7 research outputs found

    Mathematical model of interactions immune system with Micobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health problem in the world, because of the increasing prevalence and treatment outcomes are less satisfactory. About 3 million people die each year and an estimated one third of the world's population infected with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (M.tb) is latent. This is apparently related to incomplete understanding of the immune system in infection M.tb. When this has been known that immune responses that play a role in controlling the development of M.tb is Macrophages, T Lymphocytes and Cytokines as mediators. However, how the interaction between the two populations and a variety of cytokines in suppressing the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis germ is still unclear. To be able to better understand the dynamics of infection with M tuberculosis host immune response is required of a model.One interesting study on the interaction of the immune system with M.tb mulalui mathematical model approach. Mathematical model is a good tool in understanding the dynamic behavior of a system. With the mediation of mathematical models are expected to know what variables are most responsible for suppressing the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis germ that can be a more appropriate approach to treatment and prevention target is to develop a vaccine. This research aims to create dynamic models of interaction between macrophages (Macrophages resting, macrophages activated and macrophages infected), T lymphocytes (CD4 + T cells and T cells CD8 +) and cytokine (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10,IL-12,IFN-dan TNF-) on TB infection in the lung. To see the changes in each variable used parameter values derived from experimental literature. With the understanding that the variable most responsible for defense against Mycobacterium tuberculosis germs, it can be used as the basis for the development of a vaccine or drug delivery targeted so hopefully will improve the management of patients with tuberculosis. Mathematical models used in building Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) in the form of differential equation systems Non-linear first order, the equation contains the functions used in biological systems such as the Hill function, Monod function, Menten- Kinetic Function. To validate the system used 4th order Runge Kutta method with the help of software in making the program Matlab or Maple to view the behavior and the quantity of cells of each population

    Modified K-means Algorithm for Clustering Analysis of Hainan Green Tangerine Peel

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    Part 1: Digital ServicesInternational audienceK-means is a classic, the division of the clustering algorithm, apply to the classification of the globular data. According to the initial clustering center, this paper comprehensive consideration the characteristics of various Hierarchical cluster algorithms and choose the appropriate Hierarchical cluster algorithm to improve K-means, and combined with Hainan Green Tangerine Peel cluster analysis of data which is compared experiments. The results indicate that the improved algorithm have increasing the distance between classes with each others, get a stable of cluster results and better implementation data mining. Finally to summary the two algorithms and the further research direction

    Data Mining in Promoting Flight Safety

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    The incredible rapid development to huge volumes of air travel, mainly because of jet airliners that appeared to the sky in the 1950s, created the need for systematic research for aviation safety and collecting data about air traffic. The structured data can be analysed easily using queries from databases and running theseresults through graphic tools. However, in analysing narratives that often give more accurate information about the case, mining tools are needed. The analysis of textual data with computers has not been possible until data mining tools have been developed. Their use, at least among aviation, is still at a moderate level. The research aims at discovering lethal trends in the flight safety reports. The narratives of 1,200 flight safety reports from years 1994 – 1996 in Finnish were processed with three text mining tools. One of them was totally language independent, the other had a specific configuration for Finnish and the third originally created for English, but encouraging results had been achieved with Spanish and that is why a Finnish test was undertaken, too. The global rate of accidents is stabilising and the situation can now be regarded as satisfactory, but because of the growth in air traffic, the absolute number of fatal accidents per year might increase, if the flight safety will not be improved. The collection of data and reporting systems have reached their top level. The focal point in increasing the flight safety is analysis. The air traffic has generally been forecasted to grow 5 – 6 per cent annually over the next two decades. During this period, the global air travel will probably double also with relatively conservative expectations of economic growth. This development makes the airline management confront growing pressure due to increasing competition, signify cant rise in fuel prices and the need to reduce the incident rate due to expected growth in air traffic volumes. All this emphasises the urgent need for new tools and methods. All systems provided encouraging results, as well as proved challenges still to be won. Flight safety can be improved through the development and utilisation of sophisticated analysis tools and methods, like data mining, using its results supporting the decision process of the executives.Lentoliikenne kasvoi huomattavasti 1950-luvulla pääasiassa suihkumatkustajakoneiden myötä, mikä aiheutti poikkeamatietojen järjestelmällisen keräämisen ja tutkimuksen tarpeen. Määrämuotoinen tieto voidaan helposti analysoida tietokantakyselyillä esittäen tulokset käyttäen graafisia työkaluja, mutta tekstianalyysiin, jonka avulla tapauksista saadaan usein tarkempia tietoja, tarvitaan louhintatyökaluja. Tekstimuotoisen tiedon automaattinen analysointi ei ole ollut mahdollista ennen louhintatyökalujen kehittämistä. Silti niiden käyttö, ainakin ilmailun piirissä, on edelleen vähäistä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli havaita vaarallisia kehityskulkuja lentoturvallisuusraporteissa. 1 200 lentoturvallisuusraportin selostusosiot vuosilta 1994 –1996 käsiteltiin kolmella tekstinlouhintatyökalulla. Yksi näistä oli täysin kieliriippumaton, toisessa oli lisäosa, jossa oli mahdollisuus käsitellä suomen kieltä ja kolmas oli rakennettu alun perin ainoastaan englanninkielisen tekstin louhintaan, mutta espanjan kielellä saavutettujen rohkaisevien tulosten pohjalta päätettiin kokeilla myös suomenkielistä tekstiä. Lento-onnettomuuksien määrä liikenteeseen nähden on vakiintumassa maailmanlaajuisesti katsottuna ja turvallisuustaso voidaan katsoa tyydyttäväksi. Kuitenkin liikenteen kasvaessa myös onnettomuuksien määrä lisääntyy vuosittain, mikäli lentoturvallisuutta ei kyetä parantamaan. Turvallisuustiedon kerääminen ja raportointijärjestelmät ovat jo saavuttaneet huippunsa. Analysoinnin parantaminen on avain lentoturvallisuuden parantamiseen. Lentoliikenteen on ennustettu kasvavan 5 – 6 prosenttia vuodessa seuraavien kahden vuosikymmenen ajan. Samana aikana lentoliikenne saattaa kaksinkertaistua jopa vaatimattomimpien talouskasvuennusteiden mukaan. Tällainen kehitys asettaa lentoliikenteen päättäjille yhä kasvavia paineita kiristyvän kilpailun, polttoaineiden hinnannousun ja liikenteen kasvun aiheuttaman onnettomuuksien määrän vähentämiseksi. Tämä korostaa uusien menetelmien ja työkalujen kiireellistä tarvetta. Kaikilla louhintajärjestelmillä saatiin rohkaisevia tuloksia mutta ne nostivat samalla esille haasteita, jotka tulisi vielä voittaa. Lentoturvallisuutta voidaan vielä parantaa käyttämällä tässä esille tuotuja analyysimenetelmiä ja –työkaluja kuten tiedonlouhintaa ja soveltamalla näin saatuja tuloksia johdon päätöksenteon tukena.Siirretty Doriast

    Organización de la diversidad genética de los cítricos

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    Citrus es el género de la subfamilia Aurantioideae de mayor importancia económica. Su origen es la región sureste de Asia, en un área que incluye China, India y la península de Indochina y los archipiélagos de los alrededores. Aunque se han realizado múltiples estudios, la taxonomía del género Citrus aun no está bien definida, debido al alto nivel de diversidad morfológica encontrado en este grupo, la compatibilidad sexual entre sus especies y la apomixis de muchos genotipos. En la presente tesis doctoral se ha estudiado una amplia diversidad del género Citrus, especies relacionadas y otros taxones de la subfamilia Aurantioideae, para poder aclarar su organización y filogenia mediante el empleo de diferentes tipos de marcadores moleculares y métodos de genotipado. Más concretamente, el germoplasma de mandarino juega un papel muy importante en la mejora de variedades y patrones, pero su organización genética no está bien definida. Por lo tanto, se ha realizado un análisis en profundidad de su diversidad y organización genética. El desarrollo de marcadores moleculares de Inserción-Deleción (indel), por primera vez en cítricos, ha permitido demostrar su utilidad para estudios de diversidad y filogenia en el género Citrus. En combinación con los marcadores de tipo microsatélite (SSR), se ha cuantificado la contribución de los tres principales taxones de cítricos (C. reticulata, C. maxima and C. medica) a los genomas de las especies secundarias y cultivares modernos. También se ha definido su estructura genética a partir de los datos obtenidos en la secuenciación de 27 fragmentos de genes nucleares relacionados con la biosíntesis de compuestos que determinan la calidad de los cítricos y genes relacionados con la respuesta de la planta a estreses abióticos. El análisis de la filogenia nuclear ha permitido determinar la relación existente entre la especie C. reticulata y Fortunella, que se diferencian claramente del grupo formado por las otras dos principales especies de cítricos (C. maxima y C. medica). Este resultado está en concordancia con el origen geográfico de las especies estudiadas. A partir de este estudio, se han desarrollado marcadores moleculares de tipo SNP con un alto valor filogenético, que han sido transferidos a géneros relacionados de los cítricos. Estos marcadores han dado un resultado muy positivo en el género Citrus y serán de gran utilidad para el establecimiento de la huella genética del germoplasma en un nivel de diversidad más amplio. Se ha estudiado la organización genética dentro del germoplasma mandarino (198 genotipos de tipo mandarino pertenecientes a dos colecciones, INRA-CIRAD e IVIA), así como la introgresión de otros genomas mediante el uso de 50 y 24 marcadores de tipo SSR y indel, respectivamente, además de cuatro marcadores InDel mitocondrial (ADNmt). Se ha observado que muchos genotipos, que se creía que eran mandarinos puros, presentan introgresión de otros genomas ancestrales. Dentro del germoplasma de mandarino, se han identificado a nivel nuclear cinco grupos parentales, a partir de los cuales se originaron muchos genotipos, dando lugar a estructuras hibridas complejas. Se ha observado incluso, genotipos con un origen maternal no mandarino, determinado por los marcadores de ADNmt. La presente tesis doctoral ha aportado nueva información sobre las relaciones filogenéticas entre las especies del género Citrus, géneros cercanos, así como de las especies secundarias. Además, se han desarrollado nuevos marcadores moleculares que se complementan entre sí. Se ha establecido una nueva organización genética del germoplasma mandarino y se han caracterizado adecuadamente las dos colecciones de cítricos en estudio. Por lo tanto, todas estas contribuciones, ayudarán a los programas de mejora para la obtención de nuevas variedades de cítricos de alta calidad y permitirán optimizar la conservación y uso de los recursos genéticos existentes, así como su caracterización genética y fenotípica.García Lor, A. (2013). Organización de la diversidad genética de los cítricos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31518TESI

    Mutation breeding, genetic diversity and crop adaptation to climate change

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    This book presents reviews on the application of the technology for crop improvement towards food and nutrition security, and research status on mutation breeding and associated biotechnologies in both seed crops and vegetatively propagated crops. It also presents perspectives on the significance of next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics in determining the molecular variants underlying mutations and on emerging biotechnologies such as gene editing. Reviews and articles are organized into five sections in the publication: (1) Contribution of Crop Mutant Varieties to Food Security; (2) Mutation Breeding in Crop Improvement and Climate-Change Adaptation; (3) Mutation Induction Techniques for Enhanced Genetic Variation; (4) Mutation Breeding in Vegetatively Propagated and Ornamental Crops; and (5) Induced Genetic Variation for Crop Improvement in the Genomic Era. The contents of this volume present excellent reference material for researchers, students and policy makers involved in the application of induced genetic variation in plants for the maintenance of biodiversity and the acceleration of crop adaptation to climate change to feed a growing global population in the coming years and decades.illustrato

    Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 2018

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    Maritime expressions:a corpus based exploration of maritime metaphors

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    This study uses a purpose-built corpus to explore the linguistic legacy of Britain’s maritime history found in the form of hundreds of specialised ‘Maritime Expressions’ (MEs), such as TAKEN ABACK, ANCHOR and ALOOF, that permeate modern English. Selecting just those expressions commencing with ’A’, it analyses 61 MEs in detail and describes the processes by which these technical expressions, from a highly specialised occupational discourse community, have made their way into modern English. The Maritime Text Corpus (MTC) comprises 8.8 million words, encompassing a range of text types and registers, selected to provide a cross-section of ‘maritime’ writing. It is analysed using WordSmith analytical software (Scott, 2010), with the 100 million-word British National Corpus (BNC) as a reference corpus. Using the MTC, a list of keywords of specific salience within the maritime discourse has been compiled and, using frequency data, concordances and collocations, these MEs are described in detail and their use and form in the MTC and the BNC is compared. The study examines the transformation from ME to figurative use in the general discourse, in terms of form and metaphoricity. MEs are classified according to their metaphorical strength and their transference from maritime usage into new registers and domains such as those of business, politics, sports and reportage etc. A revised model of metaphoricity is developed and a new category of figurative expression, the ‘resonator’, is proposed. Additionally, developing the work of Lakov and Johnson, Kovesces and others on Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), a number of Maritime Conceptual Metaphors are identified and their cultural significance is discussed