5,793 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Infectious Disease Modeling: A BME-SIR Approach

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    This paper is concerned with the modeling of infectious disease spread in a composite space-time domain under conditions of uncertainty. We focus on stochastic modeling that accounts for basic mechanisms of disease distribution and multi-sourced in situ uncertainties. Starting from the general formulation of population migration dynamics and the specification of transmission and recovery rates, the model studies the functional formulation of the evolution of the fractions of susceptible-infected-recovered individuals. The suggested approach is capable of: a) modeling population dynamics within and across localities, b) integrating the disease representation (i.e. susceptible-infected-recovered individuals) with observation time series at different geographical locations and other sources of information (e.g. hard and soft data, empirical relationships, secondary information), and c) generating predictions of disease spread and associated parameters in real time, while considering model and observation uncertainties. Key aspects of the proposed approach are illustrated by means of simulations (i.e. synthetic studies), and a real-world application using hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) data from China.J.M. Angulo and A.E. Madrid have been partially supported by grants MTM2009-13250 and MTM2012-32666 of SGPI, and P08-FQM-3834 of the Andalusian CICE, Spain. H-L Yu has been partially supported by a grant from National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC101-2628-E-002-017-MY3 and NSC102-2221-E-002-140-MY3). A. Kolovos was supported by SpaceTimeWorks, LLC. G. Christakos was supported by a Yongqian Chair Professorship (Zhejiang University, China)

    Data science for buildings, a multi-scale approach bridging occupants to smart-city energy planning

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    In a context of global carbon emission reduction goals, buildings have been identified to detain valuable energy-saving abilities. With the exponential increase of smart, connected building automation systems, massive amounts of data are now accessible for analysis. These coupled with powerful data science methods and machine learning algorithms present a unique opportunity to identify untapped energy-saving potentials from field information, and effectively turn buildings into active assets of the built energy infrastructure.However, the diversity of building occupants, infrastructures, and the disparities in collected information has produced disjointed scales of analytics that make it tedious for approaches to scale and generalize over the building stock.This coupled with the lack of standards in the sector has hindered the broader adoption of data science practices in the field, and engendered the following questioning:How can data science facilitate the scaling of approaches and bridge disconnected spatiotemporal scales of the built environment to deliver enhanced energy-saving strategies?This thesis focuses on addressing this interrogation by investigating data-driven, scalable, interpretable, and multi-scale approaches across varying types of analytical classes. The work particularly explores descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics to connect occupants, buildings, and urban energy planning together for improved energy performances.First, a novel multi-dimensional data-mining framework is developed, producing distinct dimensional outlines supporting systematic methodological approaches and refined knowledge discovery. Second, an automated building heat dynamics identification method is put forward, supporting large-scale thermal performance examination of buildings in a non-intrusive manner. The method produced 64\% of good quality model fits, against 14\% close, and 22\% poor ones out of 225 Dutch residential buildings. %, which were open-sourced in the interest of developing benchmarks. Third, a pioneering hierarchical forecasting method was designed, bridging individual and aggregated building load predictions in a coherent, data-efficient fashion. The approach was evaluated over hierarchies of 37, 140, and 383 nodal elements and showcased improved accuracy and coherency performances against disjointed prediction systems.Finally, building occupants and urban energy planning strategies are investigated under the prism of uncertainty. In a neighborhood of 41 Dutch residential buildings, occupants were determined to significantly impact optimal energy community designs in the context of weather and economic uncertainties.Overall, the thesis demonstrated the added value of multi-scale approaches in all analytical classes while fostering best data-science practices in the sector from benchmarks and open-source implementations

    Data science for buildings, a multi-scale approach bridging occupants to smart-city energy planning

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    Capturing the role of the co-play of land use and rainfall on water and sediment flux dynamics across different spatiotemporal scales in intensively managed landscapes

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    Anthropogenic activities in intensively managed landscapes (IMLs) have significantly modified material travel times and delivery, and have led to more pronounced event-based dynamics compared to undisturbed conditions. Understanding and mitigating human impacts requires the use of both field-based observations and physically-based numerical models to tease out causal relationships and feedbacks between the relevant processes across the cascade of scales, from the plot to the watershed. Unfortunately, there are no event-based numerical models capable of adequately simulating sediment fluxes across scales in IMLs, thus hampering our ability to understand and mitigate anthropogenic impacts.The goal of this study was to develop a conceptual modeling framework for IMLs that considered all the connections and interactions between terrestrial and in-stream sources on an event basis, and to use the framework to identify a characteristic scale unit (CSU) representative of sediment flux laws within the drainage network. The CSU was considered to be a scale at which local-scale variability in landscape properties ceased to have an effect on mean trends in sediment fluxes and, thus, an appropriate scale for simulating/monitoring sediment fluxes for watershed management purposes.The framework was developed and tested in the South Amana sub-watershed (SASW), IA. An upland erosion model was coupled with an instream sediment transport model to simulate material fluxes along different pathways in SASW. A sediment fingerprinting model was also utilized to constrain the predicted contributions of terrestrial and instream sources. Modeling advances made included the incorporation of a surface roughness evolution threshold, space/time variant flow resistance representations of landscape attributes, and the stochastic representation of material origins, travel times, and delivery to the watershed outlet. The developed model was validated via an extensive field campaign performed at scales ranging from the plot to the sub-watershed.The study results revealed thresholds of influence of landscape roughness attributes, and highlighted important intra-seasonal trends in source contributions driven by the co-play of land use and rainfall. A CSU for sediment fluxes and the factors affecting it were identified. Future studies must examine the CSU as dictated by the interplay between event-based and seasonal dynamics, and the implications for watershed management

    Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Networks with Uncertainty Quantification for Traffic Incident Risk Prediction

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    Predicting traffic incident risks at granular spatiotemporal levels is challenging. The datasets predominantly feature zero values, indicating no incidents, with sporadic high-risk values for severe incidents. Notably, a majority of current models, especially deep learning methods, focus solely on estimating risk values, overlooking the uncertainties arising from the inherently unpredictable nature of incidents. To tackle this challenge, we introduce the Spatiotemporal Zero-Inflated Tweedie Graph Neural Networks (STZITD-GNNs). Our model merges the reliability of traditional statistical models with the flexibility of graph neural networks, aiming to precisely quantify uncertainties associated with road-level traffic incident risks. This model strategically employs a compound model from the Tweedie family, as a Poisson distribution to model risk frequency and a Gamma distribution to account for incident severity. Furthermore, a zero-inflated component helps to identify the non-incident risk scenarios. As a result, the STZITD-GNNs effectively capture the dataset's skewed distribution, placing emphasis on infrequent but impactful severe incidents. Empirical tests using real-world traffic data from London, UK, demonstrate that our model excels beyond current benchmarks. The forte of STZITD-GNN resides not only in its accuracy but also in its adeptness at curtailing uncertainties, delivering robust predictions over short (7 days) and extended (14 days) timeframes

    A GIS Open-Data Co-Simulation Platform for Photovoltaic Integration in Residential Urban Areas

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    The rising awareness of environmental issues and the increase of renewable energy sources (RES) has led to a shift in energy production toward RES, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems, and toward a distributed generation (DG) model of energy production that requires systems in which energy is generated, stored, and consumed locally. In this work, we present a methodology that integrates geographic information system (GIS)-based PV potential assessment procedures with models for the estimation of both energy generation and consumption profiles. In particular, we have created an innovative infrastructure that co-simulates PV integration on building rooftops together with an analysis of households’ electricity demand. Our model relies on high spatiotemporal resolution and considers both shadowing effects and real-sky conditions for solar radiation estimation. It integrates methodologies to estimate energy demand with a high temporal resolution, accounting for realistic populations with realistic consumption profiles. Such a solution enables concrete recommendations to be drawn in order to promote an understanding of urban energy systems and the integration of RES in the context of future smart cities. The proposed methodology is tested and validated within the municipality of Turin, Italy. For the whole municipality, we estimate both the electricity absorbed from the residential sector (simulating a realistic population) and the electrical energy that could be produced by installing PV systems on buildings’ rooftops (considering two different scenarios, with the former using only the rooftops of residential buildings and the latter using all available rooftops). The capabilities of the platform are explored through an in-depth analysis of the obtained results. Generated power and energy profiles are presented, emphasizing the flexibility of the resolution of the spatial and temporal results. Additional energy indicators are presented for the self-consumption of produced energy and the avoidance of CO2 emission
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