637 research outputs found

    Operational Research: Methods and Applications

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    Throughout its history, Operational Research has evolved to include a variety of methods, models and algorithms that have been applied to a diverse and wide range of contexts. This encyclopedic article consists of two main sections: methods and applications. The first aims to summarise the up-to-date knowledge and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art methods and key developments in the various subdomains of the field. The second offers a wide-ranging list of areas where Operational Research has been applied. The article is meant to be read in a nonlinear fashion. It should be used as a point of reference or first-port-of-call for a diverse pool of readers: academics, researchers, students, and practitioners. The entries within the methods and applications sections are presented in alphabetical order. The authors dedicate this paper to the 2023 Turkey/Syria earthquake victims. We sincerely hope that advances in OR will play a role towards minimising the pain and suffering caused by this and future catastrophes

    The Service Science of Climate Change Policy Analysis: applying the Spatial Climate Economic Policy Tool for Regional Equilibria

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    The use of Computable General Equilibrium modelling in evidence-based policy requires an advanced policy making frame of reference, advanced understanding of neoclassical economics and advanced operations research capabilities. This paper examines developments in neoclassical economic models for the analysis of strategy and policy. Regions and industries have the ever-present challenge of building a future where production is competitive and employment is durable. The Spatial Climate Economic Policy Tool for Regional Equilibria (Sceptre) is an intertemporal, multiregional general equilibrium model for investigating regional and industry strategies in the presence of global policies such as carbon emission constraints. In a novel intertemporal innovation, Sceptre draws together disciplines of economics and finance by substituting resource constraints with Dupont sales to asset ratios in order to dynamically link and mediate the stocks and flows of each commodity. This avoids the issue in Ramsey models that investment is merely an uncontrolled residual of production and consumption, and the issue in the Leontief B-matrix approach that final industry assets are cannibalised. Regionally aggregated Make and Use matrices drawn from GTAP's Social Accounting Matrices are used in the underling economic model as regional-commodity production function tableaux. Outputs for policy consideration include global geophysical climate effects, regional and industry activity levels, bilateral trade flows, potential resource expansiveness, investment, labour and regional and industry rates of transition from carbon trading to carbon amelioration and abatement

    Operational Research: Methods and Applications

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    Throughout its history, Operational Research has evolved to include a variety of methods, models and algorithms that have been applied to a diverse and wide range of contexts. This encyclopedic article consists of two main sections: methods and applications. The first aims to summarise the up-to-date knowledge and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art methods and key developments in the various subdomains of the field. The second offers a wide-ranging list of areas where Operational Research has been applied. The article is meant to be read in a nonlinear fashion. It should be used as a point of reference or first-port-of-call for a diverse pool of readers: academics, researchers, students, and practitioners. The entries within the methods and applications sections are presented in alphabetical order

    A manufacturing system energy-efficient optimisation model for maintenance production workforce size determination using integrated fuzzy logic and quality function deployment approach

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    In maintenance systems, the current approach to workforce analysis entails the utilisation of metrics that focus exclusively on workforce cost and productivity. This method omits the “green” concept, which principally hinges on energy-efficient manufacturing and also ignores the production-maintenance integration. The approach is not accurate and could not be heavily relied upon for sound maintenance decisions. Consequently, a comprehensive, scientifically-motivated, cost-effective and an environmentally-conscious approach are needed. With this in view, a deviation from the traditional approach through employing a combined fuzzy, quality function deployment interacting with three meta-heuristics (colliding bodies optimisation, big-bang big-crunch and particle swarm optimisation) for optimisation is made in the current study. The workforce size parameters are determined by maximising workforce size’s earned-valued as well as electric power efficiency maximisation subject to various real-life constraints. The efficacy and robustness of the model is tested with data from an aluminium products manufacturing system operating in a developing country. The results obtained indicate that the proposed colliding bodies’ optimisation framework is effective in comparison with other techniques. This implies that the proposed methodology potentially displays tremendous benefit of conserving energy, thus aiding environmental preservation and cost of energy savings. The principal novelty of the paper is the uniquely new method of quantifying the energy savings contributions of the maintenance workforc

    A review of optimization approaches for controlling water-cooled central cooling systems

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    Buildings consume a large amount of energy across all sectors of society, and a large proportion of building energy is used by HVAC systems to provide a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. In medium and large-size buildings, the central cooling system accounts for a major share of the energy consumption of the HVAC system. Improving the cooling system efficiency has gained much attention as the reduction of cooling system energy use can effectively contribute to environmental sustainability. The control and operation play an important role in central cooling system energy efficiency under dynamic working conditions. It has been proven that optimization of the control of the central cooling system can notably reduce the energy consumption of the system and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In recent years, numerous studies focus on this topic to improve the performance of optimal control in different aspects (e.g., energy efficiency, stability, robustness, and computation efficiency). This paper provides an up-to-date overview of the research and development of optimization approaches for controlling water-cooled central cooling systems, helping readers to understand the new significant trends and achievements in this area. The optimization approaches have been classified as system-model-based and data-based. In this paper, the optimization methodology is introduced first by summarizing the key decision variables, objective function, constraints, and optimization algorithms. The principle and performance of various optimization approaches are then summarized and compared according to their classification. Finally, the challenges and development trends for optimal control of water-cooled central cooling systems are discussed

    Contribution to the development of mathematical programming tools to assist decision-making in sustainability problems

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    L'activitat humana està excedint la capacitat de resposta de la Terra, el que pot tenir implicacions perjudicials per al futur benestar humà i del medi ambient. Sens dubte, severs canvis estructurals seran necessaris, el que exigeix prendre solucions eficaces davant els problemes emergents de sostenibilitat. En aquest context, aquesta tesi es centra en dues transformacions clau per re-connectar el desenvolupament humà amb el progrés sostenible: la "seguretat alimentària sostenible", desacoblant la intensificació agrícola de l'ús insostenible dels recursos; i el "model energètic sostenible", donant suport al canvi cap a una economia respectuosa amb el medi ambient. El marc metodològic consisteix a abordar diferents problemes mitjançant el desenvolupament d'eines sistemàtiques de programació matemàtica amb l'objectiu de donar suport a la presa de decisions i la formulació de polítiques conduents a la consecució del desenvolupament sostenible. Aquesta tesi doctoral inclou quatre contribucions principals en forma d'eines de decisió i suport de polítiques prou flexibles com per abordar diferents casos d'estudi. En primer lloc, es proposa una eina multiobjectiu per assignar àrees de cultiu considerant simultàniament criteris productius i mediambientals. En segon lloc, es proposa un model multiperíode per determinar plans de cultiu òptims i subsidis efectius per tal de promoure pràctiques agrícoles sostenibles. En tercer lloc, es proposa una metodologia per a analitzar la sostenibilitat que permet avaluar sistemes muticriteri i proporciona potencials millores d'acord amb els principis de la sostenibilitat. En quart lloc, es proposa un nou enfocament basat en l'optimització d'accions cooperatives amb l'objectiu de promoure i enfortir la cooperació internacional en la lluita contra el canvi climàtic La informació derivada de la investigació, com la presentada en aquesta tesi, pot tenir un paper fonamental en la transició cap a una nova era en la qual l'economia, la societat i el medi ambient coexisteixin com a pilars clau del desenvolupament sostenible.La actividades humanas están excediendo la capacidad de carga de la Tierra, lo que puede potencialmente generar implicaciones perjudiciales para el futuro bienestar humano y del medio ambiente. Sin duda son necesarios profundos cambios estructurales, lo que exige tomar soluciones eficaces ante los problemas emergentes de sostenibilidad. En este contexto, esta tesis se centra en dos transformaciones clave para reconectar el desarrollo humano con el progreso sostenible: la "seguridad alimentaria sostenible", desacoplando la intensificación agrícola del uso insostenible de los recursos; y el " modelo energético sostenible", apoyando el cambio hacia una economía respetuosa con el medio ambiente. El marco metodológico consiste en abordar distintos problemas mediante el desarrollo de herramientas sistemáticas de programación matemática cuyo objetivo es apoyar la toma de decisiones y la formulación de políticas tendentes hacia la consecución del desarrollo sostenible. La tesis incluye cuatro contribuciones principales en forma de herramientas de decisión y apoyo de políticas suficientemente flexibles para abordar diferentes casos de estudio. En primer lugar, se propone una herramienta multiobjetivo para asignar áreas de cultivo considerando simultáneamente criterios productivos y medioambientales. En segundo, se propone un modelo multiperiodo para determinar planes de cultivo óptimos y subsidios efectivos con el fin de promover prácticas agrícolas sostenibles. En tercero, se propone una metodología para realizar análisis de sostenibilidad que permite evaluar sistemas muticriterio y proporciona potenciales mejoras de acuerdo con principios de sostenibilidad. En cuarto lugar, se propone un nuevo enfoque basado en la optimización de acciones cooperativas con el objetivo de promover y fortalecer la cooperación internacional en la lucha contra el cambio climático La información derivada de la investigación, como la presentada en esta tesis, puede desempeñar un papel fundamental en la transición hacia una nueva era en la que la economía, la sociedad y el medio ambiente coexistan como pilares clave del desarrollo sostenible.Impacts from human activities are exceeding the Earth’s carrying capacity, which may lead to irreversible changes posing a serious threat to future human well-being and the environment. There is no doubt that an urgent shift is needed for sustainability, which calls for effective solutions when facing ongoing and emerging sustainability challenges. Against this background, this thesis focuses on two key structural transformations needed to reconnect the human development to sustained progress: the “food security transformation”, through decoupling the intensification of agricultural production from unsustainable use of resources; and the “clean energy transformation”, supporting the transition towards a more environmentally friendly economy. Methodologically, different sustainability issues are tackled by developing systematic mathematical programming tools aiming at supporting sustainable decision and policy-making which ultimately will lead to the development of more efficient mechanisms to foster a sustainable development. This thesis includes four major contributions in the form of decision and policy- support tools which are flexible and practical enough to address different case studies towards a more sustainable agriculture and energy future. First, a multi-objective tool is proposed which allows allocating cropping areas simultaneously maximizing the production and minimizing the environmental impact on ecosystems and resources. Second, a multi-period model is proposed which allows determining optimal cropping plans and effective subsidies to promote agricultural practices beneficial to the climate and the environment. Third, a novel methodology tailored to perform sustainability assessments is proposed which allows evaluating multi-criterion systems and providing improvements targets for such systems according to sustainability principles. Fourth, an optimised cooperative approach is proposed to promote and strengthen international cooperation in the fight against climate change. Research-based work as the one proposed herein may play a major role in the transition towards a new era where the economy, society and the environment coexist as key pillars of sustainable development

    Operational research:methods and applications

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    Throughout its history, Operational Research has evolved to include a variety of methods, models and algorithms that have been applied to a diverse and wide range of contexts. This encyclopedic article consists of two main sections: methods and applications. The first aims to summarise the up-to-date knowledge and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art methods and key developments in the various subdomains of the field. The second offers a wide-ranging list of areas where Operational Research has been applied. The article is meant to be read in a nonlinear fashion. It should be used as a point of reference or first-port-of-call for a diverse pool of readers: academics, researchers, students, and practitioners. The entries within the methods and applications sections are presented in alphabetical order

    Multi-scale modelling and optimisation of sustainable chemical processes

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    This dissertation explores the process modelling and optimisation of chemical processes under sustainability criteria. Resting on process systems engineering techniques combined with life cycle assessment (LCA), we present implementation strategies to improve flowsheet performance and reduce environmental impacts from early design stages. We first address the relevance of sustainability assessments in the sector and present process and environmental modelling techniques available. Under the observation that chemical processes are subject to market, technical, and environmental fluctuations, we next present an approach to account for these uncertainties. Process optimisation is then tackled by combining surrogate modelling, objective-reduction, and multi-criteria decision analysis tools. The framework proved the enhancement of the assessments by reducing the use of computational resources and allowing the ranking of optimal alternatives based on the concept of efficiency. We finally introduce a scheme to assess sustainable performance at a multi-scale level, from catalysis development to planet implications. This approach aims to provide insights about the role of catalysis and establish priorities for process development, while also introducing absolute sustainability metrics via the concept of ‘Planetary boundaries’. Ultimately, this allows a clear view of the impact that a process incurs in the current and future status of the Earth. The capabilities of the methods developed are tested in relevant applications that address challenges in the sector to attain sustainable performance. We present how concepts like circular economy, waste valorisation, and renewable raw materials can certainly bring benefits to the industry compared to their fossil-based alternatives. However, we also show that the development of new processes and technologies is very likely to shift environmental impacts from one category to another, concluding that cross-sectorial cooperation will become essential to meet sustainability targets, such as those determined by the Sustainable Development Goals.Open Acces