1,157 research outputs found

    Coloured Petri Nets Extended with Channels for Synchronous Communication

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    This paper shows how Coloured Petri Nets (CP-nets) can be extended to support synchronous communication. We introduce typed communication channels through which transitions are allowed to communicate. Small examples show how channel commnunication is convenient for creating compact and comprehensive models. The concepts introduced in this paper originate from the practical use of Petri nets for modelling, and they are formally defined in such a way that they preserve the basic properties of CP-nets. We show how a CP-net with channels can be transformed into a behaviourally equivalent CP-net. This allows us to deduce properties of CP-nets with channels from well-known properties of CP-nets.As an example,we extend the concept of place invariants to cope with CP-nets with channels and show how place invariants can be found. This is done without transforming the CP-nets with channels into their equivalent CP-nets. CP-nets with channels can be used as a basis for new hierarchy constructs, and we outline an alternative to invocation transitions, based on CP-nets with channels. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the notion of CP-nets

    Ninth Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, Aarhus, Denmark, October 20-22, 2008

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, October 20-22, 2008. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop0

    Eighth Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, Aarhus, Denmark, October 22-24, 2007

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, October 22-24, 2007. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop0

    Integration of the Cimosa and high-level coloured Petri net modelling techniques with application in the postal process using hierarchical dispatching rules

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    Enterprise processes, i.e. business and manufacturing, rely on enterprise modelling and simulation tools to assess the quality of their structure and performance in an unobtrusive and cost-effective way. Each of these processes is a collaboration of inseparable elements such as resources, information, operations, and organization. In order to provide a more complete assessment of enterprise processes, a simulation approach that allows communication and interaction among these elements needs to be provided. The simulation approach requires an analysis of the performance of each element and its influence on other elements in an object-oriented way. It also needs to have the capability to represent the structures and dynamics of the elements mentioned, and to present the performance assessment comprehensively. This will ensure a more holistic simulation modelling task. These simulation requirements have motivated the investigation of the novel integration of two popular enterprise process modelling methods: Cimosa and high-level coloured Petri net. The Cimosa framework is used to formalize the enterprise modelling procedure in the aspects of representing process elements, structure, behaviours, and relationships. The high-level coloured Petri nets method provides the mechanism to simulate the dynamics of objects and their characteristics, and also to enable communication among the objects. The approach is applied on a postal process model, which involves elements from manufacturing processes, i.e. machine processing (sorting), inventory (storage), product flow, and resource planning. Simulation studies based on the hierarchical dispatching rules show that the integrated approach is able to present vital information regarding the communication method, resource management, and the effect of interactions among these manufacturing process elements, which are not provided by the current modelling system in the postal company. The current paper has presented a novel mechanism, i.e. Cimosa—HCTSPN modelling approach, to extract information on process elements and their interactions. It has also presented the novel hierarchical dispatching rules and contributed to the extension of information that can be represented for a postal process

    Business Process Simulation Using Coloured Petri Nets

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    Äriprotsesside juhtimine on tĂ€napĂ€eva maailmas muutunud jĂ€rjest olulisemaks tĂ€nu suurenevatele nĂ”udmistele protsesside tĂ”husamaks muutmisel. Protsesside juhtimisega ĂŒritatakse leida vĂ”imalikke kitsaskohti, tĂ”sta tootlikust ja vĂ€hendada vajadust ressursside jĂ€rjele. Paljud protsesside modelleerimise vahendid toetavad lisaks protsesside modelleerimisele mudelite juurutamist ning simulatsioone. Simulatsioonid on ĂŒks parimaid tehnikaid protsesside efektiivsemaks muutmisel. Enamus Ă€riprotsesside modelleerimise standardeid ei toeta simulatsioone (k.a. de facto standard BPMN). Mitmed protsesside modelleerimise vahendid vĂ”imaldavad simulatsioone, kuid simulatsioonimootor on peidetud nende vahendite sisse. See piirab simulatsioonimootorite laiendatavust ning protsesside simulatsioonides tuleb lĂ€bi ajada tarkvara vahenditega. Kuid modelleerimistarkvara vĂ”imalused on vĂ”rreldes reaalse maailma situatsioonidega vĂ€ga piiratud. Antud töö eesmĂ€rgiks on vĂ€lja pakkuda eelpool mainitud probleemile ĂŒks vĂ”imalik lahendus – BPMN meta-mudeli laiendus simulatsiooni atribuutidega. Töös kasutatakse simulatsioonimootorit CPN Tools, mis baseerub Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) modelleerimis-keelel. CPN on loodud spetsiaalselt diskreetsete sĂŒsteemide simulatsiooni keeleks. Esmalt tehakse ĂŒlevaade BPMN standardist ning kahest levinumast BPMN modelleerimise vahendist – IBM WebSphere Modeller ja IPT Commerce. JĂ€rgnevalt antakse lĂŒhiĂŒlevaade Petri Nets ja CPN mudelitest ning CPN Tools modelleerimisvahendist. Kasutades olemasolevate vahendite analĂŒĂŒsist saadud kogemusi, laiendatakse BPMN standardi meta-mudelit simulatsioonide meta-mudeliga. SeejĂ€rel kirjeldatakse kuidas saada simulatsiooni andmetega tĂ€iendatud BPMN mudelist CPN mudel ning demonstreeritakse erinevaid vĂ”imalusi CPN mudelite simuleerimiseks kasutades CPN Tools vahendeid. Töös kirjeldatud simulatsiooni meta-mudel ja BPMN mudeli elementide teisendamine CPN mudeli konstruktsioonideks on esitatud ĂŒldiselt, sest eesmĂ€rgiks oli testida vĂ€lja pakutava lahenduse vĂ”imalikkust. CPN Tools sai valitud simulatsioonimootoriks sellepĂ€rast, et tema mudelid on kirjeldatud kasutades XML-i. Töö edasiarendusena pakub autor vĂ€lja BPMN mudelitest CPN mudelite automaatse konverteri loomist.Business process management plays an increasingly important role in the business world as it promotes effectiveness and efficiency in business operations. The simulation of business processes is one of the most versatile techniques for analyzing business processes quantitatively in order to identify and remove performance bottlenecks. The graphical representation of business process models has proven to be a very effective tool for presenting information to business stakeholders, including business analysts and system developers. Unfortunately most of the graphical business process modeling standards (including de facto standard BPMN) do not support attaching simulation information to the models. Major business process modelling tools and suites still provide ability to add simulation data and execute those models. However, only models designed with the tools themselves can be simulated and no extensibility mechanism is provided to add new features or change the pre-built simulation and reporting options. This paper proposes a meta-model for specifying simulation scenarios on the top of the BPMN meta-model. Also, the paper advocates using CPN Tools as an open and extensible business process model simulator. The paper provides an initial design of a transformation from BPMN process models to CPN models. The proposed design has been validated through one fully-worked case study

    Sixth Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools Aarhus, Denmark, October 24-26, 2005

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, October 24-26, 2005. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop0

    The Impact of Petri Nets on System-of-Systems Engineering

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    The successful engineering of a large-scale system-of-systems project towards deterministic behaviour depends on integrating autonomous components using international communications standards in accordance with dynamic requirements. To-date, their engineering has been unsuccessful: no combination of top-down and bottom-up engineering perspectives is adopted, and information exchange protocol and interfaces between components are not being precisely specified. Various approaches such as modelling, and architecture frameworks make positive contributions to system-of-systems specification but their successful implementation is still a problem. One of the most popular modelling notations available for specifying systems, UML, is intuitive and graphical but also ambiguous and imprecise. Supplying a range of diagrams to represent a system under development, UML lacks simulation and exhaustive verification capability. This shortfall in UML has received little attention in the context of system-of-systems and there are two major research issues: 1. Where the dynamic, behavioural diagrams of UML can and cannot be used to model and analyse system-of-systems 2. Determining how Petri nets can be used to improve the specification and analysis of the dynamic model of a system-of-systems specified using UML This thesis presents the strengths and weaknesses of Petri nets in relation to the specification of system-of-systems and shows how Petri net models can be used instead of conventional UML Activity Diagrams. The model of the system-of-systems can then be analysed and verified using Petri net theory. The Petri net formalism of behaviour is demonstrated using two case studies from the military domain. The first case study uses Petri nets to specify and analyse a close air support mission. This case study concludes by indicating the strengths, weaknesses, and shortfalls of the proposed formalism in system-of-systems specification. The second case study considers specification of a military exchange network parameters problem and the results are compared with the strengths and weaknesses identified in the first case study. Finally, the results of the research are formulated in the form of a Petri net enhancement to UML (mapping existing activity diagram elements to Petri net elements) to meet the needs of system-of-systems specification, verification and validation

    Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents, Aarhus, Denmark, August 27-28, 2001

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the workshop Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents (MOCA'01), August 27-28, 2001. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark and the "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science" Group at the University of Hamburg, Germany. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop01

    Practical Use of High-level Petri Nets

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Practical Use of High-level Petri Nets, June 27, 2000. The workshop is part of the 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The workshop papers are available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/pn2000/proceeding
