76 research outputs found

    Semantic-Based Access Control Mechanisms in Dynamic Environments

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    The appearance of dynamic distributed networks in early eighties of the last century has evoked technologies like pervasive systems, ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, and more recently, Internet of Things (IoT) to be developed. Moreover, sensing capabil- ities embedded in computing devices offer users the ability to share, retrieve, and update resources on anytime and anywhere basis. These resources (or data) constitute what is widely known as contextual information. In these systems, there is an association between a system and its environment and the system should always adapt to its ever-changing environment. This situation makes the Context-Based Access Control (CBAC) the method of choice for such environments. However, most traditional policy models do not address the issue of dynamic nature of dynamic distributed systems and are limited in addressing issues like adaptability, extensibility, and reasoning over security policies. We propose a security framework for dynamic distributed network domain that is based on semantic technologies. This framework presents a flexible and adaptable context-based access control authoriza- tion model for protecting dynamic distributed networks’ resources. We extend our secu- rity model to incorporate context delegation in context-based access control environments. We show that security mechanisms provided by the framework are sound and adhere to the least-privilege principle. We develop a prototype implementation of our framework and present the results to show that our framework correctly derives Context-Based au- thorization decision. Furthermore, we provide complexity analysis for the authorization framework in its response to the requests and contrast the complexity against possible op- timization that can be applied on the framework. Finally, we incorporate semantic-based obligation into our security framework. In phase I of our research, we design two lightweight Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontologies CTX-Lite and CBAC. CTX-Lite ontology serves as a core ontology for context handling, while CBAC ontology is used for modeling access control policy requirements. Based on the two OWL ontologies, we develop access authorization approach in which access decision is solely made based on the context of the request. We separate context operations from access authorization operations to reduce processing time for distributed networks’ devices. In phase II, we present two novel ontology-based context delegation ap- proaches. Monotonic context delegation, which adopts GRANT version of delegation, and non-monotonic for TRANSFER version of delegation. Our goal is to present context del- egation mechanisms that can be adopted by existing CBAC systems which do not provide delegation services. Phase III has two sub-phases, the first is to provide complexity anal- ysis of the authorization framework. The second sub-phase is dedicated to incorporating semantic-based obligation

    A Semantic Framework for the Analysis of Privacy Policies

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    Dynamic Privacy Management In Services Based Interactions

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    Technology advancements have enabled the distribution and sharing of users personal data over several data sources. Each data source is potentially managed by a different organization, which may expose its data as a Web service. Using such Web services, dynamic composition of atomic data items coupled with the context in which the data is accessed may breach sensitive data that may not comply with the users preference at the time of data collection. Thus, providing uniform access policies to such data can lead to privacy problems. Some fairly recent research has focused on providing solutions for dynamic privacy management. This thesis advances these techniques, and fills some gaps in the existing works. In particular, dynamically incorporating user access context into the privacy policy decision, and its enforcement

    Automating interpretations of trustworthiness

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    La vérification de patrons de workflow métier basés sur les flux de contrôle : une approche utilisant les systèmes à base de connaissances

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    This thesis tackles the problem of modelling semantically rich business workflow templates and proposes a process for developing workflow templates. The objective of the thesis is to transform a business process into a control flow-based business workflow template that guarantees syntactic and semantic validity. The main challenges are: (i) to define formalism for representing business processes; (ii) to establish automatic control mechanisms to ensure the correctness of a business workflow template based on a formal model and a set of semantic constraints; and (iii) to organize the knowledge base of workflow templates for a workflow development process. We propose a formalism which combines control flow (based on Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs)) with semantic constraints to represent business processes. The advantage of this formalism is that it allows not only syntactic checks based on the model of CPNs, but also semantic checks based on Semantic Web technologies. We start by designing an OWL ontology called the CPN ontology to represent the concepts of CPN-based business workflow templates. The design phase is followed by a thorough study of the properties of these templates in order to transform them into a set of axioms for the CPN ontology. In this formalism, a business process is syntactically transformed into an instance of the CPN ontology. Therefore, syntactic checking of a business process becomes simply verification by inference, by concepts and by axioms of the CPN ontology on the corresponding instance.Cette thèse traite le problème de la modélisation des patrons de workflow sémantiquement riche et propose un processus pour développer des patrons de workflow. L'objectif est de transformer un processus métier en un patron de workflow métier basé sur les flux de contrôle qui garantit la vérification syntaxique et sémantique. Les défis majeurs sont : (i) de définir un formalisme permettant de représenter les processus métiers; (ii) d'établir des mécanismes de contrôle automatiques pour assurer la conformité des patrons de workflow métier basés sur un modèle formel et un ensemble de contraintes sémantiques; et (iii) d’organiser la base de patrons de workflow métier pour le développement de patrons de workflow. Nous proposons un formalisme qui combine les flux de contrôle (basés sur les Réseaux de Petri Colorés (CPNs)) avec des contraintes sémantiques pour représenter les processus métiers. L'avantage de ce formalisme est qu'il permet de vérifier non seulement la conformité syntaxique basée sur le modèle de CPNs mais aussi la conformité sémantique basée sur les technologies du Web sémantique. Nous commençons par une phase de conception d'une ontologie OWL appelée l’ontologie CPN pour représenter les concepts de patrons de workflow métier basés sur CPN. La phase de conception est suivie par une étude approfondie des propriétés de ces patrons pour les transformer en un ensemble d'axiomes pour l'ontologie. Ainsi, dans ce formalisme, un processus métier est syntaxiquement transformé en une instance de l’ontologie

    Policy-based Contracting in Semantic Web Service Markets

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    Knowledge Components and Methods for Policy Propagation in Data Flows

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    Data-oriented systems and applications are at the centre of current developments of the World Wide Web (WWW). On the Web of Data (WoD), information sources can be accessed and processed for many purposes. Users need to be aware of any licences or terms of use, which are associated with the data sources they want to use. Conversely, publishers need support in assigning the appropriate policies alongside the data they distribute. In this work, we tackle the problem of policy propagation in data flows - an expression that refers to the way data is consumed, manipulated and produced within processes. We pose the question of what kind of components are required, and how they can be acquired, managed, and deployed, to support users on deciding what policies propagate to the output of a data-intensive system from the ones associated with its input. We observe three scenarios: applications of the Semantic Web, workflow reuse in Open Science, and the exploitation of urban data in City Data Hubs. Starting from the analysis of Semantic Web applications, we propose a data-centric approach to semantically describe processes as data flows: the Datanode ontology, which comprises a hierarchy of the possible relations between data objects. By means of Policy Propagation Rules, it is possible to link data flow steps and policies derivable from semantic descriptions of data licences. We show how these components can be designed, how they can be effectively managed, and how to reason efficiently with them. In a second phase, the developed components are verified using a Smart City Data Hub as a case study, where we developed an end-to-end solution for policy propagation. Finally, we evaluate our approach and report on a user study aimed at assessing both the quality and the value of the proposed solution
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