32 research outputs found

    Online Service Migration in Edge Computing with Incomplete Information: A Deep Recurrent Actor-Critic Method

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    Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is an emerging computing paradigm that extends cloud computing to the network edge (e.g., base stations, MEC servers) to support resource-intensive applications on mobile devices. As a crucial problem in MEC, service migration needs to decide where to migrate user services for maintaining high Quality-of-Service (QoS), when users roam between MEC servers with limited coverage and capacity. However, finding an optimal migration policy is intractable due to the highly dynamic MEC environment and user mobility. Many existing works make centralized migration decisions based on complete system-level information, which can be time-consuming and suffer from the scalability issue with the rapidly increasing number of mobile users. To address these challenges, we propose a new learning-driven method, namely Deep Recurrent Actor-Critic based service Migration (DRACM), which is user-centric and can make effective online migration decisions given incomplete system-level information. Specifically, the service migration problem is modeled as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). To solve the POMDP, we design an encoder network that combines a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and an embedding matrix for effective extraction of hidden information. We then propose a tailored off-policy actor-critic algorithm with a clipped surrogate objective for efficient training. Results from extensive experiments based on real-world mobility traces demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms both the heuristic and state-of-the-art learning-driven algorithms, and achieves near-optimal results on various MEC scenarios

    Collaborative Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Service Internet of Vehicles

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    Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a recently introduced paradigm aiming at extending the Internet of Things (IoT) toward the vehicular scenario in order to cope with its specific requirements. Nowadays, there are several types of vehicles, with different characteristics, requested services, and delivered data types. In order to efficiently manage such heterogeneity, Edge Computing facilities are often deployed in the urban environment, usually co-located with the Roadside Units (RSUs), for creating what is referenced as Vehicular Edge Computing (VEC). In this paper, we consider a joint network selection and computation offloading optimization problem in multi-service VEC environments, aiming at minimizing the overall latency and the consumed energy in an IoV scenario. Two novel collaborative Q-learning based approaches are proposed, where Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication paradigms are exploited, respectively. In the first approach, we define a collaborative Q-learning method in which, through V2I communications, several vehicles participate in the training process of a centralized Q-agent. In the second approach, by exploiting the V2V communications, each vehicle is made aware of the surrounding environment and the potential offloading neighbors, leading to better decisions in terms of network selection and offloading. In addition to the tabular method, an advanced deep learning-based approach is also used for the action value estimation, allowing to handle more complex vehicular scenarios. Simulation results show that the proposed approaches improve the network performance in terms of latency and consumed energy with respect to some benchmark solutions

    Computation Offloading and Task Scheduling on Network Edge

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    The Fifth-Generation (5G) networks facilitate the evolution of communication systems and accelerate a revolution in the Information Technology (IT) field. In the 5G era, wireless networks are anticipated to provide connectivity for billions of Mobile User Devices (MUDs) around the world and to support a variety of innovative use cases, such as autonomous driving, ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT), and Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The novel use cases, however, usually incorporate compute-intensive applications, which generate enormous computing service demands with diverse and stringent service requirements. In particular, autonomous driving calls for prompt data processing for the safety-related applications, IoT nodes deployed in remote areas need energy-efficient computing given limited on-board energy, and vehicles require low-latency computing for IoV applications in a highly dynamic network. To support the emerging computing service demands, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), as a cutting-edge technology in 5G, utilizes computing resources on network edge to provide computing services for MUDs within a radio access network. The primary benefits of MEC can be elaborated from two perspectives. From the perspective of MUDs, MEC enables low-latency and energy-efficient computing by allowing MUDs to offload their computation tasks to proximal edge servers, which are installed in access points such as cellular base stations, Road-Side Units (RSUs), and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). On the other hand, from the perspective of network operators, MEC allows a large amount of computing data to be processed on network edge, thereby alleviating backhaul congestion. {MEC is a promising technology to support computing demands for the novel 5G applications within the RAN. The interesting issue is to maximize the computation capability of network edge to meet the diverse service requirements arising from the applications in dynamic network environments. However, the main technical challenges are: 1) how an edge server schedules its limited computing resources to optimize the Quality-of-Experience (QoE) in autonomous driving; 2) how the computation loads are balanced between the edge server and IoT nodes in computation loads to enable energy-efficient computing service provisioning; and 3) how multiple edge servers coordinate their computing resources to enable seamless and reliable computing services for high-mobility vehicles in IoV. In this thesis, we develop efficient computing resource management strategies for MEC, including computation offloading and task scheduling, to address the above three technical challenges. First, we study computation task scheduling to support real-time applications, such as localization and obstacle avoidance, for autonomous driving. In our considered scenario, autonomous vehicles periodically sense the environment, offload sensor data to an edge server for processing, and receive computing results from the edge server. Due to mobility and computing latency, a vehicle travels a certain distance between the instant of offloading its sensor data and the instant of receiving the computing result. Our objective is to design a scheduling scheme for the edge server to minimize the above traveled distance of vehicles. The idea is to determine the processing order according to the individual vehicle mobility and computation capability of the edge server. We formulate a Restless Multi-Armed Bandit (RMAB) problem, design a Whittle index-based stochastic scheduling scheme, and determine the index using a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) method. The proposed scheduling scheme can avoid the time-consuming policy exploration common in DRL scheduling approaches and makes effectual decisions with low complexity. Extensive simulation results demonstrate that, with the proposed index-based scheme, the edge server can deliver computing results to the vehicles promptly while adapting to time-variant vehicle mobility. Second, we study energy-efficient computation offloading and task scheduling for an edge server while provisioning computing services {for IoT nodes in remote areas}. In the considered scenario, a UAV is equipped with computing resources and plays the role of an aerial edge server to collect and process the computation tasks offloaded by ground MUDs. Given the service requirements of MUDs, we aim to maximize UAV energy efficiency by jointly optimizing the UAV trajectory, the user transmit power, and computation task scheduling. The resulting optimization problem corresponds to nonconvex fractional programming, and the Dinkelbach algorithm and the Successive Convex Approximation (SCA) technique are adopted to solve it. Furthermore, we decompose the problem into multiple subproblems for distributed and parallel problem solving. To cope with the case when the knowledge of user mobility is limited, we apply a spatial distribution estimation technique to predict the location of ground users so that the proposed approach can still be valid. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach to maximize the energy efficiency of the UAV. Third, we study collaboration among multiple edge servers in computation offloading and task scheduling to support computing services {in IoV}. In the considered scenario, vehicles traverse the coverage of edge servers and offload their tasks to their proximal edge servers. We develop a collaborative edge computing framework to reduce computing service latency and alleviate computing service interruption due to the high mobility of vehicles: 1) a Task Partition and Scheduling Algorithm (TPSA) is proposed to schedule the execution order of the tasks offloaded to the edge servers given a computation offloading strategy; and 2) an artificial intelligence-based collaborative computing approach is developed to determine the task offloading, computing, and result delivery policy for vehicles. Specifically, the offloading and computing problem is formulated as a Markov decision process. A DRL technique, i.e., deep deterministic policy gradient, is adopted to find the optimal solution in a complex urban transportation network. With the developed framework, the service cost, which includes computing service latency and service failure penalty, can be minimized via the optimal computation task scheduling and edge server selection. Simulation results show that the proposed AI-based collaborative computing approach can adapt to a highly dynamic environment with outstanding performance. In summary, we investigate computing resource management to optimize QoE of MUDs in the coverage of an edge server, to improve energy efficiency for an aerial edge server while provisioning computing services, and to coordinate computing resources among edge servers for supporting MUDs with high mobility. The proposed approaches and theoretical results contribute to computing resource management for MEC in 5G and beyond

    System Optimisation for Multi-access Edge Computing Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is an emerging and important distributed computing paradigm that aims to extend cloud service to the network edge to reduce network traffic and service latency. Proper system optimisation and maintenance are crucial to maintaining high Quality-of-service (QoS) for end-users. However, with the increasing complexity of the architecture of MEC and mobile applications, effectively optimising MEC systems is non-trivial. Traditional optimisation methods are generally based on simplified mathematical models and fixed heuristics, which rely heavily on expert knowledge. As a consequence, when facing dynamic MEC scenarios, considerable human efforts and expertise are required to redesign the model and tune the heuristics, which is time-consuming. This thesis aims to develop deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods to handle system optimisation problems in MEC. Instead of developing fixed heuristic algorithms for the problems, this thesis aims to design DRL-based methods that enable systems to learn optimal solutions on their own. This research demonstrates the effectiveness of DRL-based methods on two crucial system optimisation problems: task offloading and service migration. Specifically, this thesis first investigate the dependent task offloading problem that considers the inner dependencies of tasks. This research builds a DRL-based method combining sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) neural network to address the problem. Experiment results demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing heuristic algorithms and achieves near-optimal performance. To further enhance the learning efficiency of the DRL-based task offloading method for unseen learning tasks, this thesis then integrates meta reinforcement learning to handle the task offloading problem. Our method can adapt fast to new environments with a small number of gradient updates and samples. Finally, this thesis exploits the DRL-based solution for the service migration problem in MEC considering user mobility. This research models the service migration problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and propose a tailored actor-critic algorithm combining Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) to solve the POMDP. Results from extensive experiments based on real-world mobility traces demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms both the heuristic and state-of-the-art learning-driven algorithms on various MEC scenarios

    A Hybrid Proactive Caching System in Vehicular Networks based on Contextual Multi-armed Bandit Learning

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    Proactive Edge Caching in Vehicular Networks: An Online Bandit Learning Approach

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    Mobile Edge Computing

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    This is an open access book. It offers comprehensive, self-contained knowledge on Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), which is a very promising technology for achieving intelligence in the next-generation wireless communications and computing networks. The book starts with the basic concepts, key techniques and network architectures of MEC. Then, we present the wide applications of MEC, including edge caching, 6G networks, Internet of Vehicles, and UAVs. In the last part, we present new opportunities when MEC meets blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and distributed machine learning (e.g., federated learning). We also identify the emerging applications of MEC in pandemic, industrial Internet of Things and disaster management. The book allows an easy cross-reference owing to the broad coverage on both the principle and applications of MEC. The book is written for people interested in communications and computer networks at all levels. The primary audience includes senior undergraduates, postgraduates, educators, scientists, researchers, developers, engineers, innovators and research strategists