12,134 research outputs found

    RF CMOS Oscillators for Modern Wireless Applications

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    While mobile phones enjoy the largest production volume ever of any consumer electronics products, the demands they place on radio-frequency (RF) transceivers are particularly aggressive, especially on integration with digital processors, low area, low power consumption, while being robust against process-voltage-temperature variations. Since mobile terminals inherently operate on batteries, their power budget is severely constrained. To keep up with the ever increasing data-rate, an ever-decreasing power per bit is required to maintain the battery lifetime. The RF oscillator is the second most power-hungry block of a wireless radio (after power amplifiers). Consequently, any power reduction in an RF oscillator will greatly benefit the overall power efficiency of the cellular transceiver. Moreover, the RF oscillators' purity limits the transceiver performance. The oscillator's phase noise results in power leakage into adjacent channels in a transmit mode and reciprocal mixing in a receive mode. On the other hand, the multi-standard and multi-band transceivers that are now trending demand wide tuning range oscillators. However, broadening the oscillator’s tuning range is usually at the expense of die area (cost) or phase noise. The main goal of this book is to bring forth the exciting and innovative RF oscillator structures that demonstrate better phase noise performance, lower cost, and higher power efficiency than currently achievable. Technical topics discussed in RF CMOS Oscillators for Modern Wireless Applications include: Design and analysis of low phase-noise class-F oscillators Analyze a technique to reduce 1/f noise up-conversion in the oscillators Design and analysis of low power/low voltage oscillators Wide tuning range oscillators Reliability study of RF oscillators in nanoscale CMO

    RF CMOS Oscillators for Modern Wireless Applications

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    While mobile phones enjoy the largest production volume ever of any consumer electronics products, the demands they place on radio-frequency (RF) transceivers are particularly aggressive, especially on integration with digital processors, low area, low power consumption, while being robust against process-voltage-temperature variations. Since mobile terminals inherently operate on batteries, their power budget is severely constrained. To keep up with the ever increasing data-rate, an ever-decreasing power per bit is required to maintain the battery lifetime. The RF oscillator is the second most power-hungry block of a wireless radio (after power amplifiers). Consequently, any power reduction in an RF oscillator will greatly benefit the overall power efficiency of the cellular transceiver. Moreover, the RF oscillators' purity limits the transceiver performance. The oscillator's phase noise results in power leakage into adjacent channels in a transmit mode and reciprocal mixing in a receive mode. On the other hand, the multi-standard and multi-band transceivers that are now trending demand wide tuning range oscillators. However, broadening the oscillator’s tuning range is usually at the expense of die area (cost) or phase noise. The main goal of this book is to bring forth the exciting and innovative RF oscillator structures that demonstrate better phase noise performance, lower cost, and higher power efficiency than currently achievable. Technical topics discussed in RF CMOS Oscillators for Modern Wireless Applications include: Design and analysis of low phase-noise class-F oscillators Analyze a technique to reduce 1/f noise up-conversion in the oscillators Design and analysis of low power/low voltage oscillators Wide tuning range oscillators Reliability study of RF oscillators in nanoscale CMO

    Squeezed Light and Entangled Images from Four-Wave-Mixing in Hot Rubidium Vapor

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    Entangled multi-spatial-mode fields have interesting applications in quantum information, such as parallel quantum information protocols, quantum computing, and quantum imaging. We study the use of a nondegenerate four-wave mixing process in rubidium vapor at 795 nm to demonstrate generation of quantum-entangled images. Owing to the lack of an optical resonator cavity, the four-wave mixing scheme generates inherently multi-spatial-mode output fields. We have verified the presence of entanglement between the multi-mode beams by analyzing the amplitude difference and the phase sum noise using a dual homodyne detection scheme, measuring more than 4 dB of squeezing in both cases. This paper will discuss the quantum properties of amplifiers based on four-wave-mixing, along with the multi mode properties of such devices.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. SPIE Optics and Photonics 2008 proceeding (San Diego, CA

    High Resolution Flicker-Noise-Free Frequency Measurements of Weak Microwave Signals

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    Amplification is usually necessary when measuring the frequency instability of microwave signals. In this work, we develop a flicker noise free frequency measurement system based on a common or shared amplifier. First, we show that correlated flicker phase noise can be cancelled in such a system. Then we compare the new system with the conventional by simultaneously measuring the beat frequency from two cryogenic sapphire oscillators with parts in 10^15 fractional frequency instability. We determine for low power, below -80 dBm, the measurements were not limited by correlated noise processes but by thermal noise of the readout amplifier. In this regime, we show that the new readout system performs as expected and at the same level as the standard system but with only half the number of amplifiers. We also show that, using a standard readout system, the next generation of cryogenic sapphire oscillators could be flicker phase noise limited when instability reaches parts in 10^16 or betterComment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Technique

    Noise Measurement Setup for Quartz Crystal Microbalance

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    Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) is a high sensitive chemical sensor which has found widespread spectrum of applications. There are several mechanisms that are related to fluctuation phenomena. Since the aim of our research is oriented to study the sensitivity and influence of different kind of noises on sensor resolution, we modified an existing method to measure the small frequency fluctuation of QCM. The paper describes our measurement setup, in which a quartz crystal oscillator with coated active layers and a reference quartz oscillator are driven by two oscillator circuits. Each one regulates a frequency of a crystal at the minimum impedance which corresponds to the series resonance. A data-acquisition card triggers on the rise-edges of the output signal and stores these corresponding times on which the instantaneous frequency is estimated by own-written software. In comparison to other measurement setups, our approach can acquire immediate change of QCM frequency, thus, chemical processes can be even described on the basis of high-order statistics. The experiments were provided on quartz crystals with the sorption layer of polypyrrole, which is suitable for the construction of QCM humidity sensors

    A framework for quantification and physical modeling of cell mixing applied to oscillator synchronization in vertebrate somitogenesis

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    In development and disease, cells move as they exchange signals. One example is found in vertebrate development, during which the timing of segment formation is set by a ‘segmentation clock’, in which oscillating gene expression is synchronized across a population of cells by Delta-Notch signaling. Delta-Notch signaling requires local cell-cell contact, but in the zebrafish embryonic tailbud, oscillating cells move rapidly, exchanging neighbors. Previous theoretical studies proposed that this relative movement or cell mixing might alter signaling and thereby enhance synchronization. However, it remains unclear whether the mixing timescale in the tissue is in the right range for this effect, because a framework to reliably measure the mixing timescale and compare it with signaling timescale is lacking. Here, we develop such a framework using a quantitative description of cell mixing without the need for an external reference frame and constructing a physical model of cell movement based on the data. Numerical simulations show that mixing with experimentally observed statistics enhances synchronization of coupled phase oscillators, suggesting that mixing in the tailbud is fast enough to affect the coherence of rhythmic gene expression. Our approach will find general application in analyzing the relative movements of communicating cells during development and disease.Fil: Uriu, Koichiro. Kanazawa University; JapĂłnFil: Bhavna, Rajasekaran. Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics; Alemania. Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems; AlemaniaFil: Oates, Andrew C.. Francis Crick Institute; Reino Unido. University College London; Reino UnidoFil: Morelli, Luis Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; Argentina. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology; Alemania. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de FĂ­sica; Argentin

    Ruelle-Pollicott Resonances of Stochastic Systems in Reduced State Space. Part II: Stochastic Hopf Bifurcation

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    The spectrum of the generator (Kolmogorov operator) of a diffusion process, referred to as the Ruelle-Pollicott (RP) spectrum, provides a detailed characterization of correlation functions and power spectra of stochastic systems via decomposition formulas in terms of RP resonances. Stochastic analysis techniques relying on the theory of Markov semigroups for the study of the RP spectrum and a rigorous reduction method is presented in Part I. This framework is here applied to study a stochastic Hopf bifurcation in view of characterizing the statistical properties of nonlinear oscillators perturbed by noise, depending on their stability. In light of the H\"ormander theorem, it is first shown that the geometry of the unperturbed limit cycle, in particular its isochrons, is essential to understand the effect of noise and the phenomenon of phase diffusion. In addition, it is shown that the spectrum has a spectral gap, even at the bifurcation point, and that correlations decay exponentially fast. Explicit small-noise expansions of the RP eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are then obtained, away from the bifurcation point, based on the knowledge of the linearized deterministic dynamics and the characteristics of the noise. These formulas allow one to understand how the interaction of the noise with the deterministic dynamics affect the decay of correlations. Numerical results complement the study of the RP spectrum at the bifurcation, revealing useful scaling laws. The analysis of the Markov semigroup for stochastic bifurcations is thus promising in providing a complementary approach to the more geometric random dynamical system approach. This approach is not limited to low-dimensional systems and the reduction method presented in part I is applied to a stochastic model relevant to climate dynamics in part III

    An Optomechanical Oscillator on a Silicon Chip

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    The recent observation on radiation-pressure-driven self-sustained oscillation in high-Q optical microresonators has created new possibilities for development of photonic devices that benefit from unique functionalities offered by these “optomechanical oscillators” (OMOs). Here, we review the physics, fundamental characteristics, and potential applications of OMOs using the silica microtoroidal OMO as an example

    Frequency Precision of Oscillators Based on High-Q Resonators

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    We present a method for analyzing the phase noise of oscillators based on feedback driven high quality factor resonators. Our approach is to derive the phase drift of the oscillator by projecting the stochastic oscillator dynamics onto a slow time scale corresponding physically to the long relaxation time of the resonator. We derive general expressions for the phase drift generated by noise sources in the electronic feedback loop of the oscillator. These are mixed with the signal through the nonlinear amplifier, which makes them {cyclostationary}. We also consider noise sources acting directly on the resonator. The expressions allow us to investigate reducing the oscillator phase noise thereby improving the frequency precision using resonator nonlinearity by tuning to special operating points. We illustrate the approach giving explicit results for a phenomenological amplifier model. We also propose a scheme for measuring the slow feedback noise generated by the feedback components in an open-loop driven configuration in experiment or using circuit simulators, which enables the calculation of the closed-loop oscillator phase noise in practical systems
