1,639 research outputs found

    Modelling Agile Requirements using Context-based Persona Stories

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    In recent years hybrid approaches focusing on user needs by integrating Agile methodologies (e.g. Scrum, Kanban or Extreme Programming) with Human-Centered Design (HCD) have proven to be particularly suitable for the development of Web systems. On the one hand, HCD techniques are used for requirements elicitation and, on the other hand, they can be utilized to elicit navigation relationships in Web projects. Navigation is one of the basic pillars of Web systems and also a fundamental element for the methodologies within the Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) field. This paper presents an approach to model Agile requirements by means of integrating HCD techniques into Agile software development. We contribute to the software development body of knowledge by creating the concept of a Context-based Persona Story (CBPS) and formalizing it through a metamodel. Our approach covers the modelling of users and stakeholders by personas as well as the visualization of the context of use by storyboards. The attributes of the context of use enable us to elicit acceptance criteria for describing the scope of an Agile requirement.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Agile values and their implementation in practice

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    Today agile approaches are often used for the development of digital products. Since their development in the 90s, Agile Methodologies, such as Scrum and Extreme Programming, have evolved. Team collaboration is strongly influenced by the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. The values and principles described in the Agile Manifesto support the optimization of the development process. In this article, the current operation is analyzed in Agile Product Development Processes. Both, the cooperation in the project team and the understanding of the roles and tasks will be analyzed. The results are set in relation to the best practices of Agile Methodologies. A quantitative questionnaire related to best practices in Agile Product Development was developed. The study was carried out with 175 interdisciplinary participants from the IT industry. For the evaluation of the results, 93 participants were included who have expertise in the subject area Agile Methodologies. On one hand, it is shown that the collaborative development of product-related ideas brings benefits. On the other hand, it is investigated which effect a good understanding of the product has on decisions made during the implementation. Furthermore, the skillset of product managers, the use of pair programming, and the advantages of cross-functional teams are analyzed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    A systematic mapping study on integration proposals of the personas technique in agile methodologies

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    Agile development processes are increasing their consideration of usability by integrating various user‐centered design techniques throughout development. One such technique is Personas, which proposes the creation of fictitious users with real preferences to drive application design. Since applying this technique conflicts with the time constraints of agile development, Personas has been adapted over the years. Our objective is to determine the adoption level and type of integration, as well as to propose improvements to the Personas technique for agile development. A systematic mapping study was performed, retrieving 28 articles grouped by agile methodology type. We found some common integration strategies regardless of the specific agile approach, along with some frequent problems, mainly related to Persona modelling and context representation. Based on these limitations, we propose an adaptation to the technique in order to reduce the creation time for a preliminary persona. The number of publications dealing with Personas and agile development is increasing, which reveals a growing interest in the application of this technique to develop usable agile softwareThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities research grant PGC2018-097265-B-I00, MASSIVE project (RTI2018-095255-B-I00) and by EIT-Health, grant number 19091 (POSITIVE project). This research was also supported by the Madrid Region R&D programme (project FORTE, P2018/TCS-4314

    Software Development with Scrum: A Bibliometric Analysis and Profile

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    Introduction of the Scrum approach into software engineering has changed the way software is being developed. The Scrum approach emphasizes the active end-user involvement, embracing of change, and /iterative delivery of products. Our study showed that Scrum has different variants or is used in combination with different methods. Some tools not normally used in the conventional software approaches, like gamification, content analysis and grounded theory are also employed. However, Scrum like other software development approach focuses on improvement of software process, software quality, business value, performance, usability and efficiency and at the same time to reduce cost, risk and uncertainty. Contrary to some conventional approaches it also strives to boost soft factors like agility, trust, motivation, responsibility and transparency. The bibliometric synthetic scoping study revealed seven main research themes concerned with the Scrum research

    User-driven design of decision support systems for polycentric environmental resources management

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    Open and decentralized technologies such as the Internet provide increasing opportunities to create knowledge and deliver computer-based decision support for multiple types of users across scales. However, environmental decision support systems/tools (henceforth EDSS) are often strongly science-driven and assuming single types of decision makers, and hence poorly suited for more decentralized and polycentric decision making contexts. In such contexts, EDSS need to be tailored to meet diverse user requirements to ensure that it provides useful (relevant), usable (intuitive), and exchangeable (institutionally unobstructed) information for decision support for different types of actors. To address these issues, we present a participatory framework for designing EDSS that emphasizes a more complete understanding of the decision making structures and iterative design of the user interface. We illustrate the application of the framework through a case study within the context of water-stressed upstream/downstream communities in Lima, Peru

    Service Design Against Organised Crime

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    This paper proposes benefits of using service design against organised crime. As a vehicle to this discussion, the focus is an anti-child-trafficking project at Northumbria University in the UK, involving its multidisciplinary Northumbria Crime Prevention Network. The last 10 years have shown increasing evidence of people trafficking, internationally (DoS, 2010), generally for the purposes of illegal labour and/or sex. A significant fraction of those who are trafficked are children. The majority of these children are in their mid-teens, but some are as young as five years old. The C4 persona-based critical design process, (Hilton, 2008), is proposed to strategically enable a service design approach to counter organised crime, by first developing the required criminal personas in order to use their competitive perspectives in critical review of the preventative initiatives. Opportunities from such a service design approach, to child trafficking for example would include new means of: interruption or redirection of child trafficking services so that these children end up in legitimate care; also the proposition of considering new opportunities and improvements in child trafficking service routes and processes as a means of second guessing how and where Recruiters, Transporters, and Exploiters, (Van Dijck, 2005), might next be found operating, and then through border and security agencies successfully countered

    Agile or non-agile, that is the question: designing a decision support system for an agile approach in software development projects

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    To know how to choose an approach to manage a software development project is essential to maximize the chances to achieve success. One of the great dilemmas we face nowadays concerns the option for an Agile or a traditional development methodology. There are several characteristics of software projects and the business environments in which they are performed that we must consider while choosing a suitable option. Although Agile development methodologies have been increasingly expanding and consolidating worldwide as effective ways of building software since the early 2000s, they are not a one-size-fits-all approach. When to use Agile and which methodology is most suitable are the great questions we aim to answer in this research. Through a comprehensive revision of the literature and an exploratory study with Agile practitioners, we explored and identified the main factors that favour the use of an Agile approach. We also unveiled the characteristics of software development projects and organisational environments that lead development teams to opt for one of the common Agile frameworks: Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban, or Lean Software Development (LSD). Based on the results obtained, we conceived a conceptual model to support decision making and developed a prototype of an information system that implements this conceptual model. Our major goal in this study is to clarify what is important to consider in the choice of an Agile methodology and help the decision-maker selecting an appropriate development approach. The results of this research contribute to the literature related to processes of selection of software development methodologies, as well as to the diffusion of Agile within development teams and organisations with none or low degree of maturity in Agile, but interested in knowing more or adopting this development approach.Escolher uma abordagem adequada para gerenciar um projeto de desenvolvimento de software é essencial para maximizar as chances de se obter sucesso. Um dos grandes dilemas da atualidade diz respeito à opção por uma metodologia de desenvolvimento Agile ou tradicional. Existem diversas características dos projetos de software e dos ambientes organizacionais onde eles são executados que devemos considerar ao escolher uma opção apropriada. Embora as metodologias de desenvolvimento Agile venham se expandindo e consolidando mundialmente desde o início dos anos 2000 como soluções eficazes para se construir software, elas não se aplicam a todos os cenários de desenvolvimento. Quando usar Agile e qual das suas metodologias é a mais adequada são as grandes questões que pretendemos responder nesta investigação. Através de uma abrangente revisão de literatura e de um estudo exploratório com profissionais com experiência nas metodologias Agile, exploramos e identificamos os principais fatores que favorecem o uso de uma abordagem Agile. Também estudamos as características de projetos de desenvolvimento de software e de ambientes organizacionais que levam as equipas de desenvolvimento a optar por uma das suas metodologias mais comuns: Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban ou Lean Software Development (LSD). Com base nos resultados obtidos, concebemos um modelo conceitual para apoiar a tomada de decisão e desenvolvemos um protótipo de um sistema que implementa tal modelo conceitual. Nosso principal objetivo é esclarecer o que é importante considerar na escolha de uma metodologia Agile e ajudar o tomador de decisão a selecionar uma opção adequada. Os resultados desta investigação enriquecem a literatura voltada para os métodos de seleção de processos de desenvolvimento de software, e contribuem para a difusão do Agile entre as equipas de desenvolvimento e as organizações com nenhum ou baixo grau de maturidade em Agile, mas que estejam interessadas em conhecer mais ou adotar esta abordagem de desenvolvimento

    A modern approach for Threat Modelling in agile environments: redesigning the process in a SaaS company

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    Dealing with security aspects has become one of the priorities for companies operating in every sector. In the software industry building security requires being proactive and preventive by incorporating requirements right from the ideation and design of the product. Threat modelling has been consistently proven as one of the most effective and rewarding security activities in doing that, being able to uncover threats and vulnerabilities before they are even introduced into the codebase. Numerous approaches to conduct such exercise have been proposed over time, however, most of them can not be adopted in intricate corporate environments with multiple development teams. This is clear by analysing the case of Company Z, which introduced a well-documented process in 2019 but scalability, governance and knowledge issues blocked a widespread adoption. The main goal of the Thesis was to overcome these problems by designing a novel threat modelling approach, able to fit the company’s Agile environment and capable of closing the current gaps. As a result, a complete description of the redefined workflow and a structured set of suggestions was proposed. The solution is flexible enough to be adopted in multiple different contexts while meeting the requirements of Company Z. Achieving this result was possible only by analysing the industry’s best practices and solutions, understanding the current process, identifying the pain points, and gathering feedback from stakeholders. The solution proposed includes, alongside the new threat modelling process, a comprehensive method for evaluating and verifying the effectiveness of the proposed solution

    Agile User Experience Design: A Design Science Enquiry

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    This paper presents a qualitative analysis of an information systems design study within the context of agile software development based on conceptually different two design approaches: Current Agile Process (CAP) and Enhanced Agile Process (EAP). Eight agile software professionals and one user experience designer were recruited from the industry to form two small agile teams, where one agile software professional shared the product owner role in both teams. Each team undertook agile software product development based on exclusively one of the two conceptually different design approaches, CAP and EAP. Both teams used the same suite of user stories presented by the product owner. The progress of product development was assessed using four evaluation approaches: observation data comparison, debrief data comparison, individual system evaluation and comparative system evaluation. This paper presents the results of observation data comparison only. The results suggest that agile software development team that followed the enhanced agile process had more user experience focus in the design and the outcome of the product delivery proved to be somewhat richer in user experience. The paper also explores the research design, research process, developer perceptions as well as areas of shortcomings where further understanding and modelling effort is needed