented, all using a camcorder, single FPGA chip, four blocks of RAM and a display unit. The architectures have been implemented and tested using a Panasonic NVDS60B digital video camera connected to a Celoxica RC300 Prototyping Platform with a Xilinx Virtex II XC2v6000 FPGA and 4 banks of onboard RAM. The novel FPGA architecture presented has the advantages of minimizing latency and the movement of large datasets, by conducting time critical processes on BlockRAM. The systems operate at clock rates ranging from 57MHz to 65MHz and are capable of performing pre-processing functions like temporal low-pass filtering on standard frame size of 640X480 pixels at up to 210 frames per second

    Multimodal person recognition for human-vehicle interaction

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    Next-generation vehicles will undoubtedly feature biometric person recognition as part of an effort to improve the driving experience. Today's technology prevents such systems from operating satisfactorily under adverse conditions. A proposed framework for achieving person recognition successfully combines different biometric modalities, borne out in two case studies