2,845 research outputs found

    Cloud security requirements analysis and security policy development using a high-order object-oriented modeling technique

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    Security continues to be a major challenge for cloud computing, and it is one that must be addressed if cloud computing is to be fully accepted. Most technological means of securing non-cloud computing systems can be either applied directly or modified to secure a cloud; however, no integrated model-based methodology is yet available to analyze cloud security requirements and develop policy to deal with both internal and external security challenges. This work proposes just such a methodology and demonstrates its application with specific cases. Cloud assets are represented by high order object models, and misuse cases together with malactivity swimlane diagrams are developed to assess security threats hierarchically. Cloud security requirements are then specified, and policies are developed to meet them. Examples show how the methodology can be used to elicit, identify, analyze, and develop cloud security requirements and policies using a structured approach, and a case study evaluates its application by a cloud service provider. Finally, the work shows how the prevention and mitigation security policies presented here can be conveniently incorporated into the normal functionality of a cloud computing system --Abstract, page iii

    Scalable Bayesian nonparametric measures for exploring pairwise dependence via Dirichlet Process Mixtures

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    In this article we propose novel Bayesian nonparametric methods using Dirichlet Process Mixture (DPM) models for detecting pairwise dependence between random variables while accounting for uncertainty in the form of the underlying distributions. A key criteria is that the procedures should scale to large data sets. In this regard we find that the formal calculation of the Bayes factor for a dependent-vs.-independent DPM joint probability measure is not feasible computationally. To address this we present Bayesian diagnostic measures for characterising evidence against a "null model" of pairwise independence. In simulation studies, as well as for a real data analysis, we show that our approach provides a useful tool for the exploratory nonparametric Bayesian analysis of large multivariate data sets

    Cloud Computing as Evolution of Distributed Computing – A Case Study for SlapOS Distributed Cloud Computing Platform

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    The cloud computing paradigm has been defined from several points of view, the main two directions being either as an evolution of the grid and distributed computing paradigm, or, on the contrary, as a disruptive revolution in the classical paradigms of operating systems, network layers and web applications. This paper presents a distributed cloud computing platform called SlapOS, which unifies technologies and communication protocols into a new technology model for offering any application as a service. Both cloud and distributed computing can be efficient methods for optimizing resources that are aggregated from a grid of standard PCs hosted in homes, offices and small data centers. The paper fills a gap in the existing distributed computing literature by providing a distributed cloud computing model which can be applied for deploying various applications

    Application Driven MOdels for Resource Management in Cloud Environments

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    El despliegue y la ejecución de aplicaciones de gran escala en sistemas distribuidos con unos parametros de Calidad de Servicio adecuados necesita gestionar de manera eficiente los recursos computacionales. Para desacoplar los requirimientos funcionales y los no funcionales (u operacionales) de dichas aplicaciones, se puede distinguir dos niveles de abstracción: i) el nivel funcional, que contempla aquellos requerimientos relacionados con funcionalidades de la aplicación; y ii) el nivel operacional, que depende del sistema distribuido donde se despliegue y garantizará aquellos parámetros relacionados con la Calidad del Servicio, disponibilidad, tolerancia a fallos y coste económico, entre otros. De entre las diferentes alternativas del nivel operacional, en la presente tesis se contempla un entorno cloud basado en la virtualización de contenedores, como puede ofrecer Kubernetes.El uso de modelos para el diseño de aplicaciones en ambos niveles permite garantizar que dichos requerimientos sean satisfechos. Según la complejidad del modelo que describa la aplicación, o el conocimiento que el nivel operacional tenga de ella, se diferencian tres tipos de aplicaciones: i) aplicaciones dirigidas por el modelo, como es el caso de la simulación de eventos discretos, donde el propio modelo, por ejemplo Redes de Petri de Alto Nivel, describen la aplicación; ii) aplicaciones dirigidas por los datos, como es el caso de la ejecución de analíticas sobre Data Stream; y iii) aplicaciones dirigidas por el sistema, donde el nivel operacional rige el despliegue al considerarlas como una caja negra.En la presente tesis doctoral, se propone el uso de un scheduler específico para cada tipo de aplicación y modelo, con ejemplos concretos, de manera que el cliente de la infraestructura pueda utilizar información del modelo descriptivo y del modelo operacional. Esta solución permite rellenar el hueco conceptual entre ambos niveles. De esta manera, se proponen diferentes métodos y técnicas para desplegar diferentes aplicaciones: una simulación de un sistema de Vehículos Eléctricos descrita a través de Redes de Petri; procesado de algoritmos sobre un grafo que llega siguiendo el paradigma Data Stream; y el propio sistema operacional como sujeto de estudio.En este último caso de estudio, se ha analizado cómo determinados parámetros del nivel operacional (por ejemplo, la agrupación de contenedores, o la compartición de recursos entre contenedores alojados en una misma máquina) tienen un impacto en las prestaciones. Para analizar dicho impacto, se propone un modelo formal de una infrastructura operacional concreta (Kubernetes). Por último, se propone una metodología para construir índices de interferencia para caracterizar aplicaciones y estimar la degradación de prestaciones incurrida cuando dos contenedores son desplegados y ejecutados juntos. Estos índices modelan cómo los recursos del nivel operacional son usados por las applicaciones. Esto supone que el nivel operacional maneja información cercana a la aplicación y le permite tomar mejores decisiones de despliegue y distribución.<br /

    Scalable Bayesian nonparametric measures for exploring pairwise dependence via Dirichlet Process Mixtures

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    In this article we propose novel Bayesian nonparametric methods using Dirichlet Process Mixture (DPM) models for detecting pairwise dependence between random variables while accounting for uncertainty in the form of the underlying distributions. A key criteria is that the procedures should scale to large data sets. In this regard we find that the formal calculation of the Bayes factor for a dependent-vs.-independent DPM joint probability measure is not feasible computationally. To address this we present Bayesian diagnostic measures for characterising evidence against a “null model” of pairwise independence. In simulation studies, as well as for a real data analysis, we show that our approach provides a useful tool for the exploratory nonparametric Bayesian analysis of large multivariate data sets

    Data-Aware Scheduling Strategy for Scientific Workflow Applications in IaaS Cloud Computing

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    Scientific workflows benefit from the cloud computing paradigm, which offers access to virtual resources provisioned on pay-as-you-go and on-demand basis. Minimizing resources costs to meet user’s budget is very important in a cloud environment. Several optimization approaches have been proposed to improve the performance and the cost of data-intensive scientific Workflow Scheduling (DiSWS) in cloud computing. However, in the literature, the majority of the DiSWS approaches focused on the use of heuristic and metaheuristic as an optimization method. Furthermore, the tasks hierarchy in data-intensive scientific workflows has not been extensively explored in the current literature. Specifically, in this paper, a data-intensive scientific workflow is represented as a hierarchy, which specifies hierarchical relations between workflow tasks, and an approach for data-intensive workflow scheduling applications is proposed. In this approach, first, the datasets and workflow tasks are modeled as a conditional probability matrix (CPM). Second, several data transformation and hierarchical clustering are applied to the CPM structure to determine the minimum number of virtual machines needed for the workflow execution. In this approach, the hierarchical clustering is done with respect to the budget imposed by the user. After data transformation and hierarchical clustering, the amount of data transmitted between clusters can be reduced, which can improve cost and makespan of the workflow by optimizing the use of virtual resources and network bandwidth. The performance and cost are analyzed using an extension of Cloudsim simulation tool and compared with existing multi-objective approaches. The results demonstrate that our approach reduces resources cost with respect to the user budgets

    Robust techniques and applications in fuzzy clustering

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    This dissertation addresses issues central to frizzy classification. The issue of sensitivity to noise and outliers of least squares minimization based clustering techniques, such as Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) and its variants is addressed. In this work, two novel and robust clustering schemes are presented and analyzed in detail. They approach the problem of robustness from different perspectives. The first scheme scales down the FCM memberships of data points based on the distance of the points from the cluster centers. Scaling done on outliers reduces their membership in true clusters. This scheme, known as the Mega-clustering, defines a conceptual mega-cluster which is a collective cluster of all data points but views outliers and good points differently (as opposed to the concept of Dave\u27s Noise cluster). The scheme is presented and validated with experiments and similarities with Noise Clustering (NC) are also presented. The other scheme is based on the feasible solution algorithm that implements the Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) estimator. The LTS estimator is known to be resistant to noise and has a high breakdown point. The feasible solution approach also guarantees convergence of the solution set to a global optima. Experiments show the practicability of the proposed schemes in terms of computational requirements and in the attractiveness of their simplistic frameworks. The issue of validation of clustering results has often received less attention than clustering itself. Fuzzy and non-fuzzy cluster validation schemes are reviewed and a novel methodology for cluster validity using a test for random position hypothesis is developed. The random position hypothesis is tested against an alternative clustered hypothesis on every cluster produced by the partitioning algorithm. The Hopkins statistic is used as a basis to accept or reject the random position hypothesis, which is also the null hypothesis in this case. The Hopkins statistic is known to be a fair estimator of randomness in a data set. The concept is borrowed from the clustering tendency domain and its applicability to validating clusters is shown here. A unique feature selection procedure for use with large molecular conformational datasets with high dimensionality is also developed. The intelligent feature extraction scheme not only helps in reducing dimensionality of the feature space but also helps in eliminating contentious issues such as the ones associated with labeling of symmetric atoms in the molecule. The feature vector is converted to a proximity matrix, and is used as an input to the relational fuzzy clustering (FRC) algorithm with very promising results. Results are also validated using several cluster validity measures from literature. Another application of fuzzy clustering considered here is image segmentation. Image analysis on extremely noisy images is carried out as a precursor to the development of an automated real time condition state monitoring system for underground pipelines. A two-stage FCM with intelligent feature selection is implemented as the segmentation procedure and results on a test image are presented. A conceptual framework for automated condition state assessment is also developed