3,897 research outputs found

    A Survey of Positioning Systems Using Visible LED Lights

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.As Global Positioning System (GPS) cannot provide satisfying performance in indoor environments, indoor positioning technology, which utilizes indoor wireless signals instead of GPS signals, has grown rapidly in recent years. Meanwhile, visible light communication (VLC) using light devices such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) has been deemed to be a promising candidate in the heterogeneous wireless networks that may collaborate with radio frequencies (RF) wireless networks. In particular, light-fidelity has a great potential for deployment in future indoor environments because of its high throughput and security advantages. This paper provides a comprehensive study of a novel positioning technology based on visible white LED lights, which has attracted much attention from both academia and industry. The essential characteristics and principles of this system are deeply discussed, and relevant positioning algorithms and designs are classified and elaborated. This paper undertakes a thorough investigation into current LED-based indoor positioning systems and compares their performance through many aspects, such as test environment, accuracy, and cost. It presents indoor hybrid positioning systems among VLC and other systems (e.g., inertial sensors and RF systems). We also review and classify outdoor VLC positioning applications for the first time. Finally, this paper surveys major advances as well as open issues, challenges, and future research directions in VLC positioning systems.Peer reviewe

    Velocimetry-based pressure information for spray analysis – novel experimental, processing and evaluation strategies

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Spraytransport von komplexen Benzindirekteinspritzungssprays (GDI) mittels auf Geschwindigkeitmessung basierter Druckauswertung untersucht. Für diesen Zweck wurden neue Versuchs-, Verarbeitungs- und Auswertestrategien eingeführt, um eine Druckauswertung der Spray-induzierten Strömung zu befähigen und deren Möglichkeiten auszuweiten. Dies umfasst unter anderem ein statistisches Verfahren auf Basis der Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) Gleichungen und Ensemble-Mittelung, welche die Druckauswertung transienter, statistisch stationärer Strömungen mittels konventioneller Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus wurde eine neuartige Technik namens Dual-Plane-Stereo-Astigmatismus (DPSA) entwickelt, die die Auswertung momentaner Druckfelder und damit die Analyse einzelner Einspritzereignisse unter Verwendung eines stereoskopischen Aufbaus und einer einzigen Lichtquelle ermöglicht. Abschließend wurde die Methode der Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) erfolgreich aus dem Bereich des Deep Learnings in die experimentelle Strömungsmechanik und Spray-Analyse übertragen. Das PINN-Verfahren weitet die Möglichkeiten der bisherigen auf Geschwindigkeitsmessung basierenden Druckauswertung aus und ermöglicht die Auswertung von bislang nicht auswertbaren Strömungsbereichen, sowohl in Raum und Zeit. Unter Verwendung der beschriebenen Methoden wurde die Wechselwirkung zwischen Spray und Umgebungsgasströmung für unterschiedliche Betriebsbedingungen und Sprayauslegungen untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass der Impulsaustausch mit höherem Einspritzdruck, Gasdichte, Kraftstofftemperatur, größerer Relativgeschwindigkeit, Spray-Gas-Grenzfläche, Sprayexpansion und stärkerer Zerstäubung bzw. Flash-Boiling zunimmt. Als eine wesentliche Erkenntnis wurde festgestellt, dass die Ablenkung von Sprays bzw. das Phänomen der Strahl-zu-Strahl-Wechselwirkung und Spraykontraktion auf einen Nettoimpuls zurückzuführen ist, der auf einzelne Spraykeulen infolge von induzierten Druckkräften wirkt. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde das Vorhandensein eines Niederdruckgebiets im Zentrum von Mehrlochsprays experimentell bestätigt. Es wurde aufgezeigt, dass das Ausmaß der Strahl-zu-Strahl-Wechselwirkung und der Spraykontraktion durch eine enge Spritzlochanordnung und -ausrichtung, eine starke Zerstäubung und ein erhöhtes Tropfen-Folgeverhalten begünstigt wird

    Tracking interacting targets in multi-modal sensors

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    PhDObject tracking is one of the fundamental tasks in various applications such as surveillance, sports, video conferencing and activity recognition. Factors such as occlusions, illumination changes and limited field of observance of the sensor make tracking a challenging task. To overcome these challenges the focus of this thesis is on using multiple modalities such as audio and video for multi-target, multi-modal tracking. Particularly, this thesis presents contributions to four related research topics, namely, pre-processing of input signals to reduce noise, multi-modal tracking, simultaneous detection and tracking, and interaction recognition. To improve the performance of detection algorithms, especially in the presence of noise, this thesis investigate filtering of the input data through spatio-temporal feature analysis as well as through frequency band analysis. The pre-processed data from multiple modalities is then fused within Particle filtering (PF). To further minimise the discrepancy between the real and the estimated positions, we propose a strategy that associates the hypotheses and the measurements with a real target, using a Weighted Probabilistic Data Association (WPDA). Since the filtering involved in the detection process reduces the available information and is inapplicable on low signal-to-noise ratio data, we investigate simultaneous detection and tracking approaches and propose a multi-target track-beforedetect Particle filtering (MT-TBD-PF). The proposed MT-TBD-PF algorithm bypasses the detection step and performs tracking in the raw signal. Finally, we apply the proposed multi-modal tracking to recognise interactions between targets in regions within, as well as outside the cameras’ fields of view. The efficiency of the proposed approaches are demonstrated on large uni-modal, multi-modal and multi-sensor scenarios from real world detections, tracking and event recognition datasets and through participation in evaluation campaigns

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    A Survey of Recent Advances in Particle Filters and Remaining Challenges for Multitarget Tracking

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    [EN]We review some advances of the particle filtering (PF) algorithm that have been achieved in the last decade in the context of target tracking, with regard to either a single target or multiple targets in the presence of false or missing data. The first part of our review is on remarkable achievements that have been made for the single-target PF from several aspects including importance proposal, computing efficiency, particle degeneracy/impoverishment and constrained/multi-modal systems. The second part of our review is on analyzing the intractable challenges raised within the general multitarget (multi-sensor) tracking due to random target birth and termination, false alarm, misdetection, measurement-to-track (M2T) uncertainty and track uncertainty. The mainstream multitarget PF approaches consist of two main classes, one based on M2T association approaches and the other not such as the finite set statistics-based PF. In either case, significant challenges remain due to unknown tracking scenarios and integrated tracking management

    Audio-visual probabilistic tracking of multiple speakers in meetings

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    Tracking speakers in multiparty conversations constitutes a fundamental task for automatic meeting analysis. In this paper, we present a probabilistic approach to jointly track the location and speaking activity of multiple speakers in a multisensor meeting room, equipped with a small microphone array and multiple uncalibrated cameras. Our framework is based on a mixed-state dynamic graphical model defined on a multiperson state-space, which includes the explicit definition of a proximity-based interaction model. The model integrates audio-visual (AV) data through a novel observation model. Audio observations are derived from a source localization algorithm. Visual observations are based on models of the shape and spatial structure of human heads. Approximate inference in our model, needed given its complexity, is performed with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo particle filter (MCMC-PF), which results in high sampling efficiency. We present results -based on an objective evaluation procedure- that show that our framework (1) is capable of locating and tracking the position and speaking activity of multiple meeting participants engaged in real conversations with good accuracy; (2) can deal with cases of visual clutter and partial occlusion; and (3) significantly outperforms a traditional sampling-based approach


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    Ogni giorno milioni e milioni di videocamere monitorano la vita quotidiana delle persone, registrando e collezionando una grande quantit\ue0 di dati. Questi dati possono essere molto utili per scopi di video-sorveglianza: dalla rilevazione di comportamenti anomali all'analisi del traffico urbano nelle strade. Tuttavia i dati collezionati vengono usati raramente, in quanto non \ue8 pensabile che un operatore umano riesca a esaminare manualmente e prestare attenzione a una tale quantit\ue0 di dati simultaneamente. Per questo motivo, negli ultimi anni si \ue8 verificato un incremento della richiesta di strumenti per l'analisi automatica di dati acquisiti da sistemi di video-sorveglianza in modo da estrarre informazione di pi\uf9 alto livello (per esempio, John, Sam e Anne stanno camminando in gruppo al parco giochi vicino alla stazione) a partire dai dati a disposizione che sono solitamente a basso livello e ridondati (per esempio, una sequenza di immagini). L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi \ue8 quello di proporre soluzioni e algoritmi automatici che permettono di estrarre informazione ad alto livello da una zona di interesse che viene monitorata da telecamere. Cos\uec i dati sono rappresentati in modo da essere facilmente interpretabili e analizzabili da qualsiasi persona. In particolare, questo lavoro \ue8 focalizzato sull'analisi di persone e i loro comportamenti sociali collettivi. Il titolo della tesi, beyond multi-target tracking, evidenzia lo scopo del lavoro: tutti i metodi proposti in questa tesi che si andranno ad analizzare hanno come comune denominatore il target tracking. Inoltre andremo oltre le tecniche standard per arrivare a una rappresentazione del dato a pi\uf9 alto livello. Per prima cosa, analizzeremo il problema del target tracking in quanto \ue8 alle basi di questo lavoro. In pratica, target tracking significa stimare la posizione di ogni oggetto di interesse in un immagine e la sua traiettoria nel tempo. Analizzeremo il problema da due prospettive complementari: 1) il punto di vista ingegneristico, dove l'obiettivo \ue8 quello di creare algoritmi che ottengono i risultati migliori per il problema in esame. 2) Il punto di vista della neuroscienza: motivati dalle teorie che cercano di spiegare il funzionamento del sistema percettivo umano, proporremo in modello attenzionale per tracking e il riconoscimento di oggetti e persone. Il secondo problema che andremo a esplorare sar\ue0 l'estensione del tracking alla situazione dove pi\uf9 telecamere sono disponibili. L'obiettivo \ue8 quello di mantenere un identificatore univoco per ogni persona nell'intera rete di telecamere. In altre parole, si vuole riconoscere gli individui che vengono monitorati in posizioni e telecamere diverse considerando un database di candidati. Tale problema \ue8 chiamato in letteratura re-indetificazione di persone. In questa tesi, proporremo un modello standard di come affrontare il problema. In questo modello, presenteremo dei nuovi descrittori di aspetto degli individui, in quanto giocano un ruolo importante allo scopo di ottenere i risultati migliori. Infine raggiungeremo il livello pi\uf9 alto di rappresentazione dei dati che viene affrontato in questa tesi, che \ue8 l'analisi di interazioni sociali tra persone. In particolare, ci focalizzeremo in un tipo specifico di interazione: il raggruppamento di persone. Proporremo dei metodi di visione computazionale che sfruttano nozioni di psicologia sociale per rilevare gruppi di persone. Inoltre, analizzeremo due modelli probabilistici che affrontano il problema di tracking (congiunto) di gruppi e individui.Every day millions and millions of surveillance cameras monitor the world, recording and collecting huge amount of data. The collected data can be extremely useful: from the behavior analysis to prevent unpleasant events, to the analysis of the traffic. However, these valuable data is seldom used, because of the amount of information that the human operator has to manually attend and examine. It would be like looking for a needle in the haystack. The automatic analysis of data is becoming mandatory for extracting summarized high-level information (e.g., John, Sam and Anne are walking together in group at the playground near the station) from the available redundant low-level data (e.g., an image sequence). The main goal of this thesis is to propose solutions and automatic algorithms that perform high-level analysis of a camera-monitored environment. In this way, the data are summarized in a high-level representation for a better understanding. In particular, this work is focused on the analysis of moving people and their collective behaviors. The title of the thesis, beyond multi-target tracking, mirrors the purpose of the work: we will propose methods that have the target tracking as common denominator, and go beyond the standard techniques in order to provide a high-level description of the data. First, we investigate the target tracking problem as it is the basis of all the next work. Target tracking estimates the position of each target in the image and its trajectory over time. We analyze the problem from two complementary perspectives: 1) the engineering point of view, where we deal with problem in order to obtain the best results in terms of accuracy and performance. 2) The neuroscience point of view, where we propose an attentional model for tracking and recognition of objects and people, motivated by theories of the human perceptual system. Second, target tracking is extended to the camera network case, where the goal is to keep a unique identifier for each person in the whole network, i.e., to perform person re-identification. The goal is to recognize individuals in diverse locations over different non-overlapping camera views or also the same camera, considering a large set of candidates. In this context, we propose a pipeline and appearance-based descriptors that enable us to define in a proper way the problem and to reach the-state-of-the-art results. Finally, the higher level of description investigated in this thesis is the analysis (discovery and tracking) of social interaction between people. In particular, we focus on finding small groups of people. We introduce methods that embed notions of social psychology into computer vision algorithms. Then, we extend the detection of social interaction over time, proposing novel probabilistic models that deal with (joint) individual-group tracking

    Multimodal methods for blind source separation of audio sources

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    The enhancement of the performance of frequency domain convolutive blind source separation (FDCBSS) techniques when applied to the problem of separating audio sources recorded in a room environment is the focus of this thesis. This challenging application is termed the cocktail party problem and the ultimate aim would be to build a machine which matches the ability of a human being to solve this task. Human beings exploit both their eyes and their ears in solving this task and hence they adopt a multimodal approach, i.e. they exploit both audio and video modalities. New multimodal methods for blind source separation of audio sources are therefore proposed in this work as a step towards realizing such a machine. The geometry of the room environment is initially exploited to improve the separation performance of a FDCBSS algorithm. The positions of the human speakers are monitored by video cameras and this information is incorporated within the FDCBSS algorithm in the form of constraints added to the underlying cross-power spectral density matrix-based cost function which measures separation performance. [Continues.

    Topological Data Analysis in Sub-cellular Motion Reconstruction and Filament Networks Classification

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    Topological Data Analysis is a powerful tool in the image data analysis. In this dissertation, we focus on studying cell physiology by the sub-cellular motions of organelles and generation process of filament networks, relying on topology of the cellular image data. We first develop a novel, automated algorithm, which tracks organelle movements and reconstructs their trajectories on stacks of microscopy image data. Our tracking method proceeds with three steps: (i) identification, (ii) localization, and (iii) linking, and does not assume a specific motion model. This method combines topological data analysis principles with Ensemble Kalman Filtering in the computation of associated nerve during the linking step. Moreover, we show a great success of our method with several applications. We then study filament networks as a classification problem, and propose a distancebased classifier. This algorithm combines topological data analysis with a supervised machine learning framework, and is built based on the foundation of persistence diagrams on the data.We adopt a new metric, the dcp distance, on the space of persistence diagrams, and show it is useful in catching the geometric difference of filament networks. Furthermore, our classifier succeeds in classifying filament networks with high accuracy rate
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