8,967 research outputs found

    Land Surface Data Assimilation of Satellite Derived Surface Soil Moisture : Towards an Integrated Representation of the Arctic Hydrological Cycle

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    The ability to accurately determine soil water content (soil moisture) over large areas of the Earth’s surface has potential implications in meteorology, hydrology, water and natural hazards management. The advent of space-based microwave sensors, found to be sensitive to surface soil moisture, has allowed for long-term studies of soil moisture dynamics at the global scale. There are, however, areas where remote sensing of soil moisture is prone to errors because, e.g., complex topography, surface water, dense vegetation, frozen soil or snow cover affect the retrieval. This is particularly the case for the northern high latitudes, which is a region subject to more rapid warming than the global mean and also is identified as an important region for studying 21st century climate change. Land surface models can help to close these observation gaps and provide high spatiotemporal coverage of the variables of interest. Models are only approximations of the real world and they can experience errors in, for example, their initialization and/or parameterization. In the past 20 years the research field of land surface data assimilation has undergone rapid developments, and it has provided a potential solution to the aforementioned problems. Land surface data assimilation offers a compromise between model and observations, and by minimization of their total errors it creates an analysis state which is superior to the model and observation alone. This thesis focuses on the implementation of a land surface data assimilation system, its applications and how to improve the separate elements that goes into such a framework. My ultimate goal is to improve the representation of soil moisture over northern high latitudes using land surface data assimilation. In my three papers, I first show how soil moisture data assimilation can correct random errors in the precipitation fields used to drive the land surface model. A result which indicates that a land surface model, driven by uncorrected precipitation, can have the same skill as a land surface model driven by bias-corrected precipitation. I show that passive microwave remote sensing can be utilized to monitor drought over regions of the world where this was thought to be impractical. I do this by creating a novel drought index based on passive microwave observations, and I validate the new index by comparing it with output from a land surface data assimilation system. Finally, I address knowledge gaps in the modelling of microwave emissions over northern high latitudes. In particular, I study the impact of neglecting multiplescattering terms from vegetation in the radiative transfer models of microwave emission. My three papers show that: (i) land surface data assimilation can improve surface soil moisture estimates at regional scales, (ii) passive microwave observations carries more information about the land surface over northern high latitudes than explored in the retrieval processing chain and (iii) including multiple-scattering terms in microwave radiative transfer models has the potential to increase the sensitivity for surface soil moisture below dense vegetation, and decrease biases between modelled and observed brightness temperature. In sum, my three papers lay the foundation for a land data assimilation system applicable to monitor the hydrological cycle over northern high latitudes

    Integration of environmental and spectral data for sunflower stress determination

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    Stress in sunflowers was assessed in western and northwestern Minnesota. Weekly ground observations (acquired in 1980 and 1981) were analyzed in concert with large scale aerial photography and concurrent LANDSAT data. Using multidate supervised and unsupervised classification procedures, it was found that all crops grown in association with sunflowers in the study area are spectrally separable from one another. Under conditions of extreme drought, severely stressed plants were differentiable from those not severely stressed, but between-crop separation was not possible. Initial regression analyses to estimate sunflower seed yield showed a sensitivity to environmental stress during the flowering and seed development stages. One of the most important biological factors related to sunflower production in the Red River Valley area was found to be the extent and severity of insect infestations

    Responses of boreal vegetation to recent climate change

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    The high northern latitudes have warmed faster than anywhere else in the globe during the past few decades. Boreal ecosystems are responding to this rapid climatic change in complex ways and some times contrary to expectations, with large implications for the global climate system. This thesis investigates how boreal vegetation has responded to recent climate change, particularly to the lengthening of the growing season and changes in drought severity with warming. The links between the timing of the growing season and the seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2 are evaluated in detail to infer large-scale ecosystem responses to changing seasonality and extended period of plant growth. The influence of warming on summer drought severity is estimated at a regional scale for the first time using improved data. The results show that ecosystem responses to warming and lengthening of the growing season in autumn are opposite to those in spring. Earlier springs are associated with earlier onset of photosynthetic uptake of atmospheric CO2 by northern vegetation, whereas a delayed autumn, rather than being associated with prolonged photosynthetic uptake, is associated with earlier ecosystem carbon release to the atmosphere. Moreover, the photosynthetic growing season has closely tracked the pace of warming and extension of the potential growing season in spring, but not in autumn. Rapid warming since the late 1980s has increased evapotranspiration demand and consequently summer and autumn drought severity, offsetting the effect of increasing cold-season precipitation. This is consistent with ongoing amplification of the hydrological cycle and with model projections of summer drying at northern latitudes in response to anthropogenic warming. However, changes in snow dynamics (accumulation and melting) appear to be more important than increased evaporative demand in controlling changes in summer soil moisture availability and vegetation photosynthesis across extensive regions of the boreal zone, where vegetation growth is often assumed to be dominantly temperature-limited. Snow-mediated moisture controls of vegetation growth are particularly significant in northwestern North America. In this region, a non-linear growth response of white spruce growth to recent warming at high elevations was observed. Taken together, these results indicate that net observed responses of northern ecosystems to warming involve significant seasonal contrasts, can be non-linear and are mediated by moisture availability in about a third of the boreal zone

    Vegetation response to extreme climate events on the Mongolian Plateau from 2000 to 2010

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    Climate change has led to more frequent extreme winters (aka, dzud) and summer droughts on the Mongolian Plateau during the last decade. Among these events, the 2000–2002 combined summer drought–dzud and 2010 dzud were the most severe on vegetation. We examined the vegetation response to these extremes through the past decade across the Mongolian Plateau as compared to decadal means. We first assessed the severity and extent of drought using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation data and the Palmer drought severity index (PDSI). We then examined the effects of drought by mapping anomalies in vegetation indices (EVI, EVI2) and land surface temperature derived from MODIS and AVHRR for the period of 2000–2010. We found that the standardized anomalies of vegetation indices exhibited positively skewed frequency distributions in dry years, which were more common for the desert biome than for grasslands. For the desert biome, the dry years (2000–2001, 2005 and 2009) were characterized by negative anomalies with peak values between �1.5 and �0.5 and were statistically different (P \u3c 0:001) from relatively wet years (2003, 2004 and 2007). Conversely, the frequency distributions of the dry years were not statistically different (p \u3c 0:001) from those of the relatively wet years for the grassland biome, showing that they were less responsive to drought and more resilient than the desert biome. We found that the desert biome is more vulnerable to drought than the grassland biome. Spatially averaged EVI was strongly correlated with the proportion of land area affected by drought (PDSI \u3c �1) in Inner Mongolia (IM) and Outer Mongolia (OM), showing that droughts substantially reduced vegetation activity. The correlation was stronger for the desert biome (R2 D 65 and 60, p \u3c 0:05) than for the IM grassland biome (R2 D 53, p \u3c 0:05). Our results showed significant differences in the responses to extreme climatic events (summer drought and dzud) between the desert and grassland biomes on the Plateau

    Workshop on Drought Forecasting for Northeast Brazil

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    Precipitation forecasting parameters for northeast Brazil were developed. Hydrological, sociological, and economic aspects were examined. A drought forecasting model is presented

    Annual Report: 2008

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    I submit herewith the annual report from the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks, for the period ending December 31, 2008. This is done in accordance with an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, entitled, “An act to establish agricultural experiment stations, in connection with the agricultural college established in the several states under the provisions of an act approved July 2, 1862, and under the acts supplementary thereto,” and also of the act of the Alaska Territorial Legislature, approved March 12, 1935, accepting the provisions of the act of Congress. The research reports are organized according to our strategic plan, which focuses on high-latitude soils, high-latitude agriculture, natural resources use and allocation, ecosystems management, and geographic information. These areas cross department and unit lines, linking them and unifying the research. We have also included in our financial statement information on the special grants we receive. These special grants allow us to provide research and outreach that is targeted toward economic development in Alaska. Research conducted by our graduate and undergraduate students plays an important role in these grants and the impact they make on Alaska.Financial statement -- Grants -- Students -- Research reports: Partners, Facilities, and Programs; Geographic Information; High-Latitude Agriculture; High-Latitude Soils, Management of Ecosystems; Natural Resources Use and Allocation; Index to Reports -- Publications -- Facult

    Study on Regional Responses of Pan-Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems to Recent Climate Variability Using Satellite Remote Sensing

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    I applied a satellite remote sensing based production efficiency model (PEM) using an integrated AVHRR and MODIS FPAR/LAI time series with a regionally corrected NCEP/NCAR reanalysis surface meteorology and NASA/GEWEX shortwave solar radiation inputs to assess annual terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) for the pan-Arctic basin and Alaska from 1983 to 2005. I developed a satellite remote sensing based evapotranspiration (ET) algorithm using GIMMS NDVI with the above meteorology inputs to assess spatial patterns and temporal trends in ET over the pan-Arctic region. I then analyzed associated changes in the regional water balance defined as the difference between precipitation (P) and ET. I finally analyzed the effects of regional climate oscillations on vegetation productivity and the regional water balance. The results show that low temperature constraints on Boreal-Arctic NPP are decreasing by 0.43% per year ( P \u3c 0.001), whereas a positive trend in vegetation moisture constraints of 0.49% per year ( P = 0.04) are offsetting the potential benefits of longer growing seasons and contributing to recent drought related disturbances in NPP. The PEM simulations of NPP seasonality, annual anomalies and trends are similar to stand inventory network measurements of boreal aspen stem growth ( r = 0.56; P = 0.007) and atmospheric CO2 measurement based estimates of the timing of growing season onset (r = 0.78; P \u3c 0.001). The simulated monthly ET results agree well (RMSE = 8.3 mm month-1; R2 = 0.89) with tower measurements for regionally dominant land cover types. Generally positive trends in ET, precipitation and available river discharge measurements imply that the pan-Arctic terrestrial water cycle is intensifying. Increasing water deficits occurred in some boreal and temperate grassland regions, which agree with regional drought records and recent satellite observations of vegetation browning and productivity decreases. Climate oscillations including Arctic Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation influence NPP by regulating seasonal patterns of low temperature and moisture constraints to photosynthesis. The pan-Arctic water balance is changing in complex ways in response to climate change and variability, with direct linkages to terrestrial carbon and energy cycles. Consequently, drought induced NPP decreases may become more frequent and widespread, though the occurrence and severity of drought events will depend on future water cycle patterns