224 research outputs found

    ASIdE: Using Autocorrelation-Based Size Estimation for Scheduling Bursty Workloads.

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    Temporal dependence in workloads creates peak congestion that can make service unavailable and reduce system performance. To improve system performability under conditions of temporal dependence, a server should quickly process bursts of requests that may need large service demands. In this paper, we propose and evaluateASIdE, an Autocorrelation-based SIze Estimation, that selectively delays requests which contribute to the workload temporal dependence. ASIdE implicitly approximates the shortest job first (SJF) scheduling policy but without any prior knowledge of job service times. Extensive experiments show that (1) ASIdE achieves good service time estimates from the temporal dependence structure of the workload to implicitly approximate the behavior of SJF; and (2) ASIdE successfully counteracts peak congestion in the workload and improves system performability under a wide variety of settings. Specifically, we show that system capacity under ASIdE is largely increased compared to the first-come first-served (FCFS) scheduling policy and is highly-competitive with SJF. © 2012 IEEE

    Dependence-driven techniques in system design

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    Burstiness in workloads is often found in multi-tier architectures, storage systems, and communication networks. This feature is extremely important in system design because it can significantly degrade system performance and availability. This dissertation focuses on how to use knowledge of burstiness to develop new techniques and tools for performance prediction, scheduling, and resource allocation under bursty workload conditions.;For multi-tier enterprise systems, burstiness in the service times is catastrophic for performance. Via detailed experimentation, we identify the cause of performance degradation on the persistent bottleneck switch among various servers. This results in an unstable behavior that cannot be captured by existing capacity planning models. In this dissertation, beyond identifying the cause and effects of bottleneck switch in multi-tier systems, we also propose modifications to the classic TPC-W benchmark to emulate bursty arrivals in multi-tier systems.;This dissertation also demonstrates how burstiness can be used to improve system performance. Two dependence-driven scheduling policies, SWAP and ALoC, are developed. These general scheduling policies counteract burstiness in workloads and maintain high availability by delaying selected requests that contribute to burstiness. Extensive experiments show that both SWAP and ALoC achieve good estimates of service times based on the knowledge of burstiness in the service process. as a result, SWAP successfully approximates the shortest job first (SJF) scheduling without requiring a priori information of job service times. ALoC adaptively controls system load by infinitely delaying only a small fraction of the incoming requests.;The knowledge of burstiness can also be used to forecast the length of idle intervals in storage systems. In practice, background activities are scheduled during system idle times. The scheduling of background jobs is crucial in terms of the performance degradation of foreground jobs and the utilization of idle times. In this dissertation, new background scheduling schemes are designed to determine when and for how long idle times can be used for serving background jobs, without violating predefined performance targets of foreground jobs. Extensive trace-driven simulation results illustrate that the proposed schemes are effective and robust in a wide range of system conditions. Furthermore, if there is burstiness within idle times, then maintenance features like disk scrubbing and intra-disk data redundancy can be successfully scheduled as background activities during idle times

    Workload modeling and performance evaluation in parallel systems

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    Scheduling plays a significant role in producing good performance for clusters and grids. Smart scheduling policies in these systems are essential to enable efficient resource allocation mechanisms. One of the key factors that have a strong effect on scheduling is the workload. This workload problem is associated with four research topics to obtain an effective scheduler, namely workload characterisation, workload modeling, performance evaluation and prediction, and scheduling design. Workload data collected from real systems are the best source for improving our knowledge about performance issues of clusters and grids. Observed features of these workloads are precious sources of clues, which can be utilized to enhance scheduling. To this end, several long-term parallel and grid workloads have been collected and this thesis used these real workloads in the study of workload characterisation, workload modeling, per formance evaluation and prediction. Our research resulted in many workload modeling tools, a performance predictor and several useful clues that are essential to develop efficient cluster and grid schedulers.UBL - phd migration 201

    The effect of workload dependence in systems: Experimental evaluation, analytic models, and policy development

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    This dissertation presents an analysis of performance effects of burstiness (formalized by the autocorrelation function) in multi-tiered systems via a 3-pronged approach, i.e., experimental measurements, analytic models, and policy development. This analysis considers (a) systems with finite buffers (e.g., systems with admission control that effectively operate as closed systems) and (b) systems with infinite buffers (i.e., systems that operate as open systems).;For multi-tiered systems with a finite buffer size, experimental measurements show that if autocorrelation exists in any of the tiers in a multi-tiered system, then autocorrelation propagates to all tiers of the system. The presence of autocorrelated flows in all tiers significantly degrades performance. Workload characterization in a real experimental environment driven by the TPC-W benchmark confirms the existence of autocorrelated flows, which originate from the autocorrelated service process of one of the tiers. A simple model is devised that captures the observed behavior. The model is in excellent agreement with experimental measurements and captures the propagation of autocorrelation in the multi-tiered system as well as the resulting performance trends.;For systems with an infinite buffer size, this study focuses on analytic models by proposing and comparing two families of approximations for the departure process of a BMAP/MAP/1 queue that admits batch correlated flows, and whose service time process may be autocorrelated. One approximation is based on the ETAQA methodology for the solution of M/G/1-type processes and the other arises from lumpability rules. Formal proofs are provided: both approximations preserve the marginal distribution of the inter-departure times and their initial correlation structures.;This dissertation also demonstrates how the knowledge of autocorrelation can be used to effectively improve system performance, D_EQAL, a new load balancing policy for clusters with dependent arrivals is proposed. D_EQAL separates jobs to servers according to their sizes as traditional load balancing policies do, but this separation is biased by the effort to reduce performance loss due to autocorrelation in the streams of jobs that are directed to each server. as a result of this, not all servers are equally utilized (i.e., the load in the system becomes unbalanced) but performance benefits of this load unbalancing are significant

    Workload dynamics on clusters and grids

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    JMT – Performance Engineering Tools for System Modeling

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    We present the Java Modelling Tools (JMT) suite, an integrated framework of Java tools for performance evaluation of computer systems using queueing models. The suite offers a rich user interface that simplifies the definition of performance models by means of wizard dialogs and of a graphical design workspace. The performance evaluation features of JMT span a wide range of state-of-the-art methodologies including discrete-event simulation, mean value analysis of product-form networks, analytical identification of bottleneck resources in multiclass environments, and workload characterization with fuzzy clustering. The discrete-event simulator supports several advanced modeling features such as finite capacity regions, load-dependent service times, bursty processes, fork-and-join nodes, and implements spectral estimation for analysis of simulative results. The suite is open-source, released under the GNU general public license (GPL), and it is available for free download at http://jmt.sourceforge.net
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