11 research outputs found

    Communication Management in Electronic Banking. Better Communication for Better Relationship

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    AbstractIn order to understand customers’ characteristics, banking management should create a good relationship with them. This article is focused on the relationship between communication management in banking system and the customer satisfaction and loyalty/retention. We consider Electronic Communication (e-Communication) is a crucial variable on customer satisfaction. Thus online channels for communication are the discussion topic of our paper: collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social network sites, virtual game world, web-sites and electronic mails. We also consider Social Media an important communication channel with existing clients and prospective clients. The conclusion is that banks need to make the paradigm shift in management practices by continuous innovation in the service of customers

    Virtual Teams: The Impact of Varying Levels of Virtuality on Project Team Performance

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    Although virtual teams have existed for over two decades, in recent years the Covid-19 pandemic led to a wider adoption and transition to virtual teamwork by most organizations. Virtuality is operationalized as the proportion of work done remotely or virtually on a project. This research studies the moderating effects of virtuality in project teams on communication frequency, leadership effectiveness, and project team performance. Using the theoretical frameworks of Adaptive Structuration Theory and Transformational Leadership Theory, a survey was carried out that informed this cross-sectional study. Respondents were project team members and managers who were involved in AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) and Finance/IT projects before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study showed that the inverted-u relationship between communication frequency and project performance was preserved in only low virtuality teams, while the shape of the curve was different for high virtuality teams. AEC project performance was also found to be more sensitive to communication frequency, as these projects exhibited inverted-u relationship with performance compared to Finance/IT projects which was more linear. Regardless of the levels of virtuality in project teams, transformational leadership leads to significantly better performance in both types of projects. This study contributes to the body of literature in project management and information systems by measuring one of several dimensions of virtuality in the proposed model and provides insights for project managers in industry to better lead their virtual project teams

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    The influence of website design features and consumer characteristics on internet banking adoption in Saudi Arabia

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    Recent years have seen rapid growth of Internet technology and its incorporation into many areas, including banking. Despite the potential advantages offered, however, adoption of Internet Banking (IB) has been relatively low. This thesis aims to enhance understanding of customers' adoption of IB, with particular reference to commercial banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). It investigates the rationale for and current status of IB in the KSA. Then, taking as a framework the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB), with the additional construct of website features, it investigates what factors may influence Saudi customers' adoption of IB, including the potential impact of website features at different stages of the customer's decision-making process (DMP). The research targeted policy makers, IB managers and clients in all 11 commercial banks operating in KSA. Data were collected in two phases, each containing qualitative and quantitative elements. In phase one, focused on the bank perspective, interviews were held with 11 bank officials, to explore the thinking behind their IB provision and website design. Then, content analysis was used to investigate the features of 22 websites – 1 corporate and 1 individual site for each bank. In phase two, semi-structured interviews (N = 40) were used to explore bank clients' perceptions of IB, and their responses used to inform a survey, delivered online and through bank branches, of IB users' (N = 651) and non-users' (N = 409) attitudes and behaviours in relation to IB. Results showed that bank managers attempted to attract and support clients throughout the DMP, and this was reflected in website content. However, support was constrained by some erroneous assumptions about clients, and the regulatory environment. Obstacles to IB use included psychological, marketing, educational, technical, cultural and linguistic barriers. IB non-users' intention to try IB was influenced by Trust and Subjective Norms, while users' intention to continue was influenced by perceived Relative Advantage and Compatibility, Ease of Use, Self-Efficacy, Resource Facilitating Conditions and Website Characteristics. Attitudes to IB also differed by clients' gender, age, income, education and Internet experience. Implications are drawn for technology adoption and e-marketing theory, and recommendations are made to government, the central bank and commercial banks to enhance the functionality and attractiveness of IB

    The influence of website design features and consumer characteristics on internet banking adoption in Saudi Arabia

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    Recent years have seen rapid growth of Internet technology and its incorporation into many areas, including banking. Despite the potential advantages offered, however, adoption of Internet Banking (IB) has been relatively low. This thesis aims to enhance understanding of customers' adoption of IB, with particular reference to commercial banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). It investigates the rationale for and current status of IB in the KSA. Then, taking as a framework the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB), with the additional construct of website features, it investigates what factors may influence Saudi customers' adoption of IB, including the potential impact of website features at different stages of the customer's decision-making process (DMP).The research targeted policy makers, IB managers and clients in all 11 commercial banks operating in KSA. Data were collected in two phases, each containing qualitative and quantitative elements. In phase one, focused on the bank perspective, interviews were held with 11 bank officials, to explore the thinking behind their IB provision and website design. Then, content analysis was used to investigate the features of 22 websites – 1 corporate and 1 individual site for each bank. In phase two, semi-structured interviews (N = 40) were used to explore bank clients' perceptions of IB, and their responses used to inform a survey, delivered online and through bank branches, of IB users' (N = 651) and non-users' (N = 409) attitudes and behaviours in relation to IB.Results showed that bank managers attempted to attract and support clients throughout the DMP, and this was reflected in website content. However, support was constrained by some erroneous assumptions about clients, and the regulatory environment. Obstacles to IB use included psychological, marketing, educational, technical, cultural and linguistic barriers. IB non-users' intention to try IB was influenced by Trust and Subjective Norms, while users' intention to continue was influenced by perceived Relative Advantage and Compatibility, Ease of Use, Self-Efficacy, Resource Facilitating Conditions and Website Characteristics. Attitudes to IB also differed by clients' gender, age, income, education and Internet experience.Implications are drawn for technology adoption and e-marketing theory, and recommendations are made to government, the central bank and commercial banks to enhance the functionality and attractiveness of IB

    Monitoramento internacional da produção científica em ciência da informação. volume 1

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    256 p.Objetivo – Identifi car tendências de publicação de números temáticos (themed issue; special issue) em periódicos de ciência da informação. Concepção/ metodologia/ abordagem – Levantamento de números temáticos indexados em bases de dados internacionais de ciência da informação/ biblioteconomia, no período de 2005 / 2010, monitorados no gerenciador de dados Asksam, para eliminação de duplicatas, derivação de dados estatísticos; classifi cação dos artigos introdutórios aos números temáticos de acordo com a Information Science Taxonomy (Donald T. Hawkins e colaboradores, 2003) e decorrentes análises sobre estado da arte. Resultados – No período selecionado foram publicados 185 números temáticos, distribuídos em 11 categorias, com “Pesquisa em ciência da informação” (20%, 37 números temáticos), “Bibliotecas e serviços bibliotecários (17%, 32 números, com 12 destes sobre ensino e treinamento em biblioteconomia e ciência da informação) “Tecnologias da informação” e ”Questões sociais” (14% cada, 26 números), apresentando-se com as mais representativas do ponto de vista quantitativo. Originalidade/valor – Mapeamento das tendências de publicação de números temáticos para elaboração do segundo produto deste projeto ─, comparação dos resultados deste primeiro produto com trabalhos apresentados em congressos de ciência da informação para fi ns de proposição de números temáticos para a revista Ciência da Informação, editada pelo Ibict

    Online-Shopping: Einflussfaktoren auf Auswahl- und Nutzungsentscheidungen von Electronic-Commerce-Anwendungen im Dienstleistungsbereich

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    Die vorliegende Untersuchung untermauert die Bedeutung der Usability für den Bereich der Online-Dienstleistungen am Beispiel der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung und ergänzt sie, indem sie den Einfluss des Involvement auf die Usability einbezieht. Es wurde eine Skala zur Erfassung der Usability von dienstleistungsorientierten Webanwendungen geschaffen. Das Instrument unterscheidet zwischen zwei Formen von Messmodellen und damit auch zwei Skalen, einer reflektiven Skala zur Erfassung von Usability-Globalurteilen und einer formativen Skala zur Erfassung der wesentlichen Usabilityaspekte