3,548 research outputs found

    Evolution and Analysis of Embodied Spiking Neural Networks Reveals Task-Specific Clusters of Effective Networks

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    Elucidating principles that underlie computation in neural networks is currently a major research topic of interest in neuroscience. Transfer Entropy (TE) is increasingly used as a tool to bridge the gap between network structure, function, and behavior in fMRI studies. Computational models allow us to bridge the gap even further by directly associating individual neuron activity with behavior. However, most computational models that have analyzed embodied behaviors have employed non-spiking neurons. On the other hand, computational models that employ spiking neural networks tend to be restricted to disembodied tasks. We show for the first time the artificial evolution and TE-analysis of embodied spiking neural networks to perform a cognitively-interesting behavior. Specifically, we evolved an agent controlled by an Izhikevich neural network to perform a visual categorization task. The smallest networks capable of performing the task were found by repeating evolutionary runs with different network sizes. Informational analysis of the best solution revealed task-specific TE-network clusters, suggesting that within-task homogeneity and across-task heterogeneity were key to behavioral success. Moreover, analysis of the ensemble of solutions revealed that task-specificity of TE-network clusters correlated with fitness. This provides an empirically testable hypothesis that links network structure to behavior.Comment: Camera ready version of accepted for GECCO'1

    Preliminary study

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    The concept of Precision Agriculture is usually associated with the usage of high-end technology equipment (hardware or software) to evaluate or monitor the conditions of a determined portion of land, adjusting afterwards the production factors, like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, growing regulators, water, according to differential detected characteristics. This paper describes an algorithm developed to analyze and process images to recognize fruits, particularly peaches, and calculate it dimensions, like volume and weight. The recognition of peaches on their natural conditions on trees depends on several spatial- and time-variable parameters and requires complex segmentation algorithms. The proposed algorithm applies image segmentation for extraction of characteristics such as color and shape. These characteristics were used to train a classification method through a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to improve the recognition rate of fruits. The algorithm is designed to acquire images with a high-resolution camera installed in a drone that will fly between the tree lines. The production prediction of 29.3 tons per hectare was obtained based on volume and relation weight/volume calculated for the recognized peaches. An overall precision of 72% was achieved for the prediction rate of peaches in orchards (808 trees/ha). This is the first study regarding the application of these concepts under orchard trees aiming the production prediction along the fruit maturation. Other useful future applications are foreseen in orchard trees, related not only to production prediction, for this type of algorithm.Project "PrunusBOT – Sistema robótico aéreo autónomo de pulverização controlada e previsão de produção frutícola", n.º PDR2020-101-031358, funded by Rural Development Program of the Portuguese Government - Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural (PDR 2020), Portugal 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microgenesis, immediate experience and visual processes in reading

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    The concept of microgenesis refers to the development on a brief present-time scale of a percept, a thought, an object of imagination, or an expression. It defines the occurrence of immediate experience as dynamic unfolding and differentiation in which the ‘germ’ of the final experience is already embodied in the early stages of its development. Immediate experience typically concerns the focal experience of an object that is thematized as a ‘figure’ in the global field of consciousness; this can involve a percept, thought, object of imagination, or expression (verbal and/or gestural). Yet, whatever its modality or content, focal experience is postulated to develop and stabilize through dynamic differentiation and unfolding. Such a microgenetic description of immediate experience substantiates a phenomenological and genetic theory of cognition where any process of perception, thought, expression or imagination is primarily a process of genetic differentiation and development, rather than one of detection (of a stimulus array or information), transformation, and integration (of multiple primitive components) as theories of cognitivist kind have contended. My purpose in this essay is to provide an overview of the main constructs of microgenetic theory, to outline its potential avenues of future development in the field of cognitive science, and to illustrate an application of the theory to research, using visual processes in reading as an example

    A comprehensive review of fruit and vegetable classification techniques

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    Recent advancements in computer vision have enabled wide-ranging applications in every field of life. One such application area is fresh produce classification, but the classification of fruit and vegetable has proven to be a complex problem and needs to be further developed. Fruit and vegetable classification presents significant challenges due to interclass similarities and irregular intraclass characteristics. Selection of appropriate data acquisition sensors and feature representation approach is also crucial due to the huge diversity of the field. Fruit and vegetable classification methods have been developed for quality assessment and robotic harvesting but the current state-of-the-art has been developed for limited classes and small datasets. The problem is of a multi-dimensional nature and offers significantly hyperdimensional features, which is one of the major challenges with current machine learning approaches. Substantial research has been conducted for the design and analysis of classifiers for hyperdimensional features which require significant computational power to optimise with such features. In recent years numerous machine learning techniques for example, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been exploited with many different feature description methods for fruit and vegetable classification in many real-life applications. This paper presents a critical comparison of different state-of-the-art computer vision methods proposed by researchers for classifying fruit and vegetable

    Un arbre des formes pour les images multivariées

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    Nowadays, the demand for multi-scale and region-based analysis in many computer vision and pattern recognition applications is obvious. No one would consider a pixel-based approach as a good candidate to solve such problems. To meet this need, the Mathematical Morphology (MM) framework has supplied region-based hierarchical representations of images such as the Tree of Shapes (ToS). The ToS represents the image in terms of a tree of the inclusion of its level-lines. The ToS is thus self-dual and contrast-change invariant which make it well-adapted for high-level image processing. Yet, it is only defined on grayscale images and most attempts to extend it on multivariate images - e.g. by imposing an “arbitrary” total ordering - are not satisfactory. In this dissertation, we present the Multivariate Tree of Shapes (MToS) as a novel approach to extend the grayscale ToS on multivariate images. This representation is a mix of the ToS's computed marginally on each channel of the image; it aims at merging the marginal shapes in a “sensible” way by preserving the maximum number of inclusion. The method proposed has theoretical foundations expressing the ToS in terms of a topographic map of the curvilinear total variation computed from the image border; which has allowed its extension on multivariate data. In addition, the MToS features similar properties as the grayscale ToS, the most important one being its invariance to any marginal change of contrast and any marginal inversion of contrast (a somewhat “self-duality” in the multidimensional case). As the need for efficient image processing techniques is obvious regarding the larger and larger amount of data to process, we propose an efficient algorithm that can be build the MToS in quasi-linear time w.r.t. the number of pixels and quadraticw.r.t. the number of channels. We also propose tree-based processing algorithms to demonstrate in practice, that the MToS is a versatile, easy-to-use, and efficient structure. Eventually, to validate the soundness of our approach, we propose some experiments testing the robustness of the structure to non-relevant components (e.g. with noise or with low dynamics) and we show that such defaults do not affect the overall structure of the MToS. In addition, we propose many real-case applications using the MToS. Many of them are just a slight modification of methods employing the “regular” ToS and adapted to our new structure. For example, we successfully use the MToS for image filtering, image simplification, image segmentation, image classification and object detection. From these applications, we show that the MToS generally outperforms its ToS-based counterpart, demonstrating the potential of our approachDe nombreuses applications issues de la vision par ordinateur et de la reconnaissance des formes requièrent une analyse de l'image multi-échelle basée sur ses régions. De nos jours, personne ne considérerait une approche orientée « pixel » comme une solution viable pour traiter ce genre de problèmes. Pour répondre à cette demande, la Morphologie Mathématique a fourni des représentations hiérarchiques des régions de l'image telles que l'Arbre des Formes (AdF). L'AdF représente l'image par un arbre d'inclusion de ses lignes de niveaux. L'AdF est ainsi auto-dual et invariant au changement de contraste, ce qui fait de lui une structure bien adaptée aux traitements d'images de haut niveau. Néanmoins, il est seulement défini aux images en niveaux de gris et la plupart des tentatives d'extension aux images multivariées (e.g. en imposant un ordre total «arbitraire ») ne sont pas satisfaisantes. Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons une nouvelle approche pour étendre l'AdF scalaire aux images multivariées : l'Arbre des Formes Multivarié (AdFM). Cette représentation est une « fusion » des AdFs calculés marginalement sur chaque composante de l'image. On vise à fusionner les formes marginales de manière « sensée » en préservant un nombre maximal d'inclusion. La méthode proposée a des fondements théoriques qui consistent en l'expression de l'AdF par une carte topographique de la variation totale curvilinéaire depuis la bordure de l'image. C'est cette reformulation qui a permis l'extension de l'AdF aux données multivariées. De plus, l'AdFM partage des propriétés similaires avec l'AdF scalaire ; la plus importante étant son invariance à tout changement ou inversion de contraste marginal (une sorte d'auto-dualité dans le cas multidimensionnel). Puisqu'il est évident que, vis-à-vis du nombre sans cesse croissant de données à traiter, nous ayons besoin de techniques rapides de traitement d'images, nous proposons un algorithme efficace qui permet de construire l'AdF en temps quasi-linéaire vis-à-vis du nombre de pixels et quadratique vis-à-vis du nombre de composantes. Nous proposons également des algorithmes permettant de manipuler l'arbre, montrant ainsi que, en pratique, l'AdFM est une structure facile à manipuler, polyvalente, et efficace. Finalement, pour valider la pertinence de notre approche, nous proposons quelques expériences testant la robustesse de notre structure aux composantes non-pertinentes (e.g. avec du bruit ou à faible dynamique) et nous montrons que ces défauts n'affectent pas la structure globale de l'AdFM. De plus, nous proposons des applications concrètes utilisant l'AdFM. Certaines sont juste des modifications mineures aux méthodes employant d'ores et déjà l'AdF scalaire mais adaptées à notre nouvelle structure. Par exemple, nous utilisons l'AdFM à des fins de filtrage, segmentation, classification et de détection d'objet. De ces applications, nous montrons ainsi que les méthodes basées sur l'AdFM surpassent généralement leur analogue basé sur l'AdF, démontrant ainsi le potentiel de notre approch

    Human-Robot Collaboration in Automotive Assembly

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    In the past decades, automation in the automobile production line has significantly increased the efficiency and quality of automotive manufacturing. However, in the automotive assembly stage, most tasks are still accomplished manually by human workers because of the complexity and flexibility of the tasks and the high dynamic unconstructed workspace. This dissertation is proposed to improve the level of automation in automotive assembly by human-robot collaboration (HRC). The challenges that eluded the automation in automotive assembly including lack of suitable collaborative robotic systems for the HRC, especially the compact-size high-payload mobile manipulators; teaching and learning frameworks to enable robots to learn the assembly tasks, and how to assist humans to accomplish assembly tasks from human demonstration; task-driving high-level robot motion planning framework to make the trained robot intelligently and adaptively assist human in automotive assembly tasks. The technical research toward this goal has resulted in several peer-reviewed publications. Achievements include: 1) A novel collaborative lift-assist robot for automotive assembly; 2) Approaches of vision-based robot learning of placing tasks from human demonstrations in assembly; 3) Robot learning of assembly tasks and assistance from human demonstrations using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN); 4) Robot learning of assembly tasks and assistance from human demonstrations using Task Constraint-Guided Inverse Reinforcement Learning (TC-IRL); 5) Robot learning of assembly tasks from non-expert demonstrations via Functional Objective-Oriented Network (FOON); 6) Multi-model sampling-based motion planning for trajectory optimization with execution consistency in manufacturing contexts. The research demonstrates the feasibility of a parallel mobile manipulator, which introduces novel conceptions to industrial mobile manipulators for smart manufacturing. By exploring the Robot Learning from Demonstration (RLfD) with both AI-based and model-based approaches, the research also improves robots’ learning capabilities on collaborative assembly tasks for both expert and non-expert users. The research on robot motion planning and control in the dissertation facilitates the safety and human trust in industrial robots in HRC

    Towards Autonomous Selective Harvesting: A Review of Robot Perception, Robot Design, Motion Planning and Control

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    This paper provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in selective harvesting robots (SHRs) and their potential for addressing the challenges of global food production. SHRs have the potential to increase productivity, reduce labour costs, and minimise food waste by selectively harvesting only ripe fruits and vegetables. The paper discusses the main components of SHRs, including perception, grasping, cutting, motion planning, and control. It also highlights the challenges in developing SHR technologies, particularly in the areas of robot design, motion planning and control. The paper also discusses the potential benefits of integrating AI and soft robots and data-driven methods to enhance the performance and robustness of SHR systems. Finally, the paper identifies several open research questions in the field and highlights the need for further research and development efforts to advance SHR technologies to meet the challenges of global food production. Overall, this paper provides a starting point for researchers and practitioners interested in developing SHRs and highlights the need for more research in this field.Comment: Preprint: to be appeared in Journal of Field Robotic

    GEOM Module manual: I User guide

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    The GEOM module is part of the AMAPmod software and consists of a 3D objects description language. Based on the MTG model, this language provides a simple and flexible mechanism to describe a hierarchical 3D scene as a collection of objects arranged into a graph structure, called Scene Graph. In addition to this module, AMAPmod includes a Viewer, which allow the user to examine the scenes he has created and to export them into various 3D file formats. This way it is possible to perform additional operations on the scenes such as ray tracing, walk through, hemispherical snapshots and so on. Although, this language has been designed to be used by non specialist and do not require strong backgrounds in 3D computer graphics, it is recommended to consult books introducing basic concepts on 3D graphics to have a better understanding. This document contains the following chapters: * The chapter 1 explains how to represent 3D scenes using AMAPmod. * The chapter 2 forms a reference to the GEOM's file formats. * The chapter 3 forms a reference to the objects available within the GEOM module

    Automaattinen syväoppimiseen perustuva puun vuosikasvun analysointi sahateollisuudessa

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    Analysis of wood growth is an important quality control step in a sawmill, as it predicts the structure and load-bearing capabilities of the wood. The annual growth of wood is determined by calculating the distances between the annual rings in a wood end-face. The wood is moving fast in a process line, and manual analysis of woodgrowthisalaborioustaskthatispronetoerrors. Havingtheprocessautomated increases the efficiency and throughput of the sawmill as well as reduces monotonic manual labor, thus providing better working conditions. Automatic counting of annual ring distances has been studied before, however, little research has been done on a sawmill setting which suffers from difficult imaging conditionsandroughwoodend-faceswithvariousdefects. Previousstudieshaveused traditional image processing methods which rely on handcrafted features and fail to generalize well on wood end-faces with varying conditions and arbitrary shaped annual rings. This thesis proposes a general solution to the problem by developing complete end-to-end software for detecting annual rings and analyzing wood growth using deep learning methods. The proposed system is described in detail and compared against traditional computer vision methods. Using data from a real sawmill, the deep learning based approach performs better than the traditional methods.Puun vuosikasvun analysointi on tärkeä osa laadunvarmistusta sahalla, sillä vuosikasvu määrittää puun rakenteen ja kestävyyden. Lankut kulkevat nopeasti tehdaslinjastolla, joten manuaalinen vuosikasvun analysointi on vaivalloista ja virhealtista työtä. Prosessin automatisointi lisää sahan suoritustehoa sekä vapauttaa työntekijän mielekkäämpiin tehtäviin. Puun vuosikasvu määritetään selvittämällä vuosirenkaiden väliset etäisyydet lankun päädystä. Automaattista vuosirenkaiden laskentaa on käsitelty kirjallisuudessa aiemmin, mutta vain muutama tutkimus on tehty sahaympäristössä, jossa kuvausolosuhteet ovat epäotolliset ja puupäädyt ovat karheita ja siistimättömiä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat käyttäneet perinteisiä konenäkömenetelmiä, jotka toimivat huonosti vaihtelevan laatuisiin ja muotoisiin puun päätyihin sekä vuosirenkaisiin. Tässä työssä kehitetään automaattinen syväoppimiseen perustuva tietokoneohjelmisto vuosirenkaiden tunnistamiseen ja vuosikasvun analysointiin. Ohjelmisto esitellään läpikotaisesti ja sitä verrataan perinteisiin konenäkömenetelmiin. Vertailussa käytettiin oikealta tehtaalta otettua dataa ja syväoppimiseen perustuva järjestelmä suoriutui perinteisiä menetelmiä paremmin