213 research outputs found
Samotność w prywatnym świecie
The text is concentrated on relations between concepts of privacy and solitude nowadays. The author claimed that privacy replaced traditional metaphors and images of solitude like island, mountain or dessert. Protection of privacy and bringing it to the limelight, privatization of religion and the special place occupied in contemporary culture by a search for one’s own identity reveal not only a change in society’s ideas about privacy, but also its axiotic dimension connected with authenticity, creativity and freedom. The meaningful result of this process is connected with replacing religious Transcendence by private individual internal experience, which became unrecognizedand mysterious for the subject itself. It proved to new conceptualization of privacy and ofsolitude as well
"Sacrum, przemoc, rytuał – ''poetyka dionizyjska'' w ''Jaskini filozofów'' Zbigniewa Herberta
Artykuł jest hermeneutyczną próbą eksplikacji dramatu ''Jaskinia filozofów'', w którym obecne są rozliczne paralele intertekstualnie wiążące go z grecką kulturą, filozofią, religią i tragedią (na przykład ''Bachantkami'' Eurypidesa). ''Jaskinia filozofów'' to pierwszy dramat Herberta, który doczekał się już bardzo wielu komentarzy. Tytułem nawiązuje do alegorii jaskini z siódmej księgi Politei Platona. ''Jaskini filozofów'' (podobnie jak całej twórczości Herberta) patronuje dwóch ''myślicieli dramatycznych''. Wymieniony w liście Herberta do Jerzego Zawieyskiego Søren Kierkegaard i pojawiający się w korespondencji z Henrykiem Elzenbergiem Friedrich Nietzsche. W swojej sztuce Herbert dokonuje reinterpretacji postaci Sokratesa, która nabiera prawdziwie tragicznego charakteru, wpisując się tym samym w szereg Sokratejskich konterfektów nowożytnej europejskiej tradycji filozoficznej. Głównym przeciwnikiem Sokratesa jest Dionizos, w konfrontacji z którym Sokrates zdobywa prawdziwą wiedzę o sobie samym. Dokonująca się w mrokach celi metaforyczna katabasis, nekyia to rytuał przejścia (rites de passage), który umożliwia Sokratesowi reintegrację na głębszym poziomie oraz pozwala mu dotknąć prawdy o życiu, osiągnąć samopoznanie, powrócić do ojczyzny swojskości i dojrzeć najgłębsze konsekwencje swoich czynów. Dionizyjski logos tym się różni od logosu Sokratejskiego, że nie stara się harmonizować bądź rozwiązywać sprzeczności, ale odsłonić w jednostce i świecie koegzystencję podstawowych przeciwieństw. Dopuszcza do głosu to, co było stłumione, i zdeprecjonowane jako niegodne, bezwartościowe, nielogiczne. Filozof jest zmuszony do stopniowej, weryfikacji swojego oglądu rzeczywistości oraz otworzenia się na wypieraną, czy raczej niedocenioną dotąd przez niego, dziedzinę sacrum, czyli tego, co Rudolf Otto nazwie mianem misterium tremendum et fascinosu
Scales as a Symbol of Metaphysical Judgement – from Misterium Tremendum to Misterium Fascinosum. The Analysis of Selected Works of Netherlandish Masters of Painting
The aim of this article is to analyze the motif of scales in Netherlandish art from the 15th to the 17th century. The motif of scales was present in art from earliest times, but its role and function differed in various historical epochs – antique, the middle ages, and the modern age. The core part of the article is devoted to the symbolic relationship between scales and different aspects of justice. The first painting taken into consideration is Rogier van der Weyden’s Last Judgment (approx. 1445 to 1450), and the last one – Jan Vermeer’s Woman Holding a Balance (approx. 1662-1663). The article attempts to answer some crucial questions. What were the meanings attributed to scales during the two centuries examined? How did these meanings evolve, and was the interpretation of the symbol influenced by the ethos characteristic for particular periods and geographical spaces, as well as transient fashions, religious and political changes? The article presents paintings selected during the query into Netherlandish art, along with a discussion on their content and information about their creators. It analyzes the symbol of scales in the context of images created by the masters of Netherlandish painting and offers a synthesis of the observed changes in the perception of scales as a symbol during the period discussed
Проблема сакрального як світоглядна проблема
Стаття присвячена проблемі сакрального як одній з найважливіших світоглядних проблем. Розглянуто
етимологію терміна «сакральне», проблему відношення сакрального та буденного, особливості сприйняття
сакрального на різних етапах історії, відношення сакрального до мистецтва.Статья посвящена проблеме сакрального как одной из важнейших мировоззренческих проблем. Рассмотрена
этимология сакрального, проблема отношения сакрального и повседневного, особенности восприятия
сакрального на разных этапах истории, отношения сакрального к искусству.The article is devoted to the problem of the sacral as one of the major world view problems. Etymology of
sacral, problem of relation sacral and everyday, features of perception of the sacral on the different stages of
history, relations between the sacral and the art are considered
Fides qua – fides quae
Abp Edward OzorowskiThe author solves the problem of relationship between an act of faith and
its content on three following levels: 1) faith which is ‘concealed’ inside an
individual and not articulated; 2) faith expressed, e.g. with human languages;
3) faith that is justified. On each of them we observe a connection between
fides qua and fides quae. Simultaneously, these two categories are autonomous.
Those who believe in God have to connect their faith with its content.Uniwersytet w Białymstoku8334
The continuous dialectic between Theology and Culture: the critical function of hermeneutics and spirituality in this dynamic discourse
The Lumen Research Institute (LRI) is a joint research initiative sponsored by Excelsia College and Indiana Wesleyan University. The primary purpose of the LRI is to facilitate and coordinate collaborative research, informed by a Christian worldviewThroughout the history of Christianity, a dialectic existed in the relation between theology and culture. This resulted in continuous conflicts among Christian scholars and among churches. This research tends to participate in this dialectic and debate to end up with some cognition for wellbeing. A distinction is made between “world culture” and “ethnic culture”. Under world culture this research focuses on post-modernism and post-secularism and, under ethnic culture, on the dangers of syncretism and fundamentalism. The dialectic increases where any one of these two components – culture and theology – takes the dominant stance. The objective of this research is to attend to these matters by proposing an en route forward to enhance wellbeing. This research consists of three main parts. The first part spells out the dialectic between theology and culture. The second part investigates some hermeneutical principles to be considered when dealing with text and theology through which spiritualities are roused and continuous controlled change is proposed. The last part proposes “two aspects of Christian spirituality to be considered as a matrix for a believer’s wellbeing”.Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiolog
Wokół świętości. Rozważania kulturoznawcze
The development of the concept of holiness is associated with the cultural process of separating the practical activity and the primary magical beliefs, termed by Max Weber's the ‘disenchantment of the world’. As a result, the sphere of human activity was divided into the sacred and the profane. Holiness was generally associated with the operation of variously recognised supernatural factors. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, it is an attribute of God's holiness. As a generalisation of all the virtues, it is endowed with the ethical dimension. The moral dimension of holiness and the specific rules of behaviour towards the sacred are reflected in everyday language,several sayings and proverbs
Rozumienie Eucharystii wczoraj i dziś
The article is divided into three parts. First part: “Return to the origin is a way to renew the Eucharistic celebration” brings up an issue of understanding every celebration as an active, real, complete, and spiritual participation whole community of ancient Church.
The second part: “Lost characteristic feature of the Eucharist - participatio” presents Eucharis- tic celebration in the light of the ecclesiology in which pastoral activity was reserved only for the clergy and laity was passive. Priests were responsible for leading the laity to salvation through lit- urgy which was perceived by the laity as misterium tremendum. The participation of the laity in the celebration was restricted to popular piety. Whereas priests quietly celebrated Roman Canon, the laity was saying rosary, litanies and singing spiritual songs in national languages.
The third part: “The Eucharist - source and summit of ecclesial life” tells us about influence of the Second Vatican Council on proper understanding of the Eucharistic celebration as sacramental sacrifice: thanksgiving, memorial and presence
Ensaio Literário
Mit Czapajewa w folklorze i literaturze rosyjskiej XX wieku
Василий Иванович Чапаев — принадлежит к тому кругу немногочисленных персонажей, которые ещё при жизни становятся легендой, а после смерти возводятся в ранг
мифа. Сначала, как правило, исторические факты смешиваются с фикцией и домыслами, чтобы со временем полностью уступить место представлениям о данном человеке.
В статье предпринимается попытка проследить художественный путь, проделанный
Чапаевым, определить, каким мифотворческим операциям он подвергался в очередных
произведениях, а также какие функции миф о Чапаеве выполнял на определенных
этапах своего существования.Chapaev belongs to those few heroes who, already during their life, grow to the range of a myth. At first historical facts blends with fiction and speculations and after some time they completely make room for somebody’s image. The text is an attempt to trace Chapayev’s artistic life, and to find mithopoetic which operations this hero underwent in subsequent works devoted to him, as well as to find functions the Chapayev’s myth served at the particular stages of its existence
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