477 research outputs found

    Neural networks-on-chip for hybrid bio-electronic systems

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    PhD ThesisBy modelling the brains computation we can further our understanding of its function and develop novel treatments for neurological disorders. The brain is incredibly powerful and energy e cient, but its computation does not t well with the traditional computer architecture developed over the previous 70 years. Therefore, there is growing research focus in developing alternative computing technologies to enhance our neural modelling capability, with the expectation that the technology in itself will also bene t from increased awareness of neural computational paradigms. This thesis focuses upon developing a methodology to study the design of neural computing systems, with an emphasis on studying systems suitable for biomedical experiments. The methodology allows for the design to be optimized according to the application. For example, di erent case studies highlight how to reduce energy consumption, reduce silicon area, or to increase network throughput. High performance processing cores are presented for both Hodgkin-Huxley and Izhikevich neurons incorporating novel design features. Further, a complete energy/area model for a neural-network-on-chip is derived, which is used in two exemplar case-studies: a cortical neural circuit to benchmark typical system performance, illustrating how a 65,000 neuron network could be processed in real-time within a 100mW power budget; and a scalable highperformance processing platform for a cerebellar neural prosthesis. From these case-studies, the contribution of network granularity towards optimal neural-network-on-chip performance is explored

    Rhythmic neural activity is comodulated with short-term gait modifications during first-time use of a dummy prosthesis:a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: After transfemoral amputation, many hours of practice are needed to re-learn walking with a prosthesis. The long adaptation process that consolidates a novel gait pattern seems to depend on cerebellar function for reinforcement of specific gait modifications, but the precise, step-by-step gait modifications (e.g., foot placement) most likely rely on top-down commands from the brainstem and cerebral cortex. The aim of this study was to identify, in able-bodied individuals, the specific modulations of cortical rhythms that accompany short-term gait modifications during first-time use of a dummy prosthesis. METHODS: Fourteen naïve participants walked on a treadmill without (one block, 4 min) and with a dummy prosthesis (three blocks, 3 × 4 min), while ground reaction forces and 32-channel EEG were recorded. Gait cycle duration, stance phase duration, step width, maximal ground reaction force and, ground reaction force trace over time were measured to identify gait modifications. Independent component analysis of EEG data isolated brain-related activity from distinct anatomical sources. The source-level data were segmented into gait cycles and analyzed in the time-frequency domain to reveal relative enhancement or suppression of intrinsic cortical oscillations. Differences between walking conditions were evaluated with one-way ANOVA and post-hoc testing (α = 0.05). RESULTS: Immediate modifications occurred in the gait parameters when participants were introduced to the dummy prosthesis. Except for gait cycle duration, these modifications remained throughout the duration of the experimental session. Power modulations of the theta, mu, beta, and gamma rhythms, of sources presumably from the fronto-central and the parietal cortices, were found across the experimental session. Significant power modulations of the theta, beta, and gamma rhythms within the gait cycle were predominately found around the heel strike of both feet and the swing phase of the right (prosthetic) leg. CONCLUSIONS: The modulations of cortical activity could be related to whole-body coordination, including the swing phase and placing of the prosthesis, and the bodyweight transfer between legs and arms. Reduced power modulation of the gamma rhythm within the experimental session may indicate initial motor memories being formed. Better understanding of the sensorimotor processes behind gait modifications may inform the development of neurofeedback strategies to assist gait rehabilitation

    Egocentric Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Simulated Prosthetic Vision

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    Las prótesis visuales actuales son capaces de proporcionar percepción visual a personas con cierta ceguera. Sin pasar por la parte dañada del camino visual, la estimulación eléctrica en la retina o en el sistema nervioso provoca percepciones puntuales conocidas como “fosfenos”. Debido a limitaciones fisiológicas y tecnológicas, la información que reciben los pacientes tiene una resolución muy baja y un campo de visión y rango dinámico reducido afectando seriamente la capacidad de la persona para reconocer y navegar en entornos desconocidos. En este contexto, la inclusión de nuevas técnicas de visión por computador es un tema clave activo y abierto. En esta tesis nos centramos especialmente en el problema de desarrollar técnicas para potenciar la información visual que recibe el paciente implantado y proponemos diferentes sistemas de visión protésica simulada para la experimentación.Primero, hemos combinado la salida de dos redes neuronales convolucionales para detectar bordes informativos estructurales y siluetas de objetos. Demostramos cómo se pueden reconocer rápidamente diferentes escenas y objetos incluso en las condiciones restringidas de la visión protésica. Nuestro método es muy adecuado para la comprensión de escenas de interiores comparado con los métodos tradicionales de procesamiento de imágenes utilizados en prótesis visuales.Segundo, presentamos un nuevo sistema de realidad virtual para entornos de visión protésica simulada más realistas usando escenas panorámicas, lo que nos permite estudiar sistemáticamente el rendimiento de la búsqueda y reconocimiento de objetos. Las escenas panorámicas permiten que los sujetos se sientan inmersos en la escena al percibir la escena completa (360 grados).En la tercera contribución demostramos cómo un sistema de navegación de realidad aumentada para visión protésica ayuda al rendimiento de la navegación al reducir el tiempo y la distancia para alcanzar los objetivos, incluso reduciendo significativamente el número de colisiones de obstáculos. Mediante el uso de un algoritmo de planificación de ruta, el sistema encamina al sujeto a través de una ruta más corta y sin obstáculos. Este trabajo está actualmente bajo revisión.En la cuarta contribución, evaluamos la agudeza visual midiendo la influencia del campo de visión con respecto a la resolución espacial en prótesis visuales a través de una pantalla montada en la cabeza. Para ello, usamos la visión protésica simulada en un entorno de realidad virtual para simular la experiencia de la vida real al usar una prótesis de retina. Este trabajo está actualmente bajo revisión.Finalmente, proponemos un modelo de Spiking Neural Network (SNN) que se basa en mecanismos biológicamente plausibles y utiliza un esquema de aprendizaje no supervisado para obtener mejores algoritmos computacionales y mejorar el rendimiento de las prótesis visuales actuales. El modelo SNN propuesto puede hacer uso de la señal de muestreo descendente de la unidad de procesamiento de información de las prótesis retinianas sin pasar por el análisis de imágenes retinianas, proporcionando información útil a los ciegos. Esté trabajo está actualmente en preparación.<br /

    Connecting the Brain to Itself through an Emulation.

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    Pilot clinical trials of human patients implanted with devices that can chronically record and stimulate ensembles of hundreds to thousands of individual neurons offer the possibility of expanding the substrate of cognition. Parallel trains of firing rate activity can be delivered in real-time to an array of intermediate external modules that in turn can trigger parallel trains of stimulation back into the brain. These modules may be built in software, VLSI firmware, or biological tissue as in vitro culture preparations or in vivo ectopic construct organoids. Arrays of modules can be constructed as early stage whole brain emulators, following canonical intra- and inter-regional circuits. By using machine learning algorithms and classic tasks known to activate quasi-orthogonal functional connectivity patterns, bedside testing can rapidly identify ensemble tuning properties and in turn cycle through a sequence of external module architectures to explore which can causatively alter perception and behavior. Whole brain emulation both (1) serves to augment human neural function, compensating for disease and injury as an auxiliary parallel system, and (2) has its independent operation bootstrapped by a human-in-the-loop to identify optimal micro- and macro-architectures, update synaptic weights, and entrain behaviors. In this manner, closed-loop brain-computer interface pilot clinical trials can advance strong artificial intelligence development and forge new therapies to restore independence in children and adults with neurological conditions

    Assistive telehealth systems for neurorehabilitation

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    Telehealth is an evolving field within the broader domain of Biomedical Engineering, specifically situated within the context of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). In today's society, the importance of Telehealth systems is increasingly recognized, as they enable remote patient treatment by physicians. One significant application in neurorehabilitation is Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), which has demonstrated its effectiveness in modulating mental function and learning over several years. Furthermore, tDCS is widely accepted as a safe approach in the field. This presentation focuses on the development of a non-invasive wearable tDCS device with integrated Internet connectivity. This IoMT device enables remote configuration of treatment parameters, such as session duration, current level, and placebo status. Clinicians can remotely access the device and define these parameters within the approved safety ranges for tDCS treatments. In addition to the wearable tDCS device, a prototype web portal is being developed to collect performance data during neurorehabilitation exercises conducted by individuals at home. This portal also facilitates remote interaction between patients and clinicians. To provide a platform-independent solution for accessing up-to-date healthcare information, a Progressive Web Application (PWA) is being developed. The PWA enables real-time communication between patients and doctors through text chat and video conferencing. The primary objective is to create a cross-platform web application with PWA features that can function effectively as a native application in various operating systems

    Advanced Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology in Modern Engineering

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    Rapid prototyping (RP) technology has been widely known and appreciated due to its flexible and customized manufacturing capabilities. The widely studied RP techniques include stereolithography apparatus (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), three-dimensional printing (3DP), fused deposition modeling (FDM), 3D plotting, solid ground curing (SGC), multiphase jet solidification (MJS), laminated object manufacturing (LOM). Different techniques are associated with different materials and/or processing principles and thus are devoted to specific applications. RP technology has no longer been only for prototype building rather has been extended for real industrial manufacturing solutions. Today, the RP technology has contributed to almost all engineering areas that include mechanical, materials, industrial, aerospace, electrical and most recently biomedical engineering. This book aims to present the advanced development of RP technologies in various engineering areas as the solutions to the real world engineering problems

    Visual attention, EEG alpha power and T7-Fz connectivity are implicated in prosthetic hand control and can be optimized through gaze training

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    Background Prosthetic hands impose a high cognitive burden on the user that often results in fatigue, frustration and prosthesis rejection. However, efforts to directly measure this burden are sparse and little is known about the mechanisms behind it. There is also a lack of evidence-based training interventions designed to improve prosthesis hand control and reduce the mental effort required to use them. In two experiments, we provide the first direct evaluation of this cognitive burden using measurements of EEG and eye-tracking (Experiment 1), and then explore how a novel visuomotor intervention (gaze training; GT) might alleviate it (Experiment 2). Methods In Experiment 1, able-bodied participants (n = 20) lifted and moved a jar, first using their anatomical hand and then using a myoelectric prosthetic hand simulator. In experiment 2, a GT group (n = 12) and a movement training (MT) group (n = 12) trained with the prosthetic hand simulator over three one hour sessions in a picking up coins task, before returning for retention, delayed retention and transfer tests. The GT group received instruction regarding how to use their eyes effectively, while the MT group received movement-related instruction typical in rehabilitation. Results Experiment 1 revealed that when using the prosthetic hand, participants performed worse, exhibited spatial and temporal disruptions to visual attention, and exhibited a global decrease in EEG alpha power (8-12 Hz), suggesting increased cognitive effort. Experiment 2 showed that GT was the more effective method for expediting prosthesis learning, optimising visual attention, and lowering conscious control – as indexed by reduced T7-Fz connectivity. Whilst the MT group improved performance, they did not reduce hand-focused visual attention and showed increased conscious movement control. The superior benefits of GT transferred to a more complex tea-making task. Conclusions These experiments quantify the visual and cortical mechanisms relating to the cognitive burden experienced during prosthetic hand control. They also evidence the efficacy of a GT intervention that alleviated this burden and promoted better learning and transfer, compared to typical rehabilitation instructions. These findings have theoretical and practical implications for prosthesis rehabilitation, the development of emerging prosthesis technologies and for the general understanding of human-tool interactions

    Improving Suturing Skills for Surgical Residents and Advancing Prosthesis Control for Amputees.

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    Proper suturing technique is one of the most important skills a surgical resident should acquire. However, current methods for teaching it rely on subjective performance evaluations. An instrumented training apparatus for abdominal closure could be used to define objective assessments that directly relate to closure quality. I identify a synthetic material that models abdominal fascia using porcine and cadaveric data and design a means to mount the material so that it mimics abdominal closure. Digital images are used to quantify material deformations and provide real-time objective measures regarding the effect of suture placement and tension in the abdominal tissue. In parallel, I develop a finite element model of abdominal fascia and its closure with suture to deduce stresses in the material and forces in the sutures. I find that despite uniform suture spacing, the forces in suture are unevenly distributed along the closure. These findings motivate the development of a surgical learning tool that objectively relays information about suture placement and tension. In a second body of work, I address the development of a novel interface between an amputee’s peripheral nervous system and a motorized prosthetic device. Conventional myoelectric control cannot produce a sufficient number of independent signals for actuation of modern computerized upper limb prostheses. A compact construct involving grafted muscle surgically prepared at the end of a transected peripheral nerve is envisioned for transducing a nervous signal with fine specificity and sensitivity. Up to 20 such constructs can be prepared in a human arm, and epimysial electrodes on each construct can be used to relay signals encoding 20 independent channels of motor intent. I develop a means of evaluating this construct in awake rats, and demonstrate that the transduced signals suffer minimal crosstalk and are correlated with gait. A decoder is able to reconstruct data produced by motion tracking, and I show that adjacent constructs placed proximal to one another provide the same signals as anatomically intact muscle-nerve antagonist-pair analogs. The correlation between the signals transduced, the walking kinematics, and analogous out of phase activation obtained from adjacent constructs indicates that this technology holds promise for human translation.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147635/1/danursu_1.pd

    A finger function simulator and surface replacement prosthesis for the metacarpophalangeal joint

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    Joint replacement surgery in the treatment of arthritic disease is now commonplace and on the whole very successful. Research into the design and development of prostheses has made major advances since the 1940s resulting in complex devices for almost all articulating joints of the body. In this thesis, a programme of work to design and test a surface replacement prosthesis for the metacarpophalangeal joint is presented. The anatomy and kinematics of the MCP joint are discussed for both normal and abnormal joint function and, based on these considerations, the design of a new surface replacement prosthesis is described. Various materials are explored with respect to their biocompatibility, durability and ease of fabrication with special attention being paid to one material - a new cross linked ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene - which is tested for wear and assessed for durability in long-term prototype tests. A finger function simulator is detailed which was designed and developed during this research programme, and results of tests on bone replicas, Swanson Silastic implants and prototypes of the new design are presented. The simulator can be easily modified to accept any MCP joint prosthesis for bench testing. Finally the stress response of the prototype design is studied using finite element analysis and modifications to the implant design and bone preparation are suggested