1,282 research outputs found

    Electric Power Systems and Components for Electric Aircraft

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    Electric aircraft have gained increasing attention in recent years due to their potential for environmental and economic benefits over conventional airplanes. In order to offer competitive flight times and payload capabilities, electric aircraft power systems (EAPS) must exhibit extremely high efficiencies and power densities. While advancements in enabling technologies have progressed the development of high performance EAPS, further research is required. One challenge in the design of EAPS is determining the best topology to be employed. This work proposes a new graph theory based method for the optimal design of EAPS. This method takes into account data surveyed from a large set of references on commonly seen components including electric machines, power electronics and jet engines. Thousands of design candidates are analyzed based on performance metrics such as end-to-end system efficiency, overall mass, and survivability. It is also shown that sensitivity analysis may be used to systematically evaluate the impact of components and their parameters on various aspects of the architecture design. Once an EAPS architecture has been selected, further, detailed, validation of the power system is required. In these EAPS, many subsystems exist with timescales varying from minutes to hours when considering the aerodynamics, to nanosecond dynamics in the power electronics. This dissertation presents a multiphysics co-simulation framework for the evaluation of EAPS with a unique decoupling method to reduce simulation time without sacrificing detail. The framework has been exemplified on a case study of a 500kW all-electric aircraft, including models for aerodynamics, energy storage, electric motors and power electronics. Electric machines for aviation propulsion must meet several performance requirements, including a constant power speed range (CPSR) of approximately thirty percent above rated speed. This operation is traditionally achieved through the flux weakening technique with an injection of negative d-axis current. However, the degree of CPSR achievable through flux weakening is a strong function of the back emf and d-axis inductance. This dissertation reviews alternative methods for CPSR operation in machines with low inductance. A new method of current weakening has been proposed to address this challenge, involving reducing the machine\u27s current inversely proportional to the operating speed, maintaining constant power through the extended speed range. One benefit of the proposed method is that all current is maintained in the q-axis, maintaining maximum torque per ampere operation. Coreless axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) machines have recently gained significant attention due to their specific form factor, potentially higher power density and lower losses. Coreless machine designs promise high efficiency particularly at higher speeds, due to the absence of a ferromagnetic core. In this dissertation, coreless AFPM machines with PCB stators are investigated as candidates for propulsion in electric aircraft applications. Two PCB stator design variations are presented with both simulation and experimental results

    Power Electronics and Energy Management for Battery Storage Systems

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    The deployment of distributed renewable generation and e-mobility systems is creating a demand for improved dynamic performance, flexibility, and resilience in electrical grids. Various energy storages, such as stationary and electric vehicle batteries, together with power electronic interfaces, will play a key role in addressing these requests thanks to their enhanced functionality, fast response times, and configuration flexibility. For the large-scale implementation of this technology, the associated enabling developments are becoming of paramount importance. These include energy management algorithms; optimal sizing and coordinated control strategies of different storage technologies, including e-mobility storage; power electronic converters for interfacing renewables and battery systems, which allow for advanced interactions with the grid; and increase in round-trip efficiencies by means of advanced materials, components, and algorithms. This Special Issue contains the developments that have been published b researchers in the areas of power electronics, energy management and battery storage. A range of potential solutions to the existing barriers is presented, aiming to make the most out of these emerging technologies

    E-Mobility -- Advancements and Challenges

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    Mobile platforms cover a broad range of applications from small portable electric devices, drones, and robots to electric transportation, which influence the quality of modern life. The end-to-end energy systems of these platforms are moving toward more electrification. Despite their wide range of power ratings and diverse applications, the electrification of these systems shares several technical requirements. Electrified mobile energy systems have minimal or no access to the power grid, and thus, to achieve long operating time, ultrafast charging or charging during motion as well as advanced battery technologies are needed. Mobile platforms are space-, shape-, and weight-constrained, and therefore, their onboard energy technologies such as the power electronic converters and magnetic components must be compact and lightweight. These systems should also demonstrate improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional designs. This paper discusses some technical challenges that the industry currently faces moving toward more electrification of energy conversion systems in mobile platforms, herein referred to as E-Mobility, and reviews the recent advancements reported in literature

    A review on power electronics technologies for electric mobility

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    Concerns about greenhouse gas emissions are a key topic addressed by modern societies worldwide. As a contribution to mitigate such effects caused by the transportation sector, the full adoption of electric mobility is increasingly being seen as the main alternative to conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, which is supported by positive industry indicators, despite some identified hurdles. For such objective, power electronics technologies play an essential role and can be contextualized in different purposes to support the full adoption of electric mobility, including on-board and off-board battery charging systems, inductive wireless charging systems, unified traction and charging systems, new topologies with innovative operation modes for supporting the electrical power grid, and innovative solutions for electrified railways. Embracing all of these aspects, this paper presents a review on power electronics technologies for electric mobility where some of the main technologies and power electronics topologies are presented and explained. In order to address a broad scope of technologies, this paper covers road vehicles, lightweight vehicles and railway vehicles, among other electric vehicles.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia with-in the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2020. This work has been supported by the FCT Project DAIPESEV PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017, and by the FCT Project new ERA4GRIDs PTDC/EEI-EEE/30283/2017. Tiago Sousa is supported by the doctoral scholarship SFRH/BD/134353/2017 granted by FCT

    Design of Power Supply for Aircraft Model

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    Diplomová práca, ktorú držíte v rukách, sa zaoberá návrhom elektrického generátoru pre modely lietadiel na diaľkové ovládanie poháňané spaľovacím motorom. Takýmto modelom je dodávaná energia pomocou batérií, ktoré sa musia po vybití vymieňať. Motiváciou tejto práce bolo potlačiť potrebu pristávania za účelom dobíjania batériových paketov. Práca vyvíja niekoľko analýz a simulačných modelov pre riešenie tohto problému.The Master’s thesis you are holding in your hands deals with design of electrical generator for remote control aircraft models powered by combustion engine. Such models are energized by batteries that have to be exchanged after discharge. The motivation of this thesis was to suppress the need for landing in order to recharge the battery packs. The thesis develops several analysis and simulation models for solution of this problem.

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 2

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    Resilient and Real-time Control for the Optimum Management of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems with Distributed Dynamic Demands

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    A continuous increase in demands from the utility grid and traction applications have steered public attention toward the integration of energy storage (ES) and hybrid ES (HESS) solutions. Modern technologies are no longer limited to batteries, but can include supercapacitors (SC) and flywheel electromechanical ES well. However, insufficient control and algorithms to monitor these devices can result in a wide range of operational issues. A modern day control platform must have a deep understanding of the source. In this dissertation, specialized modular Energy Storage Management Controllers (ESMC) were developed to interface with a variety of ES devices. The EMSC provides the capability to individually monitor and control a wide range of different ES, enabling the extraction of an ES module within a series array to charge or conduct maintenance, while remaining storage can still function to serve a demand. Enhancements and testing of the ESMC are explored in not only interfacing of multiple ES and HESS, but also as a platform to improve management algorithms. There is an imperative need to provide a bridge between the depth of the electrochemical physics of the battery and the power engineering sector, a feat which was accomplished over the course of this work. First, the ESMC was tested on a lead acid battery array to verify its capabilities. Next, physics-based models of lead acid and lithium ion batteries lead to the improvement of both online battery management and established multiple metrics to assess their lifetime, or state of health. Three unique HESS were then tested and evaluated for different applications and purposes. First, a hybrid battery and SC HESS was designed and tested for shipboard power systems. Next, a lithium ion battery and SC HESS was utilized for an electric vehicle application, with the goal to reduce cycling on the battery. Finally, a lead acid battery and flywheel ES HESS was analyzed for how the inclusion of a battery can provide a dramatic improvement in the power quality versus flywheel ES alone

    Design and Advanced Model Predictive Control of Wide Bandgap Based Power Converters

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    The field of power electronics (PE) is experiencing a revolution by harnessing the superior technical characteristics of wide-band gap (WBG) materials, namely Silicone Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN). Semiconductor devices devised using WBG materials enable high temperature operation at reduced footprint, offer higher blocking voltages, and operate at much higher switching frequencies compared to conventional Silicon (Si) based counterpart. These characteristics are highly desirable as they allow converter designs for challenging applications such as more-electric-aircraft (MEA), electric vehicle (EV) power train, and the like. This dissertation presents designs of a WBG based power converters for a 1 MW, 1 MHz ultra-fast offboard EV charger, and 250 kW integrated modular motor drive (IMMD) for a MEA application. The goal of these designs is to demonstrate the superior power density and efficiency that are achievable by leveraging the power of SiC and GaN semiconductors. Ultra-fast EV charging is expected to alleviate the challenge of range anxiety , which is currently hindering the mass adoption of EVs in automotive market. The power converter design presented in the dissertation utilizes SiC MOSFETs embedded in a topology that is a modification of the conventional three-level (3L) active neutral-point clamped (ANPC) converter. A novel phase-shifted modulation scheme presented alongside the design allows converter operation at switching frequency of 1 MHz, thereby miniaturizing the grid-side filter to enhance the power density. IMMDs combine the power electronic drive and the electric machine into a single unit, and thus is an efficient solution to realize the electrification of aircraft. The IMMD design presented in the dissertation uses GaN devices embedded in a stacked modular full-bridge converter topology to individually drive each of the motor coils. Various issues and solutions, pertaining to paralleling of GaN devices to meet the high current requirements are also addressed in the thesis. Experimental prototypes of the SiC ultra-fast EV charger and GaN IMMD were built, and the results confirm the efficacy of the proposed designs. Model predictive control (MPC) is a nonlinear control technique that has been widely investigated for various power electronic applications in the past decade. MPC exploits the discrete nature of power converters to make control decisions using a cost function. The controller offers various advantages over, e.g., linear PI controllers in terms of fast dynamic response, identical performance at a reduced switching frequency, and ease of applicability to MIMO applications. This dissertation also investigates MPC for key power electronic applications, such as, grid-tied VSC with an LCL filter and multilevel VSI with an LC filter. By implementing high performance MPC controllers on WBG based power converters, it is possible to formulate designs capable of fast dynamic tracking, high power operation at reduced THD, and increased power density