12 research outputs found

    The Complexity in Adopting New Technological Programs in Education

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    : The Complexity in Adopting New Technological Programs in Education. The internet has become an increasingly important feature of the learning environment. For Indonesian university students, access to the internet has been provided in many campuses, including the Economics Faculty of the State University of Malang. As the installation of internet infrastructures in this Faculty is relatively new, it is interesting to investigate how and why students use such a new technology. This exploratory study refers to the notion of Activity Theory developed by Engeström. The primary intention is discussion of tensions as contradictions in an activity system. The findings indicate that the participants\u27 attempts to use the internet in the Faculty were constrained by factors beyond participants\u27 control. Using Activity Theory, this study has identified some contradictions that exist within the system

    How Mobile Devices Affect Students According To Teachers' Beliefs

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    The purpose of this study is to examine teachers' beliefs concerning the effects on students using mobile devices, and to determine whether these beliefs vary according to the demographic characteristics and Internet usage purposes. For this purpose, a demographic information questionnaire and the scale developed by Diker Coskun & Kizilkaya Cumaoglu (2013) were revised with validity and reliability studies and utilized on teachers (N=200). In total, the scale has three dimensions (with a total of 15 items). These are social effects (9 items), psychological effects (3 items), and learning-related effects (3 items). According to the results of the study, teachers believe that students are affected by mobile devices on all three dimensions of the scale (social, psychological, and learning dimensions). The most striking finding of the study is related to the learning dimension of the beliefs concerning mobile devices scale. In every Internet usage purpose examined within the study, it was determined that the teachers' beliefs concerning the "learning" dimension are always more positive than those that do not use the Internet for any given purpose

    Factors related to the intended use of ERP systems

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    ERP systems have a strong effect on the business operation of large multinational corporations as well as on small and medium enterprises. When implementing these systems, it is very important how the users in the organization will accept them and what attitude they will take towards them. This paper integrates some of the propositions of the Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to research the factors related to the intended use of the ERP system by students of Business Studies. It investigates the correlation of the perceived usefulness of the ERP system, perceived ease of using it, and computer anxiety in users to their satisfaction with the used ERP system. Additionally, the assumed positive correlation between students\u27 satisfaction with the ERP system and their intention to use such systems in the future is justified and proved according to the EC theory. The research involved 180 third year students of the vocational program at the Faculty of Economics in Split, who may be potential users of the ERP system. During the winter semester of 2010/11, the respondents were using a concrete ERP system in the course called Information Systems. While attending the course, they got to know the basic functions of eight ERP modules. Although the research used an occasional pattern of respondents, it can be stated that the statistical significance of the obtained results points to the main factors related to the intended usage of ERP systems by business studies students as their prospective users


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    Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin öğrenme-öğretme süreçlerine entegrasyonu, çok boyutlu bir süreçtir. Sürecin çok boyutluluğu, alanyazında BİT entegrasyonu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalarda da çeşitliliği beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu çalışmaların bazıları süreci sistem açısından ele alırken bazıları da bireysel bağlamda ele almışlardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğrenme ve öğretme süreçlerinde BİT entegrasyonu konusunda yapılmış araştırmalarda, süreci açıklayan faktörleri ortaya koymak ve bu faktörlerden yola çıkılarak genişletilmiş bir bakış açısıyla BİT entegrasyon modeli önermektir. Bu amaçla son 10 yıl içerisinde eğitsel bağlamda BİT entegrasyonu konusunda yayınlanmış araştırma makaleleri, ISI Web of Knowledge ve ERIC veritabanlarında taranmıştır. Tam metin olarak ulaşılabilen 130'dan fazla çalışma incelenmiştir. Yapısal eşitlik modeli ve regresyon analizi kullanarak faktör analizi yapan makaleler çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak 40 makale içerik analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda entegrasyon sürecinin açıklanabilmesine katkı sağlayan faktörler belirlenmiş, tüm bu faktörlerin sürece katkısını göz önünde bulundurularak bir model önerisi ortaya konulmuştur. Integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning is a multidimensional process. Because the process is multidimensional, related researches in literature are appeared in a wide range. Some of these researches handle the process from a system view; some of them handle in an individualistic context. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting ICT integration and use process in integration research literature and by using these factors to examine ICT integration process from an extended point of view. For this purpose, research articles published in last decade in educational context are searched in ISI Web of Knowledge and ERIC databases. Full text of more than 130 articles are retrieved and examined. As the main purpose of this study is to investigate effective factors in integration process, a second elimination is applied to articles. Articles using factor analysis with structural equation model or regression analysis are included in this research. As a result, 40 articles are analyzed with content analysis. At the end of the analysis, a model proposal is produced with the factors that are determined to have effect on explanation of integration proces

    The key elements for design of online learning resources in the field of European Integration Studies : a case of European NAvigator

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    The aim of this study was to describe current usage patterns of Online Learning Resources in the field of the European Integration Studies. The ultimate goal is to develop the theoretical framework of pedagogical elements which are specific for this scientific field and needed for the successful design of Online Learning Resources. There was one main sample group. Those were the university level teachers, who are teaching courses related to History, Economics, Law or Political science, but within the European Integration Studies. All participants completed the same survey, which consisted of multiple choice questions, rating scales evaluating importance of some OLRs aspects, and open-ended questions about preferences when using applications. In addition to this survey, four interviews were conducted with four university professors teaching four different subjects related to the European Integration. Findings indicate that teachers' pedagogical beliefs and educational theory which they follow play important role in the way they chose and use Online learning resources. Some differences are apparent also within the four mentioned subjects. Finally, a key set of pedagogical elements needed for design of Online learning resources was provided.Joint Master Degree in Digital Library Learning (DILL

    A comparison of student perceptions of academic, social, and emotional self-efficacy in classrooms with divergent approaches to integrating instructional technology

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    As society advances in technology, it is important that our educational systems have a unified understanding of how technology should be used inside the classroom (Bitter & Pierson, 2001; Oppenheimer, 2003). However, literature is mixed on whether technology impacts the learner positively or negatively (Brusca, 1991; Cassil, 2005; Cuban & Cuban, 2009; Kulik, 2003; Li & Ma, 2010; Strong, Torgerson, Torgerson, & Hulme, 2011; Torgerson et al., 2004; Waxman, Connell, & Gray, 2002). A number of researchers state that technology in schools can have a positive impact on achievement (Brusca, 1991; Cuban & Cuban, 2009; Li & Ma, 2010) while other researchers concluded that the distractions provided by technology decrease achievement and the habits it instills are harming students’ development, both academically and socially (Cassil, 2005; Kulik, 2003; Strong et al., 2011; Torgerson et al., 2004; Waxman et al., 2002). Various findings on the impact of technology as it relates to learning achievement suggest that there is a variable beyond the technology itself that may affect student learning (Cassil, 2005; Kulik, 2003; Strong et al., 2011; Torgerson et al., 2004; Waxman et al., 2002). Despite a large amount of literature on the impact of technology on educational achievement, there is a lack of literature related to the impact of technological approaches on learner self-efficacy, a strong predictor of achievement (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 2001). This study aimed to fill the gap by determining if a relationship exists between students’ academic, social, and emotional self-efficacy and their classroom’s approach to integrating technology. Classrooms involved in the study where separated based on their approach to integrating technology and assessments where administered to each student. The first assessment was a specialized measure of self-efficacy, developed by Peter Muris (2001). The second was a measurement of technological competence, developed by the researcher. The results of the study showed significant relationships between self-efficacy and several factors involved in integrating technology


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    Za potrebe projekta „ECONQUAL: Usvajanje načela HKO u visokoobrazovnim institucijama u polju ekonomije“, a u okviru razvoja preporuka za inoviranje i unapređenje studijskih programa u skladu s Hrvatskim kvalifikacijskim okvirom i ishodima učenja, provedena je analiza kurikuluma na javnim visokim učilištima u Republici Hrvatskoj koja izvode studijske programe iz područja ekonomije i poslovne ekonomije. Prikupljeni su podaci o konkretnoj realizaciji studijskih programa ekonomije i poslovne ekonomije na partnerskim institucijama s metodološkog i tehnološkog aspekta, a sve kako bi se identificirali postojeći načini postizanja ishoda učenja i povezane provjere. Istraživanje je provedeno u okviru radionica na 7 javnih sveučilišta. Radionicama je prisustvovalo 80 sudionika, a analiza je napravljena na ukupno 128 predmeta studijskih programa. Komparativna analiza ukazala je na raznolikost izvođenja različitih vrsta nastave na visokim učilištima, iako su predavanja, seminari i radionice i vježbe najučestalije primjenjivana vrsta nastave na razini svih institucija i analiziranih predmeta. Ipak, rezultati faktorske analize ukazali su i na metodološku i tehnološku raznolikost kurikuluma. Sumarni podaci o trenutačnim, u usporedbi s planiranim unapređenjima kurikuluma na visokim učilištima, ukazali su na razliku kojoj treba obratiti posebnu pozornost prilikom planiranja modernizacije studijskih programa ekonomije i poslovne ekonomije

    Responding to The Disruptive Era of Digital Native Centennials With Cultural Hybrid Teaching-Learning Materials

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    Becoming a good teacher entails a number of criteria. In following the Javanese culture, one of those criteria is the need for a teacher to become a guru. The word guru originated from Sanskrit to mean the one having the power and quality, and thus, must be respected highly by others. In Java island, it is popularized as an acronym for digugu lan ditiru (Zamtinah, 2014, p. 169), which literally means that a teacher should be someone who is highly respected because her teachings should be obeyed and actions should be followed by her students. A guru must, therefore, have no flaws

    Design of an instrument measuring P-12 teachers’ cognitive load and intent to adopt technology

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    For P-12 teachers to effectively learn a technology, they must manage the cognitive load inherent to this learning task. Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) can offer insight in how P-12 teachers can manage the cognitive load of learning technology. However, technology adoption research has not used CLT to investigate how P-12 teachers manage the cognitive load of learning how to use technology or the influence of cognitive load on P-12 teachers’ decisions whether to adopt technology. Hence, an instrument measuring cognitive load experienced when P-12 teachers learn about technology during professional development and their intent to adopt the technology may not be available. The purpose of this study was to design a self-report survey instrument measuring the latent constructs of P-12 teachers’ cognitive load during technology professional development and their intent to adopt technology. Access to a validated instrument measuring these latent constructs may facilitate exploration of cognitive load’s influence on technology adoption among P-12 teachers. Diffusion of Innovations and Cognitive Load Theory formed the theoretical foundation of this study and the instrument’s design. The researcher conducted an index of item-objective congruence (IIOC) to evaluate content validity. Using data collected from P-12 teachers participating in technology professional development on the creation of interactive PowerPoint lessons, the researcher conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to explore the factor model most representative of the data and to determine the instrument’s internal consistency and variance explained. Results of the IIOC indicated a lack of consensus among content judges on which forms of cognitive load are being measured. Results of EFA supported a two-factor model explaining 79.759 % of the variance in the observed data. Implications of this study for future research on cognitive load and technology adoption among P-12 teachers is discussed