8,043 research outputs found

    Movement-related beta oscillations show high intra-individual reliability

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    Oscillatory activity in the beta frequency range (15-30Hz) recorded from human sensorimotor cortex is of increasing interest as a putative biomarker of motor system function and dysfunction. Despite its increasing use in basic and clinical research, surprisingly little is known about the test-retest reliability of spectral power and peak frequency measures of beta oscillatory signals from sensorimotor cortex. Establishing that these beta measures are stable over time in healthy populations is a necessary precursor to their use in the clinic. Here, we used scalp electroencephalography (EEG) to evaluate intra-individual reliability of beta-band oscillations over six sessions, focusing on changes in beta activity during movement (Movement-Related Beta Desynchronization, MRBD) and after movement termination (Post-Movement Beta Rebound, PMBR). Subjects performed visually-cued unimanual wrist flexion and extension. We assessed Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) and between-session correlations for spectral power and peak frequency measures of movement-related and resting beta activity. Movement-related and resting beta power from both sensorimotor cortices was highly reliable across sessions. Resting beta power yielded highest reliability (average ICC=0.903), followed by MRBD (average ICC=0.886) and PMBR (average ICC=0.663). Notably, peak frequency measures yielded lower ICC values compared to the assessment of spectral power, particularly for movement-related beta activity (ICC=0.386-0.402). Our data highlight that power measures of movement-related beta oscillations are highly reliable, while corresponding peak frequency measures show greater intra-individual variability across sessions. Importantly, our finding that beta power estimates show high intra-individual reliability over time serves to validate the notion that these measures reflect meaningful individual differences that can be utilised in basic research and clinical studies

    Movement-related beta oscillations show high intra-individual reliability

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    Oscillatory activity in the beta frequency range (15–30 Hz) recorded from human sensorimotor cortex is of increasing interest as a putative biomarker of motor system function and dysfunction. Despite its increasing use in basic and clinical research, surprisingly little is known about the test-retest reliability of spectral power and peak frequency measures of beta oscillatory signals from sensorimotor cortex. Establishing that these beta measures are stable over time in healthy populations is a necessary precursor to their use in the clinic. Here, we used scalp electroencephalography (EEG) to evaluate intra-individual reliability of beta-band oscillations over six sessions, focusing on changes in beta activity during movement (Movement-Related Beta Desynchronization, MRBD) and after movement termination (Post-Movement Beta Rebound, PMBR). Subjects performed visually-cued unimanual wrist flexion and extension. We assessed Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) and between-session correlations for spectral power and peak frequency measures of movement-related and resting beta activity. Movement-related and resting beta power from both sensorimotor cortices was highly reliable across sessions. Resting beta power yielded highest reliability (average ICC=0.903), followed by MRBD (average ICC=0.886) and PMBR (average ICC=0.663). Notably, peak frequency measures yielded lower ICC values compared to the assessment of spectral power, particularly for movement-related beta activity (ICC=0.386–0.402). Our data highlight that power measures of movement-related beta oscillations are highly reliable, while corresponding peak frequency measures show greater intra-individual variability across sessions. Importantly, our finding that beta power estimates show high intra-individual reliability over time serves to validate the notion that these measures reflect meaningful individual differences that can be utilised in basic research and clinical studies

    Phase of beta-frequency tACS over primary motor cortex modulates corticospinal excitability

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    The assessment of corticospinal excitability by means of transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced motor evoked potentials is an established diagnostic tool in neurophysiology and a widely used procedure in fundamental brain research. However, concern about low reliability of these measures has grown recently. One possible cause of high variability of MEPs under identical acquisition conditions could be the influence of oscillatory neuronal activity on corticospinal excitability. Based on research showing that transcranial alternating current stimulation can entrain neuronal oscillations we here test whether alpha or beta frequency tACS can influence corticospinal excitability in a phase-dependent manner. We applied tACS at individually calibrated alpha- and beta-band oscillation frequencies, or we applied sham tACS. Simultaneous single TMS pulses time locked to eight equidistant phases of the ongoing tACS signal evoked MEPs. To evaluate offline effects of stimulation frequency, MEP amplitudes were measured before and after tACS. To evaluate whether tACS influences MEP amplitude, we fitted one-cycle sinusoids to the average MEPs elicited at the different phase conditions of each tACS frequency. We found no frequency-specific offline effects of tACS. However, beta-frequency tACS modulation of MEPs was phase-dependent. Post hoc analyses suggested that this effect was specific to participants with low (<19 Hz) intrinsic beta frequency. In conclusion, by showing that beta tACS influences MEP amplitude in a phase-dependent manner, our results support a potential role attributed to neuronal oscillations in regulating corticospinal excitability. Moreover, our findings may be useful for the development of TMS protocols that improve the reliability of MEPs as a meaningful tool for research applications or for clinical monitoring and diagnosis. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Role of Corpus Callosum Development in Functional Connectivity and Cognitive Processing

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    The corpus callosum is hypothesized to play a fundamental role in integrating information and mediating complex behaviors. Here, we demonstrate that lack of normal callosal development can lead to deficits in functional connectivity that are related to impairments in specific cognitive domains. We examined resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with agenesis of the corpus callosum (AgCC) and matched controls using magnetoencephalographic imaging (MEG-I) of coherence in the alpha (8–12 Hz), beta (12–30 Hz) and gamma (30–55 Hz) bands. Global connectivity (GC) was defined as synchronization between a region and the rest of the brain. In AgCC individuals, alpha band GC was significantly reduced in the dorsolateral pre-frontal (DLPFC), posterior parietal (PPC) and parieto-occipital cortices (PO). No significant differences in GC were seen in either the beta or gamma bands. We also explored the hypothesis that, in AgCC, this regional reduction in functional connectivity is explained primarily by a specific reduction in interhemispheric connectivity. However, our data suggest that reduced connectivity in these regions is driven by faulty coupling in both inter- and intrahemispheric connectivity. We also assessed whether the degree of connectivity correlated with behavioral performance, focusing on cognitive measures known to be impaired in AgCC individuals. Neuropsychological measures of verbal processing speed were significantly correlated with resting-state functional connectivity of the left medial and superior temporal lobe in AgCC participants. Connectivity of DLPFC correlated strongly with performance on the Tower of London in the AgCC cohort. These findings indicate that the abnormal callosal development produces salient but selective (alpha band only) resting-state functional connectivity disruptions that correlate with cognitive impairment. Understanding the relationship between impoverished functional connectivity and cognition is a key step in identifying the neural mechanisms of language and executive dysfunction in common neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders where disruptions of callosal development are consistently identified

    Mean-field analysis of basal ganglia and thalamocortical dynamics

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    When modeling a system as complex as the brain, considerable simplifications are inevitable. The nature of these simplifications depends on the available experimental evidence, and the desired form of model predictions. A focus on the former often inspires models of networks of individual neurons, since properties of single cells are more easily measured than those of entire populations. However, if the goal is to describe the processes responsible for the electroencephalogram (EEG), such models can become unmanageable due to the large numbers of neurons involved. Mean-field models in which assemblies of neurons are represented by their average properties allow activity underlying the EEG to be captured in a tractable manner. The starting point of the results presented here is a recent physiologically-based mean-field model of the corticothalamic system, which includes populations of excitatory and inhibitory cortical neurons, and an excitatory population representing the thalamic relay nuclei, reciprocally connected with the cortex and the inhibitory thalamic reticular nucleus. The average firing rates of these populations depend nonlinearly on their membrane potentials, which are determined by afferent inputs after axonal propagation and dendritic and synaptic delays. It has been found that neuronal activity spreads in an approximately wavelike fashion across the cortex, which is modeled as a two-dimensional surface. On the basis of the literature, the EEG signal is assumed to be roughly proportional to the activity of cortical excitatory neurons, allowing physiological parameters to be extracted by inverse modeling of empirical EEG spectra. One objective of the present work is to characterize the statistical distributions of fitted model parameters in the healthy population. Variability of model parameters within and between individuals is assessed over time scales of minutes to more than a year, and compared with the variability of classical quantitative EEG (qEEG) parameters. These parameters are generally not normally distributed, and transformations toward the normal distribution are often used to facilitate statistical analysis. However, no single optimal transformation exists to render data distributions approximately normal. A uniformly applicable solution that not only yields data following the normal distribution as closely as possible, but also increases test-retest reliability, is described in Chapter 2. Specialized versions of this transformation have been known for some time in the statistical literature, but it has not previously found its way to the empirical sciences. Chapter 3 contains the study of intra-individual and inter-individual variability in model parameters, also providing a comparison of test-retest reliability with that of commonly used EEG spectral measures such as band powers and the frequency of the alpha peak. It is found that the combined model parameters provide a reliable characterization of an individual's EEG spectrum, where some parameters are more informative than others. Classical quantitative EEG measures are found to be somewhat more reproducible than model parameters. However, the latter have the advantage of providing direct connections with the underlying physiology. In addition, model parameters are complementary to classical measures in that they capture more information about spectral structure. Another conclusion from this work was that a few minutes of alert eyes-closed EEG already contain most of the individual variability likely to occur in this state on the scale of years. In Chapter 4, age trends in model parameters are investigated for a large sample of healthy subjects aged 6-86 years. Sex differences in parameter distributions and trends are considered in three age ranges, and related to the relevant literature. We also look at changes in inter-individual variance across age, and find that subjects are in many respects maximally different around adolescence. This study forms the basis for prospective comparisons with age trends in evoked response potentials (ERPs) and alpha peak morphology, besides providing a standard for the assessment of clinical data. It is the first study to report physiologically-based parameters for such a large sample of EEG data. The second main thrust of this work is toward incorporating the thalamocortical system and the basal ganglia in a unified framework. The basal ganglia are a group of gray matter structures reciprocally connected with the thalamus and cortex, both significantly influencing, and influenced by, their activity. Abnormalities in the basal ganglia are associated with various disorders, including schizophrenia, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease. A model of the basal ganglia-thalamocortical system is presented in Chapter 5, and used to investigate changes in average firing rates often measured in parkinsonian patients and animal models of Parkinson's disease. Modeling results support the hypothesis that two pathways through the basal ganglia (the so-called direct and indirect pathways) are differentially affected by the dopamine depletion that is the hallmark of Parkinson's disease. However, alterations in other components of the system are also suggested by matching model predictions to experimental data. The dynamics of the model are explored in detail in Chapter 6. Electrophysiological aspects of Parkinson's disease include frequency reduction of the alpha peak, increased relative power at lower frequencies, and abnormal synchronized fluctuations in firing rates. It is shown that the same parameter variations that reproduce realistic changes in mean firing rates can also account for EEG frequency reduction by increasing the strength of the indirect pathway, which exerts an inhibitory effect on the cortex. Furthermore, even more strongly connected subcircuits in the indirect pathway can sustain limit cycle oscillations around 5 Hz, in accord with oscillations at this frequency often observed in tremulous patients. Additionally, oscillations around 20 Hz that are normally present in corticothalamic circuits can spread to the basal ganglia when both corticothalamic and indirect circuits have large gains. The model also accounts for changes in the responsiveness of the components of the basal ganglia-thalamocortical system, and increased synchronization upon dopamine depletion, which plausibly reflect the loss of specificity of neuronal signaling pathways in the parkinsonian basal ganglia. Thus, a parsimonious explanation is provided for many electrophysiological correlates of Parkinson's disease using a single set of parameter changes with respect to the healthy state. Overall, we conclude that mean-field models of brain electrophysiology possess a versatility that allows them to be usefully applied in a variety of scenarios. Such models allow information about underlying physiology to be extracted from the experimental EEG, complementing traditional measures that may be more statistically robust but do not provide a direct link with physiology. Furthermore, there is ample opportunity for future developments, extending the basic model to encompass different neuronal systems, connections, and mechanisms. The basal ganglia are an important addition, not only leading to unified explanations for many hitherto disparate phenomena, but also contributing to the validation of this form of modeling

    Neural Mechanisms of Sensory Integration: Frequency Domain Analysis of Spike and Field Potential Activity During Arm Position Maintenance with and Without Visual Feedback

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    abstract: Understanding where our bodies are in space is imperative for motor control, particularly for actions such as goal-directed reaching. Multisensory integration is crucial for reducing uncertainty in arm position estimates. This dissertation examines time and frequency-domain correlates of visual-proprioceptive integration during an arm-position maintenance task. Neural recordings were obtained from two different cortical areas as non-human primates performed a center-out reaching task in a virtual reality environment. Following a reach, animals maintained the end-point position of their arm under unimodal (proprioception only) and bimodal (proprioception and vision) conditions. In both areas, time domain and multi-taper spectral analysis methods were used to quantify changes in the spiking, local field potential (LFP), and spike-field coherence during arm-position maintenance. In both areas, individual neurons were classified based on the spectrum of their spiking patterns. A large proportion of cells in the SPL that exhibited sensory condition-specific oscillatory spiking in the beta (13-30Hz) frequency band. Cells in the IPL typically had a more diverse mix of oscillatory and refractory spiking patterns during the task in response to changing sensory condition. Contrary to the assumptions made in many modelling studies, none of the cells exhibited Poisson-spiking statistics in SPL or IPL. Evoked LFPs in both areas exhibited greater effects of target location than visual condition, though the evoked responses in the preferred reach direction were generally suppressed in the bimodal condition relative to the unimodal condition. Significant effects of target location on evoked responses were observed during the movement period of the task well. In the frequency domain, LFP power in both cortical areas was enhanced in the beta band during the position estimation epoch of the task, indicating that LFP beta oscillations may be important for maintaining the ongoing state. This was particularly evident at the population level, with clear increase in alpha and beta power. Differences in spectral power between conditions also became apparent at the population level, with power during bimodal trials being suppressed relative to unimodal. The spike-field coherence showed confounding results in both the SPL and IPL, with no clear correlation between incidence of beta oscillations and significant beta coherence.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Biomedical Engineering 201

    Phase of beta-frequency tACS over primary motor cortex modulates corticospinal excitability

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    The assessment of corticospinal excitability by means of transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced motor evoked potentials is an established diagnostic tool in neurophysiology and a widely used procedure in fundamental brain research. However, concern about low reliability of these measures has grown recently. One possible cause of high variability of MEPs under identical acquisition conditions could be the influence of oscillatory neuronal activity on corticospinal excitability. Based on research showing that transcranial alternating current stimulation can entrain neuronal oscillations we here test whether alpha or beta frequency tACS can influence corticospinal excitability in a phase-dependent manner. We applied tACS at individually calibrated alpha- and beta-band oscillation frequencies, or we applied sham tACS. Simultaneous single TMS pulses time locked to eight equidistant phases of the ongoing tACS signal evoked MEPs. To evaluate offline effects of stimulation frequency, MEP amplitudes were measured before and after tACS. To evaluate whether tACS influences MEP amplitude, we fitted one-cycle sinusoids to the average MEPs elicited at the different phase conditions of each tACS frequency. We found no frequency-specific offline effects of tACS. However, beta-frequency tACS modulation of MEPs was phase-dependent. Post hoc analyses suggested that this effect was specific to participants with low (<19 Hz) intrinsic beta frequency. In conclusion, by showing that beta tACS influences MEP amplitude in a phase-dependent manner, our results support a potential role attributed to neuronal oscillations in regulating corticospinal excitability. Moreover, our findings may be useful for the development of TMS protocols that improve the reliability of MEPs as a meaningful tool for research applications or for clinical monitoring and diagnosis

    The sleep EEG spectrum is a sexually dimorphic marker of general intelligence

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    The shape of the EEG spectrum in sleep relies on genetic and anatomical factors and forms an individual “EEG fingerprint”. Spectral components of EEG were shown to be connected to mental ability both in sleep and wakefulness. EEG sleep spindle correlates of intelligence, however, exhibit a sexual dimorphism, with a more pronounced association to intelligence in females than males. In a sample of 151 healthy individuals, we investigated how intelligence is related to spectral components of full-night sleep EEG, while controlling for the effects of age. A positive linear association between intelligence and REM anterior beta power was found in females but not males. Transient, spindle-like “REM beta tufts” are described in the EEG of healthy subjects, which may reflect the functioning of a recently described cingular-prefrontal emotion and motor regulation network. REM sleep frontal high delta power was a negative correlate of intelligence. NREM alpha and sigma spectral power correlations with intelligence did not unequivocally remain significant after multiple comparisons correction, but exhibited a similar sexual dimorphism. These results suggest that the neural oscillatory correlates of intelligence in sleep are sexually dimorphic, and they are not restricted to either sleep spindles or NREM sleep

    Novel measure of olfactory bulb function in health and disease

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    Present neuroimaging techniques are capable of recording the neural activity from all over the brain but the olfactory bulb (OB). The OB is the first olfactory processing stage of the central nervous system and the site of insult in several neurological disorders, particularly Parkinson’s disease (PD). It has been suggested that the OB has a pivotal role in the olfactory system anal-ogous to primary visual cortex (V1) and thalamus in the visual system. However, due to the existing technical limitations, there has not been any non-invasive technique that can reliably measure the OB function in humans, consequently limiting its functional recording to one in-tracranial study dating back to the 60s. Initially in Study I, a non-invasive method of measuring the function of human OB is devel-oped, so-called electrobulbogram (EBG). In line with previous animal literature as well as the only intracranial study in human OB, it was demonstrated that gamma oscillations on the EBG electrodes occurred shortly after the odor onset. Subsequently, applying source recon-struction analysis provided evidence that observed oscillations were localized to the OB. Ad-ditionally, the OB recording with the EBG method showed a test-retest reliability comparable with visual event related potentials. Notably, the detected gamma oscillations were demon-strated to be insensitive to habituation, the OB’s marked characteristic which has previously been demonstrated in rodents. Last, but not least, assessing the EBG response in an individual who did not have the bilateral OB indicated that the lack of OB results in disappearance of gamma oscillations in the EBG electrodes. Given that Study I determined the possibility of reliably measuring the function of the OB using the EBG, in Study II, I assessed the functional role of OB’s oscillations in the pro-cessing of the odor valence. Odor valence has been suggested to be linked to approach–avoidance responses and therefore, processing of odor valence is thought to be one of the core aspects of odor processing in the olfactory system. Consequently, using combined EBG and EEG recording, OB activity was reconstructed on the source level during processing of odors with different valences. Gamma and beta oscillations were found to be related to va-lence perception in the human OB. Moreover, the early beta oscillations were associated with negative but not positive odors, where these beta oscillations can be linked to preparatory neural responses in the motor cortex. Subsequently, in a separate experiment, negative odors were demonstrated to trigger a whole-body motor avoidance response in the time window overlapping with the valence processes in the OB. These negative odor-elicited motor re-sponses were measured by a force plate as a leaning backward motion. Altogether, the results from Study II indicated that the human OB processes odor valence sequentially in the gamma and beta frequency bands, where the early processing of negative odors in the OB might be facilitating rapid approach-avoidance behaviors. To further evaluate the functional role of the OB in odor processing, in Study III, OB’s communication with its immediate recipient, namely piriform cortex (PC), was assessed. These two areas are critical nodes of the olfactory system which communicate with each other through neural oscillations. The activity of the OB and the PC were reconstructed using a combination of EBG, EEG, and source reconstruction techniques. Subsequently, the cross spectrogram of the OB and the PC was assessed as a measure of functional connectivity where temporal evolution from fast to slow oscillations in the OB–PC connectivity was found during the one second odor processing. Furthermore, the spectrally resolved Granger causal-ity analysis suggested that the afferent connection form the OB to the PC occurred in the gamma and beta bands whereas the efferent connection from the PC to the OB was concen-trated in the theta and delta bands. Notably, odor identity could be deciphered from the low gamma oscillatory pattern in the OB–PC connectivity as early as 100ms after the odor onset. Hence, findings from this study elucidate on our understanding of the bidirectional infor-mation flow in the human olfactory system. Olfactory dysfunction, due to neurodegeneration in the OB, commonly appears several years earlier than the occurrence of the PD-related characteristic motor symptoms. Consequently, a functional measure of the OB may serve as a potential early biomarker of PD. In Study IV, OB function was assessed in PD to answer whether the EBG method can be used to dissociate individuals with a PD diagnosis from healthy age-matched controls. The spectrogram of the EBG signals indicated that there were different values in gamma, beta, and theta for PDs compared with healthy controls. Specifically, six components were found in the EBG re-sponse during early and late time points which together dissociate PDs from controls with a 90% sensitivity and a 100% specificity. Furthermore, these components were linked to med-ication, disease duration and severity, as well as clinical odor identification performance. Overall, these findings support the notion that EBG has a diagnostic value and can be further developed to serve as an early biomarker for PD. In the last study, Study V, the prevalence of COVID-19 was determined using odor intensity ratings as an indication of olfactory dysfunction. Using a large sample data (n = 2440) from a Swedish population, odor intensity ratings of common household items over time were found to be closely associated with prevalence prediction of COVID-19 in the Stockholm region over the same time-period (r = -.83). Impairment in odor intensity rating was further correlated with the number of reported COVID-19 symptoms. Relatedly, individuals who progressed from having no symptoms to having at least one symptom had a marked decline in their odor intensity ratings. The results from this study, given the relatively large sample size, provided a concrete basis for the future studies to further assess the potential association between the deficits in the OB function and olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19. In conclusion, our proposed method for non-invasive measurement of the OB function was shown to provide a reliable recording with a potential as a diagnostic tool for PD. Combining EBG and EEG allowed for reconstruction of the OB signal at the source level, where specific oscillations were found to be critical for odor valence processing and rapid avoidance re-sponse. Moreover, oscillations in different frequency bands were found to be critical for the OB reciprocal communications and transfer of odor identity information to higher order ol-factory subsystems. Finally, COVID-19 was found to be associated with a decline in olfactory acuity which might originate from damage to the patient’s OB. In conclusion, the results from the studies within this thesis provide a new perspective on the functional role of oscillations in the human OB
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