19 research outputs found

    DISFUNGSI KELUARGA DALAM KEKERASAN SEKSUAL PADA ANAK DAN REMAJA : Studi Kasus pada Korban dan Pelaku Kekerasan Seksual di Garut

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    Maraknya kasus kekerasan seksual yang melibatkan remaja sebagai pelakunya cukup meresahkan masyarakat. Kasus yang menjadi fokus utama dalam penelitian ini adalah kekerasan seksual yang dilakukan seorang remaja laki-laki berusia 15 tahun di Kabupaten Garut dengan korban 15 anak. Kejadian ini cukup mengejutkan karena pelaku tidak lain adalah orang yang dekat dengan para korban bahkan teman bermain meskipun berbeda usia. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengungkap faktor pemicu terjadinya kekerasan seksual yang terjadi guna memutus mata rantai predator seksual khususnya pada kasus anak dan remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analitik terhadap ke 13 keluarga yang terdiri dari keluarga korban dan pelaku. Teknik pengumpulan data dan informasi dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa : (1) Tingkat pendidikan orang tua yang rendah berdampak pada lemahnya pengawasan dan pengasuhan pada anak dan remaja sehingga meningkatkan peluang terjadinya kekerasan seksual; (2) Pengasuhan permisif orang tua telah membentuk kepribadian anak tertutup dan bebas, juga melemahkan pengawasan dan komunikasi antara orang tua dan anak sehingga meningkatkan peluang kekerasan seksual; (3) Kepercayaan sosial yang tinggi akibat kohesi sosial di lingkungan keluarga menjadi pelemah pengasuhan dan pengawasan anak.---- The rise of cases of sexual violence involving youth as perpetrators pretty disturbing the public. The case became the main focus of this research is the sexual abuse by a teenage boy 15 years old in Garut with 15 child victims. This incident is quite surprising because the perpetrator is none other than those close to the victims even though different age playmates. The main problem in this research is to reveal the factors triggering the occurrence of sexual violence in order to break the chain of sexual predators, especially in the case of children and adolescents. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive analytic method to the 13 families consisting of families of the victims and the perpetrators. The technique of collecting data and information through interviews, observation, documentary studies, and literature studies. The results of this study revealed that: (1) The level of parental education are low impact on the lack of oversight and care of children and adolescents that increases the chances of sexual violence; (2) Parenting permissive parents have formed a closed and free the child's personality, also weaken oversight and communication between parents and children thus increasing the chances of sexual violence; (3) a high social trust as a result of social cohesion in the family be a debilitating care and supervision of children

    Peranan Orang Tua Terhadap Tingkat Penggunaan Media Online Remaja di Jakarta

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    Tidak bisa dipungkiri, pengaruh positif dan juga negatif dari media online bisa mempengaruhi emosi, intelektual, dan psikologi anak-anak remaja masa kini. Disinilah dibutuhkan peranan orang tua, terutama dalam membentengi dan mengatasi pengaruh-pengaruh negatif dari media online yang ada saat ini. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mencari hubungan antara peran orang tua terhadap anak remaja mereka yang menggunakan media online dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Peran orang tua yang siginifikan diharapkan mampu mengtasi pengaruh negatif anak-anak remaja saat ini.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, yang melibatkan siswa-siswi di sekolah menengah atas sebagai responden utama. Pengambilan data melaui kuisoner yang diberikan kepada siswa-siswi di sekolah menengah atas.Dapat disimpulkan bahwa peranan orang tua memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam penggunaan media online oleh siswa-siswi di sekolah menengah atas. Maka dari itu, diperlukan kerjasama dari orang tua di rumah dan guru di sekolah, dan juga pelibatan anak remaja dalam menghadapi pengaruh negatif media online saat ini

    Challenges facing online research: Experiences from research concerning cyber-victimisation of people with disabilities

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    Abstract The victimisation of people living with disabilities and chronic conditions is a documented phenomenon. It ranges from harassment incidents to disability hate crimes, and causes physical, mental and psychosocial consequences. The Internet has further reshaped this phenomenon which lead to “cyber-victimisation” experiences, with no less impact upon victims. This methodology paper focuses mainly on the challenges and implications of using online methods in a UK-based study exploring the impact of cyber-victimisation on people coping with disabilities and chronic conditions. Mixed-method design was adopted via an online-survey followed by in-depth interviewing of victims. Online recruitment was through victim-support groups, patient-support groups, and social media. Out of 80 organisations and charities approached, 51(63.8%) gatekeepers helped to reach participants. Recruitment and data collection process was challenged by four overarching themes: 1) social identity in online support groups, 2) the role of online gatekeepers, 3) the contradictory role of social media, and 4) promoting inclusivity. These challenges were theorised from the perspective of the Social Identity Theory. Representing self as a victim and/or a disabled-person had its implications on virtual groups’ membership, social media use, gatekeepers’ decisions and subsequent participation. Some identity aspects were highlighted as positive points to improve engagement with research. In conclusion, the Internet has aggravated the vulnerability of people with disabilities, but it also has a huge potential in researching sensitive topics with this group. Future research in the cyberspace should acknowledge the challenges of online identities of disabled victimised people, and focus on positive identity aspects to facilitate the research process and encourage collaborative participation at early stages of research. Keywords: cyberstalking; cyberharrasment; disability hate crime; Social Identity Theory; online research; methodological challenge

    Parental awareness over their children’s internet usage: a review

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    The internet has become widely popular in this millenium era and it has evolved to become one of the vital needs in our personal and social life that leads to the improvement in individual quality of life. The role of urbanized parents is extremely imperative since children nowadays are using this technological advancement extensively. Hence, this review mainly discussed regarding parental awareness over their children's internet usage. Internet use pattern and different internet threats among children were also addressed. This review also covered the different mediation strategies adopted by parents to monitor their children’s internet use

    Hvordan posisjoneres barnet i barnemedieforskning som retter oppmerksomheten mot medieteknologi og relasjonen mellom barn og foreldre? En kvalitativ innholdsanalyse

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    Tema i denne oppgaven er medieteknologi og relasjonen mellom barn og foreldre. Et tema som er av allmenn interesse, men vanskelig tilgjengelig sett fra et vitenskapelig stÄsted. Medieforskning generelt og barnemedieforskning spesielt er to relativt store forskningsfelt som har lange historiske tradisjoner. Det spesifikke temaet i denne oppgaven beveger seg innenfor et omrÄde av medieforskningen som har vÊrt lite utforsket, familien. En forklaring pÄ det kan vÊre at vi i vÄr vestlige kultur defineres familien som en privat arena hvor vi setter tydelige grenser for hvor nÊrt vi slipper uvedkommende, med fare for at de skal bryte privatlivets fred. FormÄlet med oppgava er Ä undersÞke hvordan barnets stemme kommer frem i barnemedieforskning. Med utgangspunkt i oppgavas problemstilling: «Hvordan posisjoneres barnet i barnemedieforskning som retter oppmerksomheten mot medieteknologi og relasjonen mellom barn og foreldre?» har jeg gjennomfÞrt en kvalitativ innholdsanalyse av et utvalg artikler som bygger pÄ studier gjennomfÞrt av nordiske forskere i tidsperioden etter den digitale vendinga. Jeg har ved hjelp av en analyseguide gjennomgÄtt og samlet inn data fra et utvalg pÄ seks artikler. I kategoriseringsarbeidet har jeg benyttet en matrise. For Ä ivareta forskningens ulike nivÄer har jeg delt opp problemstillinga i tre forskningsspÞrsmÄl. Det ene ser pÄ hvordan barnet posisjoneres ut i fra forskerens perspektiv pÄ barnet, det andre i studiets design og det tredje i studiets resultater og konklusjoner. Oppgaven viser at det ikke er et entydig svar pÄ hvordan barn posisjoneres og pÄ den mÄten hvordan barnets stemme kommer frem. Innholdsanalysen viser at barneperspektivet har stort fokus, men at det er mangel pÄ at bÄde barneperspektiv og foreldreperspektiv ivaretas selv om studiene omhandler relasjonen mellom barn og foreldre. Videre viser analysen at bÄde antallet informanter og valg av intervjusted har betydning for hvordan barnets stemme kommer frem i en undersÞkelse. Innholdsanalysen viser at de studiene som har et gjennomgÄende perspektiv pÄ barnet ogsÄ gir barnet en sterk posisjon i sin konklusjon

    Activating Parents’ Persuasion Knowledge in Children’s Advergames: Testing the Effects of Advertising Disclosures and Cognitive Load

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    This study focused on parents of children between the ages of 7 to 11 and their ability to recognize and understand a children’s advergame as advertising. Using the theoretical framework of the Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM), this study experimentally tested the effects of advertising disclosures and cognitive load on parents’ activation of persuasion knowledge in children’s advergames and parents’ attitudes toward children’s advergames. In addition, this study examined how parents’ individual trait differences in persuasion knowledge and mediation of their children’s Internet use potentially influenced their persuasion knowledge in children’s advergames as well as their attitudes toward them. By conducting an online experiment (N = 202), the study revealed that: a) parents exposed to a single modality advertising disclosure reported significantly more selling and persuasion knowledge of children’s advergames compared to parents exposed to an advergame without an advertising disclosure; b) parents that experienced high(er) levels of cognitive load reported significantly less selling and persuasion knowledge of children’s advergames compared to parents that experienced low(er) levels of cognitive load; c) parents’ exposed to the dual modality advertising disclosure condition reported significantly less negative perceptions of children’s advergames compared to parents who were exposed to no advertising disclosure; c) as parents reported higher levels of trait persuasion knowledge, their associated reports of selling and persuasion knowledge within children’s advergames were lower. In addition to implications for prior and future applications of persuasion knowledge theory, managerial and practitioner implications are also provided

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationExposure to pornography--both intentional and unintentional--is becoming a reality for many adolescents. According to Ropelato, the average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11. Moreover, Manning describes regular consumption of pornograph

    [email protected] : unsanctioned social network site connections between youth work practitioners and young people

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Professional Doctorate.Social network sites are online spaces that can be used for interaction between young people and youth work practitioners. The focus of this thesis is social network site interaction that falls outside the guidance of the local authority, through unsanctioned interaction on practitioners’ personal but also work profiles. Twenty one practitioners and fourteen young people were interviewed, using a semi-structured interview guide. Three inter-linked themes emerged through the research process; space and place; trust development and boundary management. Young people wanted to interact with some practitioners through the practitioners' personal profiles but the majority of practitioners would rather interact with young people through work profiles. Young people viewed and trusted these practitioners as friends and were willing to share their personal, but also socially intimate information with them. Most practitioners viewed their relationship with young people as a professional relationship and aimed to maintain personal and professional boundaries. However, practitioners did not extend this same awareness to the boundaries of young people. This was further confirmed by the practice of client searching through a variety of profiles to access socially intimate information of young people. Where practitioners and volunteers lived and worked in the same geographical spaces, these multiple relationships increased uncertainty with regards to unsanctioned SNS interaction. Other practitioners were either fearful or opportunistic of these relationships and used them to gain further socially intimate information about young people or turned a blind eye to these relationships due to uncertainty of how to respond. This thesis extends knowledge and theory concerning youth work practice at a time of change, and also new spaces for interaction online. Civic courage and incentives that outweigh deterrents lead to unsanctioned connections for practitioners. For young people this interaction was based on the type of friendship they perceived they had with practitioners. Studying perceptions regarding this interaction revealed cycles of perpetual negative practice, personal and socially intimate boundaries and different views on the type of relationship that young people and practitioners developed with each other

    ‘Porn literacy’ as pedagogy? : key stakeholder perspectives on understanding and responding to young people's engagement with internet pornography : a dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology at Massey University, ManawatĆ«, New Zealand

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    Article 1 is re-published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Article 4 is re-published under the 2022 CAUL R&P Agreement with Springer Nature (Springer).Youth encounters with Internet pornography (IP) have led to global concern regarding the healthy sexual socialisation of youth. A growing body of critical research recognises young people as agentic political actors in their sexual socialisation with legitimate knowledge of their own experiences, and seeks to understand their perspectives alongside those of influential adults in their lives. Grounded in social constructionist thinking, my research extends this emerging body of knowledge. I investigate how key stakeholders (16-18-year-olds, caregivers, and educators) account for and discursively construct youth engagement with IP, and explore their perspectives on porn literacy education. The central premise of this scholarship is to determine how such knowledge might translate positively for young people through sexuality education that recognises their lived realities. Key stakeholders were recruited from nine schools across the North Island of Aotearoa, New Zealand. A mixed-methods design was employed over sequential phases, comprising an online survey (N = 484), a Q-sort (N = 30), and semi-structured interviews (N = 24). Descriptive statistical analyses of the survey data provided a preliminary understanding of youth engagement with IP; a specialised software programme assisted with factor analysis for the Q-methodological study investigating perspectives towards porn literacy education; and interview data were analysed by means of a critical thematic analysis, drawing on a feminist discursive approach to sexual scripting theory. Key research findings are presented across four research articles and indicate that; (i) (gendered) youth engagement with IP is commonplace, and there are varied understandings between stakeholder groups and across genders as to why and how these encounters occur, (ii) youth take up agentic positions that suggest they are active, legitimate sexual citizens, and adults generally harbour concerns about recognising youth in this way, and (iii) the construction of childhood innocence dubiously positions youth as uncritical, ‘at risk’ viewers of IP. Accordingly, protectionist adult intervention is justified and conceptualised in accordance with this construction of youth. My research highlights dominant and alternative constructions about youth sexuality, and describes the synergies and discrepancies across key stakeholder perspectives about youth engagement with IP. Importantly, my findings suggest some youth engage with IP in a more nuanced manner than typically assumed. Through gaining a comprehensive understanding of stakeholders' perspectives, the findings of my research expand scholarly knowledge by providing practical inquiry into the potential of porn literacy as pedagogy