11 research outputs found

    Experimental Force Data of a Restrained ROV under Waves and Current

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    Hydrodynamic forces are an important input value for the design, navigation and station keeping of underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The experiment investigated the forces imparted by currents (with representative real world turbulence) and waves on a commercially available ROV, namely the BlueROV2 (Blue Robotics, Torrance, USA). Three different distances of a simplified cylindrical obstacle (shading effects) were investigated in addition to the free stream cases. Eight tethers held the ROV in the middle of the 2 m water depth to minimise the influence of the support structure without completely restricting the degrees of freedom (DoF). Each tether was equipped with a load cell and small motions and rotations were documented with an underwater video motion capture system. The paper describes the experimental set-up, input values (current speed and wave definitions) and initial processing of the data. In addition to the raw data, a processed dataset is provided, which includes forces in all three main coordinate directions for each mounting point synchronised with the 6DoF results and the free surface elevations. The provided dataset can be used as a validation experiment as well as for testing and development of an algorithm for position control of comparable ROVs

    The effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of suger palm fiber/polypropylene composites

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    The rising concern towards environmental issues besides the requirement for more flexible polymer-based material has led to increasing of interest in studying about green composite. Sugar palm fiber (SPF) is a versatile fiber plant employed with wide range of application such as in automotive, packaging and buildings construction. This research was aimed to study the effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of sugar palm fiber/polypropylene (SPFPP) composite by using different surface treatments such as silane (Si), atmospheric glow discharge plasma (Agd) and maleic anhydride (Ma). Silane treatment was carried out by using immersion method, the Agd plasma was conducted using polymerization and lastly polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride by using melting approach. The SPFPP composite was prepared by using injection moulding with fiber content var­ied from 10-30wt%. The effect of interface enhancement on morphology, mechanical properties and water uptakes of SPFPP composites were then investigated by using FfIR, FESEM, tensile test and water absorption test. Overall, the outcome shows that aJl types of surface treatments had improved the interface of SPFPP composite, thus improving its tensile properties compared to the benchmark untreated SPFPP (Ut­SPFPP) composites and polypropylene. The 30wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the highest improvement in tensile properties with 58% and 27% increase in the respective Young's Modulus and tensile strength value compared to Ut-SPFPP composite, while 10wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the smallest reduction in elongation compared to Neat PP. On the other hand, the 30wt% Si-SPFPP composite shows the lowest water absorption with 20% reduction respective to Ut-SPFPP composite. In conclusion, the surface treatments have proven succesfull in enhancing the natural fiber-polymer in­terface and improve the tensile properties of SPFPP composite with Ma-SPFPP shows the highest improvement, foJlowed by Agd-SPFPP and Si-SPFPP composites

    The effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of suger palm fiber/polypropylene composites

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    The rising concern towards environmental issues besides the requirement for more flexible polymer-based material has led to increasing of interest in studying about green composite. Sugar palm fiber (SPF) is a versatile fiber plant employed with wide range of application such as in automotive, packaging and buildings construction. This research was aimed to study the effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of sugar palm fiber/polypropylene (SPFPP) composite by using different surface treatments such as silane (Si), atmospheric glow discharge plasma (Agd) and maleic anhydride (Ma). Silane treatment was carried out by using immersion method, the Agd plasma was conducted using polymerization and lastly polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride by using melting approach. The SPFPP composite was prepared by using injection moulding with fiber content var­ied from 10-30wt%. The effect of interface enhancement on morphology, mechanical properties and water uptakes of SPFPP composites were then investigated by using FfIR, FESEM, tensile test and water absorption test. Overall, the outcome shows that aJl types of surface treatments had improved the interface of SPFPP composite, thus improving its tensile properties compared to the benchmark untreated SPFPP (Ut­SPFPP) composites and polypropylene. The 30wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the highest improvement in tensile properties with 58% and 27% increase in the respective Young's Modulus and tensile strength value compared to Ut-SPFPP composite, while 10wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the smallest reduction in elongation compared to Neat PP. On the other hand, the 30wt% Si-SPFPP composite shows the lowest water absorption with 20% reduction respective to Ut-SPFPP composite. In conclusion, the surface treatments have proven succesfull in enhancing the natural fiber-polymer in­terface and improve the tensile properties of SPFPP composite with Ma-SPFPP shows the highest improvement, foJlowed by Agd-SPFPP and Si-SPFPP composites

    Hydrodynamic Modelling for a Transportation System of Two Unmanned Underwater Vehicles: Semi-Empirical, Numerical and Experimental Analyses

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    Underwater transportation is an essential approach for scientific exploration, maritime construction and military operations. Determining the hydrodynamic coefficients for a complex underwater transportation system comprising multiple vehicles is challenging. Here, the suitability of a quick and less costly semi-empirical approach to obtain the hydrodynamic coefficients for a complex transportation system comprising two Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) is investigated, where the interaction effects between UUVs are assumed to be negligible. The drag results were verified by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis at the steady state. The semi-empirical results agree with CFD in heave and sway; however, they were overpredicted in surge due to ignoring the wake effects. Furthermore, experiments were performed for the validation of the time-domain motion simulations with semi-empirical and CFD results. The simulations which were performed with the CFD drags were close to the experiments. The semi-empirical approach could be relied on once a correction parameter is included to account for the interactive effect between multiple UUVs. Overall, this work makes a contribution by deriving a semi-empirical approach for the dynamic and controlling system of dual UUVs, with CFD and experiments applied to ascertain its accuracy and potential improvement

    통합형 무인 수상선-케이블-수중선 시스템의 다물체동역학 거동 및 제어

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    Underwater exploration is becoming more and more important, since a vast range of unknown resources in the deep ocean remain undeveloped. This dissertation thus presents a modeling of the coupled dynamics of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) system with an Underwater Vehicles (UV) connected by an underwater cable (UC). The complexity of this multi-body dynamics system and ocean environments is very difficult to model. First, for modeling this, dynamics analysis was performed on each subsystem and further total coupled system dynamics were studied. The UV which is towed by a UC is modeled with 6-DOF equations of motion that reflects its hydrodynamic characteristic was studied. The 4th-order Runge–Kutta numerical method was used to analyze the motion of the USV with its hydrodynamic coefficients which were obtained through experiments and from the literature. To analyze the effect of the UC, the complicated nonlinear and coupled UC dynamics under currents forces, the governing equations of the UC dynamics are established based on the catenary equation method, then it is solved by applying the shooting method. The new formulation and solution of the UC dynamics yields the three dimensional position and forces of the UC end point under the current forces. Also, the advantage of the proposed method is that the catenary equations using shooting method can be solved in real time such that the calculated position and forces of UC according to time can be directly utilized to calculate the UV motion. The proposed method offers advantages of simple formulation, convenient use, and fast calculation time with exact result. Some simple numerical simulations were conducted to observe the dynamic behaviors of AUV with cable effects. The simulations results clearly reveal that the UC can greatly influence the motions of the vehicles, especially on the UV motions. Based on both the numerical model and simulation results developed in the dissertation, we may offer some valuable information for the operation of the UV and USV. Secondly, for the design controller, a PD controller and its application to automatic berthing control of USV are also studied. For this, a nonlinear mathematical model for the maneuvering of USV in the presence of environmental forces was firstly established. Then, in order to control rudder and propeller during automatic berthing process, a PD control algorithm is applied. The algorithm consists of two parts, the forward velocity control and heading angle control. The control algorithm was designed based on the longitudinal and yaw dynamic models of USV. The desired heading angle was obtained by the so-called “Line of Sight” method. To support the validity of the proposed method, the computer simulations of automatic USV berthing are carried out. The results of simulation showed good performance of the developed berthing control system. Also, a hovering-type AUV equipped with multiple thrusters should maintain the specified position and orientation in order to perform given tasks by applying a dynamic positioning (DP) system. Besides, the control allocation algorithm based on a scaling factor is presented for distributing the forces required by the control law onto the available set of actuators in the most effective and energy efficient way. Thus, it is necessary for the robust control algorithm to conduct successfully given missions in spite of a model uncertainty and a disturbance. In this dissertation, the robust DP control algorithm based on a sliding mode theory is also addressed to guarantee the stability and better performance despite the model uncertainty and disturbance of current and cable effects. Finally, a series of simulations are conducted to verify the availability of the generated trajectories and performance of the designed robust controller. Thirdly, for the navigation of UV, a method for designing the path tracking controller using a Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) algorithm is proposed. The RRT algorithm is firstly used for the generation of collision free waypoints. Next, the unnecessary waypoints are removed by a simple path pruning algorithm generating a piecewise linear path. After that, a path smoothing algorithm utilizing cubic Bezier spiral curves to generate a continuous curvature path that satisfies the minimum radius of curvature constraint of underwater is implemented. The angle between two waypoints is the only information required for the generation of the continuous curvature path. In order to underwater vehicle follow the reference path, the path tracking controller using the global Sliding Mode Control (SMC) approach is designed. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, some simulation results are performed. Simulation results showed that the RRT algorithm could be applied to generate an optimal path in a complex ocean environment with multiple obstacles.Acknowledgement .................................................................................................. vi Abstract……. ....................................................................................... ………….viii Nomenclature ....................................................................................................... xvi List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................... xxi List of Tables ...................................................................................................... xxiii List of Figures ..................................................................................................... xxiv Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background .................................................................................................. 1 1.1.1 Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) ...................................................... 1 1.1.2 Umbilical Cable ....................................................................................... 4 1.1.3 Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) ............................................... 5 1.1.4 Literature on Modeling of Marine Vehicles ............................................ 9 1.1.5 Literature on Control and Guidance of Marine Vehicles ...................... 11 1.2 Our System Architecture ........................................................................... 12 1.3 Motivation ................................................................................................. 13 1.4 Contribution ............................................................................................... 16 1.5 Publications Associated to the Dissertation .............................................. 17 1.6 Structure of the Dissertation ...................................................................... 18 Chapter 2: Mathematical Model of Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) ......... 20 2.1 Basic Assumptions .................................................................................... 20 2.2 Three Coordinate Systems ......................................................................... 20 2.3 Variable Notation ...................................................................................... 22 2.4 Kinematics ................................................................................................. 23 2.5 Kinetics ...................................................................................................... 26 2.5.1 Rigid Body Equations of Motion ........................................................... 26 2.5.2 Hydrodynamic Forces and Moments ..................................................... 28 2.5.3 Restoring Forces and Moments ............................................................. 31 2.5.4 Environmental Disturbances .................................................................. 32 2.5.5 Propulsion Forces and Moments ........................................................... 35 2.6 Nonlinear 6DOF Dynamics ....................................................................... 35 2.7 Mathematical Model of USV in 3 DOF .................................................... 36 2.7.1 Planar Kinematics .................................................................................. 36 2.7.2 Planar Nonlinear 3 DOF Dynamics ....................................................... 38 2.8 Configuration of Thrusters ........................................................................ 40 2.9 General Structure and Model Parameters .................................................. 41 2.9.1 Structure of USV ................................................................................... 41 2.9.2 Control System of USV ......................................................................... 42 2.9.3 Winch Control System ........................................................................... 43 Chapter 3: Mathematical Model of the Umbilical Cable (UC) ........................ 45 3.1 Basic Assumptions for UC ........................................................................ 45 3.2 Analysis on Forces of UV ......................................................................... 47 3.3 Relation for UC Equilibrium ..................................................................... 50 3.4 Catenary Equation in the Space Case ........................................................ 51 3.5 Shooting Method ....................................................................................... 55 3.6 Boundary Conditions ................................................................................. 57 3.7 Cable Effects ............................................................................................. 58 3.8 Model Parameters and Simulation ............................................................. 59 Chapter 4: Mathematical Model of Underwater Vehicle (UV) ........................ 63 4.1 Background ................................................................................................ 63 4.1.1 Basic Assumptions................................................................................. 63 4.1.2 Reference Frames .................................................................................. 64 4.1.3 Notations ................................................................................................ 65 4.2 Kinematics Equations ................................................................................ 66 4.3 Kinetic Equations ...................................................................................... 67 4.3.1 Rigid-Body Kinetics .............................................................................. 67 4.3.2 Hydrostatic Terms ................................................................................. 69 4.3.3 Hydrodynamic Terms ............................................................................ 70 4.3.4 Actuator Modeling ................................................................................. 75 4.3.5 Umbilical Cable Forces ......................................................................... 75 4.4 Nonlinear Equations of Motion (6DOF) ................................................... 76 4.5 Simplification of UV Dynamic Model ...................................................... 77 4.5.1 Simplifying the Mass and Inertia Matrix ............................................... 78 4.5.2 Simplifying the Hydrodynamic Damping Matrix.................................. 79 4.5.3 Simplifying the Gravitational and Buoyancy Vector ............................ 80 4.6 Thruster Modeling ..................................................................................... 80 4.7 Current Modeling ...................................................................................... 83 4.8 Dynamic Model Including Ocean Currents ............................................... 84 4.9 Complete Motion Equations of AUV (6DOF) .......................................... 89 4.10 Dynamics Model Parameter Identification ................................................ 91 4.11 Numerical Solution for Equations of Motion ............................................ 93 4.12 General Structure and Model Parameters .................................................. 94 4.12.1 Structure of AUV ............................................................................... 94 4.12.2 Control System of AUV ..................................................................... 96 Chapter 5: Guidance Theory ............................................................................... 97 5.1 Configuration of GNC System .................................................................. 97 5.1.1 Guidance ................................................................................................ 98 5.1.2 Navigation .............................................................................................. 98 5.1.3 Control ................................................................................................... 98 5.2 Maneuvering Problem Statement .............................................................. 99 5.3 Guidance Objectives ................................................................................ 100 5.3.1 Target Tracking ................................................................................... 100 5.3.2 Trajectory Tracking ............................................................................. 100 5.4 Waypoint Representation ........................................................................ 101 5.5 Path Following ......................................................................................... 102 5.6 Line of Sight (LOS) Waypoint Guidance ................................................ 102 5.6.1 Enclosure-Based Steering .................................................................... 104 5.6.2 Look-ahead Based Steering ................................................................. 105 5.6.3 LOS Control......................................................................................... 106 5.7 Cubic Polynomial for Path-Following ..................................................... 107 Chapter 6: Control Algorithm Design and Analysis ....................................... 110 6.1 Proportional Integral Differential (PID) Controller ................................ 110 6.1.1 General Theory .................................................................................... 110 6.1.2 Stability of General PID Controller ..................................................... 112 6.1.3 PID Tuning .......................................................................................... 114 6.1.4 Nonlinear PID for Marine Vehicles ..................................................... 116 6.1.5 Nonlinear PD for Marine Vehicles ...................................................... 117 6.1.6 Stability of Designed PD Controller .................................................... 117 6.2 Sliding Mode Controller .......................................................................... 118 6.2.1 Tracking Error and Sliding Surface ..................................................... 119 6.2.2 Chattering Situation ............................................................................. 120 6.2.3 Control Law and Stability .................................................................... 121 6.3 Allocation Control ................................................................................... 124 6.3.1 Linear Quadratic Unconstrained Control Allocation Using Lagrange Multipliers ................................................................................................ 125 6.3.2 Thruster Allocation with a Constrained Linear Model ........................ 127 6.4 Simulation Results and Discussion ......................................................... 131 6.4.1 Berthing (parking) Control of USV ..................................................... 133 6.4.2 Motion Control of UV ......................................................................... 136 Chapter 7: Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning for Vehicle Using Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees Algorithm.................................................................. 168 7.1 Path Planning and Guidance: Two Interrelated Problems ....................... 168 7.2 RRT Algorithm for Exploration .............................................................. 171 7.2.1 Random Node Selection ...................................................................... 172 7.2.2 Nearest Neighbor Node Selection ....................................................... 173 7.2.3 RRT Exploration with Obstacles ......................................................... 174 7.3 RRT Algorithm for Navigation of AUV ................................................. 176 7.3.1 Basic RRT Algorithm .......................................................................... 176 7.3.2 Biased-Greedy RRT Algorithm ........................................................... 178 7.3.3 Synchronized Biased-Greedy RRT Algorithm .................................... 179 7.4 Path Pruning ............................................................................................ 182 7.4.1 Path Pruning Using LOS ..................................................................... 182 7.4.2 Global Path Pruning ............................................................................. 183 7.5 Summarize the Proposed RRT Algorithm ............................................... 185 7.6 Simulation for Path Following of AUV .................................................. 187 Chapter 8: Simulation of Complete USV-UC-UV Systems ............................ 196 8.1 Simulation Procedure .............................................................................. 196 8.2 Simulation Results and Discussion ......................................................... 201 8.2.1 Dynamic Behaviors of Complete USV (Stable)-Cable- AUV (Turning Motion) ..................................................................................................... 201 8.2.2 Dynamic Behaviors of Complete USV (Forward motion)-Cable- AUV (Turning Motion) ...................................................................................... 207 8.2.3 Applied Controller to Complete USV -Cable- AUV ........................... 215 Chapter 9: Conclusions and Future Works ..................................................... 238 9.1 Modeling of Complete USV-Cable-AUV System .................................. 238 9.2 Motion Control ........................................................................................ 239 9.3 Cable Force and Moment at the Tow Points ........................................... 239 9.4 Path Planning ........................................................................................... 239 9.5 Future Works ........................................................................................... 240Docto

    Técnicas robustas para el control automático de sistemas robóticos móviles

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    Las aplicaciones de robótica móvil son afectadas por restricciones físicas, dinámicas y estructurales. En esta Tesis se busca mitigar sus efectos a través de bucles de control auxiliares y técnicas de sintonización robustas. Los primeros se proponen para mitigar efectos de restricciones físicas tanto a la entrada como a la salida de estos sistemas, modificando el parámetro de movimiento en aplicaciones de seguimiento de camino y evitación de obstáculos. Luego, controladores de tipo PID se consideran como una restricción estructural dado su amplio uso en robótica, particularmente en el control de bajo nivel. Considerando esta restricción, se propone una metodología de ajuste y análisis robusta. Finalmente, para lidiar con la robustez en presencia de dinámicas no-lineales, se propone una herramienta de análisis y diseño de controladores por modo deslizante. La particularidad de este método, basado en técnicas de optimización global y aritmética intervalar, es que permite generar mapas de las regiones de parámetros donde se cumplen las condiciones suficientes para la operación deseada a lazo cerrado. Todas las estrategias propuestas se ponen en práctica, a través de experimentación real o en simuladores validados, sobre el AUV Ciscrea disponible en ENSTA Bretagne.This work seeks to mitigate the effects of constraints on mobile robotic systems. To this end, auxiliary control loops and robust tuning techniques are proposed. The former are proposed to mitigate the effects of constraints on the input and output of the systems through the modification of the motion parameter in path following applications. Then, PID controllers are considered as a structural constraint, given its wide use in robotics particularly at low control level. A robust tuning methodology considering this constraint is proposed which achieves good performance levels even when facing disturbances. Finally, to deal with robustness in presence of robots nonlinearity constraints, an analysis and tuning tool for sliding mode controllers is proposed. The particularity of this tuning method, based on global optimization and interval techniques, is that it allows generating tuning maps of the parameter regions where the desired performance criterion is fulfilled. All the proposed strategies are put into practice, through real experimentation or in validated simulators, over the AUV Ciscrea available at ENSTA Bretagne.Fil: Rosendo, Juan Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Electrónica, Control y Procesamiento de Señales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Electrónica, Control y Procesamiento de Señales; Argentin

    Modeling of a Complex-Shaped Underwater Vehicle

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    International audienceA control-oriented modeling approach is proposed for a low-speed semi-AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) CISCREA, which has complex-shaped structures. Due to the geometry of this AUV, it is very difficult to identify its dynamic and hydrodynamic parameters. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to find an efficient modeling approach to tune acceptable control design models. The presented solution uses cost efficient CFD (computational fluid dynamic) softwares predicting the two hydrodynamic key parameters: The added mass matrix and the damping matrix. A complete model is built for CISCREA from CFD and verified through experimental results. The results indicate that the proposed computational approach seems to be desirable for the robust control scheme of many complex-shaped AUVs. Finally, Numerical and experimental results are compared