723,077 research outputs found

    Business Ecosystem and Stakeholders’ Role Transformation: Evidence from China’s Emerging Electric Vehicle Industry

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    Nurturing an emerging industry’s business ecosystem always requires stakeholders’ efforts and role transformation. By systematically reviewing and studying the evolution of the Chinese electric vehicle industry, this paper constructs a three-dimensional theoretical framework including stages of business ecosystem lifecycle, stakeholder classification and functional roles, to analyse the transformation both of different stakeholders and their functional roles. The findings show that business ecosystem stakeholders have experienced role transformation following a mechanism defined as the ‘Triple Oscillation’ Model during the evolution of the emerging industry. These findings also help develop a conceptual model of agent-based system for business ecosystem evolution, which could be a starting point for further emerging industry study

    Agent Based E-Market: Framework, Design, and Implementation

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    Attempt has been made to design and develop a complete adoptive Multi Agent System pertaining to merchant brokering stage of Customer Buying Behaviour Model with the intent of appropriate framework. Intelligent agents are autonomous entity which observe and act upon an environment. In general, they are software robots and vitally used in variety of e-Business applications. This paper focuses on the discussions on electronic markets and the adoptive role, which agents can play in information transformation for automating e-market transactions. It is proposed to develop a framework for agent-based electronic markets for buyers and sellers totally with the assistance of software agents.Agent Oriented e-Business, Agent Oriented e-Markets, Buyer/Seller Agents, Java, Multi Agent Systems

    Accounting for the financialized UK and US national business model

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    The term ‘business model’ (BM) is generally used to describe the possibilities of transforming corporate activities and business functions (Osterwalder et al,2005 and Magretta,2002) In this paper we argue that our understanding of what constitutes a BM can be reworked to generate a useful organizing framework to investigate the nature of national economic development and transformation. Our argument is that national business models are subtended within a broad econo‐sphere where they evolve and adapt to information arising out of stakeholder interactions. These interactions congeal into reported financial numbers that are represented as GDP flow (income and surplus) and Balance Sheet accumulations (assets and liabilities outstanding). In this paper we employ financial data from national accounts to specifically describe how the US and UK national business models have financialized. We observe that balance sheet capitalization has inflated ahead of earnings and surplus. Our argument is that the capitalization of a national business model is not simply the mathematical product of discounting corporate cash earnings. The process of on‐going capitalization is also conditioned by variable institutional sector characteristics where financial innovation is possible and, within credit based economies, goodwill and holding gains arising out of asset inflation also provide collateral for further ongoing recapitalizations. In financialized national business models the system of accounting takes on added analytical significance because it ‘transmits rather than contains’ and ‘amplifies rather than dampens’ adverse financial disturbance as capitalizations are recalibrated up or down.Peer reviewe

    A Macro Stress Test Model of Credit Risk for the Brazilian Banking Sector

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    This paper proposes a model to conduct macro stress test of credit risk for the banking system based on scenario analysis. We employ an original bank level data set with disaggregated credit loans for business and consumer loans. The results corroborate the presence of a strong procyclical behavior of credit quality, and show a robust negative relationship between (the logistic transformation of) NPLs and GDP growth, with a lag response up to three quarters. The models also indicate substantial variations in the cyclical behavior of NPLs across credit types. Stress tests suggest that the banking system is well prepared to absorb the credit losses associated with a set of distressed macroeconomic scenarios without threatening financial stability.

    Business Process Simulation: Transformation of BPMN 2.0 to Discrete Event System Specification

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    Theoretical modeling is a complicated characteristic of a simulation study that straight affects the quality and effectiveness of simulation projects. This paper presents a model to model transformation from a conceptual modeling language to a simulation model specification. BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is worn for theoretical modeling and DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification) is elected for simulation model requirement. Simulation is a dynamic feature of MDSE and which explains the need of coherent M&S formalisms for simulation activities.Accordingly, this paper presents the simulation of service systems based on DEVS models. It defines a transformation approach of BPMN models into DEVS simulation models based on the metamodel approach, and describes the enrichment of obtained DEVS models through performance indicators (time and costs)

    Social media, interactive tools that change business model dynamics

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    The aim of this research is two-folded. On the one hand, it attempts to assist employers of Catalan micro-retailers in designing, implementing and developing their Social Media strategy as a complementary channel of communication. On the other hand, it attempts to contribute to the research community with a better understanding on both which building block of the micro-retailer¿s Business Model is more influenced by the customer level of interaction by means of the Social Media and how a transformation can be observed in the micro-retailers¿ Business Models as a result of the Social Media implementation. The research question to be answered in this paper is how the transformation of the activity system of the micro-retailers¿ Business Model would allow the emergence of a Participatory Business Model by means of Social Media. To carry out this research the Participatory Action Research methodology was used, whose contribution has two results: the one is more practitioner oriented and the other is more academic. The incipient results of the research showed a scarce transformation of Catalan microretailer¿s business model as a consequence of the implementation of social media. However, it is significant enough to be considered as more than just a simple adoption of an alternative channel of communication. One of the main contributions is related to how customer influences the activity system of the micro-retailer¿s business model beyond four levels of customer interaction (communication, interaction, participation and collaboration) by means of social media. On the one hand, the activity system of a business model is referred to the eight building blocks of Osterwalder, Pigneur and Tucci (2005) research that includes customer segment, customer relationship, distribution channel, capabilities, partner, value configuration, value proposition, profit and cost. On the other hand, the four defined levels of customer interaction are based on the literature of group collaboration systems. The results showed that not all the building blocks forming the business model are influenced by consumer interaction. The only building blocks influenced by an initial communication level in the current social media strategy implementation stage of our sample (five micro-retailers) are the following: customer segment, customer relationship, distribution channel, value proposition and cost. This incipient stage of transformation can be justified by a lack of effort made due to the small size of the business and a lack of team working inside the companies, easily adapting to changes. It can also be justified by the fact it was carried out by the micro-retailers only during a short period of time (14 month). Another contribution of the paper shows that Social Media transformation drives a BM innovation according to the following mediator elements: (1) the dynamic capabilities, (2) the ability of learning, (3) the dedicated effort, (4) the implementation time and (5) the level of customer participation

    The Impact of Cloud-Based Digital Transformation on ICT Service Providers’ Strategies

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    The relationship between digital transformation and strategy formulation in the context of new digital technologies is emerging as a research area which is ripe for investigation. Recently, information system researchers have focused their attention on exploring this relationship in the context of cloud computing-based digital transformation. However, while extant research has explored this relationship from an adopter perspective, there is a dearth of research which has used an information and communications technology (ICT) service provision viewpoint. Taking the perspective of fifteen ICT service providers, this comparative case study elucidates how cloud-based digital transformation has impacted these organisations’strategy formulation processes. This paper provides the following insights. First, cloud-based digital transformation can positively impact the realisation of strategic objectives in terms of deliberate strategies such as agility and competitive positioning. Second, we present a process model which delineates how ICT service providers’strategy formulation was observed to be an emergent process, encompassing recursive cycles of business model experimentation and iteration, organisational learning and organisational adaptation, primarily as a result of the profound disruptive and innovative impact of cloud-based digital transformation

    Transformasi Digital Pelayanan Perizinan Berusaha (SI ICE MANDIRI) di Mal Pelayanan Publik Kabupaten Sumedang

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    The use of information and communication technology in governance is a digital governance concept. Online single submission through government regulation number 24 of 2018 as a licensing reform through the concept of implementing digital government. As a response, the Sumedang Regency government underwent a digital-based service transformation through SI ICE MANDIRI. SI ICE MANDIRI as an online-based service system for each licensing and non-licensing at the one-stop integrated investment office. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method through direct observation and interviews with leadership informants, DPMPTSP technical employees, and the community in Sumedang. This study aims to determine and describe the extent of the service transformation process through SI ICE MANDIRI which is integrated with OSS on business permits in the Sumedang Regency environment. The results of this study reveal that SI ICE MANDIRI is still in the development stage, so licensing services are still not optimal. Using the theoretical concept of the Digital Government Maturity Model, it shows that the digital transformation of MANDIRI's SI ICE which is integrated with OSS occupies the integration stage, which means that the business license service process through OSS is carried out through an integrated system between the central government and the regions in various government agencies. Through this service system, the community or business actors carry out the permit process in one stage through the SI ICE MANDIRI and OSS systems

    A two-stage peer-to-peer energy trading model for distribution systems with participation of utility

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    With the growing penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution systems, the traditional utility dominated tariff-based business model may no longer meet the need for further development. As a result, the transformation from the traditional tariff-based business model to the emerging peer-to-peer energy trading model has been acknowledged by researchers and policy makers. In this paper, a two-stage peer-to peer energy trading model is proposed while considering the role of the utility. Specifically, energy transactions between buyers and sellers are optimized in the first stage; the cleared transactions are submitted to the utility for approval in the second stage, which solves a transaction approval model to verify the transactions from the perspective of secure system operations. Indeed, certain transactions may be disapproved to ensure that all network constraints, such as voltage and line flow limitations, are satisfied. In addition, a comprehensive trading tariff is designed to recover the hidden costs of the utility, such as those associated with network usage, system losses, and ancillary service provision. A modified 33-bus distribution system is adopted to verify the proposed model

    Creating a Platform Based Business Model In Dental Industry

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    Abstract Purpose: The article considers one of the possible approaches to building a fundamentally new business model for dental industry with a concept of a self-organizing industry management system based on blockchain platform, crypto currency and reward for consumer target behavior.Design/methodology/approach: The theoretical design based on literature review, the content analysis and practical experience of business model transformation in digital platform economy and innovative blockchain technology, while the authors develop, describe and implement a new concept of a new business model in dentistry. The factual basis was the materials of an experiment conducted in the Netherlands to create a platform community Dentacoin based on blockchain platform.Findings: The developed concept of the business model in dentistry shows the main mechanisms that make the model attractive to the consumer services: obtaining objective information about services and producers; formation of a contract on the basis of independent diagnostics and its insurance; financial and logistical support of the service.Research/practical implications: The results of theoretical and practical research confirmed the possibility and expediency of the business model innovation of dental industry. The analysis of the current stage of Dentacoin Project implementation shows that business model works.Originality / significance. The proposed concept of business model based on blockchain technology is fundamentally new for the dental industry. It is the first time describe and systemize a new management mechanism of value creation together with utilizing the blockchain advantages. The creation and implementation of the first blockchain-based platform in dentistry allows achieving transformative change of a whole industry and will greatly enrich both the theory and practice of transformational phenomena.JEL Codes: 014, 033, M1