818 research outputs found

    Two-scale envelope-domain analysis of injected chirped oscillators

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    The response of chirped oscillators under the injection of independent signals, for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio, and under self-injection, for radio frequency identification, is analyzed in detail. The investigation is performed by means of a semianalytical formulation, based on a realistic modeling of the free-running oscillator, extracted from harmonic-balance simulations or from experimental measurements, through a new characterization technique. In the new formulation, the oscillator is linearized about a free-running solution that varies with the control voltage. This enables its application to oscillators having a frequency characteristic that deviates from the linear one. In the case of injection by independent signals, the two-scale envelope-domain formulation will enable an efficient handling of the difference between the slow chirp frequency and the beat frequency. The input carriers can be detected from their dynamic synchronization intervals or, at lower input-power levels, from the dynamics of the beat frequency. Noise perturbations are introduced into the formulation, which enables an estimation of the minimum detectable signal. In the case of a self-injected oscillator for radio frequency identification, an insightful formulation is derived to predict the propagation and tag-resonance effects on the instantaneous oscillation frequency. The tag-resonance signature gives rise to a distinct modulation of the oscillation frequency during the chirp period, which can be detected from the variation of the oscillator bias current. The analysis methods are illustrated through their application to a chirped oscillator, operating in the band 2-3 GHz.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) under Project TEC2014-60283-C3-1-R and Project TEC2017-88242-C3-1-

    Phase Noise Reduction in an Oscillator Using Harmonic Mixing Technique

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    This thesis presents a new technique of injection of multi-harmonics into an oscillator, study the behavior and response of the oscillator. First general locking equations are derived using the feedback model of an oscillator. Second, using the Laplace domain modeled phase noise analysis giving insight into the phase noise model of an oscillator under multiple harmonics are analytically studied and experimentally validated with good agreement. From the locking process and phase noise analysis we can observe when compared to single tone injection there is a substantial improvement of phase noise under multi-harmonic injection, enhancement in the locking range. We present Injection Locked Frequency Divider (ILFD) circuit under multi-harmonic injection (2nd and 3rd harmonics injected) with simulation, theoretical validation. The proposed circuit is designed using the UMC library by using Op-Amp based feedback current reference circuit. The amplitude dependency of the injection signals on the phase noise is observed as increase in the injection levels decreases the phase noise

    Analysis, simulation and design of nonlinear RF circuits

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    The PhD project consists of two parts. The first part concerns the development of Computer Aided Design (CAD) algorithms for high-frequency circuits. Novel Padébased algorithms for numerical integration of ODEs as arise in high-frequency circuits are proposed. Both single- and multi-step methods are introduced. A large part of this section of the research is concerned with the application of Filon-type integration techniques to circuits subject to modulated signals. Such methods are tested with analog and digital modulated signals and are seen to be very effective. The results confirm that these methods are more accurate than the traditional trapezoidal rule and Runge-Kutta methods. The second part of the research is concerned with the analysis, simulation and design of RF circuits with emphasis on injection-locked frequency dividers (ILFD) and digital delta-sigma modulators (DDSM). Both of these circuits are employed in fractional-N frequency synthesizers. Several simulation methods are proposed to capture the locking range of an ILFD, such as the Warped Multi-time Partial Differential Equation (WaMPDE) and the Multiple-Phase-Condition Envelope Following (MPCENV) methods. The MPCENV method is the more efficient and accurate simulation technique and it is recommended to obviate the need for expensive experiments. The Multi-stAge noise Shaping (MASH) digital delta-sigma modulator (DDSM) is simulated in MATLAB and analysed mathematically. A novel structure employing multimoduli, termed the MM-MASH, is proposed. The goal in this design work is to reduce the noise level in the useful frequency band of the modulator. The success of the novel structure in achieving this aim is confirmed with simulations

    Simulation method for complex multivalued curves in injection-locked oscillators

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    A new methodology is presented for the efficient harmonic-balance simulation of injection-locked oscillators with complex multivalued and disconnected curves. It is illustrated through its application to high-order subharmonically injection-locked oscillators. A graphical technique is applied to analyze the oscillator-phase sensitivity with respect to the input signal, required for the injection-locked operation. The intricate synchronized-solution curves are obtained with the new method, which enables a global exploration of all the coexistent periodic solutions. These solutions can belong to different curve sections, in a multivalued response, or to disconnected synchronization curves. The method is based on the calculation of a series of phase-dependent outer-tier admittance functions, which provide the oscillator response to the injection signal. Coexistent solutions are simultaneously obtained through a contour-plot intersection, without the need for continuation techniques. The method is illustrated through application to an oscillator synchronized to low-frequency sinusoidal signal by means of a nonlinear-transmission line. The analysis and design techniques have been successfully validated through comparison with independent simulations and measurements.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the research project TEC2014-60283-C3-1-R, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) and Juan de la Cierva Research Program IJCI-2014-19141 and by the Parliament of Cantabria under the project Cantabria Explora 12.JP02.64069

    Academic Use of Rapid Prototyping in Digitally Controlled Power Factor Correctors

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    The growing use of power converters connected to the grid motivates their study in power electronics courses and the prototype development in the degree final project (DFP). However, the practical realization of using state-of-the-art components and conversion techniques is complex due to the numerous multidisciplinary aspects that students must consider in its design and development and the workload associated with the DFP. An example of this is that, unlike a conventional power factor correction (PFC) design, the individual dedication of students to complete the design and validation of modern bridgeless PFC stages exceeds the number of credits of the DFP. The reason for this is that it includes system modeling, becoming familiar with the devices used, discrete selection, circuit design, control development, and programming, to build the converter and verify the operation of the complete system. To reinforce the individual skills needed for the DFP and reduce this time, a novel strategy is proposed. It allows the student to focus their efforts on integrating the individual skills achieved in the degree at the appropriate competence level during the modeling and construction of the power converter while carrying out part of the tasks out of the lab, if necessary, as was the case during the pandemic restrictions. For this, the rapid prototyping technique is introduced to speed up the overall design and speed up the tuning of digital controllers. This manuscript presents a teaching experience in which students build digitally controlled power converters using Texas Instruments microcontroller boards and PLECS®. The example of a bridgeless totem-pole power factor corrector is shown. Although it began to develop and was motivated due to the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the experience has been verified and is maintained over time, successfully consolidating

    Academic use of rapid prototyping in digitally controlled power factor correctors

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    The growing use of power converters connected to the grid motivates their study in power electronics courses and the prototype development in the degree final project (DFP). However, the practical realization of using state-of-the-art components and conversion techniques is complex due to the numerous multidisciplinary aspects that students must consider in its design and development and the workload associated with the DFP. An example of this is that, unlike a conventional power factor correction (PFC) design, the individual dedication of students to complete the design and validation of modern bridgeless PFC stages exceeds the number of credits of the DFP. The reason for this is that it includes system modeling, becoming familiar with the devices used, discrete selection, circuit design, control development, and programming, to build the converter and verify the operation of the complete system. To reinforce the individual skills needed for the DFP and reduce this time, a novel strategy is proposed. It allows the student to focus their efforts on integrating the individual skills achieved in the degree at the appropriate competence level during the modeling and construction of the power converter while carrying out part of the tasks out of the lab, if necessary, as was the case during the pandemic restrictions. For this, the rapid prototyping technique is introduced to speed up the overall design and speed up the tuning of digital controllers. This manuscript presents a teaching experience in which students build digitally controlled power converters using Texas Instruments microcontroller boards and PLECS®. The example of a bridgeless totem-pole power factor corrector is shown. Although it began to develop and was motivated due to the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the experience has been verified and is maintained over time, successfully consolidating.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Project PID2021-128941OB-I00 TRENTI–Efficient Energy Transformation in Industrial Environment

    Development of a High Speed Data Acquisition System for Spark Ignition Engine

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    Full engine control can only be accomplished with multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control system requiring measurement of variables for which no sensor/instrument is yet available in the Renewable Energy and Engines Laboratory, therefore a less detailed single input single output (SISO) engine model is developed. To develop the engine controller a model of the engine had to first be determined. Known Discrete-Event and Mean-Value models were the first choice, but could not be utilized because of the nature of the single cylinder intake manifold pressure. Therefore an engine model based on experimental data had to be developed. Using Matlab/ Simulink, xPC Target and data acquisition hardware a model of the single cylinder engine was developed. These models were developed by taking measurements of the engines dynamics such as engine speed, crank angle, air mass intake, spark timing, injection timing, and intake temperatures at different engine speed set points while running gasoline and then a gasoline and ethanol mix (E85). From which experimental coefficients were determined necessary for the model

    Efficient simulation of solution curves and bifurcation loci in injection-locked oscillators

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    A new method is presented for the two-level harmonic-balance analysis of multivalued synchronized solution curves in injection-locked oscillators. The method is based on the extraction of a nonlinear admittance function, which describes the circuit response from the input source terminals. It does not require any optimization or parameter switching procedures, this constituting a significant advantage compared with previous analysis techniques. With additional mathematical conditions, it enables a straightforward determination of the turning point and Hopf bifurcation loci that delimit the stable injection-locked operation bands. The codimension two bifurcation point at which the turning point and Hopf bifurcation loci merge is analyzed in detail, as well as the saddle-connection locus. As it is shown, a second intersection of the saddle-connection locus with the turning point locus acts as a boundary between synchronization points and points associated with jumps and hysteresis. The likely observation of chaotic solutions in the neighborhood of the saddle-connection locus is discussed too. The techniques have been validated by application to several injection-locked oscillators, obtaining good agreement with the experimental results.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and competitiveness under contract TEC2011-29264-C03-01 and the predoctoral fellowship for researchers in training of the University of Cantabria and the Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Cantabria

    Analysis and simulation methods for free-running, injection-locked and super-regenerative oscillators

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    RESUMEN: En los últimos años, muchos esfuerzos han sido dedicados al desarrollo de técnicas complementarias para el análisis de circuitos autónomos de microondas. Estas técnicas están pensadas para su uso en combinación con balance armónico, ampliamente usado para el análisis a frecuencias de microondas. De hecho, balance armónico sufre de restricciones cuando se utiliza para el análisis de circuitos autónomos, en su mayoría debidos a su falta de sensibilidad a las propiedades de estabilidad de la solución que se genera o se extingue mediante bifurcaciones. En esta tesis doctoral se presentan nuevos métodos de simulación y análisis para la caracterización y modelado de osciladores libres, sincronizados y superregenerativos. Todos los resultados obtenidos mediante los nuevos métodos de simulación y análisis han sido comparados satisfactoriamente con otras técnicas de simulación y con medidas.ABSTRACT: In the last years, numerous efforts have been devoted to the development of complementary analysis tools for autonomous microwave circuits. They are intended to be applied in combination with the harmonic-balance (HB) method, widely used at microwave frequencies. In fact, HB suffers from a number of shortcomings when dealing with autonomous circuits, mostly due the fact that it is insensitive to the stability properties of the solution, generated and extinguished through bifurcation phenomena. Here, new simulation and analysis methodologies for the characterization and modeling of free-running, injection-locked and super-regenerative oscillators have been proposed to overcome these problems when using commercial software. Results from the different new analysis methodologies have been successfully compared with independent simulations and with measurements