9 research outputs found

    Mobility-Aware Edge Caching for Connected Cars

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    Content caching on the edge of 5G networks is an emerging and critical feature to support the thirst for content of future connected cars. Yet, the compactization of 5G cells, the finite edge storage capacity and the need for content availability while driving motivate the need to develop smart edge caching strategies adapted to the mobility characteristics of connected cars. In this paper, we propose a Mobility-Aware Probabilistic (MAP) scheme, which optimally caches content at edge nodes where connected vehicles mostly require it. Unlike blind popularity decisions, the probabilistic caching used by MAP considers vehicular trajectory predictions as well as content service time by edge nodes. We evaluate our approach on realistic mobility datasets and against popularity-based edge approaches. Our MAP edge caching scheme provides up to 40% enhanced content availability, 70% increased cache throughput, and 40% reduced backhaul overhead compared to popularity-based strategies

    The Price of Fog: a Data-Driven Study on Caching Architectures in Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular users are expected to consume large amounts of data, for both entertainment and navigation purposes. This will put a strain on cellular networks, which will be able to cope with such a load only if proper caching is in place, this in turn begs the question of which caching architecture is the best-suited to deal with vehicular content consumption. In this paper, we leverage a large-scale, crowd-collected trace to (i) characterize the vehicular traffic demand, in terms of overall magnitude and content breakup, (ii) assess how different caching approaches perform against such a real-world load, (iii) study the effect of recommendation systems and local contents. We define a price-of-fog metric, expressing the additional caching capacity to deploy when moving from traditional, centralized caching architectures to a "fog computing" approach, where caches are closer to the network edge. We find that for location-specific contents, such as the ones that vehicular users are most likely to request, such a price almost disappears. Vehicular networks thus make a strong case for the adoption of mobile-edge caching, as we are able to reap the benefit thereof -- including a reduction in the distance traveled by data, within the core network -- with little or no of the associated disadvantages.Comment: ACM IoV-VoI 2016 MobiHoc Workshop, The 17th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing: MobiHoc 2016-IoV-VoI Workshop, Paderborn, German

    From theory to experimental evaluation: resource management in software-defined vehicular networks

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    Managing resources in dynamic vehicular environments is a tough task, which is becoming more challenging with the increased number of access technologies today available in connected cars (e.g., IEEE 802.11, LIE), in the variety of applications provided on the road (e.g., safety, traffic efficiency, and infotainment), in the amount of driving awareness/coordination required (e.g., local, context, and cooperative awareness), and in the level of automation toward zero-accident driving (e.g., platooning and autonomous driving). The open programmability and logically centralized control features of the software-defined networking (SDN) paradigm offer an attractive means to manage communication and networking resources in the vehicular environment and promise improved performance. In this paper, we enumerate the potentials of software-defined vehicular networks, analyze the need to rethink the traditional SDN approach from theoretical and practical standpoints when applied in this application context, and present an emulation approach based on the proposed node car architecture in Mininet-WiFi to showcase the applicability and some expected benefits of SDN in a selected use case scenario530693076FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP14/18482-

    From Megabits to CPU Ticks: Enriching a Demand Trace in the Age of MEC

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    All the content consumed by mobile users, be it a web page or a live stream, undergoes some processing along the way; as an example, web pages and videos are transcoded to fit each device’s screen. The recent multi-access edge computing (MEC) paradigm envisions performing such processing within the cellular network, as opposed to resorting to a cloud server on the Internet. Designing a MEC network, i.e., placing and dimensioning the computational facilities therein, requires information on how much computational power is required to produce the contents needed by the users. However, real-world demand traces only contain information on how much data is downloaded. In this paper, we demonstrate how to enrich demand traces with information about the computational power needed to process the different types of content, and we show the substantial benefit that can be obtained from using such enriched traces for the design of MEC-based networks.This work is supported by the European Commission through the H2020 projects 5G-TRANSFORMER (Project ID 761536) and 5G-EVE (Project ID 815074)

    From Theory to Experimental Evaluation: Resource Management in Software-Defined Vehicular Networks

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    Managing resources in dynamic vehicular environments is a tough task, which is becoming more challenging with the increased number of access technologies today available in connected cars (e.g., IEEE 802.11, LTE), in the variety of applications provided on the road (e.g., safety, traffic efficiency, and infotainment), in the amount of driving awareness/coordination required (e.g., local, context, and cooperative awareness), and in the level of automation toward zero-accident driving (e.g., platooning and autonomous driving). The open programmability and logically centralized control features of the software–defined networking (SDN) paradigm offer an attractive means to manage communication and networking resources in the vehicular environment and promise improved performance. In this paper, we enumerate the potentials of software-defined vehicular networks, analyze the need to rethink the traditional SDN approach from theoretical and practical standpoints when applied in this application context, and present an emulation approach based on the proposed node car architecture in Mininet-WiFi to showcase the applicability and some expected benefits of SDN in a selected use case scenario

    Mobility-Aware Proactive Edge Caching for Connected Vehicles Using Federated Learning

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    Content Caching at the edge of vehicular networks has been considered as a promising technology to satisfy the increasing demands of computation-intensive and latency-sensitive vehicular applications for intelligent transportation. The existing content caching schemes, when used in vehicular networks, face two distinct challenges: 1) Vehicles connected to an edge server keep moving, making the content popularity varying and hard to predict. 2) Cached content is easily out-of-date since each connected vehicle stays in the area of an edge server for a short duration. To address these challenges, we propose a Mobility-aware Proactive edge Caching scheme based on Federated learning (MPCF). This new scheme enables multiple vehicles to collaboratively learn a global model for predicting content popularity with the private training data distributed on local vehicles. MPCF also employs a Context-aware Adversarial AutoEncoder to predict the highly dynamic content popularity. Besides, MPCF integrates a mobility-aware cache replacement policy, which allows the network edges to add/evict contents in response to the mobility patterns and preferences of vehicles. MPCF can greatly improve cache performance, effectively protect users' privacy and significantly reduce communication costs. Experimental results demonstrate that MPCF outperforms other baseline caching schemes in terms of the cache hit ratio in vehicular edge networks

    Caching Techniques in Next Generation Cellular Networks

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    Content caching will be an essential feature in the next generations of cellular networks. Indeed, a network equipped with caching capabilities allows users to retrieve content with reduced access delays and consequently reduces the traffic passing through the network backhaul. However, the deployment of the caching nodes in the network is hindered by the following two challenges. First, the storage space of a cache is limited as well as expensive. So, it is not possible to store in the cache every content that can be possibly requested by the user. This calls for efficient techniques to determine the contents that must be stored in the cache. Second, efficient ways are needed to implement and control the caching node. In this thesis, we investigate caching techniques focussing to address the above-mentioned challenges, so that the overall system performance is increased. In order to tackle the challenge of the limited storage capacity, smart proactive caching strategies are needed. In the context of vehicular users served by edge nodes, we believe a caching strategy should be adapted to the mobility characteristics of the cars. In this regard, we propose a scheme called RICH (RoadsIde CacHe), which optimally caches content at the edge nodes where connected vehicles require it most. In particular, our scheme is designed to ensure in-order delivery of content chunks to end users. Unlike blind popularity decisions, the probabilistic caching used by RICH considers vehicular trajectory predictions as well as content service time by edge nodes. We evaluate our approach on realistic mobility datasets against a popularity-based edge approach called POP, and a mobility-aware caching strategy known as netPredict. In terms of content availability, our RICH edge caching scheme provides an enhancement of up to 33% and 190% when compared with netPredict and POP respectively. At the same time, the backhaul penalty bandwidth is reduced by a factor ranging between 57% and 70%. Caching node is an also a key component in Named Data Networking (NDN) that is an innovative paradigm to provide content based services in future networks. As compared to legacy networks, naming of network packets and in-network caching of content make NDN more feasible for content dissemination. However, the implementation of NDN requires drastic changes to the existing network infrastructure. One feasible approach is to use Software Defined Networking (SDN), according to which the control of the network is delegated to a centralized controller, which configures the forwarding data plane. This approach leads to large signaling overhead as well as large end-to-end (e2e) delays. In order to overcome these issues, in this work, we provide an efficient way to implement and control the NDN node. We propose to enable NDN using a stateful data plane in the SDN network. In particular, we realize the functionality of an NDN node using a stateful SDN switch attached with a local cache for content storage, and use OpenState to implement such an approach. In our solution, no involvement of the controller is required once the OpenState switch has been configured. We benchmark the performance of our solution against the traditional SDN approach considering several relevant metrics. Experimental results highlight the benefits of a stateful approach and of our implementation, which avoids signaling overhead and significantly reduces e2e delays

    Mobility-aware edge caching for connected cars

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