11 research outputs found

    Modelling potential movement in constrained travel environments using rough space-time prisms

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    The widespread adoption of location-aware technologies (LATs) has afforded analysts new opportunities for efficiently collecting trajectory data of moving individuals. These technologies enable measuring trajectories as a finite sample set of time-stamped locations. The uncertainty related to both finite sampling and measurement errors makes it often difficult to reconstruct and represent a trajectory followed by an individual in space-time. Time geography offers an interesting framework to deal with the potential path of an individual in between two sample locations. Although this potential path may be easily delineated for travels along networks, this will be less straightforward for more nonnetwork-constrained environments. Current models, however, have mostly concentrated on network environments on the one hand and do not account for the spatiotemporal uncertainties of input data on the other hand. This article simultaneously addresses both issues by developing a novel methodology to capture potential movement between uncertain space-time points in obstacle-constrained travel environments

    Optimization of route choice, speeds and stops in time-varying networks for fuel-efficient truck journeys

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    A method is presented for the real-time optimal control of the journey of a truck, travelling between a pair of pick-up/drop-off locations in a time-varying traffic network, in order to reduce fuel consumption. The method, when applied during the journey, encapsulates the choice of route, choice of speeds on the links, and choice of stop locations/durations; when applied pre-trip, it additionally incorporates choice of departure time. The problem is formulated by using a modified form of space-time extended network, in such a way that a shortest path in this network corresponds to an optimal choice of not only route, stops and (when relevant) departure time, but also of speeds. A series of simple illustrative examples are presented to illustrate the formulation. Finally, the method is applied to a realistic-size case study

    Identificación de los usos de suelo y análisis de viajes de residentes en Pekín utilizando los datos masivos de Mobike y puntos de interés

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    Màster universitari en Estudis Avançats en Arquitectura: Gestió i Valoració Urbana i ArquitectònicaEn los últimos años, los datos individuales de espacio-tiempo a gran escala y de alta calidad se han convertido en información de rápido acceso debido al acelerado desarrollo de la tecnología LBS (Location Based Service). En la actualidad el uso de esta tecnología de micro datos y minería de datos en el estudio de refinamiento urbano de la ciudad se ha convertido en la tendencia principal de los estudios urbanos. El análisis de estos datos sobre puntos de interés de las ciudades puede reflejar las actividades urbanas; ayudando a identificar usos de suelo, como los datos que describen los edificios emblemáticos de la ciudad. Por otro lado, los datos abiertos de las bicicletas compartidas reflejan el alcance de las actividades del usuario y la dinámica de la estructura espacial-temporal urbana. La combinación de datos dinámicos y estáticos ayudará a los planificadores urbanos y al público a comprender la compleja estructura espacial urbana y contribuirán a la geografía urbana y el urbanismo. En este artículo, en primer lugar, utilizamos los datos de apertura de Mobike para revelar las características y patrones de los residentes desde punto de acceso y el espacio-temporal de una manera visual después del procesamiento de datos, la coincidencia de mapas y el análisis de clústeres. Por su parte este documento también presenta un método para identificar y zonificar los usos de suelo basada en datos geográficos de fuentes públicas. La selección del área de estudio se realiza mediante datos de la red de carreteras OSM. A continuación, sobre una base ya definida del concepto de los usos del terreno, se crea un método de división de dichos suelos basado en el punto de interés. Con el análisis del mapa general de planificación urbana y el mapa de los usos de suelo, los resultados muestran que el efecto de reconocimiento es preciso, incluso los detalles identificados de los usos de suelo son más precisos que los del mapa de planificación urbana

    O modelo intencional de transporte : contribuições da ontologia de bunge para formalização da teoria de comportamento em transporte

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.O interesse na abordagem de Comportamento em Transporte tem aumentado nos últimos anos. As mudanças tecnológicas, culturais e econômicas vigentes levam a explorar novos campos da ciência do transporte relacionados ao comportamento das pessoas. A abordagem Baseada em Viagens não consegue acompanhar essas mudanças, e isso gera gargalos quando os seus conceitos tentam ser aplicados. Outra questão importante é a fixação dos profissionais de transporte na etapa previsão de viagens, que remete a prática do planejamento de transporte basicamente em estimação de fluxos futuros, sem aprofundar no fenômeno transportes, nas interações entre o seu sistema e o ambiente, e no mecanismo que leva a esses resultados observados. Contudo, Comportamento em Transporte ainda carece de uma formalização na teoria e sofre de uma divisão cada vez mais atômica na prática cientifica, que limita a sua viabilidade de ser aplicada pelo profissional do transporte. Diante disso, nessa tese de doutorado buscou-se formalizar e unificar as diferentes teorias de Comportamento em transporte com o intuito de fortalecer e estruturar a abordagem de uma forma robusta, de forma a contribuir com novas soluções aos problemas emergentes e novas formas de consolidar a prática cientifica. Para isso, foi aplicada a Ontologia de Sistemas de Mario Bunge, tal como foi desenvolvida em Magalhães (2010). Primeiramente, apresenta-se uma revisão dos últimos avanços na literatura de Comportamento de Transporte identificando as principais teorias e abordagens utilizadas na prática cientifica. Posteriormente, aplica-se a Ontologia de Sistemas de Bunge para sistematizar essas teorias e abordagens. Uma vez sistematizados e identificados os componentes - o ambiente, a estrutura e o mecanismo - foi encontrado que o Comportamento em Transporte atua em um Sistema de Transporte reduzido. Em função desse Sistema Reduzido, foi construído o modelo teórico intencional de transporte, que constitui-se em um conjunto de processos que descrevem o funcionamento do Sistema de Transporte e o indivíduo. Neste modelo teórico as teorias e as abordagens revisadas foram sistematizadas, resultando na modelização do fenômeno de transporte diferente do que existe atualmente. E também é apresentada uma nova concepção do sujeito de transporte racional limitado, que é diferente do agente racional econômico comum ao fundamento da Abordagem Baseada em Viagens e ao Modelo de Quatro Etapas. Posteriormente, é realizada uma análise de comparação entre o Modelo de Quatro Etapas, o modelo de MATSIM, e modelo intencional. Finalmente, aplica-se uma simulação entre o Modelo de Quatro Etapas e MATSIM com um cenário de Brasília 2016. O resultado permitiu observar os alcances e possiblidades de duas abordagens diferentes na simulação de funcionamento de um sistema de transporte. Além disso, são apresentadas perspectivas para uma futura operacionalização do modelo teórico intencional de transporte desenvolvido.The interest in the travel behaviour approach has increased in recent years. Technological, cultural and economic changes lead to explore new transport science fields related to the behavior of people. The trip-based approach cannot keep up with these changes, and this creates bottlenecks when their concepts are intended to be applied. Another important issue is the fixing of transport professionals in the travel prediction step, which refers to the practice of transportation planning basically in the estimation of future flows without delving in transport phenomena, the interactions between your system and the environment, and the mechanism which leads to these observed results. However, travel behaviour still lacks a formalized theory and suffers from an increasingly atomic division in scientific practice, which limits its feasibility to be applied by a transport professional. Therefore, this doctoral thesis sought to formalize and unify the different behaviour theories in transport in order to strengthen and structure the approach in a robust manner, in order to contribute new solutions to emerging problems and new ways to consolidate scientific practice. To do this Mario Bunge systems ontology was applied as developed by Magalhães (2010). First, we present a review of recent advances in travel behavior literature identifying the main theories and approaches used in scientific practice. Subsequently, the Bunge systems ontology is applied to systematize these theories and approaches. Once systematized and identified the components, the environment, the structure and the mechanism, it was found that the travel behavior approach operates at a reduced transport system. Due to that, a theoretical model of transport intentional behavior was built, which is in a set of processes that describe the operation of the transport system and the individual. In this theoretical model the theories and revised approaches were systematized, resulting in the modeling of different transport phenomenon than currently exists. And it also presented a new concept of bounded rationality of transport subject, which is different from common rational economic agent of the trip-based approach and the Four Step Model. Subsequently, a comparison analysis between the Four Step Model, MATSIM, and the intentional model is performed. Finally, a simulation of Brasilia 2016 is applied in the Four Step Model and MATSIM. The results allowed us to observe the scope and possibilities of two different approaches to simulate the operation of a transportation system. In addition, they present perspectives for future operationalization of the theoretical model developed of transport intentional behavior

    Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world : proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 2010

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    Proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 201

    Shared Mobility Optimization in Large Scale Transportation Networks: Methodology and Applications

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    abstract: Optimization of on-demand transportation systems and ride-sharing services involves solving a class of complex vehicle routing problems with pickup and delivery with time windows (VRPPDTW). Previous research has made a number of important contributions to the challenging pickup and delivery problem along different formulation or solution approaches. However, there are a number of modeling and algorithmic challenges for a large-scale deployment of a vehicle routing and scheduling algorithm, especially for regional networks with various road capacity and traffic delay constraints on freeway bottlenecks and signal timing on urban streets. The main thrust of this research is constructing hyper-networks to implicitly impose complicated constraints of a vehicle routing problem (VRP) into the model within the network construction. This research introduces a new methodology based on hyper-networks to solve the very important vehicle routing problem for the case of generic ride-sharing problem. Then, the idea of hyper-networks is applied for (1) solving the pickup and delivery problem with synchronized transfers, (2) computing resource hyper-prisms for sustainable transportation planning in the field of time-geography, and (3) providing an integrated framework that fully captures the interactions between supply and demand dimensions of travel to model the implications of advanced technologies and mobility services on traveler behavior.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 201

    Individual accessibility and segregation on activity spaces: an agent-based modelling approach

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    One of the main challenges of cities is the increasing social inequality imposed by the way population groups, jobs, amenities and services, as well as the transportation infrastructure, are distributed across urban space. In this thesis, the concepts of accessibility and segregation are used to study these inequalities. They can be defined as the interaction of individuals with urban opportunities and with individuals from other population groups, respectively. Interactions are made possible by people’s activities and movement within a city, which characterise accessibility and segregation as inherently dynamic and individual-based concepts. Nevertheless, they are largely studied from a static and place-based perspective. This thesis proposes an analytical and exploratory framework for studying individual-based accessibility and segregation in cities using individuals’ travel trajectories in space and time. An agent-based simulation model was developed to generate individual trajectories dynamically, employing standard datasets such as census and OD matrices and allowing for multiple perspectives of analysis by grouping individuals based on their attributes. The model’s ability to simulate people’s trajectories realistically was validated through systematic sensitivity tests and statistical comparison with real-world trajectories from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and travel times from London, UK. The approach was applied to two exploratory studies: São Paulo, Brazil, and London, UK. The first revealed inequalities in accessibility by income, education and gender and also unveiled within-group differences beyond place-based patterns. The latter explored ethnic segregation, unveiling patterns of potential interaction among ethnic groups in the urban space beyond their residential and workplace locations. Those studies demonstrated how inequality in accessibility and segregation can be studied both at large metropolitan scales and at fine level of detail, using standard datasets, with modest computational requirements and ease of operationalisation. The proposed approach opens up avenues for the study of complex dynamics of interaction of urban populations in a variety of urban contexts