3,454 research outputs found

    Privacy Enhanced Secure Tropos: A Privacy Modeling Language for GDPR Compliance

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    Euroopa Liidu isikuandmete kaitse ĂŒldmÀÀrusele (GDPR) vastavuse tagamine saab Ă”iguslikult hĂ€davajalikuks kĂ”igis tarkvarasĂŒsteemides, mis töötlevad ja haldavad isikuandmeid. Sellest tulenevalt tuleb GDPR vastavuse ja privaatsuse komponentidega arvestada arendusprotsessi varajastes etappides ning tarkvarainsenerid peaksid analĂŒĂŒsima mitte ainult sĂŒsteemi, vaid ka selle keskkonda. KĂ€esolev uuring keskendub viimasel ajal tĂ€hepepanu pĂ€lvinud modelleerimiskeelele Privacy Enhanced Secure Tropos (PESTOS), mis pĂ”hineb Tropos metoodikal, hĂ”lmates eesmĂ€rkide ja reeglite vaatenurka, mis aitab tarkvarainseneridel hinnata erinevaid Privacy-enhancing Technologies (PET-e) kandidaate, arendades samas privaatsustundlikke sĂŒsteeme, et need oleksid GDPR-iga kooskĂ”las.Kuigi GDPR artikli 5 lĂ”ikes 2 sĂ€testatakse, et vastutuse pĂ”himĂ”tte kohaselt peavad organisatsioonid suutma nĂ€idata vastavust GDPR pĂ”himĂ”tetele (meie teadmiste kohaselt ei ole praegu veel ĂŒhtegi teist privaatsuse modelleerimise keelt, mis keskendub eelkĂ”ige GDPR nĂ”uetele ja mis pĂ”hineb Security Risk-Aware Secure Tropos metoodikal), ei olnud saadaval ĂŒhtegi praktilist modelleerimise keelt, mis rahuldaks tööstus- ja Ă€rivajadusi. See on Euroopa Liidu piirkonna avalikele asutustele ja erasektorile tĂ”sine probleem, kuna GDPR toob vastutavatele ja volitatud töötlejatele kaasa vĂ€ga tĂ”siseid trahve. Organisatsioonid ei oma piisavat kindlustunnet regulatsioonide tĂ€itmise osas ja tarkvarainseneridel puuduvad meetodid saamaks ĂŒlevaadet infosĂŒsteemide muutmistaotlustest. KĂ€esolevas lĂ”putöös rakendatakse struktureeritud privaatsuse modelleerimise keelt, mida nimetatakse PESTOS-iks. Selle eesmĂ€rk on tagada kĂ”rgetasemeline vastavus GDPR nĂ”uetele kattes PET-e eesmĂ€rk-tegija-reegel perspektiivis hindamiseks ka lĂ”imitud andmekaitse pĂ”himĂ”tted. GDPR 99-st artiklist 21 artiklit saab identifitseerida tehniliste nĂ”udmistena, mile osas PESTOS suudab ettvĂ”tetel aidata GDPR-ist tulenevaid kohustusi tĂ€ita. Identiteedi- ja turvaekspertide seas lĂ€biviidud uuring kinnitab, et kavandatud mudelil on piisav Ă”igsus, tĂ€ielikkus, tootlikkus ja kasutusmugavus.The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance is becoming a legal necessity for software systems that process and manage personal data. As a result of that fact, GDPR compliance and privacy components need to be considered from the early stages of the development process and software engineers should analyze not only the system but also its environment. Hereby with this study, Privacy Enhanced Secure Tropos (PESTOS) is emerging as a privacy modeling language based on Tropos methodology, which covers the goal and rule perspective, for helping software engineers by assessing candidate PETs, while designing privacy-aware systems, in order to make them compatible with GDPR. Although in Article 5(2) of the GDPR, the accountability principle requires organizations to show compliance with the principles of the GDPR, (To the best of our knowledge, currently there is no other privacy modeling language especially focuses on the GDPR compliance and enhanced based on Security Risk-Aware Secure Tropos methodology) there were not any practical social modeling languages supply the demand driven by industrial and commercial needs. This is a serious issue for public institutions and private sector in EU-zone because GDPR brings very serious charges for data controllers and data processors, therefore organizations do not feel themselves ready to face with those regulations and software engineers have a lack of methods for capturing change requests of the information systems. This paper applies a structured privacy modeling language that is called as PESTOS which has a goal-oriented solution domain that aims to bring a high compatibility with GDPR by covering Privacy by Design strategies for assessing proper privacy-enhancing technologies(PETs) in a respect of the goal-actor-rule perspective. Among the 99 articles of GDPR, 21 articles can be identified as technical level of requirements that PESTOS is able to transform them into GDPR goals needs to be fulfilled in order to support business assets. A survey conducted by identity and security experts validates that proposed model has a sufficient level of correctness, completeness, productivity and ease of use

    Network emulation focusing on QoS-Oriented satellite communication

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    This chapter proposes network emulation basics and a complete case study of QoS-oriented Satellite Communication

    Digital provenance - models, systems, and applications

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    Data provenance refers to the history of creation and manipulation of a data object and is being widely used in various application domains including scientific experiments, grid computing, file and storage system, streaming data etc. However, existing provenance systems operate at a single layer of abstraction (workflow/process/OS) at which they record and store provenance whereas the provenance captured from different layers provide the highest benefit when integrated through a unified provenance framework. To build such a framework, a comprehensive provenance model able to represent the provenance of data objects with various semantics and granularity is the first step. In this thesis, we propose a such a comprehensive provenance model and present an abstract schema of the model. ^ We further explore the secure provenance solutions for distributed systems, namely streaming data, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and virtualized environments. We design a customizable file provenance system with an application to the provenance infrastructure for virtualized environments. The system supports automatic collection and management of file provenance metadata, characterized by our provenance model. Based on the proposed provenance framework, we devise a mechanism for detecting data exfiltration attack in a file system. We then move to the direction of secure provenance communication in streaming environment and propose two secure provenance schemes focusing on WSNs. The basic provenance scheme is extended in order to detect packet dropping adversaries on the data flow path over a period of time. We also consider the issue of attack recovery and present an extensive incident response and prevention system specifically designed for WSNs

    Digital provenance - models, systems, and applications

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    Data provenance refers to the history of creation and manipulation of a data object and is being widely used in various application domains including scientific experiments, grid computing, file and storage system, streaming data etc. However, existing provenance systems operate at a single layer of abstraction (workflow/process/OS) at which they record and store provenance whereas the provenance captured from different layers provide the highest benefit when integrated through a unified provenance framework. To build such a framework, a comprehensive provenance model able to represent the provenance of data objects with various semantics and granularity is the first step. In this thesis, we propose a such a comprehensive provenance model and present an abstract schema of the model. ^ We further explore the secure provenance solutions for distributed systems, namely streaming data, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and virtualized environments. We design a customizable file provenance system with an application to the provenance infrastructure for virtualized environments. The system supports automatic collection and management of file provenance metadata, characterized by our provenance model. Based on the proposed provenance framework, we devise a mechanism for detecting data exfiltration attack in a file system. We then move to the direction of secure provenance communication in streaming environment and propose two secure provenance schemes focusing on WSNs. The basic provenance scheme is extended in order to detect packet dropping adversaries on the data flow path over a period of time. We also consider the issue of attack recovery and present an extensive incident response and prevention system specifically designed for WSNs

    Embedded System Design

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    A unique feature of this open access textbook is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental knowledge in embedded systems, with applications in cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things. It starts with an introduction to the field and a survey of specification models and languages for embedded and cyber-physical systems. It provides a brief overview of hardware devices used for such systems and presents the essentials of system software for embedded systems, including real-time operating systems. The author also discusses evaluation and validation techniques for embedded systems and provides an overview of techniques for mapping applications to execution platforms, including multi-core platforms. Embedded systems have to operate under tight constraints and, hence, the book also contains a selected set of optimization techniques, including software optimization techniques. The book closes with a brief survey on testing. This fourth edition has been updated and revised to reflect new trends and technologies, such as the importance of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of things (IoT), the evolution of single-core processors to multi-core processors, and the increased importance of energy efficiency and thermal issues

    A Holistic Systems Security Approach Featuring Thin Secure Elements for Resilient IoT Deployments

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    © 2020 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.IoT systems differ from traditional Internet systems in that they are different in scale, footprint, power requirements, cost and security concerns that are often overlooked. IoT systems inherently present different fail-safe capabilities than traditional computing environments while their threat landscapes constantly evolve. Further, IoT devices have limited collective security measures in place. Therefore, there is a need for different approaches in threat assessments to incorporate the interdependencies between different IoT devices. In this paper, we run through the design cycle to provide a security-focused approach to the design of IoT systems using a use case, namely, an intelligent solar-panel project called Daedalus. We utilise STRIDE/DREAD approaches to identify vulnerabilities using a thin secure element that is an embedded, tamper proof microprocessor chip that allows the storage and processing of sensitive data. It benefits from low power demand and small footprint as a crypto processor as well as is compatible with IoT 29 requirements. Subsequently, a key agreement based on an asymmetric cryptographic scheme, namely B-SPEKE was used to validate and authenticate the source. We find that end-to-end and independent stand-alone procedures used for validation and encryption of the source data originating from the solar panel are cost-effective in that the validation is carried out once and not several times in the chain as is often the case. The threat model proved useful not so much as a panacea for all threats but provided the framework for the consideration of known threats, and therefore appropriate mitigation plans to be deployed.Peer reviewe
