405 research outputs found

    Advances in Robot Navigation

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    Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception - obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration - the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping - the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization - the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning - the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics

    Validation of robotic navigation strategies in unstructured environments: from autonomous to reactive

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    The main topic of this master thesis is the validation of a navigation algorithm designed to perform autonomously in unstructured environments. Computer simulations and experimental tests with a mobile robot have allowed reaching the established objective. The presented approach is effective, consistent, and able to attain safe navigation with static and dynamic configurations. This work contains a survey of the principal navigation strategies and components. Afterwards, a recap of the history of robotics is briefly illustrated, emphasizing the description of mobile robotics and locomotion. Subsequently, it presents the development of an algorithm for autonomous navigation through an unknown environment for mobile robots. The algorithm seeks to compute trajectories that lead to a target unknown position without falling into a recurrent loop. The code has been entirely written and tested in MATLAB, using randomly generated obstacles of different sizes. The developed algorithm is used as a benchmark to analyze different predictive strategies for the navigation of mobile robots in the presence of environments not known a priori and overpopulated with obstacles. Then, an innovative algorithm for navigation, called NAPVIG, is described and analyzed. The algorithm has been built using ROS and tested in Gazebo real-time simulator. In order to achieve high performances, optimal parameters have been found tuning and simulating the algorithm in different environmental configurations. Finally, an experimental campaign in the SPARCS laboratory of the University of Padua enabled the validation of the chosen parameters

    An overview of robotics and autonomous systems for harsh environments

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    Across a wide range of industries and applications, robotics and autonomous systems can fulfil the crucial and challenging tasks such as inspection, exploration, monitoring, drilling, sampling and mapping in areas of scientific discovery, disaster prevention, human rescue and infrastructure management, etc. However, in many situations, the associated environment is either too dangerous or inaccessible to humans. Hence, a wide range of robots have been developed and deployed to replace or aid humans in these activities. A look at these harsh environment applications of robotics demonstrate the diversity of technologies developed. This paper reviews some key application areas of robotics that involve interactions with harsh environments (such as search and rescue, space exploration, and deep-sea operations), gives an overview of the developed technologies and provides a discussion of the key trends and future directions common to many of these areas

    A hybrid approach to simultaneous localization and mapping in indoors environment

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    This thesis will present SLAM in the current literature to benefit from then it will present the investigation results for a hybrid approach used where different algorithms using laser, sonar, and camera sensors were tested and compared. The contribution of this thesis is the development of a hybrid approach for SLAM that uses different sensors and where different factors are taken into consideration such as dynamic objects, and the development of a scalable grid map model with new sensors models for real time update of the map.The thesis will show the success found, difficulties faced and limitations of the algorithms developed which were simulated and experimentally tested in an indoors environment

    Design of a walking robot

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    Carnegie Mellon University's Autonomous Planetary Exploration Program (APEX) is currently building the Daedalus robot; a system capable of performing extended autonomous planetary exploration missions. Extended autonomy is an important capability because the continued exploration of the Moon, Mars and other solid bodies within the solar system will probably be carried out by autonomous robotic systems. There are a number of reasons for this - the most important of which are the high cost of placing a man in space, the high risk associated with human exploration and communication delays that make teleoperation infeasible. The Daedalus robot represents an evolutionary approach to robot mechanism design and software system architecture. Daedalus incorporates key features from a number of predecessor systems. Using previously proven technologies, the Apex project endeavors to encompass all of the capabilities necessary for robust planetary exploration. The Ambler, a six-legged walking machine was developed by CMU for demonstration of technologies required for planetary exploration. In its five years of life, the Ambler project brought major breakthroughs in various areas of robotic technology. Significant progress was made in: mechanism and control, by introducing a novel gait pattern (circulating gait) and use of orthogonal legs; perception, by developing sophisticated algorithms for map building; and planning, by developing and implementing the Task Control Architecture to coordinate tasks and control complex system functions. The APEX project is the successor of the Ambler project

    Real-time Simultaneous Localization And Mapping Of Mobile Robots

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008Bu çalışmanın amacı çeşitli algılayıcılara sahip mobil robot ile kapalı, bilinmeyen ortamların haritasını çıkarmak ve aynı zamanda robotun kendini bulunduğu ortam içinde konumlandırmasıdır. Yapılan çalışmada robotun çevre ile olan etkileşimi kızılötesi ve ultrasonik algılayıcılar ile sağlanmaktadır. Ultrasonik algılayıcılar ucuz ve başarılı bir algılayıcı tipi olmasının yanında, yapısından kaynaklanan problemlerden dolayı çalışması zor olan algılayıcı tiplerinden biridir. Yapılan çalışmalar sırasında bu problemlerin en az seviyeye indirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Kızılötesi algılayıcılar ise yakın mesafeden yaptıkları doğru ölçümlerden dolayı çarpışma önleyici güvenlik sistemi amaçlı kullanılmıştır. Ortam haritasının çıkarılmasında ultrasonik mesafe ölçerler ve dijital pusula kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte robotun konumunun takip edilebilmesi için robotun üzerinde enkoderli motorlar kullanılmıştır. Robotun konumlandırılması ve harita çıkarma doğruluğu büyük ölçüde tasarımda kullanılan algılayıcı ve eyleyicilere bağlıdır. Algılayıcı ve eyleyicilerin seçiminde boyutları, doğrulukları ve mikroişlemci ile olan arayüzleri dikkate alınmıştır. Algılayıcılar tarafından ölçülen veriler mikroişlemci tarafından alınıp işlenmekte ve daha karmaşık hesaplama, bilgi depolama, konumlandırma, harita çıkarma işlemi yapacak olan bilgisayara kablosuz RF iletişimi ile aktarılmaktadır.The aim of this study is localization and mapping of the unknown indoor environments using mobile robot that have various sensors. The mobile robot provides interaction with the surroundings by using infrared and ultrasonic sensors. The ultrasonic sensors are cheap and successful but also they have some problem arise from the structure of them. These problems are reduced to the lower level during the study. Infrared sensors perform accurate measurements from the closer range therefore they are used for collision avoidance security purposes. Environment mapping is generated by using ultrasonic range finders and digital compass. In addition to this, to observe the localization of the robot, motors with encoders are used. Localization of the robot and accuracy of mapping are mostly related to used sensors and actuators of the robot design. The selection of the sensors and the actuators are considered according to their sizes, accuracies, interfaces to the microprocessor. Data measured by the sensors that is received and processed at the microprocessor. Then, data processed by the microprocessor is sent to the remote computer via RF communication for the complicated computation, data storage, localization and generating map.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Drone-Driven Running:Exploring the Opportunities for Drones to Support Running Well-being through a Review of Running and Drone Interaction Technologies

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    There is an underexplored interaction space for drones that can be utilised as running interaction technology, distinct from human drone interaction that warrants foregrounding. This paper consolidates the current state of art in running interaction technology through a review of relevant studies and commercial technologies in a framework positioned using dimensions related to the form of interaction as identified in the sports ITECH framework. Our analysis highlights the unmet opportunities in running interaction technology and presents the potential of drones to further support runners. The potential of drones to support various forms of interaction are supported using exemplar research done in human-drone interaction. Through our findings, we hope to inform and expedite future research and practice in the field of running interaction technology and runner drone interaction by supporting researchers in defining and situating their contributions.</p

    Autonomous vehicle guidance in unknown environments

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    Gaining from significant advances in their performance granted by technological evolution, Autonomous Vehicles are rapidly increasing the number of fields of possible and effective applications. From operations in hostile, dangerous environments (military use in removing unexploded projectiles, survey of nuclear power and chemical industrial plants following accidents) to repetitive 24h tasks (border surveillance), from power-multipliers helping in production to less exotic commercial application in household activities (cleaning robots as consumer electronics products), the combination of autonomy and motion offers nowadays impressive options. In fact, an autonomous vehicle can be completed by a number of sensors, actuators, devices making it able to exploit a quite large number of tasks. However, in order to successfully attain these results, the vehicle should be capable to navigate its path in different, sometimes unknown environments. This is the goal of this dissertation: to analyze and - mainly - to propose a suitable solution for the guidance of autonomous vehicles. The frame in which this research takes its steps is the activity carried on at the Guidance and Navigation Lab of Sapienza – Università di Roma, hosted at the School of Aerospace Engineering. Indeed, the solution proposed has an intrinsic, while not limiting, bias towards possible space applications, that will become obvious in some of the following content. A second bias dictated by the Guidance and Navigation Lab activities is represented by the choice of a sample platform. In fact, it would be difficult to perform a meaningful study keeping it a very general level, independent on the characteristics of the targeted kind of vehicle: it is easy to see from the rough list of applications cited above that these characteristics are extremely varied. The Lab hosted – even before the beginning of this thesis activity – a simple, home-designed and manufactured model of a small, yet performing enough autonomous vehicle, called RAGNO (standing for Rover for Autonomous Guidance Navigation and Observation): it was an obvious choice to select that rover as the reference platform to identify solutions for guidance, and to use it, cooperating to its improvement, for the test activities which should be considered as mandatory in this kind of thesis work to validate the suggested approaches. The draft of the thesis includes four main chapters, plus introduction, final remarks and future perspectives, and the list of references. The first chapter (“Autonomous Guidance Exploiting Stereoscopic Vision”) investigates in detail the technique which has been deemed as the most interesting for small vehicles. The current availability of low cost, high performance cameras suggests the adoption of the stereoscopic vision as a quite effective technique, also capable to making available to remote crew a view of the scenario quite similar to the one humans would have. Several advanced image analysis techniques have been investigated for the extraction of the features from left- and right-eye images, with SURF and BRISK algorithm being selected as the most promising one. In short, SURF is a blob detector with an associated descriptor of 64 elements, where the generic feature is extracted by applying sequential box filters to the surrounding area. The features are then localized in the point of the image where the determinant of the Hessian matrix H(x,y) is maximum. The descriptor vector is than determined by calculating the Haar wavelet response in a sampling pattern centered in the feature. BRISK is instead a corner detector with an associated binary descriptor of 512 bit. The generic feature is identified as the brightest point in a sampling circular area of N pixels while the descriptor vector is calculated by computing the brightness gradient of each of the N(N-1)/2 pairs of sampling points. Once left and right features have been extracted, their descriptors are compared in order to determine the corresponding pairs. The matching criterion consists in seeking for the two descriptors for which their relative distance (Euclidean norm for SURF, Hamming distance for BRISK) is minimum. The matching process is computationally expensive: to reduce the required time the thesis successfully explored the theory of the epipolar geometry, based on the geometric constraint existing between the left and right projection of the scene point P, and indeed limiting the space to be searched. Overall, the selected techniques require between 200 and 300 ms on a 2.4GHz clock CPU for the feature extraction and matching in a single (left+right) capture, making it a feasible solution for slow motion vehicles. Once matching phase has been finalized, a disparity map can be prepared highlighting the position of the identified objects, and by means of a triangulation (the baseline between the two cameras is known, the size of the targeted object is measured in pixels in both images) the position and distance of the obstacles can be obtained. The second chapter (“A Vehicle Prototype and its Guidance System”) is devoted to the implementation of the stereoscopic vision onboard a small test vehicle, which is the previously cited RAGNO rover. Indeed, a description of the vehicle – the chassis, the propulsion system with four electric motors empowering the wheels, the good roadside performance attainable, the commanding options – either fully autonomous, partly autonomous with remote monitoring, or fully remotely controlled via TCP/IP on mobile networks - is included first, with a focus on different sensors that, depending on the scenario, can integrate the stereoscopic vision system. The intelligence-side of guidance subsystem, exploiting the navigation information provided by the camera, is then detailed. Two guidance techniques have been studied and implemented to identify the optimal trajectory in a field with scattered obstacles: the artificial potential guidance, based on the Lyapunov approach, and the A-star algorithm, looking for the minimum of a cost function built on graphs joining the cells of a mesh over-imposed to the scenario. Performance of the two techniques are assessed for two specific test-cases, and the possibility of unstable behavior of the artificial potential guidance, bouncing among local minima, has been highlighted. Overall, A-star guidance is the suggested solution in terms of time, cost and reliability. Notice that, withstanding the noise affecting information from sensors, an estimation process based on Kalman filtering has been also included in the process to improve the smoothness of the targeted trajectory. The third chapter (“Examples of Possible Missions and Applications”) reports two experimental campaigns adopting RAGNO for the detection of dangerous gases. In the first one, the rover accommodates a specific sensor, and autonomously moves in open fields, avoiding possible obstacles, to exploit measurements at given time intervals. The same configuration for RAGNO is also used in the second campaign: this time, however, the path of the rover is autonomously computed on the basis of the way points communicated by a drone which is flying above the area of measurements and identifies possible targets of interest. The fourth chapter (“Guidance of Fleet of Autonomous Vehicles ”) stresses this successful idea of fleet of vehicles, and numerically investigates by algorithms purposely written in Matlab the performance of a simple swarm of two rovers exploring an unknown scenario, pretending – as an example - to represent a case of planetary surface exploration. The awareness of the surrounding environment is dictated by the characteristics of the sensors accommodated onboard, which have been assumed on the basis of the experience gained with the material of previous chapter. Moreover, the communication issues that would likely affect real world cases are included in the scheme by the possibility to model the comm link, and by running the simulation in a multi-task configuration where the two rovers are assigned to two different computer processes, each of them having a different TCP/IP address with a behavior actually depending on the flow of information received form the other explorer. Even if at a simulation-level only, it is deemed that such a final step collects different aspects investigated during the PhD period, with feasible sensors’ characteristics (obviously focusing on stereoscopic vision), guidance technique, coordination among autonomous agents and possible interesting application cases