508,157 research outputs found

    Development of detailed prime mover models and distributed generation for an on-board naval power system trainer

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    2012 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.A power management platform (PMP) has been developed for an electric generation plant on-board a U.S. naval ship. The control hardware and software interface with a Human Machine Interface (HMI) where the sailor can monitor and control the electric plant state. With the implementation of the PMP, there becomes a need to train the sailors how to effectively use the HMI to manage the power plant. A power system trainer was developed with all the physical parts of the power system modeled in software that communicate to the control software, HMI software, and training software. Previous simulation models of the prime movers created in MATLAB® Simulink® (developed at Woodward, Inc. for control code testing purposes) were inadequate to simulate all the signals the control software receives. Therefore, the goal of this research was to increase the accuracy and detail of the existing prime mover models and add detail to the current electrical grid model for use in a power system trainer while maintaining real-time simulation. This thesis provides an overview encompassing techniques used to model various prime movers, auxiliary systems, and electrical power system grids collected through literary research as well as creative adaptation. For the prime movers, a mean value model (MVM) was developed for the diesel engine as well as a thermodynamic based steam turbine model. A heat transfer model was constructed for an AC synchronous electrical generator with a Totally Enclosed Air to Water Cooled (TEWAC) cooling arrangement. A modular heat exchanger model was implemented and the electrical grid model was expanded to cover all of the electrical elements. Models now dynamically simulate all the hardware signals in software and the training simulation executes in real-time

    Reliability Evaluation of Active Distribution Networks and Wastewater Treatment Plant Electrical Supply Systems

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    As energy demand increases in U.S. society, especially in terms of electricity and water, it becomes crucial for the operator to ensure the reliability and security of power distribution systems and wastewater treatment facilities. In the past, deterministic approaches were developed in evaluating the reliability of power supply systems. However, deterministic approaches lack the stochastic characteristic modeling, which makes it ineffective in modeling practical systems with increasing uncertainties. In this thesis, a set of probabilistic, quantitative reliability indices will be calculated for the active power distribution networks and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) electrical supply systems. First, the probabilistic reliability evaluation for active distribution networks is performed. Due to the higher pressure from the environment, the integration of renewable resources and application of storage units has become more prevalent in the past several decades. Consequently, using the conventional deterministic approach to evaluate the reliability of active distribution networks may not be effective anymore. In this thesis, a new method is proposed to evaluate the active distribution system reliability containing microgrid and energy storage. The power output of distributed generator (DG) within the microgrid is first calculated based on the approach of generalized capacity outage tables (GCOTs). Then, the Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) is utilized for performing power system reliability evaluation. The results obtained considering different energy storage capacities are compared. Furthermore, real-time pricing strategy is incorporated in optimizing the control strategy of the storage device. The reliability indices are then recalculated to inform the system operator in power system planning and operations. Second, the probabilistic reliability evaluation for WWTP electrical supply systems is conducted. Due to the rapid development of industry development and population growth, the electrical power supply system in WWTPs also demands a more comprehensive reliability evaluation, which is currently treated as a mechanical reliability problem in the wastewater treatment industry. In fact, the electrical part also plays an essential role in ensuring the availability and reliability of WWTPs. In this thesis, reliability evaluation mainly focuses on the electrical power supply system instead of the mechanical equipment. Furthermore, the Intelligent Power Motor Control Center (IPMCC) model is incorporated, which is widely used in WWTP control systems. A time-sequential MCS simulation method is used to derive the system reliability indices, and several other techniques are also utilized including the reliability model of IPMCC and the load based reliability indices calculation. A comparison is conducted between the reliability analyses of active distribution system in power systems and the electrical supply system of WWTP. In fact, both systems do have some similarities, such as the component reliability model and the evaluation procedure. However, in terms of some specific characteristics of each system, reliability modeling and evaluation methods may need some changes correspondingly

    A real-time pricing scheme for residential energy systems using a market maker

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    Voltage rise is an undesirable side-effect of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation, arising from the flow of surplus electrical power back into the grid when PV generation exceeds local demand. Customers deploying residential-scale battery storage are likely to further exacerbate voltage rise problems for electrical utilities unless the charge/discharge schedules of batteries are appropriately coordinated. In this paper, we present a real-time pricing mechanism for use in a network of distributed residential energy systems (RESs), each employing solar PV generation and battery storage. The pricing mechanism proposed in this paper is based on a Market Maker algorithm in which predicted power profiles and real-time pricing information is iteratively exchanged between a central entity and each of the RESs. The Market Maker formulation presented in this paper is shown via simulation studies to converge to a fixed price vector, thereby reducing the price volatility observed in an earlier formulation, while achieving the same reduction in power usage variability as a centralised model predictive control (MPC) scheme presented previously

    Statistical Methods for Detection and Mitigation of the Effect of Different Types of Cyber-Attacks and Inconsistencies in Electrical Design Parameters in a Real World Distribution System

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    In the present grid real time control systems are the energy management systems and distribution management systems that utilize measurements from real-time units (RTUs) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). The SCADA systems are designed to operate on isolated, private networks without even basic security features which are now being migrated to modern IP-based communications providing near real time information from measuring and controlling units. To function brain (SCADA) properly heart (RTUs) should provide necessary response thereby creating a coupling which makes SCADA systems as targets for cyber-attacks to cripple either part of the electric transmission grid or fully shut down (create blackout) the grid. Cyber-security research for a distribution grid is a topic yet to be addressed. To date firewalls and classic signature-based intrusion detection systems have provided access control and awareness of suspicious network traffic but typically have not offered any real-time detection and defense solutions for electric distribution grids.;This thesis work not only addresses the cyber security modeling, detection and prevention but also addresses model inconsistencies for effectively utilizing and controlling distribution management systems. Inconsistencies in the electrical design parameters of the distribution network or cyber-attack conditions may result in failing of the automated operations or distribution state estimation process which might lead the system to a catastrophic condition or give erroneous solutions for the probable problems. This research work also develops a robust and reliable voltage controller based on Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) to maintain the voltage profile in a smart distribution system under cyber-attacks and model inconsistencies. The developed cyber-attack detection and mitigation algorithms have been tested on IEEE 13 node and 600+ node real American electric distribution systems modeled in Electric Power Research Institute\u27s (EPRI) OpenDSS software

    Instantaneous, Short-Term and Predictive Long-Term Power Balancing Techniques in Intelligent Distribution Grids

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    Part 12: Integration of Power Electronics Systems with ICT - IIInternational audienceAn increased number of distributed small generators connected to the power grid allows higher total efficiency and higher stability of electrical power supply by exporting energy to the grid to be achieved during peak demand hours. On the other hand, it poses new challenges in structuring and developing the control approaches for these distributed energy resources. This paper proposes an improved method of real-time power balancing targeted to reaching long-term energy management objectives. The novel long-term energy management technique is proposed, that is based on load categorization and regulation of energy consumption by regulating electricity price function estimated with the proposed mathematical model. The method was evaluated by a LabVIEW model by simulating various types of loads. The price function for the defined energy generation pattern from renewable energy sources was obtained

    Nonlinear model predictive control for thermal management in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) for the thermal management (TM) of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) is presented. TM in PHEVs is crucial to ensure good components performance and durability in all possible climate scenarios. A drawback of accurate TM solutions is the higher electrical consumption due to the increasing number of low voltage (LV) actuators used in the cooling circuits. Hence, more complex control strategies are needed for minimizing components thermal stress and at the same time electrical consumption. In this context, NMPC arises as a powerful method for achieving multiple objectives in Multiple input- Multiple output systems. This paper proposes an NMPC for the TM of the High Voltage (HV) battery and the power electronics (PE) cooling circuit in a PHEV. It distinguishes itself from the previously NMPC reported methods in the automotive sector by the complexity of its controlled plant which is highly nonlinear and controlled by numerous variables. The implemented model of the plant, which is based on experimental data and multi- domain physical equations, has been validated using six different driving cycles logged in a real vehicle, obtaining a maximum error, in comparison with the real temperatures, of 2C. For one of the six cycles, an NMPC software-in-the loop (SIL) is presented, where the models inside the controller and for the controlled plant are the same. This simulation is compared to the finite-state machine-based strategy performed in the real vehicle. The results show that NMPC keeps the battery at healthier temperatures and in addition reduces the cooling electrical consumption by more than 5%. In terms of the objective function, an accumulated and weighted sum of the two goals, this improvement amounts 30%. Finally, the online SIL presented in this paper, suggests that the used optimizer is fast enough for a future implementation in the vehicle.Accepted versio

    Location Awareness in Multi-Agent Control of Distributed Energy Resources

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    The integration of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) technologies such as heat pumps, electric vehicles and small-scale generation into the electricity grid at the household level is limited by technical constraints. This work argues that location is an important aspect for the control and integration of DER and that network topology can inferred without the use of a centralised network model. It addresses DER integration challenges by presenting a novel approach that uses a decentralised multi-agent system where equipment controllers learn and use their location within the low-voltage section of the power system. Models of electrical networks exhibiting technical constraints were developed. Through theoretical analysis and real network data collection, various sources of location data were identified and new geographical and electrical techniques were developed for deriving network topology using Global Positioning System (GPS) and 24-hour voltage logs. The multi-agent system paradigm and societal structures were examined as an approach to a multi-stakeholder domain and congregations were used as an aid to decentralisation in a non-hierarchical, non-market-based approach. Through formal description of the agent attitude INTEND2, the novel technique of Intention Transfer was applied to an agent congregation to provide an opt-in, collaborative system. Test facilities for multi-agent systems were developed and culminated in a new embedded controller test platform that integrated a real-time dynamic electrical network simulator to provide a full-feedback system integrated with control hardware. Finally, a multi-agent control system was developed and implemented that used location data in providing demand-side response to a voltage excursion, with the goals of improving power quality, reducing generator disconnections, and deferring network reinforcement. The resulting communicating and self-organising energy agent community, as demonstrated on a unique hardware-in-the-loop platform, provides an application model and test facility to inspire agent-based, location-aware smart grid applications across the power systems domain

    Optimization of Experimental Model Parameter Identification for Energy Storage Systems

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    The smart grid approach is envisioned to take advantage of all available modern technologies in transforming the current power system to provide benefits to all stakeholders in the fields of efficient energy utilisation and of wide integration of renewable sources. Energy storage systems could help to solve some issues that stem from renewable energy usage in terms of stabilizing the intermittent energy production, power quality and power peak mitigation. With the integration of energy storage systems into the smart grids, their accurate modeling becomes a necessity, in order to gain robust real-time control on the network, in terms of stability and energy supply forecasting. In this framework, this paper proposes a procedure to identify the values of the battery model parameters in order to best fit experimental data and integrate it, along with models of energy sources and electrical loads, in a complete framework which represents a real time smart grid management system. The proposed method is based on a hybrid optimisation technique, which makes combined use of a stochastic and a deterministic algorithm, with low computational burden and can therefore be repeated over time in order to account for parameter variations due to the battery's age and usage

    Electrical Grid Anomaly Detection via Tensor Decomposition

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    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems often serve as the nervous system for substations within power grids. These systems facilitate real-time monitoring, data acquisition, control of equipment, and ensure smooth and efficient operation of the substation and its connected devices. Previous work has shown that dimensionality reduction-based approaches, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), can be used for accurate identification of anomalies in SCADA systems. While not specifically applied to SCADA, non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) has shown strong results at detecting anomalies in wireless sensor networks. These unsupervised approaches model the normal or expected behavior and detect the unseen types of attacks or anomalies by identifying the events that deviate from the expected behavior. These approaches; however, do not model the complex and multi-dimensional interactions that are naturally present in SCADA systems. Differently, non-negative tensor decomposition is a powerful unsupervised machine learning (ML) method that can model the complex and multi-faceted activity details of SCADA events. In this work, we novelly apply the tensor decomposition method Canonical Polyadic Alternating Poisson Regression (CP-APR) with a probabilistic framework, which has previously shown state-of-the-art anomaly detection results on cyber network data, to identify anomalies in SCADA systems. We showcase that the use of statistical behavior analysis of SCADA communication with tensor decomposition improves the specificity and accuracy of identifying anomalies in electrical grid systems. In our experiments, we model real-world SCADA system data collected from the electrical grid operated by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) which provides transmission and distribution service through a partnership with Los Alamos County, and detect synthetically generated anomalies.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. In IEEE Military Communications Conference, Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Workshop (MILCOM), 202

    Intelligent energy management based on SCADA system in a real Microgrid for smart building applications

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    Energy management is one of the main challenges in Microgrids (MGs) applied to Smart Buildings (SBs). Hence, more studies are indispensable to consider both modeling and operating aspects to utilize the upcoming results of the system for the different applications. This paper presents a novel energy management architecture model based on complete Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system duties in an educational building with an MG Laboratory (Lab) testbed, which is named LAMBDA at the Electrical and Energy Engineering Department of the Sapienza University of Rome. The LAMBDA MG Lab simulates in a small scale a SB and is connected with the DIAEE electrical network. LAMBDA MG is composed of a Photovoltaic generator (PV), a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), a smart switchboard (SW), and different classified loads (critical, essential, and normal) some of which are manageable and controllable (lighting, air conditioning, smart plugs operating into the LAB). The aim of the LAMBDA implementation is making the DIAEE smart for energy saving purposes. In the LAMBDA Lab, the communication architecture consists in a complex of master/slave units and actuators carried out by two main international standards, Modbus (industrial serial standard for electrical and technical monitoring systems) and Konnex (an open standard for commercial and domestic building automation). Making the electrical department smart causes to reduce the required power from the main grid. Hence, to achieve the aims, results have been investigated in two modes. Initially, the real-time mode based on the SCADA system, which reveals real daily power consumption and production of different sources and loads. Next, the simulation part is assigned to shows the behavior of the main grid, loads and BESS charging and discharging based on energy management system. Finally, the proposed model has been examined in different scenarios and evaluated from the economic aspect