310,516 research outputs found

    A Practical T-P3R2 Model to Test Dynamic Websites

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    Present day web applications are very complex as they employ more objects (controls) on a web page than traditional web applications. This results in more memory leaks, more CPU utilizations and longer test executions. Furthermore, today websites are dynamic meaning that the web pages are loaded according to the users input. Higher complexity of web software means more insecure website. This increases the attack surfaces. In this paper, it is proposed to use both Test-Driven Development (TDD) and white-box testing together to handle the dynamic aspects of web applications. Also, it proposes a new practical T-P3 R2 model to cope with dynamism of websites. Keywords: Dynamic website testing, TDD, Web Application Trees (WAT), Path testing

    EMF on Rails

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends, ICSOFT 2012, held in Rome.In this paper we propose leveraging existing frameworks for automated web application development, in the style of Ruby on Rails, Grails and Spring Roo, for their use within a Model-Driven Engineering process. Our approach automates the construction of domain-specific generators for web applications in particular domains. These generators are able to synthesize web applications using Spring Roo, starting from annotated models. In this way, designers of web applications do not need to be proficient in web automation frameworks, but they can benefit from the use of domain-specific, intuitive models. We illustrate our approach by generating an application to edit Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) models through the web.This work was supported by a grant provided by CONACyT and Tecnol´ogico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus. This research is part of the project ”Dynamic Probabilistic Graphical Models and their Applications”, number 95185, funded by CONACyT and the European Union through FONCICyT. This work is also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (TIN2011-24139) and the R&D programme of the Madrid Region (S2009/TIC-1650)

    Model Driven Software Engineering for Web Applications

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    Model driven software engineering (MDSE) is becoming a widely accepted approach for developing complex applications and it is on its way to be one of the most promising paradigms in software engineering. MDSE advocates the use of models as the key artifacts in all phases of the development process, from analysis to design, implementation and testing. The most promising approach to model driven engineering is the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) defined by the Object Management Group (OMG). Applications are modeled at a platform independent level and are transformed to (possibly several) platform specific implementations. Model driven Web engineering (MDWE) is the application of model driven engineering to the domain of Web application development where it might be particularly helpful because of the continuous evolution of Web technologies and platforms. However, most current approaches for MDWE provide only a partial application of the MDA pattern. Further, metamodels and transformations are not always made explicit and metamodels are often too general or do not contain sufficient information for the automatic code generation. Thus, the main goal of this work is the complete application of the MDA pattern to the Web application domain from analysis to the generated implementation, with transformations playing an important role at every stage of the development process. Explicit metamodels are defined for the platform independent analysis and design and for the platform specific implementation of dynamic Web applications. Explicit transformations allow the automatic generation of executable code for a broad range of technologies. For pursuing this goal, the following approach was chosen. A metamodel is defined for the platform independent analysis and for the design of the content, navigation, process and presentation concerns of Web applications as a conservative extension of the UML (Unified Modeling Language) metamodel, together with a cor-responding UML profile as notation. OCL constraints ensure the well-formedness of models and are checked by transformations. Transformations implement the systematic evolution of analysis and design models. A generic platform for Web applications built on an open-source Web platform and a generic runtime environment is proposed that represents a family of platforms supporting the combination of a broad range of technologies. The transformation to the platform specific models for this generic platform is decomposed along the concerns of Web applications to cope in a fine-grained way with technology changes. For each of the concerns a metamodel for the corresponding technology is defined together with the corresponding transformations from the platform independent design models. The resulting models are serialized to code by means of serialization transformations

    Capturing the requirements for multiple user interfaces

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    non-peer-reviewedIn this paper we describe MANTRA, a model-driven approach for the development of multiple consistent user interfaces for one application. The common requirements of all these user interfaces are captured in an abstract UI model (AUI) which is annotated with constraints on the dialogue flow. We exemplify all further steps along a well known application scenario in which a user queries train connections from a simple timetable service. We consider in particular how the user interface can be adapted on the AUI level by deriving and tailoring dialogue structures which take into account constraints imposed by front-end platforms or inexperienced users. With this input we use model transformations to derive concrete, platform-specific UI models (CUI). These can be used to generate implementation code for several UI platforms including GUI applications, dynamic websites and mobile applications. The user interfaces are integrated with a multi tier application by referencing WSDL-based (Web Service Description Language) interface descriptions. Finally, we discuss how our approach can be extended to include voice interfaces. This imposes special challenges as these interfaces tend to be structurally different from visual platforms and have to be specified using speech-input grammars

    Requirements model driven adaption and evolution of Internetware

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    Today’s software systems need to support complex business operations and processes. The development of the web-based software systems has been pushing up the limits of traditional software engineering methodologies and technologies as they are required to be used and updated almost real-time, so that users can interact and share the same applications over the internet as needed. These applications have to adapt quickly to the diversified and dynamic changing requirements in the physical, technological, economical and social environments. As a consequence, we are expecting a major paradigm shift in software engineering to reflect such changes in computing environment in order to better address the fundamental needs of organisations in this new era. Existing software technologies, such as model driven development, business process engineering, online (re-)configuration, composition and adaptation of managerial functionalities are being repurposed to reduce the time taken for software development by reusing software codes. The ability to dynamically combine contents from numerous web sites and local resources, and the ability to instantly publish services worldwide have opened up entirely new possibilities for software development. In retrospect to the ten years applied research on Internetware, we have witnessed such a paradigm shift, which brings about many changes to the developmental experience of conventional web applications. Several related technologies, such as cloud computing, service computing, cyber-physical systems and social computing, have converged to address this emerging issue with emphasis on different aspects. In this paper, we first outline the requirements that the Internetware software paradigm should meet to excel at web application adaptation; we then propose a requirement model driven method for adaptive and evolutionary applications; and we report our experiences and case studies of applying it to an enterprise information system. Our goal is to provide high-level guidelines to researchers and practitioners to meet the challenges of building adaptive industrial-strength applications with the spectrum of processes, techniques and facilities provided within the Internetware paradigm

    Integrating web services into data intensive web sites

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    Designing web sites is a complex task. Ad-hoc rapid prototyping easily leads to unsatisfactory results, e.g. poor maintainability and extensibility. However, existing web design frameworks focus exclusively on data presentation: the development of specific functionalities is still achieved through low-level programming. In this paper we address this issue by describing our work on the integration of (semantic) web services into a web design framework, OntoWeaver. The resulting architecture, OntoWeaver-S, supports rapid prototyping of service centred data-intensive web sites, which allow access to remote web services. In particular, OntoWeaver-S is integrated with a comprehensive web service platform, IRS-II, for the specification, discovery, and execution of web services. Moreover, it employs a set of comprehensive site ontologies to model and represent all aspects of service-centred data-intensive web sites, and thus is able to offer high level support for the design and development process

    Abstract Platform and Transformations for Model-Driven Service-Oriented Development

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    In this paper, we discuss the use of abstract platforms and transformation for designing applications according to the principles of the service-oriented architecture. We illustrate our approach by discussing the use of the service discovery pattern at a platform-independent design level. We show how a trader service can be specified at a high-level of abstraction and incorporated in an abstract platform for service-oriented development. Designers can then build platform-independent models of applications by composing application parts with this abstract platform. Application parts can use the trader service to publish and discover service offers. We discuss how the abstract platform can be realized into two target platforms, namely Web Services (with UDDI) and CORBA (with the OMG trader)

    Accessible user interface support for multi-device ubiquitous applications: architectural modifiability considerations

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    The market for personal computing devices is rapidly expanding from PC, to mobile, home entertainment systems, and even the automotive industry. When developing software targeting such ubiquitous devices, the balance between development costs and market coverage has turned out to be a challenging issue. With the rise of Web technology and the Internet of things, ubiquitous applications have become a reality. Nonetheless, the diversity of presentation and interaction modalities still drastically limit the number of targetable devices and the accessibility toward end users. This paper presents webinos, a multi-device application middleware platform founded on the Future Internet infrastructure. Hereto, the platform's architectural modifiability considerations are described and evaluated as a generic enabler for supporting applications, which are executed in ubiquitous computing environments

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure