94 research outputs found

    Techniques d'abstraction pour l'analyse et la mitigation des effets dus à la radiation

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    The main objective of this thesis is to develop techniques that can beused to analyze and mitigate the effects of radiation-induced soft errors in industrialscale integrated circuits. To achieve this goal, several methods have been developedbased on analyzing the design at higher levels of abstraction. These techniquesaddress both sequential and combinatorial SER.Fault-injection simulations remain the primary method for analyzing the effectsof soft errors. In this thesis, techniques which significantly speed-up fault-injectionsimulations are presented. Soft errors in flip-flops are typically mitigated by selectivelyreplacing the most critical flip-flops with hardened implementations. Selectingan optimal set to harden is a compute intensive problem and the second contributionconsists of a clustering technique which significantly reduces the number offault-injections required to perform selective mitigation.In terrestrial applications, the effect of soft errors in combinatorial logic hasbeen fairly small. It is known that this effect is growing, yet there exist few techniqueswhich can quickly estimate the extent of combinatorial SER for an entireintegrated circuit. The third contribution of this thesis is a hierarchical approachto combinatorial soft error analysis.Systems-on-chip are often developed by re-using design-blocks that come frommultiple sources. In this context, there is a need to develop and exchange reliabilitymodels. The final contribution of this thesis consists of an application specificmodeling language called RIIF (Reliability Information Interchange Format). Thislanguage is able to model how faults at the gate-level propagate up to the block andchip-level. Work is underway to standardize the RIIF modeling language as well asto extend it beyond modeling of radiation-induced failures.In addition to the main axis of research, some tangential topics were studied incollaboration with other teams. One of these consisted in the development of a novelapproach for protecting ternary content addressable memories (TCAMs), a specialtype of memory important in networking applications. The second supplementalproject resulted in an algorithm for quickly generating approximate redundant logicwhich can protect combinatorial networks against permanent faults. Finally anapproach for reducing the detection time for errors in the configuration RAM forField-Programmable Gate-Arrays (FPGAs) was outlined.Les effets dus à la radiation peuvent provoquer des pannes dans des circuits intégrés. Lorsqu'une particule subatomique, fait se déposer une charge dans les régions sensibles d'un transistor cela provoque une impulsion de courant. Cette impulsion peut alors engendrer l'inversion d'un bit ou se propager dans un réseau de logique combinatoire avant d'être échantillonnée par une bascule en aval.Selon l'état du circuit au moment de la frappe de la particule et selon l'application, cela provoquera une panne observable ou non. Parmi les événements induits par la radiation, seule une petite portion génère des pannes. Il est donc essentiel de déterminer cette fraction afin de prédire la fiabilité du système. En effet, les raisons pour lesquelles une perturbation pourrait être masquée sont multiples, et il est de plus parfois difficile de préciser ce qui constitue une erreur. A cela s'ajoute le fait que les circuits intégrés comportent des milliards de transistors. Comme souvent dans le contexte de la conception assisté par ordinateur, les approches hiérarchiques et les techniques d'abstraction permettent de trouver des solutions.Cette thèse propose donc plusieurs nouvelles techniques pour analyser les effets dus à la radiation. La première technique permet d'accélérer des simulations d'injections de fautes en détectant lorsqu'une faute a été supprimée du système, permettant ainsi d'arrêter la simulation. La deuxième technique permet de regrouper en ensembles les éléments d'un circuit ayant une fonction similaire. Ensuite, une analyse au niveau des ensemble peut être faite, identifiant ainsi ceux qui sont les plus critiques et qui nécessitent donc d'être durcis. Le temps de calcul est ainsi grandement réduit.La troisième technique permet d'analyser les effets des fautes transitoires dans les circuits combinatoires. Il est en effet possible de calculer à l'avance la sensibilité à des fautes transitoires de cellules ainsi que les effets de masquage dans des blocs fréquemment utilisés. Ces modèles peuvent alors être combinés afin d'analyser la sensibilité de grands circuits. La contribution finale de cette thèse consiste en la définition d'un nouveau langage de modélisation appelé RIIF (Reliability Information Ineterchange Format). Ce langage permet de décrire le taux des fautes dans des composants simples en fonction de leur environnement de fonctionnement. Ces composants simples peuvent ensuite être combinés permettant ainsi de modéliser la propagation de leur fautes vers des pannes au niveau système. En outre, l'utilisation d'un langage standard facilite l'échange de données de fiabilité entre les partenaires industriels.Au-delà des contributions principales, cette thèse aborde aussi des techniques permettant de protéger des mémoires associatives ternaires (TCAMs). Les approches classiques de protection (codes correcteurs) ne s'appliquent pas directement. Une des nouvelles techniques proposées consiste à utiliser une structure de données qui peut détecter, d'une manière statistique, quand le résultat n'est pas correct. La probabilité de détection peut être contrôlée par le nombre de bits alloués à cette structure. Une autre technique consiste à utiliser un détecteur de courant embarqué (BICS) afin de diriger un processus de fond directement vers le région touchée par une erreur. La contribution finale consiste en un algorithme qui permet de synthétiser de la logique combinatoire afin de protéger des circuits combinatoires contre les fautes transitoires.Dans leur ensemble, ces techniques facilitent l'analyse des erreurs provoquées par les effets dus à la radiation dans les circuits intégrés, en particulier pour les très grands circuits composés de blocs provenant de divers fournisseurs. Des techniques pour mieux sélectionner les bascules/flip-flops à durcir et des approches pour protéger des TCAMs ont étés étudiées

    Low-Power High-Performance Ternary Content Addressable Memory Circuits

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    Ternary content addressable memories (TCAMs) are hardware-based parallel lookup tables with bit-level masking capability. They are attractive for applications such as packet forwarding and classification in network routers. Despite the attractive features of TCAMs, high power consumption is one of the most critical challenges faced by TCAM designers. This work proposes circuit techniques for reducing TCAM power consumption. The main contribution of this work is divided in two parts: (i) reduction in match line (ML) sensing energy, and (ii) static-power reduction techniques. The ML sensing energy is reduced by employing (i) positive-feedback ML sense amplifiers (MLSAs), (ii) low-capacitance comparison logic, and (iii) low-power ML-segmentation techniques. The positive-feedback MLSAs include both resistive and active feedback to reduce the ML sensing energy. A body-bias technique can further improve the feedback action at the expense of additional area and ML capacitance. The measurement results of the active-feedback MLSA show 50-56% reduction in ML sensing energy. The measurement results of the proposed low-capacitance comparison logic show 25% and 42% reductions in ML sensing energy and time, respectively, which can further be improved by careful layout. The low-power ML-segmentation techniques include dual ML TCAM and charge-shared ML. Simulation results of the dual ML TCAM that connects two sides of the comparison logic to two ML segments for sequential sensing show 43% power savings for a small (4%) trade-off in the search speed. The charge-shared ML scheme achieves power savings by partial recycling of the charge stored in the first ML segment. Chip measurement results show that the charge-shared ML scheme results in 11% and 9% reductions in ML sensing time and energy, respectively, which can be improved to 19-25% by using a digitally controlled charge sharing time-window and a slightly modified MLSA. The static power reduction is achieved by a dual-VDD technique and low-leakage TCAM cells. The dual-VDD technique trades-off the excess noise margin of MLSA for smaller cell leakage by applying a smaller VDD to TCAM cells and a larger VDD to the peripheral circuits. The low-leakage TCAM cells trade off the speed of READ and WRITE operations for smaller cell area and leakage. Finally, design and testing of a complete TCAM chip are presented, and compared with other published designs

    High-level services for networks-on-chip

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    Future technology trends envision that next-generation Multiprocessors Systems-on- Chip (MPSoCs) will be composed of a combination of a large number of processing and storage elements interconnected by complex communication architectures. Communication and interconnection between these basic blocks play a role of crucial importance when the number of these elements increases. Enabling reliable communication channels between cores becomes therefore a challenge for system designers. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) appeared as a strategy for connecting and managing the communication between several design elements and IP blocks, as required in complex Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). The topic can be considered as a multidisciplinary synthesis of multiprocessing, parallel computing, networking, and on- chip communication domains. Networks-on-Chip, in addition to standard communication services, can be employed for providing support for the implementation of system-level services. This dissertation will demonstrate how high-level services can be added to an MPSoC platform by embedding appropriate hardware/software support in the network interfaces (NIs) of the NoC. In this dissertation, the implementation of innovative modules acting in parallel with protocol translation and data transmission in NIs is proposed and evaluated. The modules can support the execution of the high-level services in the NoC at a relatively low cost in terms of area and energy consumption. Three types of services will be addressed and discussed: security, monitoring, and fault tolerance. With respect to the security aspect, this dissertation will discuss the implementation of an innovative data protection mechanism for detecting and preventing illegal accesses to protected memory blocks and/or memory mapped peripherals. The second aspect will be addressed by proposing the implementation of a monitoring system based on programmable multipurpose monitoring probes aimed at detecting NoC internal events and run-time characteristics. As last topic, new architectural solutions for the design of fault tolerant network interfaces will be presented and discussed

    Towards the pervasive formal verification of multi-core operating systems and hypervisors implemented in C

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    This thesis deals with a semantic model stack for verification of functional correctness of multi-core hypervisors or operating systems. In contrast to implementations based on single-core architectures, there are additional features and resulting challenges for verifying correctness properties in the multi-core case, e.g. weak memory models (store buffers), or an inter processor interrupt mechanism. The Verisoft XT project had the goal of verifying correctness of the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor and achieved great code verification results using the concurrent C verification tool VCC developed by our project partners during the project. A sound mathematical theory to support code verification was not established. To remedy this shortcoming, we sketch a model stack for a simplified multi-core architecture based on a simplified MIPS model for system programmers and illustrate on a high level of abstraction how to obtain a simulation between neighboring models. A hardware model for this architecture is formalized at a detailed level of abstraction of the model stack. In addition, this thesis provides operational semantics for a quite simple intermediate language for C as well as an extension of this semantics with specification (ghost) state and code which can serve as a basis for arguing the soundness of VCC. Due to the powerful nature of specification code, a simulation between annotated and original program is not trivial. Thus, we give a pencil and paper proof.Die Arbeit befasst sich mit einem semantischen Modell-Stack für die Verifikation der Korrektheit von Multi-Core Hypervisoren oder Betriebssystemen. Im Gegensatz zu auf Implementierungen auf Single-Core Architekturen stellen sich im Multi-Core Fall zusätzliche Herausforderungen für die Verifikation von Korrektheitseigenschaften, z.B. durch schwache Speichermodelle, Speicherzugriffsmodi welche in begrenztem Rahmen kompatibel sind, Cache-Konsistenz-Protokolle welche (bei korrekter Benutzung der Speicherzugriffsmodi) ein einheitliches Bild des Speichers für alle Maschinen garantieren, oder die Nutzung eines Inter-Prozessor-Interrupt Mechanismus (sowohl zum Starten der Maschine nach Reset als auch zum Zweck der Kommunikation zwischen Programmcode der auf verschiedenen Prozessoren ausgeführt wird). Im Verisoft Projekt (gefördert durch bmbf, 2003-2007) wurde die Korrektheit eines Betriebssystemes welches auf einem sequentiellen VAMP Prozessor mit nebenläufigen Devices ausgeführt wird durchgängig formal verifiziert -- von Gatterebene der Hardwarekonstruktion bis hin zur korrekten Ausführung des Betriebssystemes auf eben dieser Hardware. Das Nachfolgerprojekt Verisoft XT (2007-2010), welches unter anderem zum Ziel hatte die Korrektheit des Microsoft Hyper-V Hypervisors zu verifizieren, erreichte unter Benutzung des Verifikationstools VCC (welches im VerisoftXT Projekt durch den Projektpartner Microsoft Research entwickelt wurde) hervorragende Resultate im Bereich der Codeverifikation. Die Erstellung einer durchgängigen mathematischen Theorie um diese Resultate zu untermauern wurde jedoch vernachlässigt. Um diesen Mangel zu beheben, skizzieren wir in der Dissertation einen Modell-Stack für eine Multi-Core Architektur basierend auf einem vereinfachten MIPS-Modell für Systemprogrammierer und illustrieren wie eine Simulation zwischen benachbarten Modellen erreicht wird. Teilweise ist die Erweiterung sequentieller Resultate auf die Multi-Core Architektur möglich indem man durch geeignete Software-Bedingungen (z.B. Zugriffsbeschränkungen für den gemeinsamen Speicher der Prozessoren gegeben durch ein Ownership-Modell) die Ausführungsreihenfolgen der nebenläufigen Maschine gerade soweit sequentialisiert dass eine Anwendung der alten Resultate möglich wird. In der Dissertation wird ein formales Hardwaremodell für die Multi-Core-MIPS-Architektur auf einer detaillierten Abstraktionsebene präsentiert. Zusätzlich enthält die Arbeit die operationale Semantik einer für die Hypervisor- und Betriebssystemverifikation geeignete Zwischensprache für C und deren Erweiterung um Spezifikationszustand und -code. Die um Spezifikationszustand und -code erweiterte Zwischensprache kann als Basis für einen Korrektheitsbeweis des Tools VCC dienen. Da aufgrund der mächtigen Spezifikationssprache von VCC (welche es z.B. erlaubt Spezifikationscode zu schreiben der nicht terminiert) eine Simulation zwischen annotiertem und originalem Programm nicht trivial ist, führen wir den Beweis auf Papier

    Local Epitaxial Overgrowth for Stacked Complementary MOS Transistor Pairs

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    A three-dimensional silicon processing technology for CMOS circuits was developed and characterized. The first fully depleted SOI devices with individually biasable gates on both sides of the silicon film were realized. A vertically stacked CMOS Inverter built by lateral overgrowth was reported for the first time. Nucleation-free epitaxial lateral overgrowth of silicon over thin oxides was developed for both a pancake and a barrel-type epitaxy reactor: This process was optimized to limit damage to gate oxides and minimize dopant diffusion within the Substrate. Autodoping from impurities of the MOS transistors built in the substrate was greatly reduced. A planarisation technique was developed to reduce the silicon film thickness from 13μm to below 0.5μm for full depletion. Chemo-mechanical polishing was modified to yield an automatic etch stop with the corresponding control and uniformity of the silicon film. The resulting wafer topography is more planar than in a conventional substrate CMOS process. PMOS transistors which match the current drive of bulk NM0S devices of equal geometry were characterized, despite the three-times lower hole mobility. Devices realized in the substrate, at the bottom and on top of the SOI film were essentially indistinguishable from bulk devices. A novel device with two insulated gates controlling the same channel was characterized. Inverters were realized both as joint-gate configuration and with symmetric performance of n- and p-channel. These circuits were realized in the area of a single NMOS transistor

    Implementation of neural networks as CMOS integrated circuits

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    A Practical Hardware Implementation of Systemic Computation

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    It is widely accepted that natural computation, such as brain computation, is far superior to typical computational approaches addressing tasks such as learning and parallel processing. As conventional silicon-based technologies are about to reach their physical limits, researchers have drawn inspiration from nature to found new computational paradigms. Such a newly-conceived paradigm is Systemic Computation (SC). SC is a bio-inspired model of computation. It incorporates natural characteristics and defines a massively parallel non-von Neumann computer architecture that can model natural systems efficiently. This thesis investigates the viability and utility of a Systemic Computation hardware implementation, since prior software-based approaches have proved inadequate in terms of performance and flexibility. This is achieved by addressing three main research challenges regarding the level of support for the natural properties of SC, the design of its implied architecture and methods to make the implementation practical and efficient. Various hardware-based approaches to Natural Computation are reviewed and their compatibility and suitability, with respect to the SC paradigm, is investigated. FPGAs are identified as the most appropriate implementation platform through critical evaluation and the first prototype Hardware Architecture of Systemic computation (HAoS) is presented. HAoS is a novel custom digital design, which takes advantage of the inbuilt parallelism of an FPGA and the highly efficient matching capability of a Ternary Content Addressable Memory. It provides basic processing capabilities in order to minimize time-demanding data transfers, while the optional use of a CPU provides high-level processing support. It is optimized and extended to a practical hardware platform accompanied by a software framework to provide an efficient SC programming solution. The suggested platform is evaluated using three bio-inspired models and analysis shows that it satisfies the research challenges and provides an effective solution in terms of efficiency versus flexibility trade-off


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    The development of modern integrated circuits (ICs) has greatly changed the life of humankind. Nowadays, IC s are also indispensable to mission-critical applications, such as medical devices, autonomous cars, aircraft navigating systems, and satellites. The reliability of these mission-critical applications is a major concern. A soft-error occurring in an IC is a severe threat to its reliability, especially for mission-critical applications. The continuous trend of shrinking technology feature sizes makes modern ICs more and more vulnerable to soft errors. Soft-errors are caused by radiation particles striking an IC and generating current pulses to disturb its functionality. A soft-error can cause data corruption and may eventually lead to system failure s If a soft-error occurs in an operational medical device during surgery, it may cause a malfunction of this device and interrupt the surgery process. A soft-error may change the control data of an autonomous car which may lead to an accident. A soft-error may corrupt the aircraft navigating systems. No one would take the chance to let it happen even though malfunction s caused by soft errors can be solved by resetting these devices. Because reset takes time and severe results may happen during the resetting. If a soft-error causes a malfunction in the control system of a satellite, it may not be able to maintain its height and eventually burn up as it falls into the Earth’s atmosphere. Hence, it is important to protect ICs from soft errors. Many soft-error tolerance methods have been proposed to protect ICs against soft-errors. In an IC, memory elements and storage elements (e.g., latches and flip flops) are the most vulnerable to soft-errors, and data stored in them are crucial to the operation of a circuit. Error correction codes (ECCs) can be u sed to protect memories. Register-level soft-error tolerance methods can be used to detect soft-errors in latches by using parity checking and correct them by resetting. Hardened designs protect latches against soft-errors by using redundant feedback loops to store the same input data and using a voter to select the correct output. The advantage of using hardened designs is that they can prevent soft-errors from reaching outputs while ECCs and register-level soft-error tolerance methods must detect soft-errors and then correct them by restoring the data. For protecting storage elements in mission-critical applications, hardened latch design is the best option because it has high reliability and can save the resetting time. Many state-of-the-art hardened latch designs have been proposed to tolerate soft errors and they are believed to have good soft-error tolerability. Defects (physical flaws due to imperfect production (production defects) and physical changes caused by aging effects after a long operation time (aging-related defects) can also cause a malfunction of a circuit and cause a system failure eventually. Different from the temporal state change of a circuit caused by soft errors, defects are permanent damages to a circuit and can disturb the behavior of a circuit from its desired manner. Defects in storage elements should be detected to make sure a system/device operating correctly and stably. Scan test is a commonly used defect detection method, which connects reconfigured storage elements to form a shift register with external access and the internal states of these storage elements can be easily controlled and checked. However, the impact of defects on existing state of the art hardened latch design has not been considered. This impact requires consideration because added redundancy in hardened latch designs can not only mask soft-errors but also mask the effects of defects and it can lead to two serious problems: Problem-1 (Low Testability): Production defects in hardened latch designs are difficult to detect with conventional scan tests, in which the observability (an important metric to evaluate a circuit’s testability) of defects in hardened latch designs can be greatly reduced. Therefore, existing state-of-the-art hardened latches have low observability and thus low testability. Furthermore, defects that escaped the production test (undetected defects) may become more and more serious and cause a system failure eventually. Problem-2 (Low Soft-Error Tolerability): Undetected defects and aging-related defects can make hardened latch designs vulnerable to soft-errors while defect-free ones do not. The soft-error tolerability of hardened latch designs may be compromise d by undetected defects or aging related defects. This research is the first to consider Problem-1 of low testability of hardened latches and Problem-2 of defects reducing the reliability of hardened latches. Furthermore, this research is the first to pro pose a comprehensive solution to solve these two problems with the following five major contributions: Contribution-1: A first of its kind metric for quantifying the impact of defects on hardened latches, called Post-Test Vulnerability Factor (PTVF). It is used to analyze the residual soft-error tolerability of hardened latches after testing. Problem-2 is solved by this first major contribution. Contribution-2: A novel design called Scan-Test-Aware Hardened Latch (STAHL) that provides the highest defect coverage in comparison with all existing hardened latches. Problem-1 is solved by using STAHL to build a scan c ell to perform a scan test. Contribution-3: A novel scan test procedure is proposed to solve Problem-1 by fully testing the STAHL based scan cell. Contribution-4: A novel High-Performance Scan-Test-Aware Hardened Latch (HP-STAHL) design can also solve Problem-1 and has similar defect coverage as STAHL but has lower power consumption and higher propagation speed. Contribution-5: A novel scan test procedure is proposed to fully test the HP STAHL-based scan cell to solve Problem-1. Comprehensive simulation results demonstrate the accuracy of the PTVF metric and the effectiveness of the STAHL-based scan test and HP-STAHL-based scan test. As the first comprehensive study bridging the gap between hardened latch design s and IC testing, the findings of this research are expected to significantly improve the soft-error-related reliability of IC designs for mission-critical applications. Furthermore, the two proposed hardened latches and the scan test procedures can not only be use d to detect defects after production but also can be applied to detect aging related defects in the field through performing built-in self-test (BIST). In Chapter 1, an example is introduced to indicate Problem-1 and Problem-2. Chapter 2 shows the background information of soft-errors and defects. Chapter 3 shows some typical soft-error mitigation methods and details of a scan test. Chapter 4 describes the detailed information of PTVF Contribution-1). Chapter 5 shows the structure of STAHL (Contribution-2) and Chapter 6 shows the scan test procedure of testing the STAHL-based scan cell (Contribution-3). Chapter 7 shows the structure of HP-STAHL (Contribution-4) and Chapter 8 shows the scan test procedure of testing the HP-STAHL based scan cell (Contribution-5). Chapter 9 shows the experimental results of comparing STAHL and HP-STAHL with state-of-the-art hardened latch designs. Chapter 10 concludes this thesis.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:情工博甲第371号 学位授与年月日:令和4年9月26日1. Introduction|2. Background|3. Related Works|4. Post-Test Vulnerability Factor (PTVF)|5. Scan-Test Aware Hardened Latch (STAHL)|6. Scan Test Based on STAHL|7. High Performance Scan-Test-Aware Hardened Latch (HP STAHL)|8. Scan Test Based on HP STAHL|9. Experimental Evaluation|10. Conclusions and Future Works九州工業大学令和4年