61 research outputs found

    Extraction d'informations de changement à partir des séries temporelles d'images radar à synthèse d'ouverture

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    A large number of successfully launched and operated Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites has regularly provided multitemporal SAR and polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) images with high and very high spatial resolution over immense areas of the Earth surface. SAR system is appropriate for monitoring tasks thanks to the advantage of operating in all-time and all-weather conditions. With multitemporal data, both spatial and temporal information can simultaneously be exploited to improve the results of researche works. Change detection of specific features within a certain time interval has to deal with a complex processing of SAR data and the so-called speckle which affects the backscattered signal as multiplicative noise.The aim of this thesis is to provide a methodology for simplifying the analysis of multitemporal SAR data. Such methodology can benefit from the advantages of repetitive SAR acquisitions and be able to process different kinds of SAR data (i.e. single, multipolarization SAR, etc.) for various applications. In this thesis, we first propose a general framework based on a spatio-temporal information matrix called emph{Change Detection Matrix} (CDM). This matrix contains temporal neighborhoods which are adaptive to changed and unchanged areas thanks to similarity cross tests. Then, the proposed method is used to perform three different tasks:1) multitemporal change detection with different kinds of changes, which allows the combination of multitemporal pair-wise change maps to improve the performance of change detection result;2) analysis of change dynamics in the observed area, which allows the investigation of temporal evolution of objects of interest;3) nonlocal temporal mean filtering of SAR/PolSAR image time series, which allows us to avoid smoothing change information in the time series during the filtering process.In order to illustrate the relevancy of the proposed method, the experimental works of the thesis is performed on four datasets over two test-sites: Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France and Merapi volcano, Indonesia, with different types of changes (i.e., seasonal evolution, glaciers, volcanic eruption, etc.). Observations of these test-sites are performed on four SAR images time series from single polarization to full polarization, from medium to high, very high spatial resolution: Sentinel-1, ALOS-PALSAR, RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X time series.La réussite du lancement d'un grand nombre des satellites Radar à Synthèse d'Ouverture (RSO - SAR) de nouvelle génération a fourni régulièrement des images SAR et SAR polarimétrique (PolSAR) multitemporelles à haute et très haute résolution spatiale sur de larges régions de la surface de la Terre. Le système SAR est approprié pour des tâches de surveillance continue ou il offre l'avantage d'être indépendant de l'éclairement solaire et de la couverture nuageuse. Avec des données multitemporelles, l'information spatiale et temporelle peut être exploitée simultanément pour rendre plus concise, l'extraction d'information à partir des données. La détection de changement de structures spécifiques dans un certain intervalle de temps nécessite un traitement complexe des données SAR et la présence du chatoiement (speckle) qui affecte la rétrodiffusion comme un bruit multiplicatif. Le but de cette thèse est de fournir une méthodologie pour simplifier l'analyse des données multitemporelles SAR. Cette méthodologie doit bénéficier des avantages d'acquisitions SAR répétitives et être capable de traiter différents types de données SAR (images SAR mono-, multi- composantes, etc.) pour diverses applications. Au cours de cette thèse, nous proposons tout d'abord une méthode générale basée sur une matrice d'information spatio-temporelle appelée Matrice de détection de changement (CDM). Cette matrice contient des informations de changements obtenus à partir de tests croisés de similarité sur des voisinages adaptatifs. La méthode proposée est ensuite exploitée pour réaliser trois tâches différentes: 1) la détection de changement multitemporel avec différents types de changements, ce qui permet la combinaison des cartes de changement entre des paires d'images pour améliorer la performance de résultat de détection de changement; 2) l'analyse de la dynamicité de changement de la zone observée, ce qui permet l'étude de l'évolution temporelle des objets d'intérêt; 3) le filtrage nonlocal temporel des séries temporelles d'images SAR/PolSAR, ce qui permet d'éviter le lissage des informations de changement dans des séries pendant le processus de filtrage.Afin d'illustrer la pertinence de la méthode proposée, la partie expérimentale de la thèse est effectuée sur deux sites d'étude: Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France et le volcan Merapi, Indonésie, avec différents types de changements (i.e. évolution saisonnière, glaciers, éruption volcanique, etc.). Les observations de ces sites d'étude sont acquises sur quatre séries temporelles d'images SAR monocomposantes et multicomposantes de moyenne à haute et très haute résolution: des séries temporelles d'images Sentinel-1, ALOS-PALSAR, RADARSAT-2 et TerraSAR-X

    Estimation of snow and firn properties by means of multi-angular polarimetric SAR measurements

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    The retrieval of snow and firn properties on large scales is essential for a wide range of cryosphere applications and research questions, implying the necessity to employ remote sensing. Among the existing remote sensing techniques, synthetic aperture radars (SARs) allow monitoring polar regions independently of sun illumination and in (nearly) all-weather conditions. The penetration capability of microwave into dry snow, firn and ice makes SAR measurements sensitive to the internal structure of snow and ice layers. In this study, a physical model is explored to assess the potential to retrieve snow and firn properties, such as layer depth, density and anisotropy, from multi-angular polarimetric SAR measurements. The experimental validation is carried over the Austfonna ice cap, in Svalbard, using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data

    Wavelet Operators and Multiplicative Observation Models - Application to Change-Enhanced Regularization of SAR Image Time Series

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    This paper first provides statistical properties of wavelet operators when the observation model can be seen as the product of a deterministic piecewise regular function (signal) and a stationary random field (noise). This multiplicative observation model is analyzed in two standard frameworks by considering either (1) a direct wavelet transform of the model or (2) a log-transform of the model prior to wavelet decomposition. The paper shows that, in Framework (1), wavelet coefficients of the time series are affected by intricate correlation structures which affect the signal singularities. Framework (2) is shown to be associated with a multiplicative (or geometric) wavelet transform and the multiplicative interactions between wavelets and the model highlight both sparsity of signal changes near singularities (dominant coefficients) and decorrelation of speckle wavelet coefficients. The paper then derives that, for time series of synthetic aperture radar data, geometric wavelets represent a more intuitive and relevant framework for the analysis of smooth earth fields observed in the presence of speckle. From this analysis, the paper proposes a fast-and-concise geometric wavelet based method for joint change detection and regularization of synthetic aperture radar image time series. In this method, geometric wavelet details are first computed with respect to the temporal axis in order to derive generalized-ratio change-images from the time series. The changes are then enhanced and speckle is attenuated by using spatial bloc sigmoid shrinkage. Finally, a regularized time series is reconstructed from the sigmoid shrunken change-images. An application of this method highlights the relevancy of the method for change detection and regularization of SENTINEL-1A dual-polarimetric image time series over Chamonix-Mont-Blanc test site

    Polarimetric SAR Change Detection with the Complex Hotelling-Lawley Trace Statistic

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    Accepted manuscript version. Published version at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2016.2532320.In this paper, we propose a new test statistic for unsupervised change detection in polarimetric radar images. We work with multilook complex covariance matrix data, whose underlying model is assumed to be the scaled complex Wishart distribution. We use the complex-kind Hotelling-Lawley trace statistic for measuring the similarity of two covariance matrices. The distribution of the Hotelling-Lawley trace statistic is ap- proximated by a Fisher-Snedecor distribution, which is used to define the significance level of a false alarm rate regulated change detector. Experiments on simulated and real PolSAR data sets demonstrate that the proposed change detection method gives detections rates and error rates that are comparable with the generalized likelihood ratio test

    Wavelet Operators and Multiplicative Observation Models -Application to SAR Image Time Series Analysis

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    International audienceThis paper first provides statistical properties of wavelet operators when the observation model can be seen as the product of a deterministic piece-wise regular function (signal) and a stationary random field (noise). This multiplicative observation model is analyzed in two standard frameworks by considering either (1) a direct wavelet transform of the model or (2) a log-transform of the model prior to wavelet decomposition. The paper shows that, in Framework (1), wavelet coefficients of the time series are affected by intricate correlation structures which blur signal singularities. Framework (2) is shown to be associated with a multiplicative (or geometric) wavelet transform and the multiplicative interactions between wavelets and the model highlight both sparsity of signal changes near singularities (dominant coefficients) and decorre-lation of speckle wavelet coefficients. The paper then derives that, for time series of synthetic aperture radar data, geometric wavelets represent a more intuitive and relevant framework for the analysis of smooth earth fields observed in the presence of speckle. From this analysis, the paper proposes a fast-and-concise geometric wavelet based method for joint change detection and regularization of synthetic aperture radar image time series. In this method, geometric wavelet details are first computed with respect to the temporal axis in order to derive generalized-ratio change-images from the time series. The changes are then enhanced and speckle is attenuated by using spatial block sigmoid shrinkage. Finally, a regularized time series is reconstructed from the sigmoid shrunken change-images. Some applications highlight relevancy of the method for the analysis of SENTINEL-1A and TerraSAR-X image time series over Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

    A Qualitative Study on Microwave Remote Sensing and Challenges Faced in India

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    Over the past few decades remote sensing has expanded its limits with exponential rise in technology that facilitates accurate data fetching in real time. In view of some of the major problems faced by developing nations, particularly India with its recent advancement in space technology, remote sensing has a vital role to play in resolving many such problems. In the light of recent Global Space Programs where several satellites have been launched for large area mapping using microwave sensors, microwave remote sensing can play a vital role as India experiences a large number of disasters every year. Also, majority of Indian population relies on farming for their livelihood. Microwave remote sensing can have significant effects in both these two scenarios as opposed to its conventional counterpart, optical remote sensing under diverse conditions and facilitate better results in terms of disaster management, prediction and increasing crop yield. The current paper brings out the various details on the work done by using active microwave remote sensing, with specific illustrative examples, for disaster management support, crop management techniques and the challenges associated on carrying out such researches in a diverse terrain like India

    Shuttle imaging radar-C science plan

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    The Shuttle Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) mission will yield new and advanced scientific studies of the Earth. SIR-C will be the first instrument to simultaneously acquire images at L-band and C-band with HH, VV, HV, or VH polarizations, as well as images of the phase difference between HH and VV polarizations. These data will be digitally encoded and recorded using onboard high-density digital tape recorders and will later be digitally processed into images using the JPL Advanced Digital SAR Processor. SIR-C geologic studies include cold-region geomorphology, fluvial geomorphology, rock weathering and erosional processes, tectonics and geologic boundaries, geobotany, and radar stereogrammetry. Hydrology investigations cover arid, humid, wetland, snow-covered, and high-latitude regions. Additionally, SIR-C will provide the data to identify and map vegetation types, interpret landscape patterns and processes, assess the biophysical properties of plant canopies, and determine the degree of radar penetration of plant canopies. In oceanography, SIR-C will provide the information necessary to: forecast ocean directional wave spectra; better understand internal wave-current interactions; study the relationship of ocean-bottom features to surface expressions and the correlation of wind signatures to radar backscatter; and detect current-system boundaries, oceanic fronts, and mesoscale eddies. And, as the first spaceborne SAR with multi-frequency, multipolarization imaging capabilities, whole new areas of glaciology will be opened for study when SIR-C is flown in a polar orbit

    HED-UNet: Combined Segmentation and Edge Detection for Monitoring the Antarctic Coastline

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    Deep learning-based coastline detection algorithms have begun to outshine traditional statistical methods in recent years. However, they are usually trained only as single-purpose models to either segment land and water or delineate the coastline. In contrast to this, a human annotator will usually keep a mental map of both segmentation and delineation when performing manual coastline detection. To take into account this task duality, we therefore devise a new model to unite these two approaches in a deep learning model. By taking inspiration from the main building blocks of a semantic segmentation framework (UNet) and an edge detection framework (HED), both tasks are combined in a natural way. Training is made efficient by employing deep supervision on side predictions at multiple resolutions. Finally, a hierarchical attention mechanism is introduced to adaptively merge these multiscale predictions into the final model output. The advantages of this approach over other traditional and deep learning-based methods for coastline detection are demonstrated on a dataset of Sentinel-1 imagery covering parts of the Antarctic coast, where coastline detection is notoriously difficult. An implementation of our method is available at \url{https://github.com/khdlr/HED-UNet}.Comment: This work has been accepted by IEEE TGRS for publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images for Characterization and Discrimination of Young Forest Stands Under Regeneration in Norway

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    There is a need for mapping of forest areas with young stands under regeneration in Norway, as a basis for conducting tending, or precommercial thinning (PCT), whenever necessary. The main objective of this article is to show the potential of multitemporal Sentinel-1 (S-1) and Sentinel-2 (S-2) data for characterization and detection of forest stands under regeneration. We identify the most powerful radar and optical features for discrimination of forest stands under regeneration versus other forest stands. A number of optical and radar features derived from multitemporal S-1 and S-2 data were used for the class separability and cross-correlation analysis. The analysis was performed on forest resource maps consisting of the forest development classes and age in two study sites from south-eastern Norway. Important features were used to train the classical random forest (RF) classification algorithm. A comparative study of performance of the algorithm was used in three cases: I) using only S-1 features, II) using only S-2 optical bands, and III) using combination of S-1 and S-2 features. RF classification results pointed to increased class discrimination when using S-1 and S-2 data in relation to S-1 or S-2 data only. The study shows that forest stands under regeneration in the height interval for PCT can be detected with a detection rate of 91% and F-1 score of 73.2% in case III as most accurate, while tree density and broadleaf fraction could be estimated with coefficient of determination (R 2 ) of about 0.70 and 0.80, respectively
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