52 research outputs found

    Visualizing the demand for various resources as a function of the master surgery schedule: A case study.

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    Case studies; Demand; Problems; Project scheduling; Scheduling; Studies;

    Visualizing the demand for various resources as a function of the master surgery schedule: A case study.

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    This paper presents a software system that visualizes the impact of the master surgery schedule on the demand for various resources throughout the rest of the hospital. The master surgery schedule can be seen as the engine that drives the hospital. Therefore, it is very important for decision makers to have a clear image on how the demand for resources is linked to the surgery schedule. The software presented in this paper enables schedulers to instantaneously view the impact of, e.g., an exchange of two block assignments in the master surgery schedule on the expected resource consumption pattern. A case study entailing a large Belgian surgery unit illustrates how the software can be used to assist in building better surgery schedules.Assignment; Case studies; Consumption; Decision; Demand; Exchange; Expected; Image; Impact; Management; Operating room scheduling; Resource management; Scheduling; Software; Studies; Visualization;

    Assigning Triaged Patients to Treatment Rooms in a Hospital Emergency Department

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    The assigning of new arrivals at a hospital emergency department to treatment rooms was examined. New patients are summarily triaged and assigned to a treatment room based on severity of their symptoms, the grade of a treatment room, and an exponential benefit curve that encourages the solver to schedule the most severe cases early. SAS’s OPTMODEL modeling language was employed to build the model and SAS’s MILP solver was used to perform the scheduling. Up to thirty patients were optimally assigned to depict the example of a large emergency department

    Nurses Scheduling by Considering the Qualification using Integer Linear Programming

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    One of problems that frequently occurs in hospital management is nurses scheduling problem. A suitable schedule is needed in order to avoid fatigue, both physically and psychologically, which subsequently may deteriorate their performance. Nurse scheduling is commonly designed by the head of nurse manually. In this research, nurse scheduling problem is modeled by considering the qualification of the nurses and the model has the form of integer linear programming. The objective of the model is to maximize the number of nurse’s day-offs. Then optimization problem is implemented to nurses scheduling in the High Care Unit and the Emergency room of Rumah Sehat Terpadu Dompet Dhuafa Parung Bogor

    Balancing operating theatre and bed capacity in a cardiothoracic centre

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    Cardiothoracic surgery requires many expensive resources. This paper examines the balance between operating theatres and beds in a specialist facility providing elective heart and lung surgery. Without both operating theatre time and an Intensive Care bed a patient's surgery has to be postponed. While admissions can be managed, there are significant stochastic features, notably the cancellation of theatre procedures and patients' length of stay on the Intensive Care Unit. A simulation was developed, with clinical and management staff, to explore the interdependencies of resource availabilities and the daily demand. The model was used to examine options for expanding the capacity of the whole facility. Ideally the bed and theatre capacity should be well balanced but unmatched increases in either resource can still be beneficial. The study provides an example of a capacity planning problem in which there is uncertainty in the demand for two symbiotic resources

    A decision support system for surgery sequencing at UZ Leuven's day-care department.

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    In this paper, we test the applicability of a decision support system (DSS) that is developed to optimize the sequence of surgeries in the day-care center of the UZ Leuven Campus Gasthuisberg (Belgium). We introduce a multi-objective function in which children and prioritized patients are scheduled as early as possible on the day of surgery, recovery overtime is minimized and recovery workload is leveled throughout the day. This combinatorial optimization problem is solved by applying a pre-processed mixed integer linear programming model. We report on a 10-day case study to illustrate the performance of the DSS. In particular, we compare the schedules provided by the hospital with those that are suggested by the DSS. The results indicate that the DSS leads to both an increased probability of obtaining feasible schedules and an improved quality of the schedules in terms of the objective function value. We further highlight some of the major advantages of the application, such as its visualization and algorithmic performance, but also report on the difficulties that were encountered during the study and the shortcomings that currently delay its implementation in practice, as this information may contribute to the success rate of future software applications in hospitals.Decision support system; Optimization; Visualization; Health care application;

    Modelos para la resolución de la programación de quirófanos

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    3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management XIII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización Barcelona-Terrassa, September 2nd-4th 200

    E-HOSPITAL – A digital workbench for hospital operations and services planning using information technology and algebraic languages

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    In this paper, we describe the development of a unified framework and a digital workbench for the strategic, tactical and operational hospital management plan driven by information technology and analytics. The workbench can be used not only by multiple stakeholders in the healthcare delivery setting, but also for pedagogical purposes on topics such as healthcare analytics, services management, and information systems. This tool combines the three classical hierarchical decision-making levels in one integrated environment. At each level, several decision problems can be chosen. Extensions of mathematical models from the literature are presented and incorporated into the digital platform. In a case study using real-world data, we demonstrate how we used the workbench to inform strategic capacity planning decisions in a multi-hospital, multi-stakeholder setting in the United Kingdom

    Planificación quirúrgica: revisión de la literatura

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    La realización de intervenciones quirúrgicas en los hospitales es una actividad crucial tanto desde un punto de vista social como económico. Por un lado, mejora la calidad de vida del paciente, mientras que por otro se estima que genera alrededor del 70% de los ingresos, y representa en torno al 40% de los costes de un hospital. El quirófano -Operating Room (OR)- es una sala acondicionada para realizar intervenciones quirúrgicas, que puede consumir entre el 10-15% del presupuesto de un hospital, siendo la instalación más cara, y constituyendo un cuello de botella para la mayoría de hospitales (Jebali et al. ,2006). Por tanto, la correcta gestión de los ORs es un factor importante en la gestión de los hospitales, puesto que son un recurso limitado por su propia capacidad y por los recursos materiales y humanos necesarios para su correcto funcionamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar los problemas de decisión involucrados en la planificación quirúrgica. Para ello, se ha conducido una revisión sistemática para analizar y evaluar los trabajos publicados en el ámbito de la planificación quirúrgica


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    En este artículo se plantea un modelo matemático lineal entero cuyo objetivo es maximizar la utilización de quirófanos en instituciones hospitalarias. El modelo matemático surge después de aplicar una técnica que se propone con el enfoque de Six Sigma DMAIC que permite revisar procesos para identificar situaciones que deben ser mejoradas. Con base en ello surgen diferentes problemáticas pero aparece como punto neurálgico el nivel de ocupación de la sala de quirófanos, allí se identifican los elementos vulnerables en el proceso y con base en herramientas estadísticas se determinan los valores de los parámetros que se deben considerar para plantear el modelo matemático. La técnica de solución utilizada para resolver el modelo es el algoritmo de Branch and Bound con el solver CPLEX