9,003 research outputs found

    Teachers’ attitude towards technology integration in physical education in Finland

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    Abstract. There has been a significant amount of research on teachers’ technology integration, and technology has influenced teaching. However, little research has been conducted particularly to investigate the relationship between teachers’ attitudes on technology integration in physical education in the K-12 context. This study is conducted with a sample of 221 Finnish physical education (PE) teachers to empirically investigate their attitudes and perceptions toward technology integration in the context of Finland. Further, the current study analyzed the relationships between attitude and practical technology use in PE. Lastly, this research explores the obstacles contributing to technology integration and the technology use variation between genders. Independent sample t-test, correlation analysis, and stepwise regression were performed in this study. The correlation analysis yielded a positive relationship between the four factors of attitude and the five factors of technology use. According to the results from regression analysis, perception of importance/relevance and technology proficiency significantly and positively predict using internet-related tools and general computer/mobile software. Additionally, the perception of importance/relevance and contextual factors are important indicators predicting the use of general computer hardware. Specifically, the use of PE special computer/mobile software and PE-specific hardware are affected by technology proficiency, teaching style, and perception of importance/relevance. This study also found several obstacles to technology integration in PE: lack of training, administrative support, collegial support, and internet down/unavailable restricting the use of technology in PE instruction. Finally, significant differences were observed between male and female PE teachers in terms of their attitudes toward technology integration. The findings of this research provide administrators and policymakers with significant insights related to the use of technology by Finnish PE teachers in their teaching practices

    No pain, no gain? : educational use of ICT in teaching, studying and learning processes : teachers' and students' views

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    TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja raportoi tutkimuksista, joissa selvitettiin sitĂ€, miten tieto- ja viestintĂ€tekniikkaa (TVT) on otettu kĂ€yttöön ja hyödynnetty opetuksessa sekĂ€ sitĂ€, onko olemassa jĂ€nnitteitĂ€ tai ristiriitoja, jotka mahdollisesti estĂ€vĂ€t opetusteknologian kĂ€ytön edistĂ€mistĂ€ opetus-, opiskelu- ja oppimisprosesseissa. Tutkimusteemana opetuksen nĂ€kökulmasta oli tutkia opettajien suhtautumista TVT:aan kolmesta eri nĂ€kökulmasta: mitkĂ€ ovat opettajien asenteet TVT:n opetuskĂ€yttöÀ kohtaan? Miten TVT:aa hyödynnetÀÀn opetuksessa? MikĂ€ opettajien mielestĂ€ on TVT:n tuoma lisĂ€arvo opetukseen ja oppimiseen? Opiskelun ja oppimisen nĂ€kökulmasta tutkimusteemana oli selvittÀÀ opiskelijoiden asenteita ja motivaatiota TVT:tĂ€ ja virtuaalisia oppimisympĂ€ristöjĂ€ kohtaan sekĂ€ sitĂ€, miten he kokevat innovatiivisten ohjelmistojen kĂ€ytön yhdistettynĂ€ pedagogisesti perusteltuihin opetusmenetelmiin. VĂ€itöskirjan muodostavissa tutkimusartikkeleissa keskeisen tutkimusaineiston muodosti sĂ€hköisillĂ€ kyselylomakkeella kerĂ€tty data. Dataa analysoitiin sekĂ€ kvantitatiivisesti ettĂ€ kvalitatiivisesti. Kvantitatiivista, tilastollista ja laadullista analyysiĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin tilastollisina menetelminĂ€. Viiden yksittĂ€isen tutkimuksen tuloksia tarkastellaan holistisesti akvititeettiteorian (Activity Theory) lĂ€pi, joka tarjoaa struktoroidut vĂ€lineet koulun monitahoisen toimintaympĂ€ristön eri ulottuvuuksien tarkasteluun. TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja koostuu viidestĂ€ osatutkimuksesta, jotka suoritettiin yhteistyössĂ€ LĂ€nsi-Suomessa sijaitsevien koulujen opettajien ja opiskelijoiden kanssa vuosina 2008-2011. EnsimmĂ€isessĂ€ osatutkimuksessa kartoitettiin perusopetuksen oppilaiden asenteita ja oppimiseen motivoitumista suhteessa tieto- ja viestintĂ€tekniikan sekĂ€ virtuaalisen oppimisympĂ€ristön opetuskĂ€yttöön. Toinen tutkimus keskittyi selvittĂ€mÀÀn, onko työnantajan opettajille henkilökohtaiseen kĂ€yttöön luovuttamalla kannettavalla tietokoneella vaikutusta opettajien asenteisiin TVT:aa kohtaan. Kolmas osatutkimus kartoitti opettajien opetusteknologian kĂ€ytön mÀÀriĂ€, kĂ€yttötapoja, osaamisen tasoa sekĂ€ heidĂ€n arvojaan TVT:aa kohtaan opetuksessa. NeljĂ€nnessĂ€ tutkimuksessa analysoitiin oppilaita heidĂ€n kĂ€yttĂ€essÀÀn kĂ€sitekarttoja sekĂ€ oppimismenetelmĂ€nĂ€ ettĂ€ ohjelmistona kuvataiteen opetuksen tunneilla. Viides osatutkimus loi kokonaiskuvaa opettajien nĂ€kemyksistĂ€ TVT:n opetuskĂ€ytöstĂ€ sekĂ€ siihen mahdollisesti liittyvistĂ€ ongelmista. Artikkelien tutkimustulokset antavat viitteitĂ€ siitĂ€, ettĂ€ opettajat kĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€t yhĂ€ TVT:aa lĂ€hinnĂ€ tiedon jakamiseen, hallinnollisiin tehtĂ€viin, arviointiin ja opetuksen suunnittelutehtĂ€viin. Sen sijaan kommunikatiivinen, aktivoiva, luova ja ilmaisuvoimainen kĂ€yttö jÀÀ vĂ€hemmĂ€lle. Vaikka teknologinen varustelu kouluissa alkaa olla melko hyvĂ€llĂ€ tasolla, pedagoginen muutos oppilaitoksissa ei ole edennyt yhtĂ€ nopeasti kuin teknologinen kehitys. Tarjoamalla opettajille tietotekniikkaa kĂ€yttöön opettajat voidaan saada integroimaan tietokoneet opetustoimintaan, mikĂ€ puolestaan tukee heitĂ€ pĂ€tevöitymÀÀn TVT:n kĂ€ytössĂ€ ja auttaa heitĂ€ etenemÀÀn kohti luontevaa TVT:n opetuskĂ€ytön integraatiota. PelkkĂ€ teknologian tuominen kouluun ei kuitenkaan tuo muutosta opettajan kĂ€yttĂ€miin pedagogisiin ratkaisuihin opetuksessa. Opettajan TVT:n opetuskĂ€ytön mÀÀrĂ€llĂ€ on vaikutusta siihen, miten opettajat hyödyntĂ€vĂ€t oppilaskeskeisiĂ€ opetusmenetelmiĂ€, TVT:n kĂ€yttötaitojen kehittymiseen sekĂ€ siihen, miten opettajat arvioivat omien TVT -taitojen kehittymistĂ€. Opettajilla on oltava tarpeeksi kokemusta TVT:n kĂ€ytöstĂ€, jotta uuden teknologian kĂ€yttö integroituisi luontevammaksi osaksi opetusta ja sitĂ€ kautta auttaisi soveltamaan uusia opetusmenetelmiĂ€. Oppilaat, jotka eivĂ€t ole motivoituneita oppimaan, tai pitĂ€vĂ€t itseÀÀn vĂ€hemmĂ€n menestyksekkĂ€inĂ€ opiskelussa eivĂ€t ole yhtĂ€ motivoituneita TVT:n kĂ€yttöön kuin ne oppilaat, jotka ovat motivoituneita koulutyöhön ja jotka kokevat onnistuvansa opiskelussa. Jos uutta teknologiaa kĂ€ytetÀÀn sĂ€ilyttĂ€mÀÀn vanhoja pedagogisia malleja, uudet vĂ€lineet eivĂ€t riitĂ€ nostamaan motivaatiota oppia pitkĂ€kestoisesti: jos TVT:aa kĂ€ytetÀÀn pÀÀasiassa ohjaamaan opiskelijoita, suorittamaan yksittĂ€isiĂ€ oppimisaihioita tai jakamaan perinteistĂ€ oppimateriaalia, uusien vĂ€lineiden motivoiva vaikutus vĂ€henee nopeasti. Pedagogisesti perusteltujen menetelmien ja ohjelmistojen kĂ€yttö edistÀÀ myös oppilaiden ymmĂ€rrystĂ€ siitĂ€, ettĂ€ TVT:n avulla voidaan edistÀÀ oppimista. TĂ€mĂ€n vĂ€itöskirjan keskeinen johtopÀÀtös on, ettĂ€ kansallinen, ylhÀÀltĂ€ alaspĂ€in suunnattu muutosprosessi TVT:n implementoinniksi osaksi opetusta, opiskelua ja oppimista ei ole onnistunut jalkauttamaan tarpeeksi pysyviĂ€ tai laajoja toimintakulttuurisia muutoksia oppilaitoksiin. VĂ€itöskirjan tuloksista nousevana johtopÀÀtöksenĂ€ on, ettĂ€ tarvitaan uudenlaisia toimintamenetelmiĂ€: työpaikka-, tiimi- ja mentoripohjaista koulutusta, opettajalĂ€htöisten, pedagogisten ideoiden tukemista ja levittĂ€mistĂ€, opettajan ammatillisen osaamisen kehittĂ€misen tukemista sekĂ€ opettajan ja oppilaan aktiivisen toimijan roolin korostamista oppivissa organisaatioissa.This doctoral thesis reports on studies about how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been utilised and implemented in schools and whether there are tensions or contradictions that might hinder its implementation from advancing in the teaching, studying and learning process. From a teaching perspective, the research themes were studying teachers’ relationships to ICT from three different viewpoints: What are teachers’ attitudes towards ICT? How do they utilise ICT in education? What is the perceived value of the educational use of ICT? From a studying and learning perspective, the research themes were formulated to study students’ attitudes and motivation concerning ICT and virtual learning environments, as well as their perception of the use of innovative software combined with pedagogically grounded learning methods. Web-based questionnaires were used to gather the data. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. Quantitative analysis, statistical analysis and qualitative coding and analysis were used as statistical methodologies. The results of the five individual studies are viewed holistically through Activity Theory, which provides a means for interpreting a school’s complex operational culture by structuring the dimensions comprehensively. The five empirical studies comprising this thesis were conducted with the cooperation of teachers and students from schools in western Finland in 2008–2011. The first study sought to investigate students’ attitudes towards ICT and Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in basic education. The second study explored the impact of laptop provision on teacher attitudes towards ICT. Study III concentrated on teachers’ manners, proficiency levels and perceived values in implementing ICT into education. The fourth study focused on students using concept mapping as a learning method and concept mapping software in visual arts lessons, while the fifth study was about gathering a more holistic teacher perspective on educational technology. The results indicate that teachers are still using ICT mainly to support traditional pedagogical practices. Although the technological framework in schools is beginning to reach a fairly good level, pedagogical thinking in educational institutions has not advanced in parallel with technological advances. Providing teachers with computer technology can assist them to integrate computers into teaching activities, which in turn will give them more support in their perceived proficiency in computer use and help them to advance to the stage of computer integration. However, making technology available in schools is not sufficient to trigger a change in pedagogical practices on its own. The way teachers utilise student-centred approaches in their teaching, proficiency levels in relation to ICT and their self-assessed stage of ICT integration into teaching are affected by how much ICT teachers use in their teaching activities. Teachers need to be experienced enough with computers to start adapting new teaching methos and successfully using new technologies in class. Students who are not motivated to learn, or consider themselves to be less successful in their learning, do not seem to be as motivated by ICT as those who are motivated and who perceive themselves as successful. If new technology is used to preserve old pedagogies, these new tools are not necessarily enough to raise motivation to learn: If ICT is used mainly for controlling students, for drilling practice or for sharing basic learning material, the motivational effect of the new tools will soon fade away. With pedagogically grounded methods combined with software that embraces that pedagogy (e.g. concept mapping), students can realise that concept maps promote their understanding; this can have a positive effect on their thinking skills as it makes the knowledge construction process visible. This study puts forward the view that a national top-down driven change process with regards to implementing ICT into education has not sufficiently succeeded in provoking major, sustainable changes in the operational culture of schools. Based on the results presented in this study, overall guidelines and proposals for actions are suggested, specifically work-based learning, bottom-up approaches, mentor-teacher systems, changes in teacher training, an emphasis on teachers’ professional agency development and teacher-centred, team-based learning

    The Role of Subjective Quality Judgements in User Preferences for Mobile Learning Apps

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    This study investigated whether subjective quality judgements on sound and picture quality across three devices (iPhone, iPad, and iPad mini) affected user preferences for learning applications. We tested 20 native Finnish-speaking users trialing generic audio clips, video clips, and two kinds of learning apps that were heavily reliant on sound. It was found that there was a main effect of the device on perceived sound quality, replicating earlier findings. However, these judgements did not impact on the users' preferences for different devices nor on their preferences for different applications. The results are interpreted as indicating that perceived quality and affordances are less important for users in these contexts than other considerations (e.g., convenience, mobility, etc.).Peer reviewe

    Online consultation on experts’ views on digital competence

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    The objective of this investigation was to provide another perspective on what it means to be digitally competent today, in addition to reviews of literature and current frameworks for the development of digital competence, 5 all of which constitute part of the wider IPTS Digital Competence Project (DIGCOMP). Some common ground exists at a general level in defining digital competence in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, which may be hierarchically organised. However, this does not provide the clarity needed by teachers, employers, citizens – all those who are responsible for digital competence development, be it their own or other people’s ‐ to make informed decisions. Further work is needed to create a common language that helps to enhance understanding across the worlds of research, education, training, and work. This will make it easier for citizens and employers to see what digital competence entails and how it is relevant to their jobs and more generally, their lives

    An e-learning instructional design framework for mobile devices in Africa

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    English text, with summaries in English, Afrikaans and ZuluThis study aims to propose an e-learning framework for mobile devices in Africa to help improve enrolment rates and education standards in the FET (Further Education and Training) phase. The study is qualitative in nature and employs document analysis as main research method. An overview of the South African education context with supporting statistical data to motivate why an e-learning alternative is crucial for improving South African and African education is provided. The literature review includes a descriptive analysis of 7 existing e- and m-learning frameworks, with key features highlighted for possible adaptation or incorporation into an e-learning framework for Africa. Behaviourism, Constructivism and Connectivism are discussed as applicable learning theories to pedagogically underpin this proposed e-learning framework. Thereafter, a critical evaluation of current South African education policy documents (White Papers, the Norms and Standards for Educators and the Draft Policy for the Provision and Management of Learning Teaching and Support Materials) is conducted to determine whether these policies support and enable e-learning effectively. Part 2 of Chapter 5 comprises a critical analysis and comparison of education systems and applicable legislation in the USA, Finland and Malawi to establish how education is structured and how e-learning is administered in these countries to make relevant recommendations for South Africa and to inform the design of an e-learning framework for Africa. Research findings are presented as answers to the research questions posed and the proposed e-learning framework with further recommendations are presented to the South African Department of Basic Education, teachers and researchers.Die doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk vir mobiele toestelle vir Afrika voor te stel, sodat inskrywingsgetalle en onderrig- en leerstandaarde in die Verdere Onderrig en Opleidings (VOO) fase verbeter kan word. Dit is ‘n kwalitatiewe studie en dokumentanalise word as navorsingsmetode toegepas. ‘n Oorsig van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel en konteks met ondersteunende statistiese bevindinge word verduidelik om e-onderrig-en-leer as noodsaaklike alternatief vir Suid-Afrika en Afrika te motiveer. Die literatuuroorsig sluit ‘n beskrywende analise van sewe bestaande e- en m-onderrig-en-leer (mobiele-onderrig-en-leer) raamwerke in. Hoofkenmerke van elke raamwerk word uitgelig vir moontlike aanpassing en inkorporering in ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk vir die Afrika-konteks. LeerteoriĂ«, nl Behaviourisme, Konstruktivisme en Konnektivisme (Connectivism) word in diepte bespreek as pedagogies fundamenteel om die e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk te onderbou en te ondersteun. ‘n Kritiese evaluasie van Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysbeleid (d.w.s. Witskrifte, die Norme and Standaarde vir Onderwysers en die konsepdokument oor die Voorsiening en Bestuur van Onderrig-, Leer- en Ondersteuningsmateriaal) is gedoen om vas te stel of die beleid wel e-onderrig-en-leer effektief ondersteun en prakties moontlik maak. ‘n Krities analitiese en vergelykende studie van die VSA (Verenigde State van Amerika), Finland en Malawi se onderwysstelsels- en wetgewing is gedoen in hoofstuk 5 deel 2 om te bepaal hoe diĂ© lande onderwys struktureer en hoe e-onderrig-en–leer geadministreer word, sodat relevante voorstelle vir Suid-Afrika gemaak kan word en om insae te lewer in die ontwerp van ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk toepaslik vir die Afrika-kontinent. Navorsingsbevindinge word voorgelĂȘ aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Basiese Onderwys, onderwysers sowel as aan navorsers.Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuphakamisa uhlaka lwe-e-learning lamadivaysi eselula e-Afrika ukusiza ukuthuthukisa izinga lokubhalisa nezindinganiso zemfundo kwiSigaba se-FET (Further Education and Training). Ucwaningo luyimfanelo enemvelo futhi lusebenzisa ukuhlaziywa kwedokhumenti njengendlela yokucwaninga eyinhloko. Ukuhlolisisa umongo wezemfundo waseNingizimu Afrika ngokusekela imniningwane yezibalo ukugqugquzela ukuthi kungani enye yokufunda email ibalulekile ekuthuthukiseni imfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika ne-Afrika. Ukubuyekezwa kwezincwadi kuhlanganisa ukuhlaziywa okuchazayo kwezinhlaka eziyisikhombisa ezisekhona ze-e- e-m-learning, nezici eziyinhloko eziqokonyiswe ukukhishwa kwe-adaption noma ukufakwa kwisakhiwo se-e-learning se-Afrika. Ukuzikhethela, Ukwakhiwa kwe-Constructivism (Kwe Zokwakha) kanye ne-Connectivism (Kwe Zokuxhumana) kuxoxwa njengezifundo ezifanele zokufunda ukusekela lolu hlelo oluhlongozwayo lwe-e-learning. Ngemuva kwaloko, ukuhlolwa okubalulekile kwemibhalo yamanje yemfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika (Amaphepha Asemhlophe, Imigomo Nemigomo Yabafundisi kanye neNqubomgomo Yohlaka Lokufundiswa Nezifundo Nokusekela) kwenziwa ukuze kutholakale ukuthi lezi zinqubomgomo zisekela futhi zikwazi yini ukufundisa nge-e-ephumelelayo. Ingxenye yesibili yeSahluko sesihlanu iqukethe ukuhlaziywa okubucayi kanye nokuqhathaniswa kwezinhlelo zemfundo kanye nemithetho esebenzayo eMelika, eFinland nase Malawi ukuqinisekisa ukuthi imfundo ihlelwe kanjani nokuthi i-e-learning inikezwa kanjani ukwenza izincomo ezifanele eNingizimu Afrika nokwazisa ukuklama uhlaka lwe-e-learning lwe-Afrika. Imiphumela yokucwaninga inikezwa njengezimpendulo zemibuzo yokucwaninga ephakanyisiwe kanye nohlaka oluhlongozwayo lwe-e-learning kanye nezincomo ezengeziwe ezethulwa eMnyangweni wezemfundo Eyisisekelo, othisha nabacwaningi baseNingizimu Afrika.Curriculum and Instructional StudiesM. Ed. (Curriculum Studies

    Investigating the adoption and use of smartphones in the UK : a silver-surfers perspective

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    Copyright and all rights therein are retained by the authors. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and conditions invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be re-posted without the explicit permission of the copyright holdersSmart phones are innovations that currently provide immense benefits and convenience to users in society. However, not all members of society are accepting and using smart phones; more specifically, for this research study silver-surfers or older adults (50+) are a demographic group displaying such an attitude. Currently, there is minimal knowledge of the reasons for older adults adopting and using smartphones. Bearing this in mind, this research study aims to investigate the adoption and usage behaviours of silver-surfers. For this purpose, the conceptual framework applied to this research draws factors from the following theories: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the Diffusion of Innovations theory (DoI), and TAM3 (Technology Acceptance Model). From the online survey of 204 completed replies it was found that observability, compatibility, social influence, facilitating conditions, effort expectancy and enjoyment are important to the adoption and use of smartphones within silver-surfers. The contributions of this research are an identification and understanding of the factors that encourage or inhibit smartphone use within the older adult population. Second, this research can inform the design of computing devices and applications used for silver-surfers. Finally, this research can enlighten policy makers when forming decisions that encourage adoption and use of smartphones among silver surfersFinal Published versio

    Media Literacy Education for All Ages

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    This special issue of the Journal of Media Literacy Education explores the role of media literacy across the lifespan. Media literacy education interventions must be designed to meet the needs of individuals of different ages by understanding the life roles and goals that they have across the lifespan. Different pedagogical strategies are required to effectively address the media literacy competencies of young children, teens, adults, parents, and older adults. In old age, media literacy education may support cognitive functioning and social relationships and help people critically assess health-related information and services. Adopting a life course perspective enables the examination of media literacy competencies which unfold over time in response to changing historical conditions, social institutions and policies. This article reviews the literature to identify the current state of media literacy for different age groups, the present and future needs, and the media education content and instructional methods that have been used with children and adolescents, adult, and older people

    EU Kids Online 2020: technical report

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    This report describes in detail the methodology used for the EU Kids Online IV project (see the description of the four phases of the project in the next section). Within this project, a large-scale survey of children aged 9–17 from 19 European countries was conducted. The data were collected between autumn 2017 and summer 2019 from 25,101 children by national teams from the EU Kids Online network. This report provides information about the nature of the project, how the questionnaire was developed, sampling and data collection, ethical issues, data management and weighting. The information in this report should enable dataset users to understand the logic and nature of the survey. For dataset users, we also recommend using the ‘Data Dictionary’ (available at eukidsonline.net), a related document that systematically maps all the information related to the data in the dataset. Moreover, Annex 2 of this report provides concise key guidelines for dataset users. We highly recommend using these short guidelines during work with the EU Kids Online 2020 dataset. Annex 3 contains a description of the key variables. Full questionnaires and their national forms are available at eukidsonline.net

    Design and using novel smart and technological strategies as part of E-Pharmacy digitalization

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    Conventional systems have been utilized to automate the rising prevalence of contemporary technologies. These systems encompass services provided to both corporations and individuals, including healthcare. Pharmacy data management systems that are conventional in nature encounter various obstacles such as limited capacity, time constraints, inventory management issues, restricted drug accessibility, and the requirement of proficient personnel to fulfill employer demands. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the main pharmacy implemented technological strategies that can be to improve healthcare
